Alex‘s practices medicine at
and Bear Lake Physician’s Clinic
Sun Safety
- The best line of defense against harmful sun exposure is covering up
- Stay in the shade whenever possible, and limit sun exposure during 10a.m.-4 p.m.
- On sunny and cloudy days use a sunscreen with an SPF 15 or greater
- Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or after swimming or sweating. Remember that just a few sunburns can increase a person’s risk of skin cancer later in life.
- Take a water break every twenty minutes while being active in the heat.
- Wear loose, light-weight, light-colored clothing.
Water Safety
- Never swim alone. Never leave children alone, even for a moment when swimming.
- For younger children, use “touch-supervision.” Never be more than an arm’s length away from a small child who is near the water.
- When boating, always wear a properly fitted life vest. Blow-up toys or devices should not be substituted for a life vest.
- Teach kids to swim. Formal swimming lessons can protect young children from drowning.
Bicycle Safety
- To guard against serious injury, a helmet should always be worn, no matter how short the bike ride. Many serious injuries have occurred in the driveway or sidewalk adjacent to the person’s home.
- Helmets should be fitted properly, not too large or small. The strap should be fastened so that two fingers can fit between the chin and the strap.
- A bicycle should be the right size. Oversize bicycles are especially dangerous.
All-Terrain Vehicles
- Children who are too young to have a driver’s license should not be allowed to operate off-road vehicles. Children are involved in about 30 percent of all ATV-related deaths and emergency room treatments.
- Because their nervous systems and judgment have not fully developed, off-road vehicles are especially dangerous for children younger than 16 years.
- Never ride double. Most ATV’s are designed to carry only one passenger.
- All riders should wear helmets, eye protection and sturdy shoes.
Lawn-mower Safety
- Only use a lawn mower with a control that stops the mower blade from moving if the handle is let go.
- Wear sturdy shoes when mowing.
- Pick up objects from the lawn before mowing to prevent injury from flying objects. It is best to wear eye-protection when mowing.
- Never attempt to remove clumped grass while the mower is on.
- Never allow children to drive a riding lawn mower.
Bug Safety
- Avoid areas where insects nest or congregate, such as stagnant pools of water.
- To remove a visible stinger from skin, gently back it out by scraping it with a credit card.
- Use insect repellents containing DEET when needed to prevent insect-related diseases.
- The current CDC recommendation for children older than 2 months of age is to use 10% to 30% DEET. (The higher the concentration, the longer the duration of protection.) DEET should not be used on children younger than 2 months of age.
- Always check for ticks at the end of the day when you have been in the woods. Check pets for ticks as well.
Campfire Safety
- Adults, not children, should start campfires.
- Children need to be supervised when using sticks, especially metal sticks, when roasting hot dogs or marshmallows. A hot stick placed in the mouth can cause serious burns.
- Never leave a child unattended around a campfire.
- A fire should never be left unattended.
- Put out fires with water and/or by shoveling dirt on and around the fire.
Outdoor Safety
- Never drink water from an outdoor stream unless an adult says it is safe to drink. Even water that looks crystal-clear can be contaminated. Bottled water is best.
- Never eat wild berries. Some are poisonous and it can be difficult to know which are safe. Take your own snacks when you are hiking or camping.
- Wearing layers of clothing is a good idea. That way, you can take off some layers if you get too hot, but you will also have enough if the weather turns cold.
- Stick with a group when hiking. Carry along a whistle and use it if you get separated or lost. If you do get lost, wait in a safe area and stay there until you are found.