Bear Lake Memorial Hospital Coronavirus Updates

We are encouraging the public to access the most current information from the following reliable sources:

Local –

State –

National –

Global –

Bear Lake Memorial Hospital is able to provide a COVID-19 testing trailer site located near the Jefferson Street entrance of the hospital. There is currently a registered nurse staffed at the trailer Monday-Friday from 8 am- 1 pm to provide faster service to patients.

This testing is for current infections and is collected by nasal swab.  Patients must have an order from a provider in order to be tested. To do that you may call your primary care physician’s office and set up a telephone/tele visit in which your physician will determine if or which test is best for your needs. The results are then sent to your physician and they will determine further actions/treatment as needed.

To be tested, simply drive up to the testing trailer, present your name, birthday, insurance, and which provider ordered the test for you.  Once the registration process is complete, a sample will be collected and you will be on your way.  Results for your test will be sent to your provider. Testing is covered by most insurance companies.

Bear Lake Memorial hospital also has the option of drive up clinic visits at the trailer. Tests will be given at the discretion of the on-call physician and WILL be charged to your insurance. If your visit is during clinic hours, it will be billed as such. All other times will be billed as an ER visit. If tests are done, they will be billed through Bear Lake Memorial Hospital. If you are having emergency/critical symptoms please call 911 and inform them of any respiratory or emergent symptoms.

Your Bear Lake Memorial Hospital Primary Care Provider and team are here to care for you.  For COVID-19 specific information you can also call Southeastern Idaho Public Health’s (SIPH’s) call center at 208-234-5875 (Monday- Friday 9 am- 4:30 pm) or watch SIPH’s Facebook Live, Monday-Friday at 11 am.


  1. No visitors allowed for in-patients.  Exceptions and additional guidance:
    • Laboring and post-partum moms: 1 designated support person for delivery and duration of stay
    • Pediatric inpatients: 1 parent allowed at a time
    • Patients at end-of-life 1-2 immediate family members per physician discretion.
    • Outpatients (ER, Day Surgery, and Clinic patients who require assistance): 1 designated visitor/driver for duration of stay
    • Radiology/Lab/Physical therapy/OT/ST: None unless under the age of 18
    • Those with intellectual disability/cognitive delay: 1 designated visitor for duration of stay
    • Patients needing certified medical interpreters to communicate with healthcare workers as deemed necessary
    • Covid-19 positive or suspected patients will not be allowed visitors
  2. Visitors who meet the exceptions noted above will be asked a series of screening questions and have their temperature checked at point of entry and logged. No one with respiratory symptoms or a fever above 100.4°F is allowed entry.  Employees that arrive with symptoms will be directed to the tent for screening.
  3. Visitors need to limit their traffic in the facility as much as possible, so as not to be in and out of the room all day.
  4. There are two points of entry only:
    • Main entrance: (Mon-Fri 5:00am to 5:00pm) and locked on weekends with signage to enter through Emergency Room entrance.
    • ER remains open 24/7 with call button assist from Nurses Station after 5:30 pm.  Staff will be screening the entrance from 8am to 4pm.
    • The other entrances will be closed.  Signage posted to check in at the front or ER entrance for screening.
  5. Screening questions will be asked to all visitors and employees.  Once screened and no symptoms or fever, they will be given a screened sticker with the day of the week to have visible on their person.

Check our blog for content related to COVID-19 precautions and resources that Bear Lake Memorial Hospital has implemented.