Escape to a Healthier You Conference

The month of January prompts many to prioritize their health and Bear Lake Memorial Hospital has put together an event to help promote just that. Escape to a Healthier You is designed to educated attendees on relevant health concerns and help break up the long winter’s in Bear Lake. The event will be held at Bear Lake Middle School Auditorium at 1 pm – 5 pm. Tickets for the event are sold out. But if there is anyone unable to attend please find someone to use them or call Julie Nelson at 208-847-0963 so they can be given to those on a waiting list.  There is no assigned seating and saving of seats is not permitted they will be available on a first come, first serve basis. There will be a limited amount of book signing vouchers (two books per voucher) handed out as attendees arrive, so plan accordingly. Doors will be open to the public at 12:30 pm. Parking will be in the tabernacle lot unless needing wheelchair accessibility, then use the auditorium entrance from 6th Street.  The 7th Street parking is designated for presenters and volunteers of the event.


The Keynote speaker is Elizabeth Smart who will be addressing the audience at 4:00 pm. Many are familiar with her story but here’s an excerpt from her website, “The abduction of Elizabeth Smart was one of the most followed child abduction cases of our time. Elizabeth was abducted on June 5, 2002, and her captors controlled her by threatening to kill her and her family if she tried to escape. Fortunately, the police safely returned Elizabeth back to her family on March 12, 2003, after being held a prisoner for 9 grueling months. Through this traumatic experience, Elizabeth has become an advocate for change related to child abduction, recovery programs, and National legislation. Elizabeth triumphantly testified before her captor and the world about the very private nightmare she suffered during her abduction, which led to conviction.”

Other presenters are from the Bear Lake Memorial Hospital staff and they include: Dr. Nicholas Packer discussing Women’s Health Concerns, Dr. Trevor Jacobson talking on Mindfulness, Dr. Clay Campbell presents on Patient’s Responsibilities, and before the Keynote Speaker Shaun Tobler MSW, LCSW will talk on Coping with Life’s Challenges.

Attendees will receive a tote, a presentation booklet, and many free give away items, as well as snacks and water. Several drawings will be held throughout the day including giving away several of Elizabeth’s book “My Story”, chocolates, potted plants, and the final prize of the day will be a $200 Amazon Gift Card.

Members of the committee for the Healthier You Conference are excited for this sold out event and hope those in attendance will find the information invaluable.

Foundation Trivia Night a Success

Bear Lake Valley Health Care Foundation and Modern Woodmen hosted a fundraiser Trivia Night that was held on April 13. A total of $4,709.81 was raised that evening and all proceeds will go toward a new wheelchair accessible bus for Bear Lake Memorial Hospital.

The majority of the funds came from team sponsorship from the following individuals and businesses: Agrium, Bear Lake Dental sponsored the Highschool Students, Dr. Trevor Jacobson, Bear Lake Memorial Hospital Nurses, Bear Lake Memorial Hospital Managers, the local Rotary Club, and Rocky Mountain Power. In addition to the entry fees, Rocky Mountain Power donated an additional $750 toward the cause. Modern Woodmen also contributed $1,500. Other money raised was through food sales and by selling mulligans.

The top winning teams for the evening were: Dr. Jacobson’s Team with a score of 84, This is the second year the Foundation has helped sponsor Trivia Night and they look forward to planning this event again next year. Thank you for those who attended and support the new transportation bus for residents in Bear Lake Memorial’s assisted living center and nursing home.

Winners Photo
Back Row: Jody Merritt, Rick Merritt, Amy Jacobson, Dr. Trevor Jacobson, Bailee Argyle, Mallory Humpherys, Casey Humpherys, Alex Moss, Michelle Moss
Front row: Jory Hunter – Foundation Director, Julie Nelson – BLMH Marketing Manager, Bobbi Scoville – Modern Woodmen