About Peter M. Crane, M.D.

Peter M. Crane, M.D. started his Medical Practice on the campus of Bear Lake Memorial Hospital in September of 2011. Dr. Crane is a Bear Laker. He graduated from Bear Lake High School in 1997. He went on to graduate from Brigham Young University in microbiology. He received his Doctorate of Medicine Degree from the University of Utah. He completed his family medicine residency at Ball Memorial Family Medicine Residency in Indiana and held the Chief Resident position. Dr. Crane has made several medical service trips providing healthcare to people in Ecuador, Kenya, Mexico, and Uganda.
Dr. Crane’s practice focuses on family health, including pediatrics and OB services. He speaks Spanish and Portuguese.

A list of Dr. Crane’s specific services are listed HERE.

His family medicine office is located at Bear Lake Family Care Clinic

467 Washington Street, Montpelier, ID 83254

(208) 847-4495