Hearing loss creates confusion, frustration and isolation for those who experience it. If we don’t struggle with this ourselves, we most certainly know someone who does. Adding to the frustration is the fact that hearing loss tends to occur most frequently among the aging population and Medicare, the standard health care for those who are over 65 years of age or disabled, does not help with the cost of hearing aids. It is not uncommon for a Medicare beneficiary to need hearing aids, but can’t afford them.
The Starkey Hearing Foundation Hear Now program may be able to help those who are financially strapped and can’t afford hearing aids. The foundation provides assistance to just such individuals. There is an application processing fee of $125 per hearing aid requested. When an application is approved, aids are given to the applicant at no additional cost.
Hear Now serves low income individuals, of any age, who permanently reside in the U.S. that have no other resources to acquire hearing aids. Anyone having a benefit for hearing aids, in part or total, is encouraged to call and discuss their individual situation.
The hearing aids provided are Behind the Ear models, and are new. Custom hearing aids are not provided by Hear Now. Starkey Hearing Foundation-Hear Now program offers help to low income individuals.
Call 800-328-8602 to discuss eligibility with a Hear Now representative or email: hearnow@starkey.com to request an application for assistance.
*This information is provided by the Idaho Senior Health Insurance Benefits Agency (SHIBA). Our local SHIBA counselor/partner is Kim Hulme 847.0949.