hospital_name last_updated_on version hospital_location hospital_address license_number|ID "To the best of its knowledge and belief, the hospital has included all applicable standard charge information in accordance with the requirements of 45 CFR 180.50, and the information encoded is true, accurate, and complete as of the date indicated." Bear Lake County Memorial Hospital 7/10/2024 2.0.0 Bear Lake Memorial Hospital "164 S 5th Street, Montpelier, ID, 83254" 35 TRUE description code|1 code|1|type code|2 code|2|type modifiers setting standard_charge|gross standard_charge|discounted_cash payer_name plan_name standard_charge|methodology standard_charge|negotiated_dollar standard_charge|negotiated_percentage standard_charge|negotiated_algorithm additional_generic_notes standard_charge|min standard_charge|max SEMI-PRIVATE 1 100 RC inpatient 1248 1060.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1198.08 723.84 3495 SEMI-PRIVATE 1 100 RC inpatient 1248 1060.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 723.84 723.84 3495 SEMI-PRIVATE 1 100 RC inpatient 1248 1060.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Per Diem 3495 723.84 3495 SEMI-PRIVATE 1 100 RC inpatient 1248 1060.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 723.84 3495 SEMI-PRIVATE 1 100 RC inpatient 1248 1060.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1210.56 723.84 3495 SEMI-PRIVATE 1 100 RC inpatient 1248 1060.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1185.6 723.84 3495 "TPN SOLUTION, 74-100 G PROTEIN/ UNIT" B4197 HCPCS 272 RC both 361 306.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 350.17 140.79 350.17 "TPN SOLUTION, 74-100 G PROTEIN/ UNIT" B4197 HCPCS 272 RC both 361 306.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 166.06 140.79 350.17 "TPN SOLUTION, 74-100 G PROTEIN/ UNIT" B4197 HCPCS 272 RC both 361 306.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 140.79 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 140.79 350.17 "TPN SOLUTION, 74-100 G PROTEIN/ UNIT" B4197 HCPCS 272 RC both 361 306.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 140.79 350.17 "TPN SOLUTION, 74-100 G PROTEIN/ UNIT" B4197 HCPCS 272 RC both 361 306.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 350.17 140.79 350.17 "TPN SOLUTION, 74-100 G PROTEIN/ UNIT" B4197 HCPCS 272 RC both 361 306.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 342.95 140.79 350.17 IV FILTR PER UNIT B9999 HCPCS 272 RC both 14 11.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 13.58 5.46 13.58 IV FILTR PER UNIT B9999 HCPCS 272 RC both 14 11.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 6.44 5.46 13.58 IV FILTR PER UNIT B9999 HCPCS 272 RC both 14 11.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 5.46 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 5.46 13.58 IV FILTR PER UNIT B9999 HCPCS 272 RC both 14 11.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 5.46 13.58 IV FILTR PER UNIT B9999 HCPCS 272 RC both 14 11.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 13.58 5.46 13.58 IV FILTR PER UNIT B9999 HCPCS 272 RC both 14 11.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 13.3 5.46 13.58 SWING BED-MEDICARE 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 910.08 549.84 3495 SWING BED-MEDICARE 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.84 549.84 3495 SWING BED-MEDICARE 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Per Diem 3495 549.84 3495 SWING BED-MEDICARE 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 549.84 3495 SWING BED-MEDICARE 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 919.56 549.84 3495 SWING BED-MEDICARE 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 900.6 549.84 3495 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 3 PER 15MIN 710 RC both 108.5 92.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 105.24 42.32 105.24 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 3 PER 15MIN 710 RC both 108.5 92.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 49.91 42.32 105.24 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 3 PER 15MIN 710 RC both 108.5 92.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 42.32 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 42.32 105.24 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 3 PER 15MIN 710 RC both 108.5 92.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 42.32 105.24 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 3 PER 15MIN 710 RC both 108.5 92.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 105.24 42.32 105.24 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 3 PER 15MIN 710 RC both 108.5 92.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 103.08 42.32 105.24 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 2 PER 15 MINUTE 710 RC both 59 50.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 57.23 23.01 57.23 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 2 PER 15 MINUTE 710 RC both 59 50.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 27.14 23.01 57.23 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 2 PER 15 MINUTE 710 RC both 59 50.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 23.01 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 23.01 57.23 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 2 PER 15 MINUTE 710 RC both 59 50.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 23.01 57.23 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 2 PER 15 MINUTE 710 RC both 59 50.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 57.23 23.01 57.23 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 2 PER 15 MINUTE 710 RC both 59 50.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 56.05 23.01 57.23 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 1 PER 15 MINUTE 710 RC both 32 27.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 31.04 12.48 31.04 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 1 PER 15 MINUTE 710 RC both 32 27.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 14.72 12.48 31.04 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 1 PER 15 MINUTE 710 RC both 32 27.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 12.48 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 12.48 31.04 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 1 PER 15 MINUTE 710 RC both 32 27.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 12.48 31.04 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 1 PER 15 MINUTE 710 RC both 32 27.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 31.04 12.48 31.04 RECOVERY ROOM LEVEL 1 PER 15 MINUTE 710 RC both 32 27.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 30.4 12.48 31.04 RECOVERY ROOM DENTAL 710 RC both 155 131.75 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 150.35 60.45 150.35 RECOVERY ROOM DENTAL 710 RC both 155 131.75 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 71.3 60.45 150.35 RECOVERY ROOM DENTAL 710 RC both 155 131.75 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 60.45 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 60.45 150.35 RECOVERY ROOM DENTAL 710 RC both 155 131.75 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 60.45 150.35 RECOVERY ROOM DENTAL 710 RC both 155 131.75 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 150.35 60.45 150.35 RECOVERY ROOM DENTAL 710 RC both 155 131.75 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 147.25 60.45 150.35 RECOVERY VITAL SYSTEMS MONITORING 710 RC both 419.5 356.58 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 406.92 163.61 406.92 RECOVERY VITAL SYSTEMS MONITORING 710 RC both 419.5 356.58 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 192.97 163.61 406.92 RECOVERY VITAL SYSTEMS MONITORING 710 RC both 419.5 356.58 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 163.61 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 163.61 406.92 RECOVERY VITAL SYSTEMS MONITORING 710 RC both 419.5 356.58 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 163.61 406.92 RECOVERY VITAL SYSTEMS MONITORING 710 RC both 419.5 356.58 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 406.92 163.61 406.92 RECOVERY VITAL SYSTEMS MONITORING 710 RC both 419.5 356.58 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 398.52 163.61 406.92 SWING BED-MEDICAID 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 910.08 549.84 3495 SWING BED-MEDICAID 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.84 549.84 3495 SWING BED-MEDICAID 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Per Diem 3495 549.84 3495 SWING BED-MEDICAID 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 549.84 3495 SWING BED-MEDICAID 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 919.56 549.84 3495 SWING BED-MEDICAID 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 900.6 549.84 3495 SWING BED-COMMERICAL 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 910.08 549.84 3495 SWING BED-COMMERICAL 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.84 549.84 3495 SWING BED-COMMERICAL 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Per Diem 3495 549.84 3495 SWING BED-COMMERICAL 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 549.84 3495 SWING BED-COMMERICAL 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 919.56 549.84 3495 SWING BED-COMMERICAL 100 RC inpatient 948 805.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 900.6 549.84 3495 SWING BED-ISOLATION 100 RC inpatient 1646 1399.1 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1580.16 954.68 3495 SWING BED-ISOLATION 100 RC inpatient 1646 1399.1 Medicaid Idaho Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 954.68 954.68 3495 SWING BED-ISOLATION 100 RC inpatient 1646 1399.1 Medicare A ID JF Default Per Diem 3495 954.68 3495 SWING BED-ISOLATION 100 RC inpatient 1646 1399.1 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 954.68 3495 SWING BED-ISOLATION 100 RC inpatient 1646 1399.1 Regence Group Administrators Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1596.62 954.68 3495 SWING BED-ISOLATION 100 RC inpatient 1646 1399.1 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1563.7 954.68 3495 SWING BED PRIVATE 100 RC inpatient 461 391.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 442.56 267.38 3495 SWING BED PRIVATE 100 RC inpatient 461 391.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 267.38 267.38 3495 SWING BED PRIVATE 100 RC inpatient 461 391.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Per Diem 3495 267.38 3495 SWING BED PRIVATE 100 RC inpatient 461 391.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 267.38 3495 SWING BED PRIVATE 100 RC inpatient 461 391.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 447.17 267.38 3495 SWING BED PRIVATE 100 RC inpatient 461 391.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 437.95 267.38 3495 OXYGEN TENT HOURLY 410 RC both 28 23.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 27.16 10.92 27.16 OXYGEN TENT HOURLY 410 RC both 28 23.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 12.88 10.92 27.16 OXYGEN TENT HOURLY 410 RC both 28 23.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 10.92 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 10.92 27.16 OXYGEN TENT HOURLY 410 RC both 28 23.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 10.92 27.16 OXYGEN TENT HOURLY 410 RC both 28 23.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 27.16 10.92 27.16 OXYGEN TENT HOURLY 410 RC both 28 23.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 26.6 10.92 27.16 OXYGEN HOURLY 270 RC both 32 27.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 31.04 12.48 31.04 OXYGEN HOURLY 270 RC both 32 27.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 14.72 12.48 31.04 OXYGEN HOURLY 270 RC both 32 27.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 12.48 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 12.48 31.04 OXYGEN HOURLY 270 RC both 32 27.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 12.48 31.04 OXYGEN HOURLY 270 RC both 32 27.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 31.04 12.48 31.04 OXYGEN HOURLY 270 RC both 32 27.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 30.4 12.48 31.04 INCUBATOR OXYGEN HOURLY 410 RC both 60.5 51.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 58.68 23.6 58.68 INCUBATOR OXYGEN HOURLY 410 RC both 60.5 51.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 27.83 23.6 58.68 INCUBATOR OXYGEN HOURLY 410 RC both 60.5 51.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 23.6 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 23.6 58.68 INCUBATOR OXYGEN HOURLY 410 RC both 60.5 51.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 23.6 58.68 INCUBATOR OXYGEN HOURLY 410 RC both 60.5 51.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 58.68 23.6 58.68 INCUBATOR OXYGEN HOURLY 410 RC both 60.5 51.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 57.48 23.6 58.68 INCENT SPIROMETRY TEACH/TREATMENT 270 RC both 59 50.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 57.23 23.01 57.23 INCENT SPIROMETRY TEACH/TREATMENT 270 RC both 59 50.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 27.14 23.01 57.23 INCENT SPIROMETRY TEACH/TREATMENT 270 RC both 59 50.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 23.01 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 23.01 57.23 INCENT SPIROMETRY TEACH/TREATMENT 270 RC both 59 50.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 23.01 57.23 INCENT SPIROMETRY TEACH/TREATMENT 270 RC both 59 50.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 57.23 23.01 57.23 INCENT SPIROMETRY TEACH/TREATMENT 270 RC both 59 50.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 56.05 23.01 57.23 PULMONARY SERVICE/PROCEDURE 94799 HCPCS 410 RC both 152 129.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 147.44 59.28 147.44 PULMONARY SERVICE/PROCEDURE 94799 HCPCS 410 RC both 152 129.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 69.92 59.28 147.44 PULMONARY SERVICE/PROCEDURE 94799 HCPCS 410 RC both 152 129.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 59.28 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 59.28 147.44 PULMONARY SERVICE/PROCEDURE 94799 HCPCS 410 RC both 152 129.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 59.28 147.44 PULMONARY SERVICE/PROCEDURE 94799 HCPCS 410 RC both 152 129.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 147.44 59.28 147.44 PULMONARY SERVICE/PROCEDURE 94799 HCPCS 410 RC both 152 129.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 144.4 59.28 147.44 US BLADDER CAPACITY SCAN 51798 HCPCS 761 RC both 244 207.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 236.68 10.13 236.68 US BLADDER CAPACITY SCAN 51798 HCPCS 761 RC both 244 207.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 112.24 10.13 236.68 US BLADDER CAPACITY SCAN 51798 HCPCS 761 RC both 244 207.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 95.16 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 10.13 236.68 US BLADDER CAPACITY SCAN 51798 HCPCS 761 RC both 244 207.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 10.13 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 10.13 236.68 US BLADDER CAPACITY SCAN 51798 HCPCS 761 RC both 244 207.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 236.68 10.13 236.68 US BLADDER CAPACITY SCAN 51798 HCPCS 761 RC both 244 207.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 231.8 10.13 236.68 RT NASAL/TRACH SUCTION 31720 HCPCS 410 RC both 184 156.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 178.48 45.28 178.48 RT NASAL/TRACH SUCTION 31720 HCPCS 410 RC both 184 156.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 84.64 45.28 178.48 RT NASAL/TRACH SUCTION 31720 HCPCS 410 RC both 184 156.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 71.76 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 45.28 178.48 RT NASAL/TRACH SUCTION 31720 HCPCS 410 RC both 184 156.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 45.28 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 45.28 178.48 RT NASAL/TRACH SUCTION 31720 HCPCS 410 RC both 184 156.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 178.48 45.28 178.48 RT NASAL/TRACH SUCTION 31720 HCPCS 410 RC both 184 156.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 174.8 45.28 178.48 RT ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS DRAW 36600 HCPCS 300 RC both 28.5 24.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 27.64 13.11 27.64 RT ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS DRAW 36600 HCPCS 300 RC both 28.5 24.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 13.11 13.11 27.64 RT ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS DRAW 36600 HCPCS 300 RC both 28.5 24.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 25.47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.11 27.64 RT ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS DRAW 36600 HCPCS 300 RC both 28.5 24.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 25.47 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.11 27.64 RT ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS DRAW 36600 HCPCS 300 RC both 28.5 24.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 27.64 13.11 27.64 RT ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS DRAW 36600 HCPCS 300 RC both 28.5 24.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 27.08 13.11 27.64 RT AEROSOL INHALATION TX FOR PNEUMONIA 94642 HCPCS 410 RC both 191.5 162.78 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 185.76 74.69 185.76 RT AEROSOL INHALATION TX FOR PNEUMONIA 94642 HCPCS 410 RC both 191.5 162.78 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 88.09 74.69 185.76 RT AEROSOL INHALATION TX FOR PNEUMONIA 94642 HCPCS 410 RC both 191.5 162.78 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 74.69 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 74.69 185.76 RT AEROSOL INHALATION TX FOR PNEUMONIA 94642 HCPCS 410 RC both 191.5 162.78 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 74.69 185.76 RT AEROSOL INHALATION TX FOR PNEUMONIA 94642 HCPCS 410 RC both 191.5 162.78 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 185.76 74.69 185.76 RT AEROSOL INHALATION TX FOR PNEUMONIA 94642 HCPCS 410 RC both 191.5 162.78 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 181.92 74.69 185.76 RT CPAP/BIPAP VENT/HIGH FLOW 94660 HCPCS 410 RC both 464.5 394.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 450.56 60.07 450.56 RT CPAP/BIPAP VENT/HIGH FLOW 94660 HCPCS 410 RC both 464.5 394.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 213.67 60.07 450.56 RT CPAP/BIPAP VENT/HIGH FLOW 94660 HCPCS 410 RC both 464.5 394.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 181.16 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 60.07 450.56 RT CPAP/BIPAP VENT/HIGH FLOW 94660 HCPCS 410 RC both 464.5 394.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 60.07 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 60.07 450.56 RT CPAP/BIPAP VENT/HIGH FLOW 94660 HCPCS 410 RC both 464.5 394.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 450.56 60.07 450.56 RT CPAP/BIPAP VENT/HIGH FLOW 94660 HCPCS 410 RC both 464.5 394.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 441.28 60.07 450.56 RT CHEST WALL MANIPULATION INITL 94667 HCPCS 410 RC both 107 90.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 103.79 22.37 103.79 RT CHEST WALL MANIPULATION INITL 94667 HCPCS 410 RC both 107 90.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 49.22 22.37 103.79 RT CHEST WALL MANIPULATION INITL 94667 HCPCS 410 RC both 107 90.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 41.73 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 22.37 103.79 RT CHEST WALL MANIPULATION INITL 94667 HCPCS 410 RC both 107 90.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 22.37 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 22.37 103.79 RT CHEST WALL MANIPULATION INITL 94667 HCPCS 410 RC both 107 90.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 103.79 22.37 103.79 RT CHEST WALL MANIPULATION INITL 94667 HCPCS 410 RC both 107 90.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 101.65 22.37 103.79 RT INCENT SPIROMETY TEACH/TREATMENT 270 RC both 59 50.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 57.23 23.01 57.23 RT INCENT SPIROMETY TEACH/TREATMENT 270 RC both 59 50.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 27.14 23.01 57.23 RT INCENT SPIROMETY TEACH/TREATMENT 270 RC both 59 50.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 23.01 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 23.01 57.23 RT INCENT SPIROMETY TEACH/TREATMENT 270 RC both 59 50.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 23.01 57.23 RT INCENT SPIROMETY TEACH/TREATMENT 270 RC both 59 50.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 57.23 23.01 57.23 RT INCENT SPIROMETY TEACH/TREATMENT 270 RC both 59 50.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 56.05 23.01 57.23 RT INCENTIVE SPIROMETER 270 RC both 92.5 78.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 89.72 36.08 89.72 RT INCENTIVE SPIROMETER 270 RC both 92.5 78.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 42.55 36.08 89.72 RT INCENTIVE SPIROMETER 270 RC both 92.5 78.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 36.08 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 36.08 89.72 RT INCENTIVE SPIROMETER 270 RC both 92.5 78.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 36.08 89.72 RT INCENTIVE SPIROMETER 270 RC both 92.5 78.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 89.72 36.08 89.72 RT INCENTIVE SPIROMETER 270 RC both 92.5 78.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 87.88 36.08 89.72 RT INCUBATOR OXYGEN HOURLY 410 RC both 60.5 51.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 58.68 23.6 58.68 RT INCUBATOR OXYGEN HOURLY 410 RC both 60.5 51.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 27.83 23.6 58.68 RT INCUBATOR OXYGEN HOURLY 410 RC both 60.5 51.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 23.6 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 23.6 58.68 RT INCUBATOR OXYGEN HOURLY 410 RC both 60.5 51.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 23.6 58.68 RT INCUBATOR OXYGEN HOURLY 410 RC both 60.5 51.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 58.68 23.6 58.68 RT INCUBATOR OXYGEN HOURLY 410 RC both 60.5 51.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 57.48 23.6 58.68 RT INHALATION TREATMENT 94640 HCPCS 412 RC both 139 118.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 134.83 7.11 134.83 RT INHALATION TREATMENT 94640 HCPCS 412 RC both 139 118.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 63.94 7.11 134.83 RT INHALATION TREATMENT 94640 HCPCS 412 RC both 139 118.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 54.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 7.11 134.83 RT INHALATION TREATMENT 94640 HCPCS 412 RC both 139 118.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 7.11 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 7.11 134.83 RT INHALATION TREATMENT 94640 HCPCS 412 RC both 139 118.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 134.83 7.11 134.83 RT INHALATION TREATMENT 94640 HCPCS 412 RC both 139 118.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 132.05 7.11 134.83 RT CONT INHALATION TX WITH AEROSOL 1 HR 94664 HCPCS 410 RC both 120.5 102.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 116.88 16.02 116.88 RT CONT INHALATION TX WITH AEROSOL 1 HR 94664 HCPCS 410 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 55.43 16.02 116.88 RT CONT INHALATION TX WITH AEROSOL 1 HR 94664 HCPCS 410 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 16.02 116.88 RT CONT INHALATION TX WITH AEROSOL 1 HR 94664 HCPCS 410 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 16.02 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 16.02 116.88 RT CONT INHALATION TX WITH AEROSOL 1 HR 94664 HCPCS 410 RC both 120.5 102.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 116.88 16.02 116.88 RT CONT INHALATION TX WITH AEROSOL 1 HR 94664 HCPCS 410 RC both 120.5 102.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 114.48 16.02 116.88 RT OXYGEN HOURLY 270 RC both 34.5 29.33 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 33.46 13.46 33.46 RT OXYGEN HOURLY 270 RC both 34.5 29.33 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 15.87 13.46 33.46 RT OXYGEN HOURLY 270 RC both 34.5 29.33 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 13.46 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.46 33.46 RT OXYGEN HOURLY 270 RC both 34.5 29.33 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.46 33.46 RT OXYGEN HOURLY 270 RC both 34.5 29.33 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 33.46 13.46 33.46 RT OXYGEN HOURLY 270 RC both 34.5 29.33 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 32.78 13.46 33.46 RT PEAK FLOW METER 94010 HCPCS 460 RC both 115 97.75 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 111.55 25.01 111.55 RT PEAK FLOW METER 94010 HCPCS 460 RC both 115 97.75 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 52.9 25.01 111.55 RT PEAK FLOW METER 94010 HCPCS 460 RC both 115 97.75 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 44.85 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 25.01 111.55 RT PEAK FLOW METER 94010 HCPCS 460 RC both 115 97.75 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 25.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 25.01 111.55 RT PEAK FLOW METER 94010 HCPCS 460 RC both 115 97.75 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 111.55 25.01 111.55 RT PEAK FLOW METER 94010 HCPCS 460 RC both 115 97.75 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 109.25 25.01 111.55 RT PULMONARY FUNCTIONS TEST 94060 HCPCS 460 RC both 314 266.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 304.58 35.74 304.58 RT PULMONARY FUNCTIONS TEST 94060 HCPCS 460 RC both 314 266.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 144.44 35.74 304.58 RT PULMONARY FUNCTIONS TEST 94060 HCPCS 460 RC both 314 266.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 122.46 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 35.74 304.58 RT PULMONARY FUNCTIONS TEST 94060 HCPCS 460 RC both 314 266.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 35.74 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 35.74 304.58 RT PULMONARY FUNCTIONS TEST 94060 HCPCS 460 RC both 314 266.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 304.58 35.74 304.58 RT PULMONARY FUNCTIONS TEST 94060 HCPCS 460 RC both 314 266.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 298.3 35.74 304.58 RT SLEEP STUDY BASELINE 95810 HCPCS 740 RC both 3264.5 2774.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 3166.56 569.9 3166.56 RT SLEEP STUDY BASELINE 95810 HCPCS 740 RC both 3264.5 2774.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 1501.67 569.9 3166.56 RT SLEEP STUDY BASELINE 95810 HCPCS 740 RC both 3264.5 2774.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 1273.16 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 569.9 3166.56 RT SLEEP STUDY BASELINE 95810 HCPCS 740 RC both 3264.5 2774.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 569.9 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 569.9 3166.56 RT SLEEP STUDY BASELINE 95810 HCPCS 740 RC both 3264.5 2774.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 3166.56 569.9 3166.56 RT SLEEP STUDY BASELINE 95810 HCPCS 740 RC both 3264.5 2774.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 3101.28 569.9 3166.56 RT SLEEP STUDY CPAP 95811 HCPCS 740 RC both 3589 3050.65 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 3481.33 595.6 3481.33 RT SLEEP STUDY CPAP 95811 HCPCS 740 RC both 3589 3050.65 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 1650.94 595.6 3481.33 RT SLEEP STUDY CPAP 95811 HCPCS 740 RC both 3589 3050.65 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 1399.71 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 595.6 3481.33 RT SLEEP STUDY CPAP 95811 HCPCS 740 RC both 3589 3050.65 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 595.6 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 595.6 3481.33 RT SLEEP STUDY CPAP 95811 HCPCS 740 RC both 3589 3050.65 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 3481.33 595.6 3481.33 RT SLEEP STUDY CPAP 95811 HCPCS 740 RC both 3589 3050.65 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 3409.55 595.6 3481.33 RT VENTILATOR ASSIST MANAGEMENT 1ST DAY 94002 HCPCS 410 RC both 1404 1193.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1361.88 85.32 1361.88 RT VENTILATOR ASSIST MANAGEMENT 1ST DAY 94002 HCPCS 410 RC both 1404 1193.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 645.84 85.32 1361.88 RT VENTILATOR ASSIST MANAGEMENT 1ST DAY 94002 HCPCS 410 RC both 1404 1193.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 547.56 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 85.32 1361.88 RT VENTILATOR ASSIST MANAGEMENT 1ST DAY 94002 HCPCS 410 RC both 1404 1193.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 85.32 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 85.32 1361.88 RT VENTILATOR ASSIST MANAGEMENT 1ST DAY 94002 HCPCS 410 RC both 1404 1193.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1361.88 85.32 1361.88 RT VENTILATOR ASSIST MANAGEMENT 1ST DAY 94002 HCPCS 410 RC both 1404 1193.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1333.8 85.32 1361.88 RT VENTILATOR ASSIST MANAGEMENT SUBSEQUE 94003 HCPCS 410 RC both 1010 858.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 979.7 59.99 979.7 RT VENTILATOR ASSIST MANAGEMENT SUBSEQUE 94003 HCPCS 410 RC both 1010 858.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 464.6 59.99 979.7 RT VENTILATOR ASSIST MANAGEMENT SUBSEQUE 94003 HCPCS 410 RC both 1010 858.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 393.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 59.99 979.7 RT VENTILATOR ASSIST MANAGEMENT SUBSEQUE 94003 HCPCS 410 RC both 1010 858.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 59.99 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 59.99 979.7 RT VENTILATOR ASSIST MANAGEMENT SUBSEQUE 94003 HCPCS 410 RC both 1010 858.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 979.7 59.99 979.7 RT VENTILATOR ASSIST MANAGEMENT SUBSEQUE 94003 HCPCS 410 RC both 1010 858.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 959.5 59.99 979.7 RT CONT INHALATION TX WITH AERO EA ADTL 94664 HCPCS 410 RC both 120.5 102.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 116.88 16.02 116.88 RT CONT INHALATION TX WITH AERO EA ADTL 94664 HCPCS 410 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 55.43 16.02 116.88 RT CONT INHALATION TX WITH AERO EA ADTL 94664 HCPCS 410 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 16.02 116.88 RT CONT INHALATION TX WITH AERO EA ADTL 94664 HCPCS 410 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 16.02 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 16.02 116.88 RT CONT INHALATION TX WITH AERO EA ADTL 94664 HCPCS 410 RC both 120.5 102.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 116.88 16.02 116.88 RT CONT INHALATION TX WITH AERO EA ADTL 94664 HCPCS 410 RC both 120.5 102.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 114.48 16.02 116.88 RT CPR 92950 HCPCS 410 RC both 882.5 750.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 856.02 299.78 856.02 RT CPR 92950 HCPCS 410 RC both 882.5 750.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 405.95 299.78 856.02 RT CPR 92950 HCPCS 410 RC both 882.5 750.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 344.18 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 299.78 856.02 RT CPR 92950 HCPCS 410 RC both 882.5 750.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 299.78 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 299.78 856.02 RT CPR 92950 HCPCS 410 RC both 882.5 750.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 856.02 299.78 856.02 RT CPR 92950 HCPCS 410 RC both 882.5 750.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 838.38 299.78 856.02 RT CHEST WALL MANIPULATION SUBSEQUENT 94668 HCPCS 410 RC both 139 118.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 134.83 35.22 134.83 RT CHEST WALL MANIPULATION SUBSEQUENT 94668 HCPCS 410 RC both 139 118.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 63.94 35.22 134.83 RT CHEST WALL MANIPULATION SUBSEQUENT 94668 HCPCS 410 RC both 139 118.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 54.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 35.22 134.83 RT CHEST WALL MANIPULATION SUBSEQUENT 94668 HCPCS 410 RC both 139 118.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 35.22 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 35.22 134.83 RT CHEST WALL MANIPULATION SUBSEQUENT 94668 HCPCS 410 RC both 139 118.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 134.83 35.22 134.83 RT CHEST WALL MANIPULATION SUBSEQUENT 94668 HCPCS 410 RC both 139 118.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 132.05 35.22 134.83 RT SAT CHECK SINGLE 94760 HCPCS 460 RC both 96 81.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 93.12 2.27 93.12 RT SAT CHECK SINGLE 94760 HCPCS 460 RC both 96 81.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 44.16 2.27 93.12 RT SAT CHECK SINGLE 94760 HCPCS 460 RC both 96 81.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 37.44 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 2.27 93.12 RT SAT CHECK SINGLE 94760 HCPCS 460 RC both 96 81.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 2.27 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 2.27 93.12 RT SAT CHECK SINGLE 94760 HCPCS 460 RC both 96 81.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 93.12 2.27 93.12 RT SAT CHECK SINGLE 94760 HCPCS 460 RC both 96 81.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 91.2 2.27 93.12 RT ET CO2 MONITORING 94770 HCPCS 460 RC both 365 310.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 354.05 7.19 354.05 RT ET CO2 MONITORING 94770 HCPCS 460 RC both 365 310.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 167.9 7.19 354.05 RT ET CO2 MONITORING 94770 HCPCS 460 RC both 365 310.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 142.35 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 7.19 354.05 RT ET CO2 MONITORING 94770 HCPCS 460 RC both 365 310.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 7.19 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 7.19 354.05 RT ET CO2 MONITORING 94770 HCPCS 460 RC both 365 310.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 354.05 7.19 354.05 RT ET CO2 MONITORING 94770 HCPCS 460 RC both 365 310.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 346.75 7.19 354.05 RT HOME SLEEP TEST 95806 HCPCS 920 RC both 724.5 615.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 702.76 87.64 702.76 RT HOME SLEEP TEST 95806 HCPCS 920 RC both 724.5 615.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 333.27 87.64 702.76 RT HOME SLEEP TEST 95806 HCPCS 920 RC both 724.5 615.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 282.56 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 87.64 702.76 RT HOME SLEEP TEST 95806 HCPCS 920 RC both 724.5 615.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 87.64 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 87.64 702.76 RT HOME SLEEP TEST 95806 HCPCS 920 RC both 724.5 615.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 702.76 87.64 702.76 RT HOME SLEEP TEST 95806 HCPCS 920 RC both 724.5 615.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 688.28 87.64 702.76 SARS-CoV-2 SEMI QUANT IGG ANTIBODY 86769 HCPCS 302 RC both 69.5 59.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 67.42 27.11 67.42 SARS-CoV-2 SEMI QUANT IGG ANTIBODY 86769 HCPCS 302 RC both 69.5 59.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 31.97 27.11 67.42 SARS-CoV-2 SEMI QUANT IGG ANTIBODY 86769 HCPCS 302 RC both 69.5 59.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 27.11 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 27.11 67.42 SARS-CoV-2 SEMI QUANT IGG ANTIBODY 86769 HCPCS 302 RC both 69.5 59.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 42.13 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 27.11 67.42 SARS-CoV-2 SEMI QUANT IGG ANTIBODY 86769 HCPCS 302 RC both 69.5 59.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 67.42 27.11 67.42 SARS-CoV-2 SEMI QUANT IGG ANTIBODY 86769 HCPCS 302 RC both 69.5 59.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 66.02 27.11 67.42 PT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 59.5 50.58 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 57.72 23.21 57.72 PT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 59.5 50.58 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 27.37 23.21 57.72 PT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 59.5 50.58 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 23.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 23.21 57.72 PT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 59.5 50.58 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 23.21 57.72 PT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 59.5 50.58 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 57.72 23.21 57.72 PT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 59.5 50.58 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 56.52 23.21 57.72 PT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 420 RC both 59.5 50.58 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 57.72 23.21 57.72 PT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 420 RC both 59.5 50.58 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 27.37 23.21 57.72 PT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 420 RC both 59.5 50.58 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 23.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 23.21 57.72 PT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 420 RC both 59.5 50.58 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 23.21 57.72 PT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 420 RC both 59.5 50.58 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 57.72 23.21 57.72 PT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 420 RC both 59.5 50.58 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 56.52 23.21 57.72 PT CARDIAC REHAB WITH MONITOR 93798 HCPCS 943 RC GP both 173 147.05 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 167.81 23.83 167.81 PT CARDIAC REHAB WITH MONITOR 93798 HCPCS 943 RC GP both 173 147.05 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 79.58 23.83 167.81 PT CARDIAC REHAB WITH MONITOR 93798 HCPCS 943 RC GP both 173 147.05 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 67.47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 23.83 167.81 PT CARDIAC REHAB WITH MONITOR 93798 HCPCS 943 RC GP both 173 147.05 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 23.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 23.83 167.81 PT CARDIAC REHAB WITH MONITOR 93798 HCPCS 943 RC GP both 173 147.05 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 167.81 23.83 167.81 PT CARDIAC REHAB WITH MONITOR 93798 HCPCS 943 RC GP both 173 147.05 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 164.35 23.83 167.81 PT GAIT TRAINING THERAPY 15 MIN 97116 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 109.5 93.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 106.22 26.31 106.22 PT GAIT TRAINING THERAPY 15 MIN 97116 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 109.5 93.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 26.31 26.31 106.22 PT GAIT TRAINING THERAPY 15 MIN 97116 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 109.5 93.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 42.71 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 26.31 106.22 PT GAIT TRAINING THERAPY 15 MIN 97116 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 109.5 93.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 27.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 26.31 106.22 PT GAIT TRAINING THERAPY 15 MIN 97116 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 109.5 93.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 106.22 26.31 106.22 PT GAIT TRAINING THERAPY 15 MIN 97116 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 109.5 93.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 104.02 26.31 106.22 PT GAIT TRAINING THERAPY 15 MIN 97116 HCPCS 420 RC both 109.5 93.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 106.22 26.31 106.22 PT GAIT TRAINING THERAPY 15 MIN 97116 HCPCS 420 RC both 109.5 93.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 26.31 26.31 106.22 PT GAIT TRAINING THERAPY 15 MIN 97116 HCPCS 420 RC both 109.5 93.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 42.71 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 26.31 106.22 PT GAIT TRAINING THERAPY 15 MIN 97116 HCPCS 420 RC both 109.5 93.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 27.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 26.31 106.22 PT GAIT TRAINING THERAPY 15 MIN 97116 HCPCS 420 RC both 109.5 93.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 106.22 26.31 106.22 PT GAIT TRAINING THERAPY 15 MIN 97116 HCPCS 420 RC both 109.5 93.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 104.02 26.31 106.22 PT HOME HEALTH G0151 HCPCS 421 RC GP both 252 214.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 244.44 98.28 244.44 PT HOME HEALTH G0151 HCPCS 421 RC GP both 252 214.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 115.92 98.28 244.44 PT HOME HEALTH G0151 HCPCS 421 RC GP both 252 214.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 98.28 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 98.28 244.44 PT HOME HEALTH G0151 HCPCS 421 RC GP both 252 214.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 98.28 244.44 PT HOME HEALTH G0151 HCPCS 421 RC GP both 252 214.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 244.44 98.28 244.44 PT HOME HEALTH G0151 HCPCS 421 RC GP both 252 214.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 239.4 98.28 244.44 PT HOME HEALTH G0151 HCPCS 421 RC both 252 214.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 244.44 98.28 244.44 PT HOME HEALTH G0151 HCPCS 421 RC both 252 214.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 115.92 98.28 244.44 PT HOME HEALTH G0151 HCPCS 421 RC both 252 214.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 98.28 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 98.28 244.44 PT HOME HEALTH G0151 HCPCS 421 RC both 252 214.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 98.28 244.44 PT HOME HEALTH G0151 HCPCS 421 RC both 252 214.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 244.44 98.28 244.44 PT HOME HEALTH G0151 HCPCS 421 RC both 252 214.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 239.4 98.28 244.44 PT HOME HEALTH ASSIST G0157 HCPCS 571 RC both 246 209.1 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 238.62 95.94 238.62 PT HOME HEALTH ASSIST G0157 HCPCS 571 RC both 246 209.1 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 113.16 95.94 238.62 PT HOME HEALTH ASSIST G0157 HCPCS 571 RC both 246 209.1 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 95.94 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 95.94 238.62 PT HOME HEALTH ASSIST G0157 HCPCS 571 RC both 246 209.1 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 95.94 238.62 PT HOME HEALTH ASSIST G0157 HCPCS 571 RC both 246 209.1 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 238.62 95.94 238.62 PT HOME HEALTH ASSIST G0157 HCPCS 571 RC both 246 209.1 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 233.7 95.94 238.62 PT IONTOPHORESIS 15 MIN 97033 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 205 174.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 198.85 18.18 198.85 PT IONTOPHORESIS 15 MIN 97033 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 205 174.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 94.3 18.18 198.85 PT IONTOPHORESIS 15 MIN 97033 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 205 174.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 79.95 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 18.18 198.85 PT IONTOPHORESIS 15 MIN 97033 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 205 174.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 18.18 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 18.18 198.85 PT IONTOPHORESIS 15 MIN 97033 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 205 174.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 198.85 18.18 198.85 PT IONTOPHORESIS 15 MIN 97033 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 205 174.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 194.75 18.18 198.85 PT IONTOPHORESIS 15 MIN 97033 HCPCS 420 RC both 205 174.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 198.85 18.18 198.85 PT IONTOPHORESIS 15 MIN 97033 HCPCS 420 RC both 205 174.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 94.3 18.18 198.85 PT IONTOPHORESIS 15 MIN 97033 HCPCS 420 RC both 205 174.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 79.95 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 18.18 198.85 PT IONTOPHORESIS 15 MIN 97033 HCPCS 420 RC both 205 174.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 18.18 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 18.18 198.85 PT IONTOPHORESIS 15 MIN 97033 HCPCS 420 RC both 205 174.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 198.85 18.18 198.85 PT IONTOPHORESIS 15 MIN 97033 HCPCS 420 RC both 205 174.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 194.75 18.18 198.85 PT MANUAL THERAPY TECHNIQUES 15 MIN 97140 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 122.5 104.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 118.82 24.33 118.82 PT MANUAL THERAPY TECHNIQUES 15 MIN 97140 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 122.5 104.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 24.33 24.33 118.82 PT MANUAL THERAPY TECHNIQUES 15 MIN 97140 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 122.5 104.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47.78 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 24.33 118.82 PT MANUAL THERAPY TECHNIQUES 15 MIN 97140 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 122.5 104.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 25.65 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 24.33 118.82 PT MANUAL THERAPY TECHNIQUES 15 MIN 97140 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 122.5 104.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 118.82 24.33 118.82 PT MANUAL THERAPY TECHNIQUES 15 MIN 97140 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 122.5 104.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 116.38 24.33 118.82 PT MANUAL THERAPY TECHNIQUES 15 MIN 97140 HCPCS 420 RC both 122.5 104.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 118.82 24.33 118.82 PT MANUAL THERAPY TECHNIQUES 15 MIN 97140 HCPCS 420 RC both 122.5 104.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 24.33 24.33 118.82 PT MANUAL THERAPY TECHNIQUES 15 MIN 97140 HCPCS 420 RC both 122.5 104.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47.78 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 24.33 118.82 PT MANUAL THERAPY TECHNIQUES 15 MIN 97140 HCPCS 420 RC both 122.5 104.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 25.65 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 24.33 118.82 PT MANUAL THERAPY TECHNIQUES 15 MIN 97140 HCPCS 420 RC both 122.5 104.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 118.82 24.33 118.82 PT MANUAL THERAPY TECHNIQUES 15 MIN 97140 HCPCS 420 RC both 122.5 104.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 116.38 24.33 118.82 PT MASSAGE 15 MIN 97124 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 109.5 93.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 106.22 28.43 106.22 PT MASSAGE 15 MIN 97124 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 109.5 93.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 50.37 28.43 106.22 PT MASSAGE 15 MIN 97124 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 109.5 93.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 42.71 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 28.43 106.22 PT MASSAGE 15 MIN 97124 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 109.5 93.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 28.43 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 28.43 106.22 PT MASSAGE 15 MIN 97124 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 109.5 93.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 106.22 28.43 106.22 PT MASSAGE 15 MIN 97124 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 109.5 93.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 104.02 28.43 106.22 PT MASSAGE 15 MIN 97124 HCPCS 420 RC both 109.5 93.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 106.22 28.43 106.22 PT MASSAGE 15 MIN 97124 HCPCS 420 RC both 109.5 93.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 50.37 28.43 106.22 PT MASSAGE 15 MIN 97124 HCPCS 420 RC both 109.5 93.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 42.71 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 28.43 106.22 PT MASSAGE 15 MIN 97124 HCPCS 420 RC both 109.5 93.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 28.43 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 28.43 106.22 PT MASSAGE 15 MIN 97124 HCPCS 420 RC both 109.5 93.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 106.22 28.43 106.22 PT MASSAGE 15 MIN 97124 HCPCS 420 RC both 109.5 93.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 104.02 28.43 106.22 PT NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION 97112 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 122.5 104.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 118.82 30.27 118.82 PT NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION 97112 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 122.5 104.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 30.27 30.27 118.82 PT NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION 97112 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 122.5 104.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47.78 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.27 118.82 PT NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION 97112 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 122.5 104.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 31.91 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.27 118.82 PT NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION 97112 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 122.5 104.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 118.82 30.27 118.82 PT NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION 97112 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 122.5 104.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 116.38 30.27 118.82 PT NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION 97112 HCPCS 420 RC both 122.5 104.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 118.82 30.27 118.82 PT NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION 97112 HCPCS 420 RC both 122.5 104.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 30.27 30.27 118.82 PT NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION 97112 HCPCS 420 RC both 122.5 104.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47.78 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.27 118.82 PT NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION 97112 HCPCS 420 RC both 122.5 104.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 31.91 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.27 118.82 PT NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION 97112 HCPCS 420 RC both 122.5 104.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 118.82 30.27 118.82 PT NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION 97112 HCPCS 420 RC both 122.5 104.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 116.38 30.27 118.82 PT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES 15 MIN 97530 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 142.5 121.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 138.22 33.67 138.22 PT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES 15 MIN 97530 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 142.5 121.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 33.67 33.67 138.22 PT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES 15 MIN 97530 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 142.5 121.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 55.58 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 33.67 138.22 PT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES 15 MIN 97530 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 142.5 121.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 34.45 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 33.67 138.22 PT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES 15 MIN 97530 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 142.5 121.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 138.22 33.67 138.22 PT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES 15 MIN 97530 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 142.5 121.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 135.38 33.67 138.22 PT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES 15 MIN 97530 HCPCS 420 RC both 142.5 121.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 138.22 33.67 138.22 PT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES 15 MIN 97530 HCPCS 420 RC both 142.5 121.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 33.67 33.67 138.22 PT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES 15 MIN 97530 HCPCS 420 RC both 142.5 121.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 55.58 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 33.67 138.22 PT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES 15 MIN 97530 HCPCS 420 RC both 142.5 121.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 34.45 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 33.67 138.22 PT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES 15 MIN 97530 HCPCS 420 RC both 142.5 121.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 138.22 33.67 138.22 PT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES 15 MIN 97530 HCPCS 420 RC both 142.5 121.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 135.38 33.67 138.22 PT THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 114.5 97.33 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 111.06 26.48 111.06 PT THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 114.5 97.33 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 26.48 26.48 111.06 PT THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 114.5 97.33 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 44.66 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 26.48 111.06 PT THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 114.5 97.33 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 27.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 26.48 111.06 PT THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 114.5 97.33 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 111.06 26.48 111.06 PT THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 114.5 97.33 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 108.78 26.48 111.06 PT THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 420 RC both 114.5 97.33 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 111.06 26.48 111.06 PT THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 420 RC both 114.5 97.33 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 26.48 26.48 111.06 PT THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 420 RC both 114.5 97.33 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 44.66 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 26.48 111.06 PT THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 420 RC both 114.5 97.33 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 27.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 26.48 111.06 PT THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 420 RC both 114.5 97.33 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 111.06 26.48 111.06 PT THERAPEUTIC PROCEDURE 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 420 RC both 114.5 97.33 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 108.78 26.48 111.06 PT ULTRASOUND 15 MIN 97035 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 92.5 78.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 89.72 13.19 89.72 PT ULTRASOUND 15 MIN 97035 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 92.5 78.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 42.55 13.19 89.72 PT ULTRASOUND 15 MIN 97035 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 92.5 78.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 36.08 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.19 89.72 PT ULTRASOUND 15 MIN 97035 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 92.5 78.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 13.19 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.19 89.72 PT ULTRASOUND 15 MIN 97035 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 92.5 78.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 89.72 13.19 89.72 PT ULTRASOUND 15 MIN 97035 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 92.5 78.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 87.88 13.19 89.72 PT ULTRASOUND 15 MIN 97035 HCPCS 420 RC both 92.5 78.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 89.72 13.19 89.72 PT ULTRASOUND 15 MIN 97035 HCPCS 420 RC both 92.5 78.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 42.55 13.19 89.72 PT ULTRASOUND 15 MIN 97035 HCPCS 420 RC both 92.5 78.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 36.08 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.19 89.72 PT ULTRASOUND 15 MIN 97035 HCPCS 420 RC both 92.5 78.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 13.19 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.19 89.72 PT ULTRASOUND 15 MIN 97035 HCPCS 420 RC both 92.5 78.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 89.72 13.19 89.72 PT ULTRASOUND 15 MIN 97035 HCPCS 420 RC both 92.5 78.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 87.88 13.19 89.72 PT DRY NEEDLING 1-2 20560 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 56 47.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 54.32 21.84 54.32 PT DRY NEEDLING 1-2 20560 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 56 47.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 25.76 21.84 54.32 PT DRY NEEDLING 1-2 20560 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 56 47.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 21.84 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 21.84 54.32 PT DRY NEEDLING 1-2 20560 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 56 47.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 24.1 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 21.84 54.32 PT DRY NEEDLING 1-2 20560 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 56 47.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 54.32 21.84 54.32 PT DRY NEEDLING 1-2 20560 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 56 47.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 53.2 21.84 54.32 PT DRY NEEDLING 1-2 20560 HCPCS 420 RC both 56 47.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 54.32 21.84 54.32 PT DRY NEEDLING 1-2 20560 HCPCS 420 RC both 56 47.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 25.76 21.84 54.32 PT DRY NEEDLING 1-2 20560 HCPCS 420 RC both 56 47.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 21.84 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 21.84 54.32 PT DRY NEEDLING 1-2 20560 HCPCS 420 RC both 56 47.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 24.1 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 21.84 54.32 PT DRY NEEDLING 1-2 20560 HCPCS 420 RC both 56 47.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 54.32 21.84 54.32 PT DRY NEEDLING 1-2 20560 HCPCS 420 RC both 56 47.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 53.2 21.84 54.32 PT DRY NEEDLING 3-4 20561 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 80.5 68.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 78.08 31.4 78.08 PT DRY NEEDLING 3-4 20561 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 80.5 68.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 37.03 31.4 78.08 PT DRY NEEDLING 3-4 20561 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 80.5 68.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 31.4 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 31.4 78.08 PT DRY NEEDLING 3-4 20561 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 80.5 68.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 34.72 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 31.4 78.08 PT DRY NEEDLING 3-4 20561 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 80.5 68.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 78.08 31.4 78.08 PT DRY NEEDLING 3-4 20561 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 80.5 68.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 76.48 31.4 78.08 PT DRY NEEDLING 3-4 20561 HCPCS 420 RC both 80.5 68.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 78.08 31.4 78.08 PT DRY NEEDLING 3-4 20561 HCPCS 420 RC both 80.5 68.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 37.03 31.4 78.08 PT DRY NEEDLING 3-4 20561 HCPCS 420 RC both 80.5 68.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 31.4 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 31.4 78.08 PT DRY NEEDLING 3-4 20561 HCPCS 420 RC both 80.5 68.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 34.72 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 31.4 78.08 PT DRY NEEDLING 3-4 20561 HCPCS 420 RC both 80.5 68.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 78.08 31.4 78.08 PT DRY NEEDLING 3-4 20561 HCPCS 420 RC both 80.5 68.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 76.48 31.4 78.08 PT BRACE FITTING 15 MIN 97760 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 117.5 99.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 113.98 40.2 113.98 PT BRACE FITTING 15 MIN 97760 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 117.5 99.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 40.2 40.2 113.98 PT BRACE FITTING 15 MIN 97760 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 117.5 99.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 45.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 40.2 113.98 PT BRACE FITTING 15 MIN 97760 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 117.5 99.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 44.6 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 40.2 113.98 PT BRACE FITTING 15 MIN 97760 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 117.5 99.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 113.98 40.2 113.98 PT BRACE FITTING 15 MIN 97760 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 117.5 99.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 111.62 40.2 113.98 PT BRACE FITTING 15 MIN 97760 HCPCS 420 RC both 117.5 99.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 113.98 40.2 113.98 PT BRACE FITTING 15 MIN 97760 HCPCS 420 RC both 117.5 99.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 40.2 40.2 113.98 PT BRACE FITTING 15 MIN 97760 HCPCS 420 RC both 117.5 99.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 45.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 40.2 113.98 PT BRACE FITTING 15 MIN 97760 HCPCS 420 RC both 117.5 99.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 44.6 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 40.2 113.98 PT BRACE FITTING 15 MIN 97760 HCPCS 420 RC both 117.5 99.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 113.98 40.2 113.98 PT BRACE FITTING 15 MIN 97760 HCPCS 420 RC both 117.5 99.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 111.62 40.2 113.98 PT CANALITH REPOSITIONING PROC 95992 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 156.5 133.03 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 151.8 40.24 151.8 PT CANALITH REPOSITIONING PROC 95992 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 156.5 133.03 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 71.99 40.24 151.8 PT CANALITH REPOSITIONING PROC 95992 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 156.5 133.03 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 61.04 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 40.24 151.8 PT CANALITH REPOSITIONING PROC 95992 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 156.5 133.03 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 40.24 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 40.24 151.8 PT CANALITH REPOSITIONING PROC 95992 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 156.5 133.03 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 151.8 40.24 151.8 PT CANALITH REPOSITIONING PROC 95992 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 156.5 133.03 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 148.68 40.24 151.8 PT CANALITH REPOSITIONING PROC 95992 HCPCS 420 RC both 156.5 133.03 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 151.8 40.24 151.8 PT CANALITH REPOSITIONING PROC 95992 HCPCS 420 RC both 156.5 133.03 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 71.99 40.24 151.8 PT CANALITH REPOSITIONING PROC 95992 HCPCS 420 RC both 156.5 133.03 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 61.04 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 40.24 151.8 PT CANALITH REPOSITIONING PROC 95992 HCPCS 420 RC both 156.5 133.03 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 40.24 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 40.24 151.8 PT CANALITH REPOSITIONING PROC 95992 HCPCS 420 RC both 156.5 133.03 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 151.8 40.24 151.8 PT CANALITH REPOSITIONING PROC 95992 HCPCS 420 RC both 156.5 133.03 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 148.68 40.24 151.8 PT MECHANICAL TRACTION THERAPY 97012 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 72 61.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 69.84 13.31 69.84 PT MECHANICAL TRACTION THERAPY 97012 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 72 61.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 33.12 13.31 69.84 PT MECHANICAL TRACTION THERAPY 97012 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 72 61.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 28.08 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.31 69.84 PT MECHANICAL TRACTION THERAPY 97012 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 72 61.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 13.31 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.31 69.84 PT MECHANICAL TRACTION THERAPY 97012 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 72 61.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 69.84 13.31 69.84 PT MECHANICAL TRACTION THERAPY 97012 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 72 61.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 68.4 13.31 69.84 PT MECHANICAL TRACTION THERAPY 97012 HCPCS 420 RC both 72 61.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 69.84 13.31 69.84 PT MECHANICAL TRACTION THERAPY 97012 HCPCS 420 RC both 72 61.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 33.12 13.31 69.84 PT MECHANICAL TRACTION THERAPY 97012 HCPCS 420 RC both 72 61.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 28.08 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.31 69.84 PT MECHANICAL TRACTION THERAPY 97012 HCPCS 420 RC both 72 61.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 13.31 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.31 69.84 PT MECHANICAL TRACTION THERAPY 97012 HCPCS 420 RC both 72 61.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 69.84 13.31 69.84 PT MECHANICAL TRACTION THERAPY 97012 HCPCS 420 RC both 72 61.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 68.4 13.31 69.84 PT VASOPNEUMATIC DEVICES 97016 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 107 90.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 103.79 10.98 103.79 PT VASOPNEUMATIC DEVICES 97016 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 107 90.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 49.22 10.98 103.79 PT VASOPNEUMATIC DEVICES 97016 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 107 90.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 41.73 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 10.98 103.79 PT VASOPNEUMATIC DEVICES 97016 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 107 90.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 10.98 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 10.98 103.79 PT VASOPNEUMATIC DEVICES 97016 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 107 90.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 103.79 10.98 103.79 PT VASOPNEUMATIC DEVICES 97016 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 107 90.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 101.65 10.98 103.79 PT VASOPNEUMATIC DEVICES 97016 HCPCS 420 RC both 107 90.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 103.79 10.98 103.79 PT VASOPNEUMATIC DEVICES 97016 HCPCS 420 RC both 107 90.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 49.22 10.98 103.79 PT VASOPNEUMATIC DEVICES 97016 HCPCS 420 RC both 107 90.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 41.73 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 10.98 103.79 PT VASOPNEUMATIC DEVICES 97016 HCPCS 420 RC both 107 90.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 10.98 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 10.98 103.79 PT VASOPNEUMATIC DEVICES 97016 HCPCS 420 RC both 107 90.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 103.79 10.98 103.79 PT VASOPNEUMATIC DEVICES 97016 HCPCS 420 RC both 107 90.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 101.65 10.98 103.79 PT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 70 59.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 67.9 5.17 67.9 PT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 70 59.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 32.2 5.17 67.9 PT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 70 59.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 27.3 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 5.17 67.9 PT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 70 59.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 5.17 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 5.17 67.9 PT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 70 59.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 67.9 5.17 67.9 PT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 70 59.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 66.5 5.17 67.9 PT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 420 RC both 70 59.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 67.9 5.17 67.9 PT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 420 RC both 70 59.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 32.2 5.17 67.9 PT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 420 RC both 70 59.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 27.3 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 5.17 67.9 PT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 420 RC both 70 59.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 5.17 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 5.17 67.9 PT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 420 RC both 70 59.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 67.9 5.17 67.9 PT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 420 RC both 70 59.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 66.5 5.17 67.9 THERAPUTIC EXERCISE- 15 MIN EACH 97110 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 83.5 70.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 81 26.48 81 THERAPUTIC EXERCISE- 15 MIN EACH 97110 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 83.5 70.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 26.48 26.48 81 THERAPUTIC EXERCISE- 15 MIN EACH 97110 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 83.5 70.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 32.57 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 26.48 81 THERAPUTIC EXERCISE- 15 MIN EACH 97110 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 83.5 70.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 27.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 26.48 81 THERAPUTIC EXERCISE- 15 MIN EACH 97110 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 83.5 70.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 81 26.48 81 THERAPUTIC EXERCISE- 15 MIN EACH 97110 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 83.5 70.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 79.32 26.48 81 THERAPUTIC EXERCISE- 15 MIN EACH 97110 HCPCS 420 RC both 83.5 70.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 81 26.48 81 THERAPUTIC EXERCISE- 15 MIN EACH 97110 HCPCS 420 RC both 83.5 70.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 26.48 26.48 81 THERAPUTIC EXERCISE- 15 MIN EACH 97110 HCPCS 420 RC both 83.5 70.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 32.57 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 26.48 81 THERAPUTIC EXERCISE- 15 MIN EACH 97110 HCPCS 420 RC both 83.5 70.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 27.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 26.48 81 THERAPUTIC EXERCISE- 15 MIN EACH 97110 HCPCS 420 RC both 83.5 70.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 81 26.48 81 THERAPUTIC EXERCISE- 15 MIN EACH 97110 HCPCS 420 RC both 83.5 70.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 79.32 26.48 81 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 37.5 31.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 36.38 14.63 36.38 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 37.5 31.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 17.25 14.63 36.38 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 37.5 31.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 14.63 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 14.63 36.38 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 37.5 31.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 21.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 14.63 36.38 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 37.5 31.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 36.38 14.63 36.38 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 37.5 31.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 35.62 14.63 36.38 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 420 RC both 37.5 31.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 36.38 14.63 36.38 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 420 RC both 37.5 31.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 17.25 14.63 36.38 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 420 RC both 37.5 31.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 14.63 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 14.63 36.38 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 420 RC both 37.5 31.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 21.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 14.63 36.38 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 420 RC both 37.5 31.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 36.38 14.63 36.38 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 420 RC both 37.5 31.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 35.62 14.63 36.38 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 35.5 30.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 34.44 13.85 34.44 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 35.5 30.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 16.33 13.85 34.44 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 35.5 30.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 13.85 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.85 34.44 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 35.5 30.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 20.67 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.85 34.44 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 35.5 30.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 34.44 13.85 34.44 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 35.5 30.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 33.72 13.85 34.44 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 420 RC both 35.5 30.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 34.44 13.85 34.44 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 420 RC both 35.5 30.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 16.33 13.85 34.44 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 420 RC both 35.5 30.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 13.85 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.85 34.44 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 420 RC both 35.5 30.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 20.67 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.85 34.44 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 420 RC both 35.5 30.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 34.44 13.85 34.44 PT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 420 RC both 35.5 30.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 33.72 13.85 34.44 PT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97161 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 210 178.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 203.7 73.85 203.7 PT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97161 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 210 178.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 73.85 73.85 203.7 PT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97161 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 210 178.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 81.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 73.85 203.7 PT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97161 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 210 178.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 95.1 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 73.85 203.7 PT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97161 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 210 178.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 203.7 73.85 203.7 PT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97161 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 210 178.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 199.5 73.85 203.7 PT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97161 HCPCS 424 RC both 210 178.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 203.7 73.85 203.7 PT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97161 HCPCS 424 RC both 210 178.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 73.85 73.85 203.7 PT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97161 HCPCS 424 RC both 210 178.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 81.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 73.85 203.7 PT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97161 HCPCS 424 RC both 210 178.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 95.1 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 73.85 203.7 PT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97161 HCPCS 424 RC both 210 178.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 203.7 73.85 203.7 PT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97161 HCPCS 424 RC both 210 178.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 199.5 73.85 203.7 PT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97162 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 237.5 201.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 230.38 73.85 230.38 PT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97162 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 237.5 201.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 73.85 73.85 230.38 PT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97162 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 237.5 201.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 92.63 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 73.85 230.38 PT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97162 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 237.5 201.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 95.1 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 73.85 230.38 PT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97162 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 237.5 201.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 230.38 73.85 230.38 PT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97162 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 237.5 201.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 225.62 73.85 230.38 PT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97162 HCPCS 424 RC both 237.5 201.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 230.38 73.85 230.38 PT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97162 HCPCS 424 RC both 237.5 201.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 73.85 73.85 230.38 PT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97162 HCPCS 424 RC both 237.5 201.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 92.63 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 73.85 230.38 PT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97162 HCPCS 424 RC both 237.5 201.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 95.1 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 73.85 230.38 PT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97162 HCPCS 424 RC both 237.5 201.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 230.38 73.85 230.38 PT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97162 HCPCS 424 RC both 237.5 201.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 225.62 73.85 230.38 PT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97163 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 264.5 224.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 256.56 95.1 256.56 PT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97163 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 264.5 224.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 121.67 95.1 256.56 PT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97163 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 264.5 224.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 103.16 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 95.1 256.56 PT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97163 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 264.5 224.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 95.1 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 95.1 256.56 PT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97163 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 264.5 224.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 256.56 95.1 256.56 PT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97163 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 264.5 224.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 251.28 95.1 256.56 PT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97163 HCPCS 424 RC both 264.5 224.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 256.56 95.1 256.56 PT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97163 HCPCS 424 RC both 264.5 224.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 121.67 95.1 256.56 PT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97163 HCPCS 424 RC both 264.5 224.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 103.16 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 95.1 256.56 PT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97163 HCPCS 424 RC both 264.5 224.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 95.1 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 95.1 256.56 PT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97163 HCPCS 424 RC both 264.5 224.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 256.56 95.1 256.56 PT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97163 HCPCS 424 RC both 264.5 224.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 251.28 95.1 256.56 PT RE-EVALUATION 97164 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 226.5 192.53 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 219.7 50.54 219.7 PT RE-EVALUATION 97164 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 226.5 192.53 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 50.54 50.54 219.7 PT RE-EVALUATION 97164 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 226.5 192.53 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 88.34 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 50.54 219.7 PT RE-EVALUATION 97164 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 226.5 192.53 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 65.66 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 50.54 219.7 PT RE-EVALUATION 97164 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 226.5 192.53 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 219.7 50.54 219.7 PT RE-EVALUATION 97164 HCPCS 424 RC GP both 226.5 192.53 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 215.18 50.54 219.7 PT RE-EVALUATION 97164 HCPCS 424 RC both 226.5 192.53 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 219.7 50.54 219.7 PT RE-EVALUATION 97164 HCPCS 424 RC both 226.5 192.53 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 50.54 50.54 219.7 PT RE-EVALUATION 97164 HCPCS 424 RC both 226.5 192.53 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 88.34 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 50.54 219.7 PT RE-EVALUATION 97164 HCPCS 424 RC both 226.5 192.53 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 65.66 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 50.54 219.7 PT RE-EVALUATION 97164 HCPCS 424 RC both 226.5 192.53 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 219.7 50.54 219.7 PT RE-EVALUATION 97164 HCPCS 424 RC both 226.5 192.53 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 215.18 50.54 219.7 PT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION TRAINING 97537 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 97 82.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 94.09 30.03 94.09 PT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION TRAINING 97537 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 97 82.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 44.62 30.03 94.09 PT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION TRAINING 97537 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 97 82.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 37.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.03 94.09 PT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION TRAINING 97537 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 97 82.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.03 94.09 PT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION TRAINING 97537 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 97 82.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 94.09 30.03 94.09 PT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION TRAINING 97537 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 97 82.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 92.15 30.03 94.09 PT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION TRAINING 97537 HCPCS 420 RC both 97 82.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 94.09 30.03 94.09 PT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION TRAINING 97537 HCPCS 420 RC both 97 82.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 44.62 30.03 94.09 PT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION TRAINING 97537 HCPCS 420 RC both 97 82.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 37.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.03 94.09 PT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION TRAINING 97537 HCPCS 420 RC both 97 82.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.03 94.09 PT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION TRAINING 97537 HCPCS 420 RC both 97 82.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 94.09 30.03 94.09 PT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION TRAINING 97537 HCPCS 420 RC both 97 82.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 92.15 30.03 94.09 PT WHEELCHAIR MANAGE 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 93.5 79.48 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 90.7 30.03 90.7 PT WHEELCHAIR MANAGE 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 93.5 79.48 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 43.01 30.03 90.7 PT WHEELCHAIR MANAGE 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 93.5 79.48 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 36.47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.03 90.7 PT WHEELCHAIR MANAGE 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 93.5 79.48 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.03 90.7 PT WHEELCHAIR MANAGE 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 93.5 79.48 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 90.7 30.03 90.7 PT WHEELCHAIR MANAGE 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 93.5 79.48 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 88.82 30.03 90.7 PT WHEELCHAIR MANAGE 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 420 RC both 93.5 79.48 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 90.7 30.03 90.7 PT WHEELCHAIR MANAGE 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 420 RC both 93.5 79.48 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 43.01 30.03 90.7 PT WHEELCHAIR MANAGE 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 420 RC both 93.5 79.48 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 36.47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.03 90.7 PT WHEELCHAIR MANAGE 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 420 RC both 93.5 79.48 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.03 90.7 PT WHEELCHAIR MANAGE 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 420 RC both 93.5 79.48 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 90.7 30.03 90.7 PT WHEELCHAIR MANAGE 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 420 RC both 93.5 79.48 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 88.82 30.03 90.7 PT DEBRIDMENT WOUND 97597 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 82 69.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 79.54 31.98 82 PT DEBRIDMENT WOUND 97597 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 82 69.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 37.72 31.98 82 PT DEBRIDMENT WOUND 97597 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 82 69.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 31.98 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 31.98 82 PT DEBRIDMENT WOUND 97597 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 82 69.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 82 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 31.98 82 PT DEBRIDMENT WOUND 97597 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 82 69.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 79.54 31.98 82 PT DEBRIDMENT WOUND 97597 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 82 69.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 77.9 31.98 82 PT DEBRIDMENT WOUND 97597 HCPCS 420 RC both 82 69.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 79.54 31.98 82 PT DEBRIDMENT WOUND 97597 HCPCS 420 RC both 82 69.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 37.72 31.98 82 PT DEBRIDMENT WOUND 97597 HCPCS 420 RC both 82 69.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 31.98 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 31.98 82 PT DEBRIDMENT WOUND 97597 HCPCS 420 RC both 82 69.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 82 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 31.98 82 PT DEBRIDMENT WOUND 97597 HCPCS 420 RC both 82 69.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 79.54 31.98 82 PT DEBRIDMENT WOUND 97597 HCPCS 420 RC both 82 69.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 77.9 31.98 82 PT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 147.5 125.38 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 143.08 32.06 143.08 PT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 147.5 125.38 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 67.85 32.06 143.08 PT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 147.5 125.38 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 57.53 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 32.06 143.08 PT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 147.5 125.38 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 32.06 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 32.06 143.08 PT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 147.5 125.38 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 143.08 32.06 143.08 PT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 147.5 125.38 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 140.12 32.06 143.08 PT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 420 RC both 147.5 125.38 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 143.08 32.06 143.08 PT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 420 RC both 147.5 125.38 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 67.85 32.06 143.08 PT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 420 RC both 147.5 125.38 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 57.53 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 32.06 143.08 PT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 420 RC both 147.5 125.38 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 32.06 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 32.06 143.08 PT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 420 RC both 147.5 125.38 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 143.08 32.06 143.08 PT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 420 RC both 147.5 125.38 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 140.12 32.06 143.08 PT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 78 66.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 75.66 30.42 75.66 PT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 78 66.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 35.88 30.42 75.66 PT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 78 66.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 30.42 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.42 75.66 PT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 78 66.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.42 75.66 PT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 78 66.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 75.66 30.42 75.66 PT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 420 RC GP both 78 66.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 74.1 30.42 75.66 PT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 420 RC both 78 66.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 75.66 30.42 75.66 PT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 420 RC both 78 66.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 35.88 30.42 75.66 PT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 420 RC both 78 66.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 30.42 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.42 75.66 PT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 420 RC both 78 66.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.42 75.66 PT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 420 RC both 78 66.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 75.66 30.42 75.66 PT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 420 RC both 78 66.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 74.1 30.42 75.66 OT HH VISIT G0152 HCPCS 431 RC GO both 301 255.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 291.97 117.39 291.97 OT HH VISIT G0152 HCPCS 431 RC GO both 301 255.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 138.46 117.39 291.97 OT HH VISIT G0152 HCPCS 431 RC GO both 301 255.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 117.39 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 117.39 291.97 OT HH VISIT G0152 HCPCS 431 RC GO both 301 255.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 117.39 291.97 OT HH VISIT G0152 HCPCS 431 RC GO both 301 255.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 291.97 117.39 291.97 OT HH VISIT G0152 HCPCS 431 RC GO both 301 255.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 285.95 117.39 291.97 OT HH VISIT G0152 HCPCS 431 RC both 301 255.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 291.97 117.39 291.97 OT HH VISIT G0152 HCPCS 431 RC both 301 255.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 138.46 117.39 291.97 OT HH VISIT G0152 HCPCS 431 RC both 301 255.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 117.39 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 117.39 291.97 OT HH VISIT G0152 HCPCS 431 RC both 301 255.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 117.39 291.97 OT HH VISIT G0152 HCPCS 431 RC both 301 255.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 291.97 117.39 291.97 OT HH VISIT G0152 HCPCS 431 RC both 301 255.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 285.95 117.39 291.97 "TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS, NAA (URINE)" 87661 HCPCS 301 RC both 58 49.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 56.26 22.62 58 "TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS, NAA (URINE)" 87661 HCPCS 301 RC both 58 49.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 39 22.62 58 "TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS, NAA (URINE)" 87661 HCPCS 301 RC both 58 49.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 22.62 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 22.62 58 "TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS, NAA (URINE)" 87661 HCPCS 301 RC both 58 49.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 35.09 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 22.62 58 "TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS, NAA (URINE)" 87661 HCPCS 301 RC both 58 49.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 58 22.62 58 "TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS, NAA (URINE)" 87661 HCPCS 301 RC both 58 49.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 55.1 22.62 58 ST SPEECH/ HEARING THERAPY 92507 HCPCS 441 RC GN both 261 221.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 253.17 68.99 253.17 ST SPEECH/ HEARING THERAPY 92507 HCPCS 441 RC GN both 261 221.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 68.99 68.99 253.17 ST SPEECH/ HEARING THERAPY 92507 HCPCS 441 RC GN both 261 221.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 101.79 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 68.99 253.17 ST SPEECH/ HEARING THERAPY 92507 HCPCS 441 RC GN both 261 221.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 72.75 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 68.99 253.17 ST SPEECH/ HEARING THERAPY 92507 HCPCS 441 RC GN both 261 221.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 253.17 68.99 253.17 ST SPEECH/ HEARING THERAPY 92507 HCPCS 441 RC GN both 261 221.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 247.95 68.99 253.17 ST SPEECH/ HEARING THERAPY 92507 HCPCS 441 RC both 261 221.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 253.17 68.99 253.17 ST SPEECH/ HEARING THERAPY 92507 HCPCS 441 RC both 261 221.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 68.99 68.99 253.17 ST SPEECH/ HEARING THERAPY 92507 HCPCS 441 RC both 261 221.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 101.79 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 68.99 253.17 ST SPEECH/ HEARING THERAPY 92507 HCPCS 441 RC both 261 221.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 72.75 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 68.99 253.17 ST SPEECH/ HEARING THERAPY 92507 HCPCS 441 RC both 261 221.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 253.17 68.99 253.17 ST SPEECH/ HEARING THERAPY 92507 HCPCS 441 RC both 261 221.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 247.95 68.99 253.17 ST EVAL OF SPEECH FLUENCY 92521 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 323.5 274.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 313.8 126.17 313.8 ST EVAL OF SPEECH FLUENCY 92521 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 323.5 274.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 148.81 126.17 313.8 ST EVAL OF SPEECH FLUENCY 92521 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 323.5 274.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 126.17 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 126.17 313.8 ST EVAL OF SPEECH FLUENCY 92521 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 323.5 274.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 126.57 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 126.17 313.8 ST EVAL OF SPEECH FLUENCY 92521 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 323.5 274.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 313.8 126.17 313.8 ST EVAL OF SPEECH FLUENCY 92521 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 323.5 274.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 307.32 126.17 313.8 ST EVAL OF SPEECH FLUENCY 92521 HCPCS 444 RC both 323.5 274.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 313.8 126.17 313.8 ST EVAL OF SPEECH FLUENCY 92521 HCPCS 444 RC both 323.5 274.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 148.81 126.17 313.8 ST EVAL OF SPEECH FLUENCY 92521 HCPCS 444 RC both 323.5 274.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 126.17 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 126.17 313.8 ST EVAL OF SPEECH FLUENCY 92521 HCPCS 444 RC both 323.5 274.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 126.57 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 126.17 313.8 ST EVAL OF SPEECH FLUENCY 92521 HCPCS 444 RC both 323.5 274.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 313.8 126.17 313.8 ST EVAL OF SPEECH FLUENCY 92521 HCPCS 444 RC both 323.5 274.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 307.32 126.17 313.8 ST EVAL OF SPEECH SOUND/PRODUCTION 92522 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 268.5 228.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 260.44 79.99 260.44 ST EVAL OF SPEECH SOUND/PRODUCTION 92522 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 268.5 228.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 79.99 79.99 260.44 ST EVAL OF SPEECH SOUND/PRODUCTION 92522 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 268.5 228.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 104.72 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 79.99 260.44 ST EVAL OF SPEECH SOUND/PRODUCTION 92522 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 268.5 228.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 105.79 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 79.99 260.44 ST EVAL OF SPEECH SOUND/PRODUCTION 92522 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 268.5 228.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 260.44 79.99 260.44 ST EVAL OF SPEECH SOUND/PRODUCTION 92522 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 268.5 228.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 255.08 79.99 260.44 ST EVAL OF SPEECH SOUND/PRODUCTION 92522 HCPCS 444 RC both 268.5 228.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 260.44 79.99 260.44 ST EVAL OF SPEECH SOUND/PRODUCTION 92522 HCPCS 444 RC both 268.5 228.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 79.99 79.99 260.44 ST EVAL OF SPEECH SOUND/PRODUCTION 92522 HCPCS 444 RC both 268.5 228.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 104.72 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 79.99 260.44 ST EVAL OF SPEECH SOUND/PRODUCTION 92522 HCPCS 444 RC both 268.5 228.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 105.79 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 79.99 260.44 ST EVAL OF SPEECH SOUND/PRODUCTION 92522 HCPCS 444 RC both 268.5 228.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 260.44 79.99 260.44 ST EVAL OF SPEECH SOUND/PRODUCTION 92522 HCPCS 444 RC both 268.5 228.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 255.08 79.99 260.44 ST EVAL OF SPCH VALUA & LANG COMP/EXP 92523 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 546 464.1 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 529.62 168.19 529.62 ST EVAL OF SPCH VALUA & LANG COMP/EXP 92523 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 546 464.1 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 168.19 168.19 529.62 ST EVAL OF SPCH VALUA & LANG COMP/EXP 92523 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 546 464.1 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 212.94 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 168.19 529.62 ST EVAL OF SPCH VALUA & LANG COMP/EXP 92523 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 546 464.1 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 217.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 168.19 529.62 ST EVAL OF SPCH VALUA & LANG COMP/EXP 92523 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 546 464.1 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 529.62 168.19 529.62 ST EVAL OF SPCH VALUA & LANG COMP/EXP 92523 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 546 464.1 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 518.7 168.19 529.62 ST EVAL OF SPCH VALUA & LANG COMP/EXP 92523 HCPCS 444 RC both 546 464.1 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 529.62 168.19 529.62 ST EVAL OF SPCH VALUA & LANG COMP/EXP 92523 HCPCS 444 RC both 546 464.1 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 168.19 168.19 529.62 ST EVAL OF SPCH VALUA & LANG COMP/EXP 92523 HCPCS 444 RC both 546 464.1 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 212.94 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 168.19 529.62 ST EVAL OF SPCH VALUA & LANG COMP/EXP 92523 HCPCS 444 RC both 546 464.1 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 217.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 168.19 529.62 ST EVAL OF SPCH VALUA & LANG COMP/EXP 92523 HCPCS 444 RC both 546 464.1 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 529.62 168.19 529.62 ST EVAL OF SPCH VALUA & LANG COMP/EXP 92523 HCPCS 444 RC both 546 464.1 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 518.7 168.19 529.62 ST BH QAUL ANYLYSIS OF VOICE/REASON 92524 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 277.5 235.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 269.18 104.28 269.18 ST BH QAUL ANYLYSIS OF VOICE/REASON 92524 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 277.5 235.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 127.65 104.28 269.18 ST BH QAUL ANYLYSIS OF VOICE/REASON 92524 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 277.5 235.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 108.23 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 104.28 269.18 ST BH QAUL ANYLYSIS OF VOICE/REASON 92524 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 277.5 235.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 104.28 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 104.28 269.18 ST BH QAUL ANYLYSIS OF VOICE/REASON 92524 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 277.5 235.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 269.18 104.28 269.18 ST BH QAUL ANYLYSIS OF VOICE/REASON 92524 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 277.5 235.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 263.62 104.28 269.18 ST BH QAUL ANYLYSIS OF VOICE/REASON 92524 HCPCS 444 RC both 277.5 235.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 269.18 104.28 269.18 ST BH QAUL ANYLYSIS OF VOICE/REASON 92524 HCPCS 444 RC both 277.5 235.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 127.65 104.28 269.18 ST BH QAUL ANYLYSIS OF VOICE/REASON 92524 HCPCS 444 RC both 277.5 235.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 108.23 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 104.28 269.18 ST BH QAUL ANYLYSIS OF VOICE/REASON 92524 HCPCS 444 RC both 277.5 235.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 104.28 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 104.28 269.18 ST BH QAUL ANYLYSIS OF VOICE/REASON 92524 HCPCS 444 RC both 277.5 235.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 269.18 104.28 269.18 ST BH QAUL ANYLYSIS OF VOICE/REASON 92524 HCPCS 444 RC both 277.5 235.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 263.62 104.28 269.18 ST ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY 92526 HCPCS 440 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 291.48 80.43 291.48 ST ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY 92526 HCPCS 440 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 138.23 80.43 291.48 ST ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY 92526 HCPCS 440 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 117.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 80.43 291.48 ST ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY 92526 HCPCS 440 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 80.43 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 80.43 291.48 ST ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY 92526 HCPCS 440 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 291.48 80.43 291.48 ST ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY 92526 HCPCS 440 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 285.48 80.43 291.48 ST ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY 92526 HCPCS 440 RC both 300.5 255.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 291.48 80.43 291.48 ST ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY 92526 HCPCS 440 RC both 300.5 255.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 138.23 80.43 291.48 ST ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY 92526 HCPCS 440 RC both 300.5 255.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 117.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 80.43 291.48 ST ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY 92526 HCPCS 440 RC both 300.5 255.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 80.43 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 80.43 291.48 ST ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY 92526 HCPCS 440 RC both 300.5 255.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 291.48 80.43 291.48 ST ORAL FUNCTION THERAPY 92526 HCPCS 440 RC both 300.5 255.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 285.48 80.43 291.48 ST EVAL SWALLOWING FUNCTION 92610 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 291.48 80.76 291.48 ST EVAL SWALLOWING FUNCTION 92610 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 138.23 80.76 291.48 ST EVAL SWALLOWING FUNCTION 92610 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 117.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 80.76 291.48 ST EVAL SWALLOWING FUNCTION 92610 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 80.76 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 80.76 291.48 ST EVAL SWALLOWING FUNCTION 92610 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 291.48 80.76 291.48 ST EVAL SWALLOWING FUNCTION 92610 HCPCS 444 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 285.48 80.76 291.48 ST EVAL SWALLOWING FUNCTION 92610 HCPCS 444 RC both 300.5 255.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 291.48 80.76 291.48 ST EVAL SWALLOWING FUNCTION 92610 HCPCS 444 RC both 300.5 255.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 138.23 80.76 291.48 ST EVAL SWALLOWING FUNCTION 92610 HCPCS 444 RC both 300.5 255.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 117.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 80.76 291.48 ST EVAL SWALLOWING FUNCTION 92610 HCPCS 444 RC both 300.5 255.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 80.76 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 80.76 291.48 ST EVAL SWALLOWING FUNCTION 92610 HCPCS 444 RC both 300.5 255.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 291.48 80.76 291.48 ST EVAL SWALLOWING FUNCTION 92610 HCPCS 444 RC both 300.5 255.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 285.48 80.76 291.48 ST ASSESSMENT OF APHASIA 96105 HCPCS 440 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 291.48 91.37 291.48 ST ASSESSMENT OF APHASIA 96105 HCPCS 440 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 138.23 91.37 291.48 ST ASSESSMENT OF APHASIA 96105 HCPCS 440 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 117.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 91.37 291.48 ST ASSESSMENT OF APHASIA 96105 HCPCS 440 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 91.37 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 91.37 291.48 ST ASSESSMENT OF APHASIA 96105 HCPCS 440 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 291.48 91.37 291.48 ST ASSESSMENT OF APHASIA 96105 HCPCS 440 RC GN both 300.5 255.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 285.48 91.37 291.48 ST ASSESSMENT OF APHASIA 96105 HCPCS 440 RC both 300.5 255.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 291.48 91.37 291.48 ST ASSESSMENT OF APHASIA 96105 HCPCS 440 RC both 300.5 255.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 138.23 91.37 291.48 ST ASSESSMENT OF APHASIA 96105 HCPCS 440 RC both 300.5 255.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 117.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 91.37 291.48 ST ASSESSMENT OF APHASIA 96105 HCPCS 440 RC both 300.5 255.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 91.37 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 91.37 291.48 ST ASSESSMENT OF APHASIA 96105 HCPCS 440 RC both 300.5 255.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 291.48 91.37 291.48 ST ASSESSMENT OF APHASIA 96105 HCPCS 440 RC both 300.5 255.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 285.48 91.37 291.48 OT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN W/SCORE &DOC STD 96110 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 21 17.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 20.37 8.19 20.37 OT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN W/SCORE &DOC STD 96110 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 21 17.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 9.66 8.19 20.37 OT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN W/SCORE &DOC STD 96110 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 21 17.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 8.19 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 8.19 20.37 OT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN W/SCORE &DOC STD 96110 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 21 17.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 8.19 20.37 OT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN W/SCORE &DOC STD 96110 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 21 17.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 20.37 8.19 20.37 OT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN W/SCORE &DOC STD 96110 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 21 17.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 19.95 8.19 20.37 OT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN W/SCORE &DOC STD 96110 HCPCS 430 RC both 21 17.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 20.37 8.19 20.37 OT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN W/SCORE &DOC STD 96110 HCPCS 430 RC both 21 17.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 9.66 8.19 20.37 OT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN W/SCORE &DOC STD 96110 HCPCS 430 RC both 21 17.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 8.19 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 8.19 20.37 OT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN W/SCORE &DOC STD 96110 HCPCS 430 RC both 21 17.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 8.19 20.37 OT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN W/SCORE &DOC STD 96110 HCPCS 430 RC both 21 17.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 20.37 8.19 20.37 OT DEVELOPMENTAL SCREEN W/SCORE &DOC STD 96110 HCPCS 430 RC both 21 17.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 19.95 8.19 20.37 ST STANDARD COGNITIVE TESTING 96125 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 305.5 259.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 296.34 97.1 296.34 ST STANDARD COGNITIVE TESTING 96125 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 305.5 259.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 140.53 97.1 296.34 ST STANDARD COGNITIVE TESTING 96125 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 305.5 259.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 119.15 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 97.1 296.34 ST STANDARD COGNITIVE TESTING 96125 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 305.5 259.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 97.1 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 97.1 296.34 ST STANDARD COGNITIVE TESTING 96125 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 305.5 259.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 296.34 97.1 296.34 ST STANDARD COGNITIVE TESTING 96125 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 305.5 259.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 290.22 97.1 296.34 ST STANDARD COGNITIVE TESTING 96125 HCPCS 430 RC both 305.5 259.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 296.34 97.1 296.34 ST STANDARD COGNITIVE TESTING 96125 HCPCS 430 RC both 305.5 259.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 140.53 97.1 296.34 ST STANDARD COGNITIVE TESTING 96125 HCPCS 430 RC both 305.5 259.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 119.15 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 97.1 296.34 ST STANDARD COGNITIVE TESTING 96125 HCPCS 430 RC both 305.5 259.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 97.1 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 97.1 296.34 ST STANDARD COGNITIVE TESTING 96125 HCPCS 430 RC both 305.5 259.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 296.34 97.1 296.34 ST STANDARD COGNITIVE TESTING 96125 HCPCS 430 RC both 305.5 259.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 290.22 97.1 296.34 OT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 62.5 53.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 60.62 24.38 60.62 OT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 62.5 53.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 28.75 24.38 60.62 OT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 62.5 53.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 24.38 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 24.38 60.62 OT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 62.5 53.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 24.38 60.62 OT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 62.5 53.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 60.62 24.38 60.62 OT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 62.5 53.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 59.38 24.38 60.62 OT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 430 RC both 62.5 53.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 60.62 24.38 60.62 OT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 430 RC both 62.5 53.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 28.75 24.38 60.62 OT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 430 RC both 62.5 53.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 24.38 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 24.38 60.62 OT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 430 RC both 62.5 53.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 24.38 60.62 OT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 430 RC both 62.5 53.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 60.62 24.38 60.62 OT E-STIM UNATTENDED 97014 HCPCS 430 RC both 62.5 53.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 59.38 24.38 60.62 OT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 73.5 62.48 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 71.3 5.17 71.3 OT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 73.5 62.48 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 33.81 5.17 71.3 OT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 73.5 62.48 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 28.67 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 5.17 71.3 OT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 73.5 62.48 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 5.17 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 5.17 71.3 OT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 73.5 62.48 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 71.3 5.17 71.3 OT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 73.5 62.48 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 69.82 5.17 71.3 OT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 430 RC both 73.5 62.48 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 71.3 5.17 71.3 OT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 430 RC both 73.5 62.48 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 33.81 5.17 71.3 OT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 430 RC both 73.5 62.48 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 28.67 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 5.17 71.3 OT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 430 RC both 73.5 62.48 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 5.17 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 5.17 71.3 OT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 430 RC both 73.5 62.48 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 71.3 5.17 71.3 OT PARAFFIN BATH 97018 HCPCS 430 RC both 73.5 62.48 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 69.82 5.17 71.3 OT IONTOPHORESIS 97033 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 211 179.35 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 204.67 18.18 204.67 OT IONTOPHORESIS 97033 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 211 179.35 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 97.06 18.18 204.67 OT IONTOPHORESIS 97033 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 211 179.35 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 82.29 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 18.18 204.67 OT IONTOPHORESIS 97033 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 211 179.35 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 18.18 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 18.18 204.67 OT IONTOPHORESIS 97033 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 211 179.35 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 204.67 18.18 204.67 OT IONTOPHORESIS 97033 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 211 179.35 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 200.45 18.18 204.67 OT IONTOPHORESIS 97033 HCPCS 430 RC both 211 179.35 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 204.67 18.18 204.67 OT IONTOPHORESIS 97033 HCPCS 430 RC both 211 179.35 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 97.06 18.18 204.67 OT IONTOPHORESIS 97033 HCPCS 430 RC both 211 179.35 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 82.29 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 18.18 204.67 OT IONTOPHORESIS 97033 HCPCS 430 RC both 211 179.35 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 18.18 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 18.18 204.67 OT IONTOPHORESIS 97033 HCPCS 430 RC both 211 179.35 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 204.67 18.18 204.67 OT IONTOPHORESIS 97033 HCPCS 430 RC both 211 179.35 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 200.45 18.18 204.67 OT CONTRAST BATH THERAPY 97034 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 76 64.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 73.72 13.19 73.72 OT CONTRAST BATH THERAPY 97034 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 76 64.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 34.96 13.19 73.72 OT CONTRAST BATH THERAPY 97034 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 76 64.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 29.64 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.19 73.72 OT CONTRAST BATH THERAPY 97034 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 76 64.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 13.19 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.19 73.72 OT CONTRAST BATH THERAPY 97034 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 76 64.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 73.72 13.19 73.72 OT CONTRAST BATH THERAPY 97034 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 76 64.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 72.2 13.19 73.72 OT CONTRAST BATH THERAPY 97034 HCPCS 430 RC both 76 64.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 73.72 13.19 73.72 OT CONTRAST BATH THERAPY 97034 HCPCS 430 RC both 76 64.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 34.96 13.19 73.72 OT CONTRAST BATH THERAPY 97034 HCPCS 430 RC both 76 64.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 29.64 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.19 73.72 OT CONTRAST BATH THERAPY 97034 HCPCS 430 RC both 76 64.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 13.19 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.19 73.72 OT CONTRAST BATH THERAPY 97034 HCPCS 430 RC both 76 64.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 73.72 13.19 73.72 OT CONTRAST BATH THERAPY 97034 HCPCS 430 RC both 76 64.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 72.2 13.19 73.72 OT ULTRASOUND 97035 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 54.5 46.33 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 52.86 13.19 52.86 OT ULTRASOUND 97035 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 54.5 46.33 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 25.07 13.19 52.86 OT ULTRASOUND 97035 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 54.5 46.33 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 21.26 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.19 52.86 OT ULTRASOUND 97035 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 54.5 46.33 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 13.19 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.19 52.86 OT ULTRASOUND 97035 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 54.5 46.33 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 52.86 13.19 52.86 OT ULTRASOUND 97035 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 54.5 46.33 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 51.78 13.19 52.86 OT ULTRASOUND 97035 HCPCS 430 RC both 54.5 46.33 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 52.86 13.19 52.86 OT ULTRASOUND 97035 HCPCS 430 RC both 54.5 46.33 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 25.07 13.19 52.86 OT ULTRASOUND 97035 HCPCS 430 RC both 54.5 46.33 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 21.26 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.19 52.86 OT ULTRASOUND 97035 HCPCS 430 RC both 54.5 46.33 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 13.19 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.19 52.86 OT ULTRASOUND 97035 HCPCS 430 RC both 54.5 46.33 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 52.86 13.19 52.86 OT ULTRASOUND 97035 HCPCS 430 RC both 54.5 46.33 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 51.78 13.19 52.86 OT THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE EA 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 118 100.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 114.46 26.48 114.46 OT THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE EA 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 118 100.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 26.48 26.48 114.46 OT THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE EA 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 118 100.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 46.02 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 26.48 114.46 OT THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE EA 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 118 100.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 27.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 26.48 114.46 OT THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE EA 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 118 100.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 114.46 26.48 114.46 OT THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE EA 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 118 100.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 112.1 26.48 114.46 OT THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE EA 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 430 RC both 118 100.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 114.46 26.48 114.46 OT THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE EA 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 430 RC both 118 100.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 26.48 26.48 114.46 OT THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE EA 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 430 RC both 118 100.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 46.02 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 26.48 114.46 OT THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE EA 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 430 RC both 118 100.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 27.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 26.48 114.46 OT THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE EA 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 430 RC both 118 100.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 114.46 26.48 114.46 OT THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE EA 15 MIN 97110 HCPCS 430 RC both 118 100.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 112.1 26.48 114.46 OT NEURO RE-ED 97112 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 120.5 102.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 116.88 30.27 116.88 OT NEURO RE-ED 97112 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 120.5 102.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 30.27 30.27 116.88 OT NEURO RE-ED 97112 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 120.5 102.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.27 116.88 OT NEURO RE-ED 97112 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 120.5 102.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 31.91 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.27 116.88 OT NEURO RE-ED 97112 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 120.5 102.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 116.88 30.27 116.88 OT NEURO RE-ED 97112 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 120.5 102.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 114.48 30.27 116.88 OT NEURO RE-ED 97112 HCPCS 430 RC both 120.5 102.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 116.88 30.27 116.88 OT NEURO RE-ED 97112 HCPCS 430 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 30.27 30.27 116.88 OT NEURO RE-ED 97112 HCPCS 430 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.27 116.88 OT NEURO RE-ED 97112 HCPCS 430 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 31.91 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.27 116.88 OT NEURO RE-ED 97112 HCPCS 430 RC both 120.5 102.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 116.88 30.27 116.88 OT NEURO RE-ED 97112 HCPCS 430 RC both 120.5 102.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 114.48 30.27 116.88 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 37.5 31.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 36.38 14.63 36.38 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 37.5 31.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 17.25 14.63 36.38 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 37.5 31.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 14.63 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 14.63 36.38 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 37.5 31.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 21.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 14.63 36.38 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 37.5 31.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 36.38 14.63 36.38 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 37.5 31.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 35.62 14.63 36.38 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 430 RC both 37.5 31.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 36.38 14.63 36.38 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 430 RC both 37.5 31.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 17.25 14.63 36.38 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 430 RC both 37.5 31.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 14.63 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 14.63 36.38 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 430 RC both 37.5 31.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 21.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 14.63 36.38 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 430 RC both 37.5 31.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 36.38 14.63 36.38 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION INITIAL 97129 HCPCS 430 RC both 37.5 31.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 35.62 14.63 36.38 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 35.5 30.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 34.44 13.85 34.44 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 35.5 30.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 16.33 13.85 34.44 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 35.5 30.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 13.85 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.85 34.44 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 35.5 30.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 20.67 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.85 34.44 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 35.5 30.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 34.44 13.85 34.44 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 35.5 30.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 33.72 13.85 34.44 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 430 RC both 35.5 30.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 34.44 13.85 34.44 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 430 RC both 35.5 30.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 16.33 13.85 34.44 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 430 RC both 35.5 30.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 13.85 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.85 34.44 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 430 RC both 35.5 30.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 20.67 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.85 34.44 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 430 RC both 35.5 30.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 34.44 13.85 34.44 OT COGNITIVE FUNCTION ADD ON 97130 HCPCS 430 RC both 35.5 30.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 33.72 13.85 34.44 OT MANUAL THERAPY 97140 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 111.5 94.78 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 108.16 24.33 108.16 OT MANUAL THERAPY 97140 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 111.5 94.78 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 24.33 24.33 108.16 OT MANUAL THERAPY 97140 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 111.5 94.78 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 43.49 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 24.33 108.16 OT MANUAL THERAPY 97140 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 111.5 94.78 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 25.65 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 24.33 108.16 OT MANUAL THERAPY 97140 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 111.5 94.78 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 108.16 24.33 108.16 OT MANUAL THERAPY 97140 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 111.5 94.78 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 105.92 24.33 108.16 OT MANUAL THERAPY 97140 HCPCS 430 RC both 111.5 94.78 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 108.16 24.33 108.16 OT MANUAL THERAPY 97140 HCPCS 430 RC both 111.5 94.78 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 24.33 24.33 108.16 OT MANUAL THERAPY 97140 HCPCS 430 RC both 111.5 94.78 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 43.49 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 24.33 108.16 OT MANUAL THERAPY 97140 HCPCS 430 RC both 111.5 94.78 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 25.65 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 24.33 108.16 OT MANUAL THERAPY 97140 HCPCS 430 RC both 111.5 94.78 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 108.16 24.33 108.16 OT MANUAL THERAPY 97140 HCPCS 430 RC both 111.5 94.78 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 105.92 24.33 108.16 OT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97165 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 241.5 205.28 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 234.26 78.17 234.26 OT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97165 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 241.5 205.28 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 78.17 78.17 234.26 OT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97165 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 241.5 205.28 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 94.19 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 78.17 234.26 OT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97165 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 241.5 205.28 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 96.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 78.17 234.26 OT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97165 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 241.5 205.28 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 234.26 78.17 234.26 OT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97165 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 241.5 205.28 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 229.42 78.17 234.26 OT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97165 HCPCS 434 RC both 241.5 205.28 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 234.26 78.17 234.26 OT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97165 HCPCS 434 RC both 241.5 205.28 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 78.17 78.17 234.26 OT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97165 HCPCS 434 RC both 241.5 205.28 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 94.19 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 78.17 234.26 OT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97165 HCPCS 434 RC both 241.5 205.28 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 96.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 78.17 234.26 OT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97165 HCPCS 434 RC both 241.5 205.28 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 234.26 78.17 234.26 OT EVALUATION LOW COMPLEXITY 97165 HCPCS 434 RC both 241.5 205.28 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 229.42 78.17 234.26 OT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97166 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 269 228.65 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 260.93 96.01 260.93 OT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97166 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 269 228.65 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 123.74 96.01 260.93 OT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97166 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 269 228.65 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 104.91 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 96.01 260.93 OT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97166 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 269 228.65 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 96.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 96.01 260.93 OT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97166 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 269 228.65 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 260.93 96.01 260.93 OT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97166 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 269 228.65 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 255.55 96.01 260.93 OT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97166 HCPCS 434 RC both 269 228.65 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 260.93 96.01 260.93 OT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97166 HCPCS 434 RC both 269 228.65 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 123.74 96.01 260.93 OT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97166 HCPCS 434 RC both 269 228.65 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 104.91 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 96.01 260.93 OT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97166 HCPCS 434 RC both 269 228.65 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 96.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 96.01 260.93 OT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97166 HCPCS 434 RC both 269 228.65 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 260.93 96.01 260.93 OT EVALUATION MODERATE COMPLEXITY 97166 HCPCS 434 RC both 269 228.65 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 255.55 96.01 260.93 OT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97167 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 302 256.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 292.94 96.01 292.94 OT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97167 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 302 256.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 138.92 96.01 292.94 OT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97167 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 302 256.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 117.78 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 96.01 292.94 OT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97167 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 302 256.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 96.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 96.01 292.94 OT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97167 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 302 256.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 292.94 96.01 292.94 OT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97167 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 302 256.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 286.9 96.01 292.94 OT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97167 HCPCS 434 RC both 302 256.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 292.94 96.01 292.94 OT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97167 HCPCS 434 RC both 302 256.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 138.92 96.01 292.94 OT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97167 HCPCS 434 RC both 302 256.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 117.78 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 96.01 292.94 OT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97167 HCPCS 434 RC both 302 256.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 96.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 96.01 292.94 OT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97167 HCPCS 434 RC both 302 256.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 292.94 96.01 292.94 OT EVALUATION HIGH COMPLEXITY 97167 HCPCS 434 RC both 302 256.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 286.9 96.01 292.94 OT RE-EVALUATION 97168 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 241.5 205.28 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 234.26 65.97 234.26 OT RE-EVALUATION 97168 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 241.5 205.28 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 111.09 65.97 234.26 OT RE-EVALUATION 97168 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 241.5 205.28 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 94.19 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 65.97 234.26 OT RE-EVALUATION 97168 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 241.5 205.28 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 65.97 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 65.97 234.26 OT RE-EVALUATION 97168 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 241.5 205.28 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 234.26 65.97 234.26 OT RE-EVALUATION 97168 HCPCS 434 RC GO both 241.5 205.28 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 229.42 65.97 234.26 OT RE-EVALUATION 97168 HCPCS 434 RC both 241.5 205.28 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 234.26 65.97 234.26 OT RE-EVALUATION 97168 HCPCS 434 RC both 241.5 205.28 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 111.09 65.97 234.26 OT RE-EVALUATION 97168 HCPCS 434 RC both 241.5 205.28 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 94.19 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 65.97 234.26 OT RE-EVALUATION 97168 HCPCS 434 RC both 241.5 205.28 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 65.97 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 65.97 234.26 OT RE-EVALUATION 97168 HCPCS 434 RC both 241.5 205.28 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 234.26 65.97 234.26 OT RE-EVALUATION 97168 HCPCS 434 RC both 241.5 205.28 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 229.42 65.97 234.26 OT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIRECT PT CONTAC 97530 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 125 106.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 121.25 33.67 121.25 OT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIRECT PT CONTAC 97530 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 125 106.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 33.67 33.67 121.25 OT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIRECT PT CONTAC 97530 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 125 106.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 48.75 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 33.67 121.25 OT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIRECT PT CONTAC 97530 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 125 106.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 34.45 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 33.67 121.25 OT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIRECT PT CONTAC 97530 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 125 106.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 121.25 33.67 121.25 OT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIRECT PT CONTAC 97530 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 125 106.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 118.75 33.67 121.25 OT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIRECT PT CONTAC 97530 HCPCS 430 RC both 125 106.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 121.25 33.67 121.25 OT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIRECT PT CONTAC 97530 HCPCS 430 RC both 125 106.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 33.67 33.67 121.25 OT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIRECT PT CONTAC 97530 HCPCS 430 RC both 125 106.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 48.75 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 33.67 121.25 OT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIRECT PT CONTAC 97530 HCPCS 430 RC both 125 106.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 34.45 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 33.67 121.25 OT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIRECT PT CONTAC 97530 HCPCS 430 RC both 125 106.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 121.25 33.67 121.25 OT THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY DIRECT PT CONTAC 97530 HCPCS 430 RC both 125 106.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 118.75 33.67 121.25 OT SENSORY INTEGRATIVE TECHNIQUES 97533 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 83.5 70.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 81 32.57 81 OT SENSORY INTEGRATIVE TECHNIQUES 97533 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 83.5 70.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 38.41 32.57 81 OT SENSORY INTEGRATIVE TECHNIQUES 97533 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 83.5 70.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 32.57 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 32.57 81 OT SENSORY INTEGRATIVE TECHNIQUES 97533 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 83.5 70.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 57.84 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 32.57 81 OT SENSORY INTEGRATIVE TECHNIQUES 97533 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 83.5 70.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 81 32.57 81 OT SENSORY INTEGRATIVE TECHNIQUES 97533 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 83.5 70.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 79.32 32.57 81 OT SENSORY INTEGRATIVE TECHNIQUES 97533 HCPCS 430 RC both 83.5 70.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 81 32.57 81 OT SENSORY INTEGRATIVE TECHNIQUES 97533 HCPCS 430 RC both 83.5 70.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 38.41 32.57 81 OT SENSORY INTEGRATIVE TECHNIQUES 97533 HCPCS 430 RC both 83.5 70.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 32.57 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 32.57 81 OT SENSORY INTEGRATIVE TECHNIQUES 97533 HCPCS 430 RC both 83.5 70.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 57.84 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 32.57 81 OT SENSORY INTEGRATIVE TECHNIQUES 97533 HCPCS 430 RC both 83.5 70.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 81 32.57 81 OT SENSORY INTEGRATIVE TECHNIQUES 97533 HCPCS 430 RC both 83.5 70.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 79.32 32.57 81 OT ADLS/ SELF CARE 97535 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 125 106.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 121.25 30.85 121.25 OT ADLS/ SELF CARE 97535 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 125 106.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 57.5 30.85 121.25 OT ADLS/ SELF CARE 97535 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 125 106.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 48.75 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.85 121.25 OT ADLS/ SELF CARE 97535 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 125 106.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.85 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.85 121.25 OT ADLS/ SELF CARE 97535 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 125 106.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 121.25 30.85 121.25 OT ADLS/ SELF CARE 97535 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 125 106.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 118.75 30.85 121.25 OT ADLS/ SELF CARE 97535 HCPCS 430 RC both 125 106.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 121.25 30.85 121.25 OT ADLS/ SELF CARE 97535 HCPCS 430 RC both 125 106.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 57.5 30.85 121.25 OT ADLS/ SELF CARE 97535 HCPCS 430 RC both 125 106.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 48.75 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.85 121.25 OT ADLS/ SELF CARE 97535 HCPCS 430 RC both 125 106.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.85 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.85 121.25 OT ADLS/ SELF CARE 97535 HCPCS 430 RC both 125 106.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 121.25 30.85 121.25 OT ADLS/ SELF CARE 97535 HCPCS 430 RC both 125 106.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 118.75 30.85 121.25 OT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION 15 MIN 97537 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 97 82.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 94.09 30.03 94.09 OT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION 15 MIN 97537 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 97 82.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 44.62 30.03 94.09 OT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION 15 MIN 97537 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 97 82.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 37.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.03 94.09 OT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION 15 MIN 97537 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 97 82.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.03 94.09 OT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION 15 MIN 97537 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 97 82.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 94.09 30.03 94.09 OT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION 15 MIN 97537 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 97 82.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 92.15 30.03 94.09 OT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION 15 MIN 97537 HCPCS 430 RC both 97 82.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 94.09 30.03 94.09 OT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION 15 MIN 97537 HCPCS 430 RC both 97 82.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 44.62 30.03 94.09 OT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION 15 MIN 97537 HCPCS 430 RC both 97 82.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 37.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.03 94.09 OT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION 15 MIN 97537 HCPCS 430 RC both 97 82.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.03 94.09 OT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION 15 MIN 97537 HCPCS 430 RC both 97 82.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 94.09 30.03 94.09 OT COMMUNITY/WORK REINTEGRATION 15 MIN 97537 HCPCS 430 RC both 97 82.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 92.15 30.03 94.09 OT WHEELCHAIR MGMT 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 98.5 83.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 95.54 30.03 95.54 OT WHEELCHAIR MGMT 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 98.5 83.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 45.31 30.03 95.54 OT WHEELCHAIR MGMT 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 98.5 83.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 38.42 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.03 95.54 OT WHEELCHAIR MGMT 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 98.5 83.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.03 95.54 OT WHEELCHAIR MGMT 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 98.5 83.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 95.54 30.03 95.54 OT WHEELCHAIR MGMT 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 98.5 83.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 93.58 30.03 95.54 OT WHEELCHAIR MGMT 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 430 RC both 98.5 83.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 95.54 30.03 95.54 OT WHEELCHAIR MGMT 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 430 RC both 98.5 83.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 45.31 30.03 95.54 OT WHEELCHAIR MGMT 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 430 RC both 98.5 83.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 38.42 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.03 95.54 OT WHEELCHAIR MGMT 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 430 RC both 98.5 83.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.03 95.54 OT WHEELCHAIR MGMT 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 430 RC both 98.5 83.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 95.54 30.03 95.54 OT WHEELCHAIR MGMT 15 MIN 97542 HCPCS 430 RC both 98.5 83.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 93.58 30.03 95.54 OT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 152.5 129.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 147.92 32.06 147.92 OT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 152.5 129.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 70.15 32.06 147.92 OT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 152.5 129.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 59.48 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 32.06 147.92 OT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 152.5 129.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 32.06 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 32.06 147.92 OT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 152.5 129.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 147.92 32.06 147.92 OT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 152.5 129.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 144.88 32.06 147.92 OT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 430 RC both 152.5 129.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 147.92 32.06 147.92 OT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 430 RC both 152.5 129.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 70.15 32.06 147.92 OT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 430 RC both 152.5 129.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 59.48 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 32.06 147.92 OT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 430 RC both 152.5 129.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 32.06 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 32.06 147.92 OT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 430 RC both 152.5 129.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 147.92 32.06 147.92 OT PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE TEST 97750 HCPCS 430 RC both 152.5 129.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 144.88 32.06 147.92 OT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSESS 97755 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 62.5 53.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 60.62 24.38 60.62 OT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSESS 97755 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 62.5 53.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 28.75 24.38 60.62 OT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSESS 97755 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 62.5 53.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 24.38 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 24.38 60.62 OT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSESS 97755 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 62.5 53.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 36.36 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 24.38 60.62 OT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSESS 97755 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 62.5 53.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 60.62 24.38 60.62 OT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSESS 97755 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 62.5 53.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 59.38 24.38 60.62 OT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSESS 97755 HCPCS 430 RC both 62.5 53.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 60.62 24.38 60.62 OT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSESS 97755 HCPCS 430 RC both 62.5 53.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 28.75 24.38 60.62 OT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSESS 97755 HCPCS 430 RC both 62.5 53.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 24.38 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 24.38 60.62 OT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSESS 97755 HCPCS 430 RC both 62.5 53.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 36.36 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 24.38 60.62 OT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSESS 97755 HCPCS 430 RC both 62.5 53.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 60.62 24.38 60.62 OT ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY ASSESS 97755 HCPCS 430 RC both 62.5 53.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 59.38 24.38 60.62 OT BRACE FITTING 97760 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 112 95.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 108.64 40.2 108.64 OT BRACE FITTING 97760 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 112 95.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 40.2 40.2 108.64 OT BRACE FITTING 97760 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 112 95.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 43.68 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 40.2 108.64 OT BRACE FITTING 97760 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 112 95.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 44.6 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 40.2 108.64 OT BRACE FITTING 97760 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 112 95.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 108.64 40.2 108.64 OT BRACE FITTING 97760 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 112 95.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 106.4 40.2 108.64 OT BRACE FITTING 97760 HCPCS 430 RC both 112 95.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 108.64 40.2 108.64 OT BRACE FITTING 97760 HCPCS 430 RC both 112 95.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 40.2 40.2 108.64 OT BRACE FITTING 97760 HCPCS 430 RC both 112 95.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 43.68 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 40.2 108.64 OT BRACE FITTING 97760 HCPCS 430 RC both 112 95.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 44.6 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 40.2 108.64 OT BRACE FITTING 97760 HCPCS 430 RC both 112 95.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 108.64 40.2 108.64 OT BRACE FITTING 97760 HCPCS 430 RC both 112 95.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 106.4 40.2 108.64 OT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 78 66.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 75.66 30.42 75.66 OT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 78 66.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 35.88 30.42 75.66 OT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 78 66.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 30.42 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.42 75.66 OT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 78 66.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.42 75.66 OT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 78 66.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 75.66 30.42 75.66 OT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 430 RC GO both 78 66.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 74.1 30.42 75.66 OT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 430 RC both 45 38.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 43.65 17.55 43.65 OT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 430 RC both 45 38.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 20.7 17.55 43.65 OT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 430 RC both 45 38.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 17.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 17.55 43.65 OT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 430 RC both 45 38.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 17.55 43.65 OT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 430 RC both 45 38.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 43.65 17.55 43.65 OT MEDICAL TEAM CONFERENCE 30 MIN 99366 HCPCS 430 RC both 45 38.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 42.75 17.55 43.65 SEMI-PRIVATE 2 100 RC inpatient 1583 1345.55 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1519.68 918.14 3495 SEMI-PRIVATE 2 100 RC inpatient 1583 1345.55 Medicaid Idaho Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 918.14 918.14 3495 SEMI-PRIVATE 2 100 RC inpatient 1583 1345.55 Medicare A ID JF Default Per Diem 3495 918.14 3495 SEMI-PRIVATE 2 100 RC inpatient 1583 1345.55 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 918.14 3495 SEMI-PRIVATE 2 100 RC inpatient 1583 1345.55 Regence Group Administrators Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1535.51 918.14 3495 SEMI-PRIVATE 2 100 RC inpatient 1583 1345.55 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1503.85 918.14 3495 EXC BE LESION TAL EA ADD 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 116.88 47 120.5 EXC BE LESION TAL EA ADD 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 55.43 47 120.5 EXC BE LESION TAL EA ADD 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 47 120.5 EXC BE LESION TAL EA ADD 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 120.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 47 120.5 EXC BE LESION TAL EA ADD 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 116.88 47 120.5 EXC BE LESION TAL EA ADD 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 114.48 47 120.5 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG EA ADD 11422 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 116.88 47 120.5 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG EA ADD 11422 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 55.43 47 120.5 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG EA ADD 11422 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 47 120.5 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG EA ADD 11422 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 120.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 47 120.5 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG EA ADD 11422 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 116.88 47 120.5 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG EA ADD 11422 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 114.48 47 120.5 "LAYER CLOSE S,A,T,E EA ADD" 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 116.88 47 120.5 "LAYER CLOSE S,A,T,E EA ADD" 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 55.43 47 120.5 "LAYER CLOSE S,A,T,E EA ADD" 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 47 120.5 "LAYER CLOSE S,A,T,E EA ADD" 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 120.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 47 120.5 "LAYER CLOSE S,A,T,E EA ADD" 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 116.88 47 120.5 "LAYER CLOSE S,A,T,E EA ADD" 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 120.5 102.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 114.48 47 120.5 NERVE BLOCK/INJ 1991 HCPCS 761 RC both 190.5 161.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 184.78 1.98 184.78 NERVE BLOCK/INJ 1991 HCPCS 761 RC both 190.5 161.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 87.63 1.98 184.78 NERVE BLOCK/INJ 1991 HCPCS 761 RC both 190.5 161.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 74.3 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 1.98 184.78 NERVE BLOCK/INJ 1991 HCPCS 761 RC both 190.5 161.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 1.98 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 1.98 184.78 NERVE BLOCK/INJ 1991 HCPCS 761 RC both 190.5 161.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 184.78 1.98 184.78 NERVE BLOCK/INJ 1991 HCPCS 761 RC both 190.5 161.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 180.98 1.98 184.78 NERVE BLOCK 1992 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.58 1.98 708.58 NERVE BLOCK 1992 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 336.03 1.98 708.58 NERVE BLOCK 1992 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 284.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 1.98 708.58 NERVE BLOCK 1992 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 1.98 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 1.98 708.58 NERVE BLOCK 1992 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 708.58 1.98 708.58 NERVE BLOCK 1992 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 693.98 1.98 708.58 BIVALENT BOOSTER ADMIN 0031A HCPCS 771 RC both 58 49.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 56.26 22.62 56.26 BIVALENT BOOSTER ADMIN 0031A HCPCS 771 RC both 58 49.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 26.68 22.62 56.26 BIVALENT BOOSTER ADMIN 0031A HCPCS 771 RC both 58 49.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 22.62 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 22.62 56.26 BIVALENT BOOSTER ADMIN 0031A HCPCS 771 RC both 58 49.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 22.62 56.26 BIVALENT BOOSTER ADMIN 0031A HCPCS 771 RC both 58 49.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 56.26 22.62 56.26 BIVALENT BOOSTER ADMIN 0031A HCPCS 771 RC both 58 49.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 55.1 22.62 56.26 TSE PRIORITY 1 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1478.5 1256.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1434.14 576.62 1434.14 TSE PRIORITY 1 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1478.5 1256.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 680.11 576.62 1434.14 TSE PRIORITY 1 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1478.5 1256.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 576.62 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 576.62 1434.14 TSE PRIORITY 1 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1478.5 1256.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 576.62 1434.14 TSE PRIORITY 1 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1478.5 1256.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1434.14 576.62 1434.14 TSE PRIORITY 1 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1478.5 1256.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1404.58 576.62 1434.14 TSE PRIORITY 2 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1301 1105.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1261.97 507.39 1261.97 TSE PRIORITY 2 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1301 1105.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 598.46 507.39 1261.97 TSE PRIORITY 2 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1301 1105.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 507.39 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 507.39 1261.97 TSE PRIORITY 2 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1301 1105.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 507.39 1261.97 TSE PRIORITY 2 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1301 1105.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1261.97 507.39 1261.97 TSE PRIORITY 2 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1301 1105.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1235.95 507.39 1261.97 TSE PRIORITY 3 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1133 963.05 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1099.01 441.87 1099.01 TSE PRIORITY 3 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1133 963.05 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 521.18 441.87 1099.01 TSE PRIORITY 3 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1133 963.05 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 441.87 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 441.87 1099.01 TSE PRIORITY 3 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1133 963.05 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 441.87 1099.01 TSE PRIORITY 3 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1133 963.05 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1099.01 441.87 1099.01 TSE PRIORITY 3 G0390 HCPCS 684 RC both 1133 963.05 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1076.35 441.87 1099.01 2X2 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 522.83 210.21 522.83 2X2 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 247.94 210.21 522.83 2X2 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 210.21 522.83 2X2 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 210.21 522.83 2X2 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 522.83 210.21 522.83 2X2 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 512.05 210.21 522.83 FINE NEEDLE 10021 HCPCS 761 RC both 294.5 250.33 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 285.66 92.96 285.66 FINE NEEDLE 10021 HCPCS 761 RC both 294.5 250.33 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 135.47 92.96 285.66 FINE NEEDLE 10021 HCPCS 761 RC both 294.5 250.33 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 114.86 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 92.96 285.66 FINE NEEDLE 10021 HCPCS 761 RC both 294.5 250.33 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 92.96 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 92.96 285.66 FINE NEEDLE 10021 HCPCS 761 RC both 294.5 250.33 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 285.66 92.96 285.66 FINE NEEDLE 10021 HCPCS 761 RC both 294.5 250.33 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 279.78 92.96 285.66 FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION; W/IMAGE GUIDANCE 10022 HCPCS 761 RC both 337.5 286.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 327.38 131.63 327.38 FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION; W/IMAGE GUIDANCE 10022 HCPCS 761 RC both 337.5 286.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 155.25 131.63 327.38 FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION; W/IMAGE GUIDANCE 10022 HCPCS 761 RC both 337.5 286.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 131.63 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 131.63 327.38 FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION; W/IMAGE GUIDANCE 10022 HCPCS 761 RC both 337.5 286.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 132.54 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 131.63 327.38 FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION; W/IMAGE GUIDANCE 10022 HCPCS 761 RC both 337.5 286.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 327.38 131.63 327.38 FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION; W/IMAGE GUIDANCE 10022 HCPCS 761 RC both 337.5 286.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 320.62 131.63 327.38 I&D OF ABSCESS 10060 HCPCS 761 RC both 392.5 333.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 380.72 117.56 380.72 I&D OF ABSCESS 10060 HCPCS 761 RC both 392.5 333.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 180.55 117.56 380.72 I&D OF ABSCESS 10060 HCPCS 761 RC both 392.5 333.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 153.08 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 117.56 380.72 I&D OF ABSCESS 10060 HCPCS 761 RC both 392.5 333.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 117.56 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 117.56 380.72 I&D OF ABSCESS 10060 HCPCS 761 RC both 392.5 333.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 380.72 117.56 380.72 I&D OF ABSCESS 10060 HCPCS 761 RC both 392.5 333.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 372.88 117.56 380.72 I&D ABSCESS COMPLICATED/MULTI 10061 HCPCS 761 RC both 539.5 458.58 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 523.32 198.3 523.32 I&D ABSCESS COMPLICATED/MULTI 10061 HCPCS 761 RC both 539.5 458.58 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 248.17 198.3 523.32 I&D ABSCESS COMPLICATED/MULTI 10061 HCPCS 761 RC both 539.5 458.58 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.41 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 198.3 523.32 I&D ABSCESS COMPLICATED/MULTI 10061 HCPCS 761 RC both 539.5 458.58 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 198.3 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 198.3 523.32 I&D ABSCESS COMPLICATED/MULTI 10061 HCPCS 761 RC both 539.5 458.58 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 523.32 198.3 523.32 I&D ABSCESS COMPLICATED/MULTI 10061 HCPCS 761 RC both 539.5 458.58 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 512.52 198.3 523.32 I&D FOREIGN BODY SUBCU TISS SIMPLE 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 448.5 381.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 435.04 174.92 435.04 I&D FOREIGN BODY SUBCU TISS SIMPLE 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 448.5 381.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 206.31 174.92 435.04 I&D FOREIGN BODY SUBCU TISS SIMPLE 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 448.5 381.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 174.92 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 174.92 435.04 I&D FOREIGN BODY SUBCU TISS SIMPLE 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 448.5 381.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 241.49 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 174.92 435.04 I&D FOREIGN BODY SUBCU TISS SIMPLE 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 448.5 381.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 435.04 174.92 435.04 I&D FOREIGN BODY SUBCU TISS SIMPLE 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 448.5 381.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 426.08 174.92 435.04 I&D HEMATOMA/SEROMA 10140 HCPCS 761 RC both 1255 1066.75 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1217.35 156.47 1217.35 I&D HEMATOMA/SEROMA 10140 HCPCS 761 RC both 1255 1066.75 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 577.3 156.47 1217.35 I&D HEMATOMA/SEROMA 10140 HCPCS 761 RC both 1255 1066.75 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 489.45 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 156.47 1217.35 I&D HEMATOMA/SEROMA 10140 HCPCS 761 RC both 1255 1066.75 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 156.47 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 156.47 1217.35 I&D HEMATOMA/SEROMA 10140 HCPCS 761 RC both 1255 1066.75 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1217.35 156.47 1217.35 I&D HEMATOMA/SEROMA 10140 HCPCS 761 RC both 1255 1066.75 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1192.25 156.47 1217.35 APIRATION ABSCESS/HEMA/CYST/SKIN/SUBQ 10160 HCPCS 761 RC both 360.5 306.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 349.68 119.63 349.68 APIRATION ABSCESS/HEMA/CYST/SKIN/SUBQ 10160 HCPCS 761 RC both 360.5 306.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 165.83 119.63 349.68 APIRATION ABSCESS/HEMA/CYST/SKIN/SUBQ 10160 HCPCS 761 RC both 360.5 306.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 140.6 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 119.63 349.68 APIRATION ABSCESS/HEMA/CYST/SKIN/SUBQ 10160 HCPCS 761 RC both 360.5 306.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 119.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 119.63 349.68 APIRATION ABSCESS/HEMA/CYST/SKIN/SUBQ 10160 HCPCS 761 RC both 360.5 306.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 349.68 119.63 349.68 APIRATION ABSCESS/HEMA/CYST/SKIN/SUBQ 10160 HCPCS 761 RC both 360.5 306.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 342.48 119.63 349.68 I&D COMPLEX POST OP/INFECT 10180 HCPCS 761 RC both 892.5 758.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 865.72 238.84 865.72 I&D COMPLEX POST OP/INFECT 10180 HCPCS 761 RC both 892.5 758.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 410.55 238.84 865.72 I&D COMPLEX POST OP/INFECT 10180 HCPCS 761 RC both 892.5 758.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 348.08 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 238.84 865.72 I&D COMPLEX POST OP/INFECT 10180 HCPCS 761 RC both 892.5 758.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 238.84 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 238.84 865.72 I&D COMPLEX POST OP/INFECT 10180 HCPCS 761 RC both 892.5 758.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 865.72 238.84 865.72 I&D COMPLEX POST OP/INFECT 10180 HCPCS 761 RC both 892.5 758.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 847.88 238.84 865.72 "DEBRIDEMENT, SUB 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11042 HCPCS 761 RC both 303.5 257.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 294.4 118.37 294.4 "DEBRIDEMENT, SUB 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11042 HCPCS 761 RC both 303.5 257.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 139.61 118.37 294.4 "DEBRIDEMENT, SUB 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11042 HCPCS 761 RC both 303.5 257.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 118.37 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 118.37 294.4 "DEBRIDEMENT, SUB 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11042 HCPCS 761 RC both 303.5 257.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 119.04 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 118.37 294.4 "DEBRIDEMENT, SUB 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11042 HCPCS 761 RC both 303.5 257.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 294.4 118.37 294.4 "DEBRIDEMENT, SUB 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11042 HCPCS 761 RC both 303.5 257.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 288.32 118.37 294.4 "DEBRIDEMENT, 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11043 HCPCS 761 RC both 551.5 468.78 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 534.96 213.59 534.96 "DEBRIDEMENT, 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11043 HCPCS 761 RC both 551.5 468.78 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 253.69 213.59 534.96 "DEBRIDEMENT, 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11043 HCPCS 761 RC both 551.5 468.78 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 215.09 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 213.59 534.96 "DEBRIDEMENT, 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11043 HCPCS 761 RC both 551.5 468.78 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 213.59 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 213.59 534.96 "DEBRIDEMENT, 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11043 HCPCS 761 RC both 551.5 468.78 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 534.96 213.59 534.96 "DEBRIDEMENT, 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11043 HCPCS 761 RC both 551.5 468.78 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 523.92 213.59 534.96 "DEBRIDEMENT, BONE FIRST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11044 HCPCS 761 RC both 1071 910.35 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1038.87 285.34 1038.87 "DEBRIDEMENT, BONE FIRST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11044 HCPCS 761 RC both 1071 910.35 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 492.66 285.34 1038.87 "DEBRIDEMENT, BONE FIRST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11044 HCPCS 761 RC both 1071 910.35 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 417.69 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 285.34 1038.87 "DEBRIDEMENT, BONE FIRST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11044 HCPCS 761 RC both 1071 910.35 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 285.34 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 285.34 1038.87 "DEBRIDEMENT, BONE FIRST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11044 HCPCS 761 RC both 1071 910.35 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1038.87 285.34 1038.87 "DEBRIDEMENT, BONE FIRST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11044 HCPCS 761 RC both 1071 910.35 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1017.45 285.34 1038.87 "DEBRIDEMENT, SUB ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11045 HCPCS 761 RC both 524 445.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 508.28 36.61 508.28 "DEBRIDEMENT, SUB ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11045 HCPCS 761 RC both 524 445.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 241.04 36.61 508.28 "DEBRIDEMENT, SUB ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11045 HCPCS 761 RC both 524 445.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 204.36 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 36.61 508.28 "DEBRIDEMENT, SUB ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11045 HCPCS 761 RC both 524 445.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 36.61 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 36.61 508.28 "DEBRIDEMENT, SUB ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11045 HCPCS 761 RC both 524 445.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 508.28 36.61 508.28 "DEBRIDEMENT, SUB ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11045 HCPCS 761 RC both 524 445.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 497.8 36.61 508.28 "DEBRIDEMENT, MUSCLE ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11046 HCPCS 761 RC both 606.5 515.53 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 588.3 66.52 588.3 "DEBRIDEMENT, MUSCLE ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11046 HCPCS 761 RC both 606.5 515.53 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 278.99 66.52 588.3 "DEBRIDEMENT, MUSCLE ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11046 HCPCS 761 RC both 606.5 515.53 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 236.54 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 66.52 588.3 "DEBRIDEMENT, MUSCLE ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11046 HCPCS 761 RC both 606.5 515.53 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 66.52 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 66.52 588.3 "DEBRIDEMENT, MUSCLE ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11046 HCPCS 761 RC both 606.5 515.53 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 588.3 66.52 588.3 "DEBRIDEMENT, MUSCLE ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11046 HCPCS 761 RC both 606.5 515.53 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 576.18 66.52 588.3 "DEBRIDEMENT, BONE ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11047 HCPCS 761 RC both 792 673.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 768.24 109.72 768.24 "DEBRIDEMENT, BONE ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11047 HCPCS 761 RC both 792 673.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 364.32 109.72 768.24 "DEBRIDEMENT, BONE ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11047 HCPCS 761 RC both 792 673.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 308.88 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 109.72 768.24 "DEBRIDEMENT, BONE ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11047 HCPCS 761 RC both 792 673.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 109.72 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 109.72 768.24 "DEBRIDEMENT, BONE ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11047 HCPCS 761 RC both 792 673.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 768.24 109.72 768.24 "DEBRIDEMENT, BONE ADD 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11047 HCPCS 761 RC both 792 673.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 752.4 109.72 768.24 BIOPSY OF SKIN 11100 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 332.22 98.73 332.22 BIOPSY OF SKIN 11100 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 157.55 98.73 332.22 BIOPSY OF SKIN 11100 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 133.58 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 98.73 332.22 BIOPSY OF SKIN 11100 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 98.73 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 98.73 332.22 BIOPSY OF SKIN 11100 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 332.22 98.73 332.22 BIOPSY OF SKIN 11100 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 325.38 98.73 332.22 BIOPSY OF SKIN EA/SEPERATE ADD 11101 HCPCS 761 RC both 204 173.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 197.88 30.8 197.88 BIOPSY OF SKIN EA/SEPERATE ADD 11101 HCPCS 761 RC both 204 173.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 93.84 30.8 197.88 BIOPSY OF SKIN EA/SEPERATE ADD 11101 HCPCS 761 RC both 204 173.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 79.56 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.8 197.88 BIOPSY OF SKIN EA/SEPERATE ADD 11101 HCPCS 761 RC both 204 173.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.8 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.8 197.88 BIOPSY OF SKIN EA/SEPERATE ADD 11101 HCPCS 761 RC both 204 173.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 197.88 30.8 197.88 BIOPSY OF SKIN EA/SEPERATE ADD 11101 HCPCS 761 RC both 204 173.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 193.8 30.8 197.88 EXC TONGUE LESION W CLOSURE 41113 HCPCS 761 RC both 897.5 762.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 870.58 333.42 870.58 EXC TONGUE LESION W CLOSURE 41113 HCPCS 761 RC both 897.5 762.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 412.85 333.42 870.58 EXC TONGUE LESION W CLOSURE 41113 HCPCS 761 RC both 897.5 762.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 350.03 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 333.42 870.58 EXC TONGUE LESION W CLOSURE 41113 HCPCS 761 RC both 897.5 762.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 333.42 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 333.42 870.58 EXC TONGUE LESION W CLOSURE 41113 HCPCS 761 RC both 897.5 762.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 870.58 333.42 870.58 EXC TONGUE LESION W CLOSURE 41113 HCPCS 761 RC both 897.5 762.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 852.62 333.42 870.58 REMOVAL SKIN TAGS<15 11200 HCPCS 761 RC both 246 209.1 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 238.62 85.5 238.62 REMOVAL SKIN TAGS<15 11200 HCPCS 761 RC both 246 209.1 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 113.16 85.5 238.62 REMOVAL SKIN TAGS<15 11200 HCPCS 761 RC both 246 209.1 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 95.94 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 85.5 238.62 REMOVAL SKIN TAGS<15 11200 HCPCS 761 RC both 246 209.1 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 85.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 85.5 238.62 REMOVAL SKIN TAGS<15 11200 HCPCS 761 RC both 246 209.1 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 238.62 85.5 238.62 REMOVAL SKIN TAGS<15 11200 HCPCS 761 RC both 246 209.1 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 233.7 85.5 238.62 REMOVAL SKIN TAGS<15 EA ADD 10 TAGS 11201 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 228.44 17.07 228.44 REMOVAL SKIN TAGS<15 EA ADD 10 TAGS 11201 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 108.33 17.07 228.44 REMOVAL SKIN TAGS<15 EA ADD 10 TAGS 11201 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 91.85 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 17.07 228.44 REMOVAL SKIN TAGS<15 EA ADD 10 TAGS 11201 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 17.07 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 17.07 228.44 REMOVAL SKIN TAGS<15 EA ADD 10 TAGS 11201 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 228.44 17.07 228.44 REMOVAL SKIN TAGS<15 EA ADD 10 TAGS 11201 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 223.72 17.07 228.44 SHAVE SKIN LESION 11300 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 176.54 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION 11300 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 83.72 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION 11300 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 70.98 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION 11300 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 92.08 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION 11300 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 176.54 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION 11300 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 172.9 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION 1.1 >2.0CM 11302 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 176.54 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION 1.1 >2.0CM 11302 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 83.72 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION 1.1 >2.0CM 11302 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 70.98 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION 1.1 >2.0CM 11302 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 126.11 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION 1.1 >2.0CM 11302 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 176.54 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION 1.1 >2.0CM 11302 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 172.9 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11306 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 176.54 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11306 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 83.72 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11306 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 70.98 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11306 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 112.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11306 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 176.54 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11306 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 172.9 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION FEENLM 11310 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 176.54 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION FEENLM 11310 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 83.72 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION FEENLM 11310 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 70.98 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION FEENLM 11310 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 106.29 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION FEENLM 11310 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 176.54 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION FEENLM 11310 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 172.9 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION FEENLM 0.6-1.0 11311 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 176.54 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION FEENLM 0.6-1.0 11311 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 83.72 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION FEENLM 0.6-1.0 11311 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 70.98 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION FEENLM 0.6-1.0 11311 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 125.81 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION FEENLM 0.6-1.0 11311 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 176.54 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION FEENLM 0.6-1.0 11311 HCPCS 761 RC both 182 154.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 172.9 70.98 176.54 SHAVE SKIN LESION >2.0 CM 11313 HCPCS 761 RC both 238 202.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 230.86 92.82 230.86 SHAVE SKIN LESION >2.0 CM 11313 HCPCS 761 RC both 238 202.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 109.48 92.82 230.86 SHAVE SKIN LESION >2.0 CM 11313 HCPCS 761 RC both 238 202.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 92.82 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 92.82 230.86 SHAVE SKIN LESION >2.0 CM 11313 HCPCS 761 RC both 238 202.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 166.74 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 92.82 230.86 SHAVE SKIN LESION >2.0 CM 11313 HCPCS 761 RC both 238 202.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 230.86 92.82 230.86 SHAVE SKIN LESION >2.0 CM 11313 HCPCS 761 RC both 238 202.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 226.1 92.82 230.86 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L <.5CM" 11400 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 117.94 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L <.5CM" 11400 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 117.94 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L <.5CM" 11400 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 117.94 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L <.5CM" 11400 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 117.94 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 117.94 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L <.5CM" 11400 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 117.94 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L <.5CM" 11400 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 117.94 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 06-1.0CM" 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 06-1.0CM" 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 06-1.0CM" 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 06-1.0CM" 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 143.9 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 06-1.0CM" 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 06-1.0CM" 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11402 HCPCS 761 RC both 375 318.75 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 363.75 146.25 363.75 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11402 HCPCS 761 RC both 375 318.75 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 172.5 146.25 363.75 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11402 HCPCS 761 RC both 375 318.75 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 146.25 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 146.25 363.75 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11402 HCPCS 761 RC both 375 318.75 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 158.48 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 146.25 363.75 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11402 HCPCS 761 RC both 375 318.75 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 363.75 146.25 363.75 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11402 HCPCS 761 RC both 375 318.75 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 356.25 146.25 363.75 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 2.1-3.0CM" 11403 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 2.1-3.0CM" 11403 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 2.1-3.0CM" 11403 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 2.1-3.0CM" 11403 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 182.36 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 2.1-3.0CM" 11403 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 2.1-3.0CM" 11403 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 3.1-4.0CM" 11404 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 3.1-4.0CM" 11404 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 3.1-4.0CM" 11404 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 3.1-4.0CM" 11404 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 205.88 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 3.1-4.0CM" 11404 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L 3.1-4.0CM" 11404 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L >4.0CM" 11406 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L >4.0CM" 11406 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L >4.0CM" 11406 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L >4.0CM" 11406 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 292.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L >4.0CM" 11406 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 "EXC BENIGN LESION T,A,L >4.0CM" 11406 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG <.5CM 11420 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 117.13 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG <.5CM 11420 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 117.13 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG <.5CM 11420 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 117.13 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG <.5CM 11420 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 117.13 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 117.13 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG <.5CM 11420 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 117.13 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG <.5CM 11420 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 117.13 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11421 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11421 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11421 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11421 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 147.66 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11421 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11421 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 11422 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 11422 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 11422 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 11422 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 165.54 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 11422 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 11422 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 11423 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 11423 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 11423 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 11423 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 189.69 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 11423 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 11423 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0CM 11424 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0CM 11424 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0CM 11424 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0CM 11424 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 219.11 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0CM 11424 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0CM 11424 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG >4.0CM 11426 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG >4.0CM 11426 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG >4.0CM 11426 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG >4.0CM 11426 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 302.08 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG >4.0CM 11426 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION SNHFG >4.0CM 11426 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL <.5CM 11640 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL <.5CM 11640 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL <.5CM 11640 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL <.5CM 11640 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 187.27 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL <.5CM 11640 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL <.5CM 11640 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 11441 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 11441 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 11441 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 11441 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 160.69 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 11441 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 11441 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 11642 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 11642 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 11642 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 11642 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 247.18 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 11642 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 11642 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 11643 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 11643 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 11643 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 11643 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 290.16 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 11643 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 11643 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 11644 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 355.5 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 11644 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 355.5 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 11644 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 355.5 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 11644 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 355.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 355.5 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 11644 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 355.5 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 11644 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 355.5 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL >4.0CM 11646 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 355.5 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL >4.0CM 11646 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 355.5 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL >4.0CM 11646 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 355.5 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL >4.0CM 11646 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 355.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 355.5 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL >4.0CM 11646 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 355.5 EXC BENIGN LESION FEENL >4.0CM 11646 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 355.5 "EXC LESION T,A,L <.5" 11600 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 181.56 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L <.5" 11600 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 181.56 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L <.5" 11600 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 181.56 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L <.5" 11600 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 181.56 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 181.56 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L <.5" 11600 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 181.56 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L <.5" 11600 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 181.56 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L .6-1.00CM" 11601 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 210.87 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L .6-1.00CM" 11601 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 210.87 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L .6-1.00CM" 11601 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 210.87 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L .6-1.00CM" 11601 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 210.87 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 210.87 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L .6-1.00CM" 11601 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 210.87 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L .6-1.00CM" 11601 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 210.87 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11602 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 "EXC LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11602 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 "EXC LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11602 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 "EXC LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11602 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 225.99 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 "EXC LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11602 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 "EXC LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11602 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 "EXC LESION T,A,L 2.1-3.0" 11603 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L 2.1-3.0" 11603 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L 2.1-3.0" 11603 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L 2.1-3.0" 11603 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 257.17 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L 2.1-3.0" 11603 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L 2.1-3.0" 11603 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L 3.1-4.0CM" 11604 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L 3.1-4.0CM" 11604 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L 3.1-4.0CM" 11604 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L 3.1-4.0CM" 11604 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 286.06 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L 3.1-4.0CM" 11604 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L 3.1-4.0CM" 11604 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L >4.0" 11606 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L >4.0" 11606 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L >4.0" 11606 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L >4.0" 11606 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 410.16 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L >4.0" 11606 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 "EXC LESION T,A,L >4.0" 11606 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG <.5CM 11620 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 182.35 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG <.5CM 11620 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 182.35 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG <.5CM 11620 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 182.35 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG <.5CM 11620 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 182.35 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 182.35 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG <.5CM 11620 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 182.35 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG <.5CM 11620 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 182.35 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11621 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 211.36 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11621 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 211.36 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11621 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 211.36 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11621 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 211.36 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 211.36 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11621 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 211.36 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 11621 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 211.36 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 11622 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 11622 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 11622 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 11622 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 233.68 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 11622 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 11622 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 11623 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 11623 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 11623 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 11623 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 272.88 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 11623 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 11623 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0cm 11624 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0cm 11624 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0cm 11624 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0cm 11624 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 310.13 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0cm 11624 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0cm 11624 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHF >4.0 11626 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHF >4.0 11626 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHF >4.0 11626 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHF >4.0 11626 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 371.71 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHF >4.0 11626 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION SNHF >4.0 11626 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL <.5CM 11640 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 187.27 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL <.5CM 11640 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 187.27 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL <.5CM 11640 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 187.27 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL <.5CM 11640 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 187.27 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 187.27 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL <.5CM 11640 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 187.27 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL <.5CM 11640 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 187.27 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 11641 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 11641 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 11641 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 11641 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 218.43 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 11641 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 11641 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 11642 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 11642 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 11642 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 11642 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 247.18 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 11642 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 11642 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 11643 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 11643 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 11643 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 11643 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 290.16 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 11643 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 11643 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 11644 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 11644 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 11644 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 11644 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 357.7 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 11644 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 11644 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL >4.0CM 11646 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL >4.0CM 11646 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL >4.0CM 11646 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL >4.0CM 11646 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 462.95 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL >4.0CM 11646 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 EXC LESION FEENL >4.0CM 11646 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 NAIL REMOVEL 1 11730 HCPCS 761 RC both 416.5 354.03 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 404 106.46 404 NAIL REMOVEL 1 11730 HCPCS 761 RC both 416.5 354.03 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 191.59 106.46 404 NAIL REMOVEL 1 11730 HCPCS 761 RC both 416.5 354.03 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 162.44 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 106.46 404 NAIL REMOVEL 1 11730 HCPCS 761 RC both 416.5 354.03 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 106.46 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 106.46 404 NAIL REMOVEL 1 11730 HCPCS 761 RC both 416.5 354.03 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 404 106.46 404 NAIL REMOVEL 1 11730 HCPCS 761 RC both 416.5 354.03 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 395.68 106.46 404 NAIL REMOVEL EA ADD 11732 HCPCS 761 RC both 221.5 188.28 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 214.86 30.64 214.86 NAIL REMOVEL EA ADD 11732 HCPCS 761 RC both 221.5 188.28 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 101.89 30.64 214.86 NAIL REMOVEL EA ADD 11732 HCPCS 761 RC both 221.5 188.28 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 86.39 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.64 214.86 NAIL REMOVEL EA ADD 11732 HCPCS 761 RC both 221.5 188.28 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.64 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.64 214.86 NAIL REMOVEL EA ADD 11732 HCPCS 761 RC both 221.5 188.28 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 214.86 30.64 214.86 NAIL REMOVEL EA ADD 11732 HCPCS 761 RC both 221.5 188.28 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 210.42 30.64 214.86 DRAIN BLOOD UNDER NAIL 11740 HCPCS 761 RC both 219 186.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 212.43 53.28 212.43 DRAIN BLOOD UNDER NAIL 11740 HCPCS 761 RC both 219 186.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 100.74 53.28 212.43 DRAIN BLOOD UNDER NAIL 11740 HCPCS 761 RC both 219 186.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 85.41 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 53.28 212.43 DRAIN BLOOD UNDER NAIL 11740 HCPCS 761 RC both 219 186.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 53.28 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 53.28 212.43 DRAIN BLOOD UNDER NAIL 11740 HCPCS 761 RC both 219 186.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 212.43 53.28 212.43 DRAIN BLOOD UNDER NAIL 11740 HCPCS 761 RC both 219 186.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 208.05 53.28 212.43 NAIL-MATRIX EXC 11750 HCPCS 761 RC both 778.5 661.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 755.14 149.19 755.14 NAIL-MATRIX EXC 11750 HCPCS 761 RC both 778.5 661.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 358.11 149.19 755.14 NAIL-MATRIX EXC 11750 HCPCS 761 RC both 778.5 661.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 303.62 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 149.19 755.14 NAIL-MATRIX EXC 11750 HCPCS 761 RC both 778.5 661.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 149.19 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 149.19 755.14 NAIL-MATRIX EXC 11750 HCPCS 761 RC both 778.5 661.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 755.14 149.19 755.14 NAIL-MATRIX EXC 11750 HCPCS 761 RC both 778.5 661.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 739.58 149.19 755.14 WEDGE-EXC SIN-TOENAIL 11765 HCPCS 761 RC both 577.5 490.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 560.18 153.37 560.18 WEDGE-EXC SIN-TOENAIL 11765 HCPCS 761 RC both 577.5 490.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 265.65 153.37 560.18 WEDGE-EXC SIN-TOENAIL 11765 HCPCS 761 RC both 577.5 490.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 225.23 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 153.37 560.18 WEDGE-EXC SIN-TOENAIL 11765 HCPCS 761 RC both 577.5 490.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 153.37 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 153.37 560.18 WEDGE-EXC SIN-TOENAIL 11765 HCPCS 761 RC both 577.5 490.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 560.18 153.37 560.18 WEDGE-EXC SIN-TOENAIL 11765 HCPCS 761 RC both 577.5 490.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 548.62 153.37 560.18 "LAYER CLOSE S,A,T,E 2.5CM >LESS" 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 400 340 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 388 156 388 "LAYER CLOSE S,A,T,E 2.5CM >LESS" 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 400 340 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 184 156 388 "LAYER CLOSE S,A,T,E 2.5CM >LESS" 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 400 340 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 156 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 156 388 "LAYER CLOSE S,A,T,E 2.5CM >LESS" 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 400 340 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 241.49 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 156 388 "LAYER CLOSE S,A,T,E 2.5CM >LESS" 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 400 340 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 388 156 388 "LAYER CLOSE S,A,T,E 2.5CM >LESS" 12031 HCPCS 761 RC both 400 340 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 380 156 388 LAYER CLOSE SATE 2.6>7.5 12032 HCPCS 761 RC both 572.5 486.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 555.32 223.28 555.32 LAYER CLOSE SATE 2.6>7.5 12032 HCPCS 761 RC both 572.5 486.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 263.35 223.28 555.32 LAYER CLOSE SATE 2.6>7.5 12032 HCPCS 761 RC both 572.5 486.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 223.28 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 223.28 555.32 LAYER CLOSE SATE 2.6>7.5 12032 HCPCS 761 RC both 572.5 486.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 279.66 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 223.28 555.32 LAYER CLOSE SATE 2.6>7.5 12032 HCPCS 761 RC both 572.5 486.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 555.32 223.28 555.32 LAYER CLOSE SATE 2.6>7.5 12032 HCPCS 761 RC both 572.5 486.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 543.88 223.28 555.32 LAYER CLOSE SATE 7.6>12.5 12034 HCPCS 761 RC both 705 599.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 683.85 274.95 683.85 LAYER CLOSE SATE 7.6>12.5 12034 HCPCS 761 RC both 705 599.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 324.3 274.95 683.85 LAYER CLOSE SATE 7.6>12.5 12034 HCPCS 761 RC both 705 599.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 274.95 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 274.95 683.85 LAYER CLOSE SATE 7.6>12.5 12034 HCPCS 761 RC both 705 599.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 307.51 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 274.95 683.85 LAYER CLOSE SATE 7.6>12.5 12034 HCPCS 761 RC both 705 599.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 683.85 274.95 683.85 LAYER CLOSE SATE 7.6>12.5 12034 HCPCS 761 RC both 705 599.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 669.75 274.95 683.85 "LAYER CLOSE N,H,F,G 2.5>LESS" 12041 HCPCS 761 RC both 540 459 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 523.8 210.6 523.8 "LAYER CLOSE N,H,F,G 2.5>LESS" 12041 HCPCS 761 RC both 540 459 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 248.4 210.6 523.8 "LAYER CLOSE N,H,F,G 2.5>LESS" 12041 HCPCS 761 RC both 540 459 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.6 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 210.6 523.8 "LAYER CLOSE N,H,F,G 2.5>LESS" 12041 HCPCS 761 RC both 540 459 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 242.25 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 210.6 523.8 "LAYER CLOSE N,H,F,G 2.5>LESS" 12041 HCPCS 761 RC both 540 459 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 523.8 210.6 523.8 "LAYER CLOSE N,H,F,G 2.5>LESS" 12041 HCPCS 761 RC both 540 459 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 513 210.6 523.8 "LAYER CLOSE F,E,E,N,L 2.5CM>LESS" 12051 HCPCS 761 RC both 430.5 365.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 417.58 167.9 417.58 "LAYER CLOSE F,E,E,N,L 2.5CM>LESS" 12051 HCPCS 761 RC both 430.5 365.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 198.03 167.9 417.58 "LAYER CLOSE F,E,E,N,L 2.5CM>LESS" 12051 HCPCS 761 RC both 430.5 365.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 167.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 167.9 417.58 "LAYER CLOSE F,E,E,N,L 2.5CM>LESS" 12051 HCPCS 761 RC both 430.5 365.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 260.34 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 167.9 417.58 "LAYER CLOSE F,E,E,N,L 2.5CM>LESS" 12051 HCPCS 761 RC both 430.5 365.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 417.58 167.9 417.58 "LAYER CLOSE F,E,E,N,L 2.5CM>LESS" 12051 HCPCS 761 RC both 430.5 365.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 408.98 167.9 417.58 2X3 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 522.83 210.21 522.83 2X3 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 247.94 210.21 522.83 2X3 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 210.21 522.83 2X3 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 210.21 522.83 2X3 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 522.83 210.21 522.83 2X3 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 512.05 210.21 522.83 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK 25 SQ CM OR LE 15271 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1707.68 141.26 1707.68 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK 25 SQ CM OR LE 15271 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 809.83 141.26 1707.68 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK 25 SQ CM OR LE 15271 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 686.6 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 141.26 1707.68 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK 25 SQ CM OR LE 15271 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 141.26 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 141.26 1707.68 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK 25 SQ CM OR LE 15271 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1707.68 141.26 1707.68 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK 25 SQ CM OR LE 15271 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1672.48 141.26 1707.68 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK ADDTL 25 SQ CM 15272 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 870.09 22.63 870.09 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK ADDTL 25 SQ CM 15272 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 412.62 22.63 870.09 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK ADDTL 25 SQ CM 15272 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 349.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 22.63 870.09 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK ADDTL 25 SQ CM 15272 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 22.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 22.63 870.09 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK ADDTL 25 SQ CM 15272 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 870.09 22.63 870.09 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK ADDTL 25 SQ CM 15272 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 852.15 22.63 870.09 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK 100 SQ CM 15273 HCPCS 761 RC both 3318 2820.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 3218.46 281.08 3218.46 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK 100 SQ CM 15273 HCPCS 761 RC both 3318 2820.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 1526.28 281.08 3218.46 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK 100 SQ CM 15273 HCPCS 761 RC both 3318 2820.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 1294.02 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 281.08 3218.46 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK 100 SQ CM 15273 HCPCS 761 RC both 3318 2820.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 281.08 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 281.08 3218.46 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK 100 SQ CM 15273 HCPCS 761 RC both 3318 2820.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 3218.46 281.08 3218.46 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK 100 SQ CM 15273 HCPCS 761 RC both 3318 2820.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 3152.1 281.08 3218.46 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK ADDTL100 SQ CM 15274 HCPCS 761 RC both 1659 1410.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1609.23 73.37 1609.23 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK ADDTL100 SQ CM 15274 HCPCS 761 RC both 1659 1410.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 763.14 73.37 1609.23 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK ADDTL100 SQ CM 15274 HCPCS 761 RC both 1659 1410.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 647.01 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 73.37 1609.23 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK ADDTL100 SQ CM 15274 HCPCS 761 RC both 1659 1410.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 73.37 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 73.37 1609.23 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK ADDTL100 SQ CM 15274 HCPCS 761 RC both 1659 1410.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1609.23 73.37 1609.23 APPLY SKIN GRAFT TO TRUNK ADDTL100 SQ CM 15274 HCPCS 761 RC both 1659 1410.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1576.05 73.37 1609.23 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE 25 OR LESS SQ CM 15275 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1707.68 146.95 1707.68 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE 25 OR LESS SQ CM 15275 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 809.83 146.95 1707.68 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE 25 OR LESS SQ CM 15275 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 686.6 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 146.95 1707.68 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE 25 OR LESS SQ CM 15275 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 146.95 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 146.95 1707.68 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE 25 OR LESS SQ CM 15275 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1707.68 146.95 1707.68 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE 25 OR LESS SQ CM 15275 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1672.48 146.95 1707.68 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE ADDTL 25 SQ CM 15276 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 870.09 29.81 870.09 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE ADDTL 25 SQ CM 15276 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 412.62 29.81 870.09 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE ADDTL 25 SQ CM 15276 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 349.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 29.81 870.09 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE ADDTL 25 SQ CM 15276 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 29.81 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 29.81 870.09 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE ADDTL 25 SQ CM 15276 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 870.09 29.81 870.09 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE ADDTL 25 SQ CM 15276 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 852.15 29.81 870.09 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE 100 SQ CM 15277 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1707.68 310.44 1707.68 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE 100 SQ CM 15277 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 809.83 310.44 1707.68 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE 100 SQ CM 15277 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 686.6 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 310.44 1707.68 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE 100 SQ CM 15277 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 310.44 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 310.44 1707.68 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE 100 SQ CM 15277 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1707.68 310.44 1707.68 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE 100 SQ CM 15277 HCPCS 761 RC both 1760.5 1496.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1672.48 310.44 1707.68 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE ADDTL100 SQ CM 15278 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 870.09 85.93 870.09 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE ADDTL100 SQ CM 15278 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 412.62 85.93 870.09 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE ADDTL100 SQ CM 15278 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 349.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 85.93 870.09 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE ADDTL100 SQ CM 15278 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 85.93 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 85.93 870.09 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE ADDTL100 SQ CM 15278 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 870.09 85.93 870.09 APPLY SKIN SUB TO FACE ADDTL100 SQ CM 15278 HCPCS 761 RC both 897 762.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 852.15 85.93 870.09 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT SM 16020 HCPCS 761 RC both 151 128.35 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 146.47 58.89 146.47 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT SM 16020 HCPCS 761 RC both 151 128.35 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 69.46 58.89 146.47 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT SM 16020 HCPCS 761 RC both 151 128.35 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 58.89 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 58.89 146.47 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT SM 16020 HCPCS 761 RC both 151 128.35 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 78.67 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 58.89 146.47 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT SM 16020 HCPCS 761 RC both 151 128.35 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 146.47 58.89 146.47 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT SM 16020 HCPCS 761 RC both 151 128.35 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 143.45 58.89 146.47 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT MED 16025 HCPCS 761 RC both 269.5 229.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 261.42 105.11 261.42 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT MED 16025 HCPCS 761 RC both 269.5 229.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 123.97 105.11 261.42 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT MED 16025 HCPCS 761 RC both 269.5 229.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 105.11 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 105.11 261.42 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT MED 16025 HCPCS 761 RC both 269.5 229.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 144.28 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 105.11 261.42 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT MED 16025 HCPCS 761 RC both 269.5 229.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 261.42 105.11 261.42 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT MED 16025 HCPCS 761 RC both 269.5 229.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 256.02 105.11 261.42 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT LG 16030 HCPCS 761 RC both 390 331.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 378.3 152.1 378.3 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT LG 16030 HCPCS 761 RC both 390 331.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 179.4 152.1 378.3 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT LG 16030 HCPCS 761 RC both 390 331.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 152.1 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 152.1 378.3 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT LG 16030 HCPCS 761 RC both 390 331.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 179.66 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 152.1 378.3 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT LG 16030 HCPCS 761 RC both 390 331.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 378.3 152.1 378.3 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT LG 16030 HCPCS 761 RC both 390 331.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 370.5 152.1 378.3 DESTRUCT BENIGN PREMAL LESION 1ST 17000 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 62.63 344.84 DESTRUCT BENIGN PREMAL LESION 1ST 17000 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 62.63 344.84 DESTRUCT BENIGN PREMAL LESION 1ST 17000 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 62.63 344.84 DESTRUCT BENIGN PREMAL LESION 1ST 17000 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 62.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 62.63 344.84 DESTRUCT BENIGN PREMAL LESION 1ST 17000 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 62.63 344.84 DESTRUCT BENIGN PREMAL LESION 1ST 17000 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 62.63 344.84 DESTRUCT BENIGN PREMAL LESION 2-14 17003 HCPCS 761 RC both 126.5 107.53 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 122.7 6.17 122.7 DESTRUCT BENIGN PREMAL LESION 2-14 17003 HCPCS 761 RC both 126.5 107.53 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 58.19 6.17 122.7 DESTRUCT BENIGN PREMAL LESION 2-14 17003 HCPCS 761 RC both 126.5 107.53 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 49.34 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 6.17 122.7 DESTRUCT BENIGN PREMAL LESION 2-14 17003 HCPCS 761 RC both 126.5 107.53 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 6.17 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 6.17 122.7 DESTRUCT BENIGN PREMAL LESION 2-14 17003 HCPCS 761 RC both 126.5 107.53 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 122.7 6.17 122.7 DESTRUCT BENIGN PREMAL LESION 2-14 17003 HCPCS 761 RC both 126.5 107.53 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 120.18 6.17 122.7 DESTRUCT BENIGN LESION UP TO 14 17110 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 104.77 344.84 DESTRUCT BENIGN LESION UP TO 14 17110 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 104.77 344.84 DESTRUCT BENIGN LESION UP TO 14 17110 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 104.77 344.84 DESTRUCT BENIGN LESION UP TO 14 17110 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 104.77 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 104.77 344.84 DESTRUCT BENIGN LESION UP TO 14 17110 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 104.77 344.84 DESTRUCT BENIGN LESION UP TO 14 17110 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 104.77 344.84 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >.5CM 17260 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 92.43 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >.5CM 17260 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 92.43 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >.5CM 17260 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 92.43 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >.5CM 17260 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 92.43 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 92.43 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >.5CM 17260 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 92.43 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >.5CM 17260 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 92.43 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >.5CM 17261 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 137.21 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >.5CM 17261 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 137.21 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >.5CM 17261 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 137.21 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >.5CM 17261 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 137.21 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 137.21 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >.5CM 17261 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 137.21 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >.5CM 17261 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 137.21 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >1.1-2.0CM 17262 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 165.07 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >1.1-2.0CM 17262 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 165.07 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >1.1-2.0CM 17262 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 165.07 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >1.1-2.0CM 17262 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 165.07 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 165.07 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >1.1-2.0CM 17262 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 165.07 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >1.1-2.0CM 17262 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 165.07 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL 2.1-3.0CM 17263 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 178.72 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL 2.1-3.0CM 17263 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 178.72 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL 2.1-3.0CM 17263 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 178.72 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL 2.1-3.0CM 17263 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 178.72 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 178.72 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL 2.1-3.0CM 17263 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 178.72 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL 2.1-3.0CM 17263 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 178.72 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL 3.1-4.0CM 17264 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 191.57 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL 3.1-4.0CM 17264 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 191.57 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL 3.1-4.0CM 17264 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 191.57 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL 3.1-4.0CM 17264 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 191.57 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 191.57 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL 3.1-4.0CM 17264 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 191.57 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL 3.1-4.0CM 17264 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 191.57 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >4.0CM 17266 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 217.89 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >4.0CM 17266 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 217.89 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >4.0CM 17266 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 217.89 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >4.0CM 17266 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 217.89 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 217.89 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >4.0CM 17266 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 217.89 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION TAL >4.0CM 17266 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 217.89 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG <.5CM 17270 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 138.58 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG <.5CM 17270 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 138.58 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG <.5CM 17270 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.58 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG <.5CM 17270 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 138.58 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.58 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG <.5CM 17270 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 138.58 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG <.5CM 17270 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 138.58 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 17271 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 154.07 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 17271 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 154.07 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 17271 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 154.07 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 17271 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 154.07 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 154.07 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 17271 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 154.07 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG .6-1.0CM 17271 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 154.07 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 17272 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 174.73 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 17272 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 174.73 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 17272 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 174.73 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 17272 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 174.73 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 174.73 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 17272 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 174.73 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 1.1-2.0CM 17272 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 174.73 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 17273 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 193.88 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 17273 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 193.88 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 17273 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 193.88 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 17273 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 193.88 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 193.88 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 17273 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 193.88 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 2.1-3.0CM 17273 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 193.88 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0 17274 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0 17274 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0 17274 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0 17274 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 226.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0 17274 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG 3.1-4.0 17274 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG >4.0CM 17276 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG >4.0CM 17276 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG >4.0CM 17276 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG >4.0CM 17276 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 263.17 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG >4.0CM 17276 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION SNHFG >4.0CM 17276 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL <.5CM 17280 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 130.26 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL <.5CM 17280 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 130.26 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL <.5CM 17280 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 130.26 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL <.5CM 17280 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 130.26 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 130.26 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL <.5CM 17280 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 130.26 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL <.5CM 17280 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 130.26 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 17281 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 166.72 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 17281 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 166.72 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 17281 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 166.72 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 17281 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 166.72 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 166.72 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 17281 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 166.72 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL .6-1.0CM 17281 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 166.72 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 17282 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 190.52 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 17282 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 190.52 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 17282 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 190.52 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 17282 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 190.52 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 190.52 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 17282 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 190.52 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 1.1-2.0CM 17282 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 190.52 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 17283 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 17283 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 17283 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 17283 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 225.47 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 17283 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 2.1-3.0CM 17283 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 17284 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 17284 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 17284 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 17284 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 256.21 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 17284 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL 3.1-4.0CM 17284 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL >4.0CM 17286 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL >4.0CM 17286 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL >4.0CM 17286 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 221.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL >4.0CM 17286 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 329.23 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL >4.0CM 17286 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 221.13 549.99 DESTRUCT MAL LESION FEENL >4.0CM 17286 HCPCS 761 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 221.13 549.99 BONE BIOPSY TROCAR/NEEDLE 20220 HCPCS 761 RC both 819.5 696.58 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 794.92 212.13 794.92 BONE BIOPSY TROCAR/NEEDLE 20220 HCPCS 761 RC both 819.5 696.58 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 376.97 212.13 794.92 BONE BIOPSY TROCAR/NEEDLE 20220 HCPCS 761 RC both 819.5 696.58 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 319.61 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 212.13 794.92 BONE BIOPSY TROCAR/NEEDLE 20220 HCPCS 761 RC both 819.5 696.58 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 212.13 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 212.13 794.92 BONE BIOPSY TROCAR/NEEDLE 20220 HCPCS 761 RC both 819.5 696.58 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 794.92 212.13 794.92 BONE BIOPSY TROCAR/NEEDLE 20220 HCPCS 761 RC both 819.5 696.58 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 778.52 212.13 794.92 INJ TRIGGER POINTS 20552 HCPCS 761 RC both 510 433.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 494.7 48.59 494.7 INJ TRIGGER POINTS 20552 HCPCS 761 RC both 510 433.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 234.6 48.59 494.7 INJ TRIGGER POINTS 20552 HCPCS 761 RC both 510 433.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 198.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 48.59 494.7 INJ TRIGGER POINTS 20552 HCPCS 761 RC both 510 433.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 48.59 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 48.59 494.7 INJ TRIGGER POINTS 20552 HCPCS 761 RC both 510 433.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 494.7 48.59 494.7 INJ TRIGGER POINTS 20552 HCPCS 761 RC both 510 433.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 484.5 48.59 494.7 INJECTION TRIGGER POINT 3 OR MORE MUSCLE 20553 HCPCS 761 RC both 320.5 272.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 310.88 55.97 310.88 INJECTION TRIGGER POINT 3 OR MORE MUSCLE 20553 HCPCS 761 RC both 320.5 272.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 147.43 55.97 310.88 INJECTION TRIGGER POINT 3 OR MORE MUSCLE 20553 HCPCS 761 RC both 320.5 272.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 125 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 55.97 310.88 INJECTION TRIGGER POINT 3 OR MORE MUSCLE 20553 HCPCS 761 RC both 320.5 272.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 55.97 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 55.97 310.88 INJECTION TRIGGER POINT 3 OR MORE MUSCLE 20553 HCPCS 761 RC both 320.5 272.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 310.88 55.97 310.88 INJECTION TRIGGER POINT 3 OR MORE MUSCLE 20553 HCPCS 761 RC both 320.5 272.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 304.48 55.97 310.88 DRAIN / INJ JOINT/BURSA W/O US 20605 HCPCS 761 RC both 188 159.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 182.36 50.92 182.36 DRAIN / INJ JOINT/BURSA W/O US 20605 HCPCS 761 RC both 188 159.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 86.48 50.92 182.36 DRAIN / INJ JOINT/BURSA W/O US 20605 HCPCS 761 RC both 188 159.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 73.32 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 50.92 182.36 DRAIN / INJ JOINT/BURSA W/O US 20605 HCPCS 761 RC both 188 159.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 50.92 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 50.92 182.36 DRAIN / INJ JOINT/BURSA W/O US 20605 HCPCS 761 RC both 188 159.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 182.36 50.92 182.36 DRAIN / INJ JOINT/BURSA W/O US 20605 HCPCS 761 RC both 188 159.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 178.6 50.92 182.36 ASPIRATION/INJECTION MAJOR JOINT 20610 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.58 59.73 708.58 ASPIRATION/INJECTION MAJOR JOINT 20610 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 336.03 59.73 708.58 ASPIRATION/INJECTION MAJOR JOINT 20610 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 284.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 59.73 708.58 ASPIRATION/INJECTION MAJOR JOINT 20610 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 59.73 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 59.73 708.58 ASPIRATION/INJECTION MAJOR JOINT 20610 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 708.58 59.73 708.58 ASPIRATION/INJECTION MAJOR JOINT 20610 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 693.98 59.73 708.58 REATTACH FINGERTIP 20822 HCPCS 761 RC both 740.5 629.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 718.28 288.8 740.5 REATTACH FINGERTIP 20822 HCPCS 761 RC both 740.5 629.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 340.63 288.8 740.5 REATTACH FINGERTIP 20822 HCPCS 761 RC both 740.5 629.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 288.8 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 288.8 740.5 REATTACH FINGERTIP 20822 HCPCS 761 RC both 740.5 629.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 740.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 288.8 740.5 REATTACH FINGERTIP 20822 HCPCS 761 RC both 740.5 629.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 718.28 288.8 740.5 REATTACH FINGERTIP 20822 HCPCS 761 RC both 740.5 629.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 703.48 288.8 740.5 "EXCISION, TUMOR, SOFT TISSUE OF FACE OR" 21011 HCPCS 450 RC both 1125 956.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1091.25 343.11 1091.25 "EXCISION, TUMOR, SOFT TISSUE OF FACE OR" 21011 HCPCS 450 RC both 1125 956.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 517.5 343.11 1091.25 "EXCISION, TUMOR, SOFT TISSUE OF FACE OR" 21011 HCPCS 450 RC both 1125 956.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 438.75 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 343.11 1091.25 "EXCISION, TUMOR, SOFT TISSUE OF FACE OR" 21011 HCPCS 450 RC both 1125 956.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 343.11 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 343.11 1091.25 "EXCISION, TUMOR, SOFT TISSUE OF FACE OR" 21011 HCPCS 450 RC both 1125 956.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1091.25 343.11 1091.25 "EXCISION, TUMOR, SOFT TISSUE OF FACE OR" 21011 HCPCS 450 RC both 1125 956.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1068.75 343.11 1091.25 "EXC TUMOR S TISS F,S <.5CM" 11400 HCPCS 761 RC both 1027 872.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 996.19 117.94 996.19 "EXC TUMOR S TISS F,S <.5CM" 11400 HCPCS 761 RC both 1027 872.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 472.42 117.94 996.19 "EXC TUMOR S TISS F,S <.5CM" 11400 HCPCS 761 RC both 1027 872.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 400.53 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 117.94 996.19 "EXC TUMOR S TISS F,S <.5CM" 11400 HCPCS 761 RC both 1027 872.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 117.94 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 117.94 996.19 "EXC TUMOR S TISS F,S <.5CM" 11400 HCPCS 761 RC both 1027 872.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 996.19 117.94 996.19 "EXC TUMOR S TISS F,S <.5CM" 11400 HCPCS 761 RC both 1027 872.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 975.65 117.94 996.19 CLOSED REDUCTION OFTHE MANDULAR JAW W AN 21485 HCPCS 761 RC both 1310 1113.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1270.7 510.9 1270.7 CLOSED REDUCTION OFTHE MANDULAR JAW W AN 21485 HCPCS 761 RC both 1310 1113.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 602.6 510.9 1270.7 CLOSED REDUCTION OFTHE MANDULAR JAW W AN 21485 HCPCS 761 RC both 1310 1113.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 510.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 510.9 1270.7 CLOSED REDUCTION OFTHE MANDULAR JAW W AN 21485 HCPCS 761 RC both 1310 1113.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 875.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 510.9 1270.7 CLOSED REDUCTION OFTHE MANDULAR JAW W AN 21485 HCPCS 761 RC both 1310 1113.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1270.7 510.9 1270.7 CLOSED REDUCTION OFTHE MANDULAR JAW W AN 21485 HCPCS 761 RC both 1310 1113.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1244.5 510.9 1270.7 BIOPSY NECK/THORAX 21550 HCPCS 761 RC both 923 784.55 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 895.31 244.86 895.31 BIOPSY NECK/THORAX 21550 HCPCS 761 RC both 923 784.55 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 424.58 244.86 895.31 BIOPSY NECK/THORAX 21550 HCPCS 761 RC both 923 784.55 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 359.97 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 244.86 895.31 BIOPSY NECK/THORAX 21550 HCPCS 761 RC both 923 784.55 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 244.86 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 244.86 895.31 BIOPSY NECK/THORAX 21550 HCPCS 761 RC both 923 784.55 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 895.31 244.86 895.31 BIOPSY NECK/THORAX 21550 HCPCS 761 RC both 923 784.55 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 876.85 244.86 895.31 EXC NECK LES SC 3 CM/> 21552 HCPCS 761 RC both 1276 1084.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1237.72 407.26 1237.72 EXC NECK LES SC 3 CM/> 21552 HCPCS 761 RC both 1276 1084.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 586.96 407.26 1237.72 EXC NECK LES SC 3 CM/> 21552 HCPCS 761 RC both 1276 1084.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 497.64 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 407.26 1237.72 EXC NECK LES SC 3 CM/> 21552 HCPCS 761 RC both 1276 1084.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 407.26 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 407.26 1237.72 EXC NECK LES SC 3 CM/> 21552 HCPCS 761 RC both 1276 1084.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1237.72 407.26 1237.72 EXC NECK LES SC 3 CM/> 21552 HCPCS 761 RC both 1276 1084.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1212.2 407.26 1237.72 EXC TUMOR NECK THOR SUBCUT < 3 C.M. 21555 HCPCS 761 RC both 1128.5 959.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1094.64 396.63 1094.64 EXC TUMOR NECK THOR SUBCUT < 3 C.M. 21555 HCPCS 761 RC both 1128.5 959.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 519.11 396.63 1094.64 EXC TUMOR NECK THOR SUBCUT < 3 C.M. 21555 HCPCS 761 RC both 1128.5 959.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 440.12 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 396.63 1094.64 EXC TUMOR NECK THOR SUBCUT < 3 C.M. 21555 HCPCS 761 RC both 1128.5 959.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 396.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 396.63 1094.64 EXC TUMOR NECK THOR SUBCUT < 3 C.M. 21555 HCPCS 761 RC both 1128.5 959.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1094.64 396.63 1094.64 EXC TUMOR NECK THOR SUBCUT < 3 C.M. 21555 HCPCS 761 RC both 1128.5 959.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1072.08 396.63 1094.64 EXC TUMOR SOFT TISSUE ABD WALL SUBQ 3 CM 22903 HCPCS 761 RC both 2762 2347.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2679.14 399.86 2679.14 EXC TUMOR SOFT TISSUE ABD WALL SUBQ 3 CM 22903 HCPCS 761 RC both 2762 2347.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 1270.52 399.86 2679.14 EXC TUMOR SOFT TISSUE ABD WALL SUBQ 3 CM 22903 HCPCS 761 RC both 2762 2347.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 1077.18 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 399.86 2679.14 EXC TUMOR SOFT TISSUE ABD WALL SUBQ 3 CM 22903 HCPCS 761 RC both 2762 2347.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 399.86 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 399.86 2679.14 EXC TUMOR SOFT TISSUE ABD WALL SUBQ 3 CM 22903 HCPCS 761 RC both 2762 2347.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 2679.14 399.86 2679.14 EXC TUMOR SOFT TISSUE ABD WALL SUBQ 3 CM 22903 HCPCS 761 RC both 2762 2347.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2623.9 399.86 2679.14 EXC SOFT TISSUE TUMOR 23075 HCPCS 761 RC both 541.5 460.28 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 525.26 211.19 525.26 EXC SOFT TISSUE TUMOR 23075 HCPCS 761 RC both 541.5 460.28 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 249.09 211.19 525.26 EXC SOFT TISSUE TUMOR 23075 HCPCS 761 RC both 541.5 460.28 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 211.19 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 211.19 525.26 EXC SOFT TISSUE TUMOR 23075 HCPCS 761 RC both 541.5 460.28 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 469.96 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 211.19 525.26 EXC SOFT TISSUE TUMOR 23075 HCPCS 761 RC both 541.5 460.28 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 525.26 211.19 525.26 EXC SOFT TISSUE TUMOR 23075 HCPCS 761 RC both 541.5 460.28 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 514.42 211.19 525.26 CLOSE SHOULDER DIS W MANIP W ANES 23655 HCPCS 761 RC both 1373.5 1167.48 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1332.3 380.98 1332.3 CLOSE SHOULDER DIS W MANIP W ANES 23655 HCPCS 761 RC both 1373.5 1167.48 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 631.81 380.98 1332.3 CLOSE SHOULDER DIS W MANIP W ANES 23655 HCPCS 761 RC both 1373.5 1167.48 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 535.67 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 380.98 1332.3 CLOSE SHOULDER DIS W MANIP W ANES 23655 HCPCS 761 RC both 1373.5 1167.48 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 380.98 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 380.98 1332.3 CLOSE SHOULDER DIS W MANIP W ANES 23655 HCPCS 761 RC both 1373.5 1167.48 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1332.3 380.98 1332.3 CLOSE SHOULDER DIS W MANIP W ANES 23655 HCPCS 761 RC both 1373.5 1167.48 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1304.82 380.98 1332.3 EXC TUMOR SOFT TISSUE UPPER ARM 24071 HCPCS 761 RC both 2797 2377.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2713.09 370.63 2713.09 EXC TUMOR SOFT TISSUE UPPER ARM 24071 HCPCS 761 RC both 2797 2377.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 1286.62 370.63 2713.09 EXC TUMOR SOFT TISSUE UPPER ARM 24071 HCPCS 761 RC both 2797 2377.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 1090.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 370.63 2713.09 EXC TUMOR SOFT TISSUE UPPER ARM 24071 HCPCS 761 RC both 2797 2377.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 370.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 370.63 2713.09 EXC TUMOR SOFT TISSUE UPPER ARM 24071 HCPCS 761 RC both 2797 2377.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 2713.09 370.63 2713.09 EXC TUMOR SOFT TISSUE UPPER ARM 24071 HCPCS 761 RC both 2797 2377.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2657.15 370.63 2713.09 3X3 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 522.83 210.21 522.83 3X3 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 247.94 210.21 522.83 3X3 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 210.21 522.83 3X3 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 210.21 522.83 3X3 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 522.83 210.21 522.83 3X3 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 512.05 210.21 522.83 BIOPSY FOREARM/WRIST 25065 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 332.22 133.58 332.22 BIOPSY FOREARM/WRIST 25065 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 157.55 133.58 332.22 BIOPSY FOREARM/WRIST 25065 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 133.58 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 133.58 332.22 BIOPSY FOREARM/WRIST 25065 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 235.42 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 133.58 332.22 BIOPSY FOREARM/WRIST 25065 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 332.22 133.58 332.22 BIOPSY FOREARM/WRIST 25065 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 325.38 133.58 332.22 EXC FOREARM LES SC 3 CM/> 25071 HCPCS 761 RC both 2424 2060.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2351.28 389.41 2351.28 EXC FOREARM LES SC 3 CM/> 25071 HCPCS 761 RC both 2424 2060.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 1115.04 389.41 2351.28 EXC FOREARM LES SC 3 CM/> 25071 HCPCS 761 RC both 2424 2060.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 945.36 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 389.41 2351.28 EXC FOREARM LES SC 3 CM/> 25071 HCPCS 761 RC both 2424 2060.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 389.41 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 389.41 2351.28 EXC FOREARM LES SC 3 CM/> 25071 HCPCS 761 RC both 2424 2060.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 2351.28 389.41 2351.28 EXC FOREARM LES SC 3 CM/> 25071 HCPCS 761 RC both 2424 2060.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2302.8 389.41 2351.28 EXC FOREARM LES SC < 3 CM 25075 HCPCS 761 RC both 1152.5 979.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1117.92 449.48 1117.92 EXC FOREARM LES SC < 3 CM 25075 HCPCS 761 RC both 1152.5 979.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 530.15 449.48 1117.92 EXC FOREARM LES SC < 3 CM 25075 HCPCS 761 RC both 1152.5 979.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 449.48 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 449.48 1117.92 EXC FOREARM LES SC < 3 CM 25075 HCPCS 761 RC both 1152.5 979.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 473.39 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 449.48 1117.92 EXC FOREARM LES SC < 3 CM 25075 HCPCS 761 RC both 1152.5 979.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1117.92 449.48 1117.92 EXC FOREARM LES SC < 3 CM 25075 HCPCS 761 RC both 1152.5 979.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1094.88 449.48 1117.92 CLOSED REDUCTION ULNAR SHAFT 25535 HCPCS 761 RC both 432 367.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 419.04 168.48 432 CLOSED REDUCTION ULNAR SHAFT 25535 HCPCS 761 RC both 432 367.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 198.72 168.48 432 CLOSED REDUCTION ULNAR SHAFT 25535 HCPCS 761 RC both 432 367.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 168.48 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 168.48 432 CLOSED REDUCTION ULNAR SHAFT 25535 HCPCS 761 RC both 432 367.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 432 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 168.48 432 CLOSED REDUCTION ULNAR SHAFT 25535 HCPCS 761 RC both 432 367.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 419.04 168.48 432 CLOSED REDUCTION ULNAR SHAFT 25535 HCPCS 761 RC both 432 367.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 410.4 168.48 432 EXCISE LESION TENDON SHEALTH 26160 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 332.22 133.58 342.5 EXCISE LESION TENDON SHEALTH 26160 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 157.55 133.58 342.5 EXCISE LESION TENDON SHEALTH 26160 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 133.58 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 133.58 342.5 EXCISE LESION TENDON SHEALTH 26160 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 342.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 133.58 342.5 EXCISE LESION TENDON SHEALTH 26160 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 332.22 133.58 342.5 EXCISE LESION TENDON SHEALTH 26160 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 325.38 133.58 342.5 REPAIR EXTENSOR TENDON HAND PRIMARY OR S 26410 HCPCS 761 RC both 1199 1019.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1163.03 467.61 1163.03 REPAIR EXTENSOR TENDON HAND PRIMARY OR S 26410 HCPCS 761 RC both 1199 1019.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 551.54 467.61 1163.03 REPAIR EXTENSOR TENDON HAND PRIMARY OR S 26410 HCPCS 761 RC both 1199 1019.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 467.61 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 467.61 1163.03 REPAIR EXTENSOR TENDON HAND PRIMARY OR S 26410 HCPCS 761 RC both 1199 1019.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 554.34 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 467.61 1163.03 REPAIR EXTENSOR TENDON HAND PRIMARY OR S 26410 HCPCS 761 RC both 1199 1019.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1163.03 467.61 1163.03 REPAIR EXTENSOR TENDON HAND PRIMARY OR S 26410 HCPCS 761 RC both 1199 1019.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1139.05 467.61 1163.03 CLOSED REDUCT FINGER JOINT 26770 HCPCS 761 RC both 458 389.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 444.26 178.62 444.26 CLOSED REDUCT FINGER JOINT 26770 HCPCS 761 RC both 458 389.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 210.68 178.62 444.26 CLOSED REDUCT FINGER JOINT 26770 HCPCS 761 RC both 458 389.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 178.62 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 178.62 444.26 CLOSED REDUCT FINGER JOINT 26770 HCPCS 761 RC both 458 389.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 274.86 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 178.62 444.26 CLOSED REDUCT FINGER JOINT 26770 HCPCS 761 RC both 458 389.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 444.26 178.62 444.26 CLOSED REDUCT FINGER JOINT 26770 HCPCS 761 RC both 458 389.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 435.1 178.62 444.26 SI JOINT INJECTION 27096 HCPCS 761 RC both 506 430.1 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 490.82 151.46 490.82 SI JOINT INJECTION 27096 HCPCS 761 RC both 506 430.1 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 232.76 151.46 490.82 SI JOINT INJECTION 27096 HCPCS 761 RC both 506 430.1 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 197.34 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 151.46 490.82 SI JOINT INJECTION 27096 HCPCS 761 RC both 506 430.1 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 151.46 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 151.46 490.82 SI JOINT INJECTION 27096 HCPCS 761 RC both 506 430.1 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 490.82 151.46 490.82 SI JOINT INJECTION 27096 HCPCS 761 RC both 506 430.1 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 480.7 151.46 490.82 EXC TUMOR THIGH KNEE SUBCU 27327 HCPCS 761 RC both 1380 1173 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1338.6 456.49 1338.6 EXC TUMOR THIGH KNEE SUBCU 27327 HCPCS 761 RC both 1380 1173 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 634.8 456.49 1338.6 EXC TUMOR THIGH KNEE SUBCU 27327 HCPCS 761 RC both 1380 1173 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 538.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 456.49 1338.6 EXC TUMOR THIGH KNEE SUBCU 27327 HCPCS 761 RC both 1380 1173 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 456.49 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 456.49 1338.6 EXC TUMOR THIGH KNEE SUBCU 27327 HCPCS 761 RC both 1380 1173 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1338.6 456.49 1338.6 EXC TUMOR THIGH KNEE SUBCU 27327 HCPCS 761 RC both 1380 1173 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1311 456.49 1338.6 CLOSED REDUCT TIBIAL SHAFT 26770 HCPCS 761 RC both 444 377.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 430.68 173.16 430.68 CLOSED REDUCT TIBIAL SHAFT 26770 HCPCS 761 RC both 444 377.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 204.24 173.16 430.68 CLOSED REDUCT TIBIAL SHAFT 26770 HCPCS 761 RC both 444 377.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 173.16 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 173.16 430.68 CLOSED REDUCT TIBIAL SHAFT 26770 HCPCS 761 RC both 444 377.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 274.86 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 173.16 430.68 CLOSED REDUCT TIBIAL SHAFT 26770 HCPCS 761 RC both 444 377.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 430.68 173.16 430.68 CLOSED REDUCT TIBIAL SHAFT 26770 HCPCS 761 RC both 444 377.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 421.8 173.16 430.68 CAST ELBOW TO FINGER 29075 HCPCS 761 RC both 392 333.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 380.24 81.43 380.24 CAST ELBOW TO FINGER 29075 HCPCS 761 RC both 392 333.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 180.32 81.43 380.24 CAST ELBOW TO FINGER 29075 HCPCS 761 RC both 392 333.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 152.88 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 81.43 380.24 CAST ELBOW TO FINGER 29075 HCPCS 761 RC both 392 333.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 81.43 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 81.43 380.24 CAST ELBOW TO FINGER 29075 HCPCS 761 RC both 392 333.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 380.24 81.43 380.24 CAST ELBOW TO FINGER 29075 HCPCS 761 RC both 392 333.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 372.4 81.43 380.24 CAST APP WRIST/HAND 29085 HCPCS 761 RC both 370 314.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 358.9 89.45 358.9 CAST APP WRIST/HAND 29085 HCPCS 761 RC both 370 314.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 170.2 89.45 358.9 CAST APP WRIST/HAND 29085 HCPCS 761 RC both 370 314.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 144.3 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 89.45 358.9 CAST APP WRIST/HAND 29085 HCPCS 761 RC both 370 314.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 89.45 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 89.45 358.9 CAST APP WRIST/HAND 29085 HCPCS 761 RC both 370 314.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 358.9 89.45 358.9 CAST APP WRIST/HAND 29085 HCPCS 761 RC both 370 314.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 351.5 89.45 358.9 SPLINT APP LONG ARM 29105 HCPCS 761 RC both 298.5 253.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 289.54 76.84 289.54 SPLINT APP LONG ARM 29105 HCPCS 761 RC both 298.5 253.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 137.31 76.84 289.54 SPLINT APP LONG ARM 29105 HCPCS 761 RC both 298.5 253.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 116.42 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 76.84 289.54 SPLINT APP LONG ARM 29105 HCPCS 761 RC both 298.5 253.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 76.84 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 76.84 289.54 SPLINT APP LONG ARM 29105 HCPCS 761 RC both 298.5 253.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 289.54 76.84 289.54 SPLINT APP LONG ARM 29105 HCPCS 761 RC both 298.5 253.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 283.58 76.84 289.54 SPLINT APP SHORT ARM 29125 HCPCS 761 RC both 316 268.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 306.52 62.15 306.52 SPLINT APP SHORT ARM 29125 HCPCS 761 RC both 316 268.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 145.36 62.15 306.52 SPLINT APP SHORT ARM 29125 HCPCS 761 RC both 316 268.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 123.24 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 62.15 306.52 SPLINT APP SHORT ARM 29125 HCPCS 761 RC both 316 268.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 62.15 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 62.15 306.52 SPLINT APP SHORT ARM 29125 HCPCS 761 RC both 316 268.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 306.52 62.15 306.52 SPLINT APP SHORT ARM 29125 HCPCS 761 RC both 316 268.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 300.2 62.15 306.52 SPLINT FINGER 29130 HCPCS 761 RC both 167.5 142.38 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 162.48 38.88 162.48 SPLINT FINGER 29130 HCPCS 761 RC both 167.5 142.38 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 77.05 38.88 162.48 SPLINT FINGER 29130 HCPCS 761 RC both 167.5 142.38 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 65.33 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 38.88 162.48 SPLINT FINGER 29130 HCPCS 761 RC both 167.5 142.38 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 38.88 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 38.88 162.48 SPLINT FINGER 29130 HCPCS 761 RC both 167.5 142.38 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 162.48 38.88 162.48 SPLINT FINGER 29130 HCPCS 761 RC both 167.5 142.38 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 159.12 38.88 162.48 CAST LEG BELOW KNEE 29405 HCPCS 761 RC both 418.5 355.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 405.94 74.87 405.94 CAST LEG BELOW KNEE 29405 HCPCS 761 RC both 418.5 355.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 192.51 74.87 405.94 CAST LEG BELOW KNEE 29405 HCPCS 761 RC both 418.5 355.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 163.22 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 74.87 405.94 CAST LEG BELOW KNEE 29405 HCPCS 761 RC both 418.5 355.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 74.87 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 74.87 405.94 CAST LEG BELOW KNEE 29405 HCPCS 761 RC both 418.5 355.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 405.94 74.87 405.94 CAST LEG BELOW KNEE 29405 HCPCS 761 RC both 418.5 355.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 397.58 74.87 405.94 SPLINT APP SH LEG CALF TO FOOT 29515 HCPCS 761 RC both 298.5 253.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 289.54 67.4 289.54 SPLINT APP SH LEG CALF TO FOOT 29515 HCPCS 761 RC both 298.5 253.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 137.31 67.4 289.54 SPLINT APP SH LEG CALF TO FOOT 29515 HCPCS 761 RC both 298.5 253.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 116.42 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 67.4 289.54 SPLINT APP SH LEG CALF TO FOOT 29515 HCPCS 761 RC both 298.5 253.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 67.4 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 67.4 289.54 SPLINT APP SH LEG CALF TO FOOT 29515 HCPCS 761 RC both 298.5 253.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 289.54 67.4 289.54 SPLINT APP SH LEG CALF TO FOOT 29515 HCPCS 761 RC both 298.5 253.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 283.58 67.4 289.54 STRAPPING UNNA BOOT 29580 HCPCS 761 RC both 222.5 189.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 215.82 58.67 215.82 STRAPPING UNNA BOOT 29580 HCPCS 761 RC both 222.5 189.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 102.35 58.67 215.82 STRAPPING UNNA BOOT 29580 HCPCS 761 RC both 222.5 189.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 86.78 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 58.67 215.82 STRAPPING UNNA BOOT 29580 HCPCS 761 RC both 222.5 189.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 58.67 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 58.67 215.82 STRAPPING UNNA BOOT 29580 HCPCS 761 RC both 222.5 189.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 215.82 58.67 215.82 STRAPPING UNNA BOOT 29580 HCPCS 761 RC both 222.5 189.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 211.38 58.67 215.82 APP COMPRESSION SYSTEM MULTI 29581 HCPCS 761 RC both 248.5 211.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 241.04 81.48 241.04 APP COMPRESSION SYSTEM MULTI 29581 HCPCS 761 RC both 248.5 211.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 114.31 81.48 241.04 APP COMPRESSION SYSTEM MULTI 29581 HCPCS 761 RC both 248.5 211.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 96.92 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 81.48 241.04 APP COMPRESSION SYSTEM MULTI 29581 HCPCS 761 RC both 248.5 211.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 81.48 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 81.48 241.04 APP COMPRESSION SYSTEM MULTI 29581 HCPCS 761 RC both 248.5 211.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 241.04 81.48 241.04 APP COMPRESSION SYSTEM MULTI 29581 HCPCS 761 RC both 248.5 211.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 236.08 81.48 241.04 FB REMOVAL NOSE 30300 HCPCS 761 RC both 297 252.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 288.09 115.83 288.09 FB REMOVAL NOSE 30300 HCPCS 761 RC both 297 252.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 136.62 115.83 288.09 FB REMOVAL NOSE 30300 HCPCS 761 RC both 297 252.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 115.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 115.83 288.09 FB REMOVAL NOSE 30300 HCPCS 761 RC both 297 252.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 192.58 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 115.83 288.09 FB REMOVAL NOSE 30300 HCPCS 761 RC both 297 252.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 288.09 115.83 288.09 FB REMOVAL NOSE 30300 HCPCS 761 RC both 297 252.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 282.15 115.83 288.09 NASAL BLEED SIMPLE 30901 HCPCS 761 RC both 333 283.05 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 323.01 129.87 323.01 NASAL BLEED SIMPLE 30901 HCPCS 761 RC both 333 283.05 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 153.18 129.87 323.01 NASAL BLEED SIMPLE 30901 HCPCS 761 RC both 333 283.05 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 129.87 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 129.87 323.01 NASAL BLEED SIMPLE 30901 HCPCS 761 RC both 333 283.05 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 142.6 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 129.87 323.01 NASAL BLEED SIMPLE 30901 HCPCS 761 RC both 333 283.05 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 323.01 129.87 323.01 NASAL BLEED SIMPLE 30901 HCPCS 761 RC both 333 283.05 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 316.35 129.87 323.01 CHEST TUBE INSERTION HEMOTHORAX 32551 HCPCS 761 RC both 1067.5 907.38 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1035.48 140.16 1035.48 CHEST TUBE INSERTION HEMOTHORAX 32551 HCPCS 761 RC both 1067.5 907.38 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 491.05 140.16 1035.48 CHEST TUBE INSERTION HEMOTHORAX 32551 HCPCS 761 RC both 1067.5 907.38 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 416.33 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 140.16 1035.48 CHEST TUBE INSERTION HEMOTHORAX 32551 HCPCS 761 RC both 1067.5 907.38 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 140.16 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 140.16 1035.48 CHEST TUBE INSERTION HEMOTHORAX 32551 HCPCS 761 RC both 1067.5 907.38 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1035.48 140.16 1035.48 CHEST TUBE INSERTION HEMOTHORAX 32551 HCPCS 761 RC both 1067.5 907.38 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1014.12 140.16 1035.48 THORACENTESIS W/OUT IMAGINING GUIDANCE 32554 HCPCS 761 RC both 388 329.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 376.36 151.32 376.36 THORACENTESIS W/OUT IMAGINING GUIDANCE 32554 HCPCS 761 RC both 388 329.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 178.48 151.32 376.36 THORACENTESIS W/OUT IMAGINING GUIDANCE 32554 HCPCS 761 RC both 388 329.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 151.32 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 151.32 376.36 THORACENTESIS W/OUT IMAGINING GUIDANCE 32554 HCPCS 761 RC both 388 329.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 214.33 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 151.32 376.36 THORACENTESIS W/OUT IMAGINING GUIDANCE 32554 HCPCS 761 RC both 388 329.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 376.36 151.32 376.36 THORACENTESIS W/OUT IMAGINING GUIDANCE 32554 HCPCS 761 RC both 388 329.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 368.6 151.32 376.36 THORACENTESIS W/ IMAGINING GUIDANCE 32555 HCPCS 761 RC both 489 415.65 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 474.33 190.71 474.33 THORACENTESIS W/ IMAGINING GUIDANCE 32555 HCPCS 761 RC both 489 415.65 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 224.94 190.71 474.33 THORACENTESIS W/ IMAGINING GUIDANCE 32555 HCPCS 761 RC both 489 415.65 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 190.71 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 190.71 474.33 THORACENTESIS W/ IMAGINING GUIDANCE 32555 HCPCS 761 RC both 489 415.65 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 286.28 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 190.71 474.33 THORACENTESIS W/ IMAGINING GUIDANCE 32555 HCPCS 761 RC both 489 415.65 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 474.33 190.71 474.33 THORACENTESIS W/ IMAGINING GUIDANCE 32555 HCPCS 761 RC both 489 415.65 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 464.55 190.71 474.33 4X4 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 522.83 210.21 522.83 4X4 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 247.94 210.21 522.83 4X4 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 210.21 522.83 4X4 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 210.21 522.83 4X4 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 522.83 210.21 522.83 4X4 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 512.05 210.21 522.83 BLOOD ADMIN/UNIT OP 36430 HCPCS 391 RC both 1047.5 890.38 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1016.08 37.94 1016.08 BLOOD ADMIN/UNIT OP 36430 HCPCS 391 RC both 1047.5 890.38 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 481.85 37.94 1016.08 BLOOD ADMIN/UNIT OP 36430 HCPCS 391 RC both 1047.5 890.38 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 408.53 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 37.94 1016.08 BLOOD ADMIN/UNIT OP 36430 HCPCS 391 RC both 1047.5 890.38 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 37.94 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 37.94 1016.08 BLOOD ADMIN/UNIT OP 36430 HCPCS 391 RC both 1047.5 890.38 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1016.08 37.94 1016.08 BLOOD ADMIN/UNIT OP 36430 HCPCS 391 RC both 1047.5 890.38 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 995.12 37.94 1016.08 CENTRAL LINE INSERTION >5 YEARS 36556 HCPCS 761 RC both 1178.5 1001.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1143.14 193.87 1143.14 CENTRAL LINE INSERTION >5 YEARS 36556 HCPCS 761 RC both 1178.5 1001.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 542.11 193.87 1143.14 CENTRAL LINE INSERTION >5 YEARS 36556 HCPCS 761 RC both 1178.5 1001.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 459.62 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 193.87 1143.14 CENTRAL LINE INSERTION >5 YEARS 36556 HCPCS 761 RC both 1178.5 1001.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 193.87 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 193.87 1143.14 CENTRAL LINE INSERTION >5 YEARS 36556 HCPCS 761 RC both 1178.5 1001.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1143.14 193.87 1143.14 CENTRAL LINE INSERTION >5 YEARS 36556 HCPCS 761 RC both 1178.5 1001.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1119.58 193.87 1143.14 PICC LIN INSERTION >5YR 36569 HCPCS 761 RC both 1214.5 1032.33 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1178.06 85.83 1178.06 PICC LIN INSERTION >5YR 36569 HCPCS 761 RC both 1214.5 1032.33 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 558.67 85.83 1178.06 PICC LIN INSERTION >5YR 36569 HCPCS 761 RC both 1214.5 1032.33 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 473.66 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 85.83 1178.06 PICC LIN INSERTION >5YR 36569 HCPCS 761 RC both 1214.5 1032.33 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 85.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 85.83 1178.06 PICC LIN INSERTION >5YR 36569 HCPCS 761 RC both 1214.5 1032.33 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1178.06 85.83 1178.06 PICC LIN INSERTION >5YR 36569 HCPCS 761 RC both 1214.5 1032.33 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1153.78 85.83 1178.06 BIOPSY LIP 40490 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 332.22 113.03 332.22 BIOPSY LIP 40490 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 157.55 113.03 332.22 BIOPSY LIP 40490 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 133.58 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 113.03 332.22 BIOPSY LIP 40490 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 113.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 113.03 332.22 BIOPSY LIP 40490 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 332.22 113.03 332.22 BIOPSY LIP 40490 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 325.38 113.03 332.22 EXC SUBMUCOSAL TISS LIP/CHEECK 40812 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC SUBMUCOSAL TISS LIP/CHEECK 40812 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 138.65 344.84 EXC SUBMUCOSAL TISS LIP/CHEECK 40812 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.65 344.84 EXC SUBMUCOSAL TISS LIP/CHEECK 40812 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 255.16 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.65 344.84 EXC SUBMUCOSAL TISS LIP/CHEECK 40812 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 138.65 344.84 EXC SUBMUCOSAL TISS LIP/CHEECK 40812 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 138.65 344.84 EXC LESION TONGUE WO CLOSURE 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 332.22 133.58 332.22 EXC LESION TONGUE WO CLOSURE 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 157.55 133.58 332.22 EXC LESION TONGUE WO CLOSURE 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 133.58 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 133.58 332.22 EXC LESION TONGUE WO CLOSURE 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 143.9 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 133.58 332.22 EXC LESION TONGUE WO CLOSURE 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 332.22 133.58 332.22 EXC LESION TONGUE WO CLOSURE 11401 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 325.38 133.58 332.22 EXC TONGUE @ CLOSURE ANTERIOR 2/3 41112 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 332.22 133.58 332.22 EXC TONGUE @ CLOSURE ANTERIOR 2/3 41112 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 157.55 133.58 332.22 EXC TONGUE @ CLOSURE ANTERIOR 2/3 41112 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 133.58 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 133.58 332.22 EXC TONGUE @ CLOSURE ANTERIOR 2/3 41112 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 311.91 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 133.58 332.22 EXC TONGUE @ CLOSURE ANTERIOR 2/3 41112 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 332.22 133.58 332.22 EXC TONGUE @ CLOSURE ANTERIOR 2/3 41112 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 325.38 133.58 332.22 EXC TONGUE LESION W CLOSURE 41113 HCPCS 761 RC both 897.5 762.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 870.58 333.42 870.58 EXC TONGUE LESION W CLOSURE 41113 HCPCS 761 RC both 897.5 762.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 412.85 333.42 870.58 EXC TONGUE LESION W CLOSURE 41113 HCPCS 761 RC both 897.5 762.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 350.03 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 333.42 870.58 EXC TONGUE LESION W CLOSURE 41113 HCPCS 761 RC both 897.5 762.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 333.42 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 333.42 870.58 EXC TONGUE LESION W CLOSURE 41113 HCPCS 761 RC both 897.5 762.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 870.58 333.42 870.58 EXC TONGUE LESION W CLOSURE 41113 HCPCS 761 RC both 897.5 762.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 852.62 333.42 870.58 4X6 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 522.83 210.21 522.83 4X6 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 247.94 210.21 522.83 4X6 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 210.21 522.83 4X6 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 210.21 522.83 4X6 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 522.83 210.21 522.83 4X6 CM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 512.05 210.21 522.83 COLONOSOPY W/LESION REMOVAL 45385 HCPCS 761 RC both 1908.5 1622.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1851.24 416.72 1851.24 COLONOSOPY W/LESION REMOVAL 45385 HCPCS 761 RC both 1908.5 1622.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 877.91 416.72 1851.24 COLONOSOPY W/LESION REMOVAL 45385 HCPCS 761 RC both 1908.5 1622.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 744.32 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 416.72 1851.24 COLONOSOPY W/LESION REMOVAL 45385 HCPCS 761 RC both 1908.5 1622.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 416.72 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 416.72 1851.24 COLONOSOPY W/LESION REMOVAL 45385 HCPCS 761 RC both 1908.5 1622.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1851.24 416.72 1851.24 COLONOSOPY W/LESION REMOVAL 45385 HCPCS 761 RC both 1908.5 1622.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1813.08 416.72 1851.24 I&D ISCHLORECTA/PERIREC 46040 HCPCS 761 RC both 768 652.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 744.96 299.52 744.96 I&D ISCHLORECTA/PERIREC 46040 HCPCS 761 RC both 768 652.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 353.28 299.52 744.96 I&D ISCHLORECTA/PERIREC 46040 HCPCS 761 RC both 768 652.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 299.52 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 299.52 744.96 I&D ISCHLORECTA/PERIREC 46040 HCPCS 761 RC both 768 652.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 505.31 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 299.52 744.96 I&D ISCHLORECTA/PERIREC 46040 HCPCS 761 RC both 768 652.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 744.96 299.52 744.96 I&D ISCHLORECTA/PERIREC 46040 HCPCS 761 RC both 768 652.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 729.6 299.52 744.96 INC THROMBOSED HEMORRHOID EXTERNAL 46083 HCPCS 761 RC both 477 405.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 462.69 186.03 462.69 INC THROMBOSED HEMORRHOID EXTERNAL 46083 HCPCS 761 RC both 477 405.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 219.42 186.03 462.69 INC THROMBOSED HEMORRHOID EXTERNAL 46083 HCPCS 761 RC both 477 405.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 186.03 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 186.03 462.69 INC THROMBOSED HEMORRHOID EXTERNAL 46083 HCPCS 761 RC both 477 405.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 189.93 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 186.03 462.69 INC THROMBOSED HEMORRHOID EXTERNAL 46083 HCPCS 761 RC both 477 405.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 462.69 186.03 462.69 INC THROMBOSED HEMORRHOID EXTERNAL 46083 HCPCS 761 RC both 477 405.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 453.15 186.03 462.69 PARACENTESIS W/OUT IMAGING GUIDANCE 49082 HCPCS 761 RC both 354.5 301.33 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 343.86 138.26 343.86 PARACENTESIS W/OUT IMAGING GUIDANCE 49082 HCPCS 761 RC both 354.5 301.33 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.07 138.26 343.86 PARACENTESIS W/OUT IMAGING GUIDANCE 49082 HCPCS 761 RC both 354.5 301.33 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.26 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.26 343.86 PARACENTESIS W/OUT IMAGING GUIDANCE 49082 HCPCS 761 RC both 354.5 301.33 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 192.9 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.26 343.86 PARACENTESIS W/OUT IMAGING GUIDANCE 49082 HCPCS 761 RC both 354.5 301.33 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 343.86 138.26 343.86 PARACENTESIS W/OUT IMAGING GUIDANCE 49082 HCPCS 761 RC both 354.5 301.33 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 336.78 138.26 343.86 PARACENTESIS W/ IMAGING GUIDANCE 49083 HCPCS 761 RC both 543.5 461.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 527.2 211.97 527.2 PARACENTESIS W/ IMAGING GUIDANCE 49083 HCPCS 761 RC both 543.5 461.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 250.01 211.97 527.2 PARACENTESIS W/ IMAGING GUIDANCE 49083 HCPCS 761 RC both 543.5 461.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 211.97 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 211.97 527.2 PARACENTESIS W/ IMAGING GUIDANCE 49083 HCPCS 761 RC both 543.5 461.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 266.41 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 211.97 527.2 PARACENTESIS W/ IMAGING GUIDANCE 49083 HCPCS 761 RC both 543.5 461.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 527.2 211.97 527.2 PARACENTESIS W/ IMAGING GUIDANCE 49083 HCPCS 761 RC both 543.5 461.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 516.32 211.97 527.2 INSERTION CATHETER BLADDER 51701 HCPCS 761 RC both 253 215.05 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 245.41 40.99 245.41 INSERTION CATHETER BLADDER 51701 HCPCS 761 RC both 253 215.05 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 116.38 40.99 245.41 INSERTION CATHETER BLADDER 51701 HCPCS 761 RC both 253 215.05 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 98.67 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 40.99 245.41 INSERTION CATHETER BLADDER 51701 HCPCS 761 RC both 253 215.05 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 40.99 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 40.99 245.41 INSERTION CATHETER BLADDER 51701 HCPCS 761 RC both 253 215.05 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 245.41 40.99 245.41 INSERTION CATHETER BLADDER 51701 HCPCS 761 RC both 253 215.05 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 240.35 40.99 245.41 CATH UREATHRA FOLEY 51702 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 228.44 57.16 228.44 CATH UREATHRA FOLEY 51702 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 108.33 57.16 228.44 CATH UREATHRA FOLEY 51702 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 91.85 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 57.16 228.44 CATH UREATHRA FOLEY 51702 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 57.16 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 57.16 228.44 CATH UREATHRA FOLEY 51702 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 228.44 57.16 228.44 CATH UREATHRA FOLEY 51702 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 223.72 57.16 228.44 15 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 522.83 210.21 522.83 15 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 247.94 210.21 522.83 15 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 210.21 522.83 15 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 210.21 522.83 15 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 522.83 210.21 522.83 15 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 512.05 210.21 522.83 VASECTOMY 55250 HCPCS 761 RC both 718 610.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 696.46 280.02 696.46 VASECTOMY 55250 HCPCS 761 RC both 718 610.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 330.28 280.02 696.46 VASECTOMY 55250 HCPCS 761 RC both 718 610.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 280.02 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 280.02 696.46 VASECTOMY 55250 HCPCS 761 RC both 718 610.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 309.34 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 280.02 696.46 VASECTOMY 55250 HCPCS 761 RC both 718 610.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 696.46 280.02 696.46 VASECTOMY 55250 HCPCS 761 RC both 718 610.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 682.1 280.02 696.46 COLPOSCOPY CERVIX UPPR/ADJCNT VAGINA W/C 57455 HCPCS 761 RC both 817 694.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 792.49 148.98 792.49 COLPOSCOPY CERVIX UPPR/ADJCNT VAGINA W/C 57455 HCPCS 761 RC both 817 694.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 375.82 148.98 792.49 COLPOSCOPY CERVIX UPPR/ADJCNT VAGINA W/C 57455 HCPCS 761 RC both 817 694.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 318.63 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 148.98 792.49 COLPOSCOPY CERVIX UPPR/ADJCNT VAGINA W/C 57455 HCPCS 761 RC both 817 694.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 148.98 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 148.98 792.49 COLPOSCOPY CERVIX UPPR/ADJCNT VAGINA W/C 57455 HCPCS 761 RC both 817 694.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 792.49 148.98 792.49 COLPOSCOPY CERVIX UPPR/ADJCNT VAGINA W/C 57455 HCPCS 761 RC both 817 694.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 776.15 148.98 792.49 REMOVAL IUD 58301 HCPCS 761 RC both 444.5 377.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 431.16 101.41 431.16 REMOVAL IUD 58301 HCPCS 761 RC both 444.5 377.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 204.47 101.41 431.16 REMOVAL IUD 58301 HCPCS 761 RC both 444.5 377.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 173.36 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 101.41 431.16 REMOVAL IUD 58301 HCPCS 761 RC both 444.5 377.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 101.41 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 101.41 431.16 REMOVAL IUD 58301 HCPCS 761 RC both 444.5 377.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 431.16 101.41 431.16 REMOVAL IUD 58301 HCPCS 761 RC both 444.5 377.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 422.28 101.41 431.16 AMNIOCENTESIS 59000 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.58 105.93 708.58 AMNIOCENTESIS 59000 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 336.03 105.93 708.58 AMNIOCENTESIS 59000 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 284.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 105.93 708.58 AMNIOCENTESIS 59000 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 105.93 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 105.93 708.58 AMNIOCENTESIS 59000 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 708.58 105.93 708.58 AMNIOCENTESIS 59000 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 693.98 105.93 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 360 RC both 780 663 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 756.6 304.2 756.6 STEROID EPIDURAL 360 RC both 780 663 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 358.8 304.2 756.6 STEROID EPIDURAL 360 RC both 780 663 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 304.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 304.2 756.6 STEROID EPIDURAL 360 RC both 780 663 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 304.2 756.6 STEROID EPIDURAL 360 RC both 780 663 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 756.6 304.2 756.6 STEROID EPIDURAL 360 RC both 780 663 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 741 304.2 756.6 LUMBAR PUNCTURE 62270 HCPCS 761 RC both 841 714.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 815.77 132.41 815.77 LUMBAR PUNCTURE 62270 HCPCS 761 RC both 841 714.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 386.86 132.41 815.77 LUMBAR PUNCTURE 62270 HCPCS 761 RC both 841 714.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 327.99 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 132.41 815.77 LUMBAR PUNCTURE 62270 HCPCS 761 RC both 841 714.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 132.41 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 132.41 815.77 LUMBAR PUNCTURE 62270 HCPCS 761 RC both 841 714.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 815.77 132.41 815.77 LUMBAR PUNCTURE 62270 HCPCS 761 RC both 841 714.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 798.95 132.41 815.77 LUMBAR PUNCTURE DRAINAGE 62272 HCPCS 761 RC both 415.5 353.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 403.04 162.05 403.04 LUMBAR PUNCTURE DRAINAGE 62272 HCPCS 761 RC both 415.5 353.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 191.13 162.05 403.04 LUMBAR PUNCTURE DRAINAGE 62272 HCPCS 761 RC both 415.5 353.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 162.05 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 162.05 403.04 LUMBAR PUNCTURE DRAINAGE 62272 HCPCS 761 RC both 415.5 353.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 166.05 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 162.05 403.04 LUMBAR PUNCTURE DRAINAGE 62272 HCPCS 761 RC both 415.5 353.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 403.04 162.05 403.04 LUMBAR PUNCTURE DRAINAGE 62272 HCPCS 761 RC both 415.5 353.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 394.72 162.05 403.04 STEROID EPIDURAL; BLOOD OR CLOT PATCH 62273 HCPCS 761 RC both 955 811.75 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 926.35 155.65 926.35 STEROID EPIDURAL; BLOOD OR CLOT PATCH 62273 HCPCS 761 RC both 955 811.75 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 439.3 155.65 926.35 STEROID EPIDURAL; BLOOD OR CLOT PATCH 62273 HCPCS 761 RC both 955 811.75 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 372.45 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 155.65 926.35 STEROID EPIDURAL; BLOOD OR CLOT PATCH 62273 HCPCS 761 RC both 955 811.75 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 155.65 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 155.65 926.35 STEROID EPIDURAL; BLOOD OR CLOT PATCH 62273 HCPCS 761 RC both 955 811.75 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 926.35 155.65 926.35 STEROID EPIDURAL; BLOOD OR CLOT PATCH 62273 HCPCS 761 RC both 955 811.75 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 907.25 155.65 926.35 EPIDURAL CERV/THORAC 62281 HCPCS 761 RC both 887.5 754.38 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 860.88 222.65 860.88 EPIDURAL CERV/THORAC 62281 HCPCS 761 RC both 887.5 754.38 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 408.25 222.65 860.88 EPIDURAL CERV/THORAC 62281 HCPCS 761 RC both 887.5 754.38 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 346.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 222.65 860.88 EPIDURAL CERV/THORAC 62281 HCPCS 761 RC both 887.5 754.38 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 222.65 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 222.65 860.88 EPIDURAL CERV/THORAC 62281 HCPCS 761 RC both 887.5 754.38 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 860.88 222.65 860.88 EPIDURAL CERV/THORAC 62281 HCPCS 761 RC both 887.5 754.38 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 843.12 222.65 860.88 CAUDEL NERVE BLOCK 62326 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.58 127.6 708.58 CAUDEL NERVE BLOCK 62326 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 336.03 127.6 708.58 CAUDEL NERVE BLOCK 62326 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 284.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 127.6 708.58 CAUDEL NERVE BLOCK 62326 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 127.6 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 127.6 708.58 CAUDEL NERVE BLOCK 62326 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 708.58 127.6 708.58 CAUDEL NERVE BLOCK 62326 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 693.98 127.6 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 62320 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.58 150.5 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 62320 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 336.03 150.5 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 62320 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 284.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 150.5 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 62320 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 150.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 150.5 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 62320 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 708.58 150.5 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 62320 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 693.98 150.5 708.58 CERVIAL OR THORACIC EPIDURAL W/GUIDANCE 62321 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.58 241.62 708.58 CERVIAL OR THORACIC EPIDURAL W/GUIDANCE 62321 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 336.03 241.62 708.58 CERVIAL OR THORACIC EPIDURAL W/GUIDANCE 62321 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 284.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 241.62 708.58 CERVIAL OR THORACIC EPIDURAL W/GUIDANCE 62321 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 241.62 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 241.62 708.58 CERVIAL OR THORACIC EPIDURAL W/GUIDANCE 62321 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 708.58 241.62 708.58 CERVIAL OR THORACIC EPIDURAL W/GUIDANCE 62321 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 693.98 241.62 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 62322 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.58 124.93 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 62322 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 336.03 124.93 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 62322 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 284.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 124.93 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 62322 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 124.93 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 124.93 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 62322 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 708.58 124.93 708.58 STEROID EPIDURAL 62322 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 693.98 124.93 708.58 LUMBAR OR SACRAL EPIDURAL WITH GUIDANCE 62323 HCPCS 761 RC both 723.5 614.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 701.8 237.38 701.8 LUMBAR OR SACRAL EPIDURAL WITH GUIDANCE 62323 HCPCS 761 RC both 723.5 614.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 332.81 237.38 701.8 LUMBAR OR SACRAL EPIDURAL WITH GUIDANCE 62323 HCPCS 761 RC both 723.5 614.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 282.17 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 237.38 701.8 LUMBAR OR SACRAL EPIDURAL WITH GUIDANCE 62323 HCPCS 761 RC both 723.5 614.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 237.38 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 237.38 701.8 LUMBAR OR SACRAL EPIDURAL WITH GUIDANCE 62323 HCPCS 761 RC both 723.5 614.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 701.8 237.38 701.8 LUMBAR OR SACRAL EPIDURAL WITH GUIDANCE 62323 HCPCS 761 RC both 723.5 614.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 687.32 237.38 701.8 STEROID EPIDURAL 62324 HCPCS 761 RC both 889 755.65 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 862.33 127.63 862.33 STEROID EPIDURAL 62324 HCPCS 761 RC both 889 755.65 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 408.94 127.63 862.33 STEROID EPIDURAL 62324 HCPCS 761 RC both 889 755.65 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 346.71 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 127.63 862.33 STEROID EPIDURAL 62324 HCPCS 761 RC both 889 755.65 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 127.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 127.63 862.33 STEROID EPIDURAL 62324 HCPCS 761 RC both 889 755.65 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 862.33 127.63 862.33 STEROID EPIDURAL 62324 HCPCS 761 RC both 889 755.65 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 844.55 127.63 862.33 25 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 522.83 210.21 522.83 25 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 247.94 210.21 522.83 25 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 210.21 522.83 25 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 210.21 522.83 25 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 522.83 210.21 522.83 25 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 512.05 210.21 522.83 OCCIPITAL NERVE BLOCK 64405 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.58 68.22 708.58 OCCIPITAL NERVE BLOCK 64405 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 336.03 68.22 708.58 OCCIPITAL NERVE BLOCK 64405 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 284.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 68.22 708.58 OCCIPITAL NERVE BLOCK 64405 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 68.22 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 68.22 708.58 OCCIPITAL NERVE BLOCK 64405 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 708.58 68.22 708.58 OCCIPITAL NERVE BLOCK 64405 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 693.98 68.22 708.58 NERVE BLOCK 64421 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.58 31.01 708.58 NERVE BLOCK 64421 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 336.03 31.01 708.58 NERVE BLOCK 64421 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 284.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 31.01 708.58 NERVE BLOCK 64421 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 31.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 31.01 708.58 NERVE BLOCK 64421 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 708.58 31.01 708.58 NERVE BLOCK 64421 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 693.98 31.01 708.58 NERVE BLOCK ILOINGUNIAL NERVER 64425 HCPCS 761 RC both 857 728.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 831.29 101.92 831.29 NERVE BLOCK ILOINGUNIAL NERVER 64425 HCPCS 761 RC both 857 728.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 394.22 101.92 831.29 NERVE BLOCK ILOINGUNIAL NERVER 64425 HCPCS 761 RC both 857 728.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 334.23 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 101.92 831.29 NERVE BLOCK ILOINGUNIAL NERVER 64425 HCPCS 761 RC both 857 728.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 101.92 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 101.92 831.29 NERVE BLOCK ILOINGUNIAL NERVER 64425 HCPCS 761 RC both 857 728.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 831.29 101.92 831.29 NERVE BLOCK ILOINGUNIAL NERVER 64425 HCPCS 761 RC both 857 728.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 814.15 101.92 831.29 "SCIATIC NERVE BLOCK, SINGLE" 64445 HCPCS 761 RC both 823.5 699.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 798.8 146.04 798.8 "SCIATIC NERVE BLOCK, SINGLE" 64445 HCPCS 761 RC both 823.5 699.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 378.81 146.04 798.8 "SCIATIC NERVE BLOCK, SINGLE" 64445 HCPCS 761 RC both 823.5 699.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 321.17 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 146.04 798.8 "SCIATIC NERVE BLOCK, SINGLE" 64445 HCPCS 761 RC both 823.5 699.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 146.04 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 146.04 798.8 "SCIATIC NERVE BLOCK, SINGLE" 64445 HCPCS 761 RC both 823.5 699.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 798.8 146.04 798.8 "SCIATIC NERVE BLOCK, SINGLE" 64445 HCPCS 761 RC both 823.5 699.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 782.32 146.04 798.8 NERVE BLOCK/PERPHERAL NERVE 64450 HCPCS 761 RC both 558.5 474.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 541.74 69.27 541.74 NERVE BLOCK/PERPHERAL NERVE 64450 HCPCS 761 RC both 558.5 474.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 256.91 69.27 541.74 NERVE BLOCK/PERPHERAL NERVE 64450 HCPCS 761 RC both 558.5 474.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 217.82 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 69.27 541.74 NERVE BLOCK/PERPHERAL NERVE 64450 HCPCS 761 RC both 558.5 474.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 69.27 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 69.27 541.74 NERVE BLOCK/PERPHERAL NERVE 64450 HCPCS 761 RC both 558.5 474.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 541.74 69.27 541.74 NERVE BLOCK/PERPHERAL NERVE 64450 HCPCS 761 RC both 558.5 474.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 530.58 69.27 541.74 STEROID EPIDURAL 64451 HCPCS 510 RC both 600 510 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 582 209.31 582 STEROID EPIDURAL 64451 HCPCS 510 RC both 600 510 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 276 209.31 582 STEROID EPIDURAL 64451 HCPCS 510 RC both 600 510 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 234 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 209.31 582 STEROID EPIDURAL 64451 HCPCS 510 RC both 600 510 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 209.31 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 209.31 582 STEROID EPIDURAL 64451 HCPCS 510 RC both 600 510 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 582 209.31 582 STEROID EPIDURAL 64451 HCPCS 510 RC both 600 510 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 570 209.31 582 TRANS EPI C/T EA ADDL 64480 HCPCS 761 RC both 600 510 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 582 124.15 582 TRANS EPI C/T EA ADDL 64480 HCPCS 761 RC both 600 510 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 276 124.15 582 TRANS EPI C/T EA ADDL 64480 HCPCS 761 RC both 600 510 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 234 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 124.15 582 TRANS EPI C/T EA ADDL 64480 HCPCS 761 RC both 600 510 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 124.15 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 124.15 582 TRANS EPI C/T EA ADDL 64480 HCPCS 761 RC both 600 510 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 582 124.15 582 TRANS EPI C/T EA ADDL 64480 HCPCS 761 RC both 600 510 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 570 124.15 582 TRANS EPI L/S 1ST LEVEL 64483 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.58 226.81 708.58 TRANS EPI L/S 1ST LEVEL 64483 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 336.03 226.81 708.58 TRANS EPI L/S 1ST LEVEL 64483 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 284.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 226.81 708.58 TRANS EPI L/S 1ST LEVEL 64483 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 226.81 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 226.81 708.58 TRANS EPI L/S 1ST LEVEL 64483 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 708.58 226.81 708.58 TRANS EPI L/S 1ST LEVEL 64483 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 693.98 226.81 708.58 TRANS EPI L/S EACH ADDL 64484 HCPCS 761 RC both 416 353.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 403.52 102.53 403.52 TRANS EPI L/S EACH ADDL 64484 HCPCS 761 RC both 416 353.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 191.36 102.53 403.52 TRANS EPI L/S EACH ADDL 64484 HCPCS 761 RC both 416 353.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 162.24 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 102.53 403.52 TRANS EPI L/S EACH ADDL 64484 HCPCS 761 RC both 416 353.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 102.53 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 102.53 403.52 TRANS EPI L/S EACH ADDL 64484 HCPCS 761 RC both 416 353.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 403.52 102.53 403.52 TRANS EPI L/S EACH ADDL 64484 HCPCS 761 RC both 416 353.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 395.2 102.53 403.52 TAP BLOCK UNI BY INFUSION 64487 HCPCS 761 RC both 592 503.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 574.24 195.88 574.24 TAP BLOCK UNI BY INFUSION 64487 HCPCS 761 RC both 592 503.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 272.32 195.88 574.24 TAP BLOCK UNI BY INFUSION 64487 HCPCS 761 RC both 592 503.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 230.88 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 195.88 574.24 TAP BLOCK UNI BY INFUSION 64487 HCPCS 761 RC both 592 503.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 195.88 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 195.88 574.24 TAP BLOCK UNI BY INFUSION 64487 HCPCS 761 RC both 592 503.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 574.24 195.88 574.24 TAP BLOCK UNI BY INFUSION 64487 HCPCS 761 RC both 592 503.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 562.4 195.88 574.24 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 1 LEVEL W GUID 64490 HCPCS 761 RC both 1380 1173 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1338.6 177.9 1338.6 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 1 LEVEL W GUID 64490 HCPCS 761 RC both 1380 1173 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 634.8 177.9 1338.6 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 1 LEVEL W GUID 64490 HCPCS 761 RC both 1380 1173 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 538.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 177.9 1338.6 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 1 LEVEL W GUID 64490 HCPCS 761 RC both 1380 1173 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 177.9 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 177.9 1338.6 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 1 LEVEL W GUID 64490 HCPCS 761 RC both 1380 1173 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1338.6 177.9 1338.6 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 1 LEVEL W GUID 64490 HCPCS 761 RC both 1380 1173 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1311 177.9 1338.6 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 2ND LEV 64491 HCPCS 761 RC both 616.5 524.03 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 598 90.02 598 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 2ND LEV 64491 HCPCS 761 RC both 616.5 524.03 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 283.59 90.02 598 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 2ND LEV 64491 HCPCS 761 RC both 616.5 524.03 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 240.44 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 90.02 598 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 2ND LEV 64491 HCPCS 761 RC both 616.5 524.03 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 90.02 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 90.02 598 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 2ND LEV 64491 HCPCS 761 RC both 616.5 524.03 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 598 90.02 598 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 2ND LEV 64491 HCPCS 761 RC both 616.5 524.03 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 585.68 90.02 598 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 3RD LEVEL 64492 HCPCS 761 RC both 616.5 524.03 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 598 90.33 598 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 3RD LEVEL 64492 HCPCS 761 RC both 616.5 524.03 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 283.59 90.33 598 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 3RD LEVEL 64492 HCPCS 761 RC both 616.5 524.03 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 240.44 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 90.33 598 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 3RD LEVEL 64492 HCPCS 761 RC both 616.5 524.03 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 90.33 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 90.33 598 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 3RD LEVEL 64492 HCPCS 761 RC both 616.5 524.03 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 598 90.33 598 INJ PARA FA JNT C/T 3RD LEVEL 64492 HCPCS 761 RC both 616.5 524.03 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 585.68 90.33 598 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 1 LEV W GUID 64493 HCPCS 761 RC both 772.5 656.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 749.32 163.52 749.32 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 1 LEV W GUID 64493 HCPCS 761 RC both 772.5 656.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 355.35 163.52 749.32 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 1 LEV W GUID 64493 HCPCS 761 RC both 772.5 656.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 301.28 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 163.52 749.32 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 1 LEV W GUID 64493 HCPCS 761 RC both 772.5 656.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 163.52 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 163.52 749.32 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 1 LEV W GUID 64493 HCPCS 761 RC both 772.5 656.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 749.32 163.52 749.32 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 1 LEV W GUID 64493 HCPCS 761 RC both 772.5 656.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 733.88 163.52 749.32 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 2ND LEV 64494 HCPCS 761 RC both 768.5 653.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 745.44 84.09 745.44 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 2ND LEV 64494 HCPCS 761 RC both 768.5 653.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 353.51 84.09 745.44 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 2ND LEV 64494 HCPCS 761 RC both 768.5 653.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 299.72 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 84.09 745.44 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 2ND LEV 64494 HCPCS 761 RC both 768.5 653.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 84.09 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 84.09 745.44 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 2ND LEV 64494 HCPCS 761 RC both 768.5 653.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 745.44 84.09 745.44 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 2ND LEV 64494 HCPCS 761 RC both 768.5 653.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 730.08 84.09 745.44 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 3RD LEV 64495 HCPCS 761 RC both 780 663 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 756.6 84.09 756.6 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 3RD LEV 64495 HCPCS 761 RC both 780 663 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 358.8 84.09 756.6 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 3RD LEV 64495 HCPCS 761 RC both 780 663 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 304.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 84.09 756.6 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 3RD LEV 64495 HCPCS 761 RC both 780 663 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 84.09 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 84.09 756.6 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 3RD LEV 64495 HCPCS 761 RC both 780 663 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 756.6 84.09 756.6 INJ PARA FA JNT L/S 3RD LEV 64495 HCPCS 761 RC both 780 663 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 741 84.09 756.6 LUMBAR OR THORACIC INJECT PARAVERTBRL 64520 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.58 211.36 708.58 LUMBAR OR THORACIC INJECT PARAVERTBRL 64520 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 336.03 211.36 708.58 LUMBAR OR THORACIC INJECT PARAVERTBRL 64520 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 284.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 211.36 708.58 LUMBAR OR THORACIC INJECT PARAVERTBRL 64520 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 211.36 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 211.36 708.58 LUMBAR OR THORACIC INJECT PARAVERTBRL 64520 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 708.58 211.36 708.58 LUMBAR OR THORACIC INJECT PARAVERTBRL 64520 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 693.98 211.36 708.58 DESTRUCTION OF EXT GEN NERVE 64630 HCPCS 360 RC both 985 837.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 955.45 234.94 955.45 DESTRUCTION OF EXT GEN NERVE 64630 HCPCS 360 RC both 985 837.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 453.1 234.94 955.45 DESTRUCTION OF EXT GEN NERVE 64630 HCPCS 360 RC both 985 837.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 384.15 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 234.94 955.45 DESTRUCTION OF EXT GEN NERVE 64630 HCPCS 360 RC both 985 837.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 234.94 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 234.94 955.45 DESTRUCTION OF EXT GEN NERVE 64630 HCPCS 360 RC both 985 837.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 955.45 234.94 955.45 DESTRUCTION OF EXT GEN NERVE 64630 HCPCS 360 RC both 985 837.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 935.75 234.94 955.45 FJN CERVICAL/THORA SINGLE 64633 HCPCS 360 RC both 1985 1687.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1925.45 402.87 1925.45 FJN CERVICAL/THORA SINGLE 64633 HCPCS 360 RC both 1985 1687.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 913.1 402.87 1925.45 FJN CERVICAL/THORA SINGLE 64633 HCPCS 360 RC both 1985 1687.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 774.15 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 402.87 1925.45 FJN CERVICAL/THORA SINGLE 64633 HCPCS 360 RC both 1985 1687.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 402.87 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 402.87 1925.45 FJN CERVICAL/THORA SINGLE 64633 HCPCS 360 RC both 1985 1687.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1925.45 402.87 1925.45 FJN CERVICAL/THORA SINGLE 64633 HCPCS 360 RC both 1985 1687.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1885.75 402.87 1925.45 FJN CERVICAL/THORA SINGLEEACH ADD 64634 HCPCS 360 RC both 910 773.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 882.7 233.93 882.7 FJN CERVICAL/THORA SINGLEEACH ADD 64634 HCPCS 360 RC both 910 773.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 418.6 233.93 882.7 FJN CERVICAL/THORA SINGLEEACH ADD 64634 HCPCS 360 RC both 910 773.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 354.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 233.93 882.7 FJN CERVICAL/THORA SINGLEEACH ADD 64634 HCPCS 360 RC both 910 773.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 233.93 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 233.93 882.7 FJN CERVICAL/THORA SINGLEEACH ADD 64634 HCPCS 360 RC both 910 773.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 882.7 233.93 882.7 FJN CERVICAL/THORA SINGLEEACH ADD 64634 HCPCS 360 RC both 910 773.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 864.5 233.93 882.7 FJN LUMB/SAC SINGLE 64635 HCPCS 360 RC both 2264.5 1924.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2196.56 406.19 2196.56 FJN LUMB/SAC SINGLE 64635 HCPCS 360 RC both 2264.5 1924.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 1041.67 406.19 2196.56 FJN LUMB/SAC SINGLE 64635 HCPCS 360 RC both 2264.5 1924.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 883.16 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 406.19 2196.56 FJN LUMB/SAC SINGLE 64635 HCPCS 360 RC both 2264.5 1924.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 406.19 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 406.19 2196.56 FJN LUMB/SAC SINGLE 64635 HCPCS 360 RC both 2264.5 1924.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 2196.56 406.19 2196.56 FJN LUMB/SAC SINGLE 64635 HCPCS 360 RC both 2264.5 1924.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2151.28 406.19 2196.56 FJN LUMB/SAC EA ADDTL 64636 HCPCS 360 RC both 1218 1035.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1181.46 219.54 1181.46 FJN LUMB/SAC EA ADDTL 64636 HCPCS 360 RC both 1218 1035.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 560.28 219.54 1181.46 FJN LUMB/SAC EA ADDTL 64636 HCPCS 360 RC both 1218 1035.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 475.02 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 219.54 1181.46 FJN LUMB/SAC EA ADDTL 64636 HCPCS 360 RC both 1218 1035.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 219.54 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 219.54 1181.46 FJN LUMB/SAC EA ADDTL 64636 HCPCS 360 RC both 1218 1035.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1181.46 219.54 1181.46 FJN LUMB/SAC EA ADDTL 64636 HCPCS 360 RC both 1218 1035.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1157.1 219.54 1181.46 PERIPHERAL NERVE 64640 HCPCS 761 RC both 374 317.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 362.78 145.86 362.78 PERIPHERAL NERVE 64640 HCPCS 761 RC both 374 317.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 172.04 145.86 362.78 PERIPHERAL NERVE 64640 HCPCS 761 RC both 374 317.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 145.86 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 145.86 362.78 PERIPHERAL NERVE 64640 HCPCS 761 RC both 374 317.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 228.42 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 145.86 362.78 PERIPHERAL NERVE 64640 HCPCS 761 RC both 374 317.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 362.78 145.86 362.78 PERIPHERAL NERVE 64640 HCPCS 761 RC both 374 317.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 355.3 145.86 362.78 FB EXTERNAL EYE CONJUNCTIVAL SUPERFICIAL 65205 HCPCS 761 RC both 245 208.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 237.65 26.75 237.65 FB EXTERNAL EYE CONJUNCTIVAL SUPERFICIAL 65205 HCPCS 761 RC both 245 208.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 112.7 26.75 237.65 FB EXTERNAL EYE CONJUNCTIVAL SUPERFICIAL 65205 HCPCS 761 RC both 245 208.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 95.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 26.75 237.65 FB EXTERNAL EYE CONJUNCTIVAL SUPERFICIAL 65205 HCPCS 761 RC both 245 208.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 26.75 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 26.75 237.65 FB EXTERNAL EYE CONJUNCTIVAL SUPERFICIAL 65205 HCPCS 761 RC both 245 208.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 237.65 26.75 237.65 FB EXTERNAL EYE CONJUNCTIVAL SUPERFICIAL 65205 HCPCS 761 RC both 245 208.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 232.75 26.75 237.65 BIOPSY EYELID 67810 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 332.22 133.58 332.22 BIOPSY EYELID 67810 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 157.55 133.58 332.22 BIOPSY EYELID 67810 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 133.58 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 133.58 332.22 BIOPSY EYELID 67810 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 168.21 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 133.58 332.22 BIOPSY EYELID 67810 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 332.22 133.58 332.22 BIOPSY EYELID 67810 HCPCS 761 RC both 342.5 291.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 325.38 133.58 332.22 BIOPSY EXTER EAR 69100 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 87.89 344.84 BIOPSY EXTER EAR 69100 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 87.89 344.84 BIOPSY EXTER EAR 69100 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 87.89 344.84 BIOPSY EXTER EAR 69100 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 87.89 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 87.89 344.84 BIOPSY EXTER EAR 69100 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 87.89 344.84 BIOPSY EXTER EAR 69100 HCPCS 761 RC both 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 87.89 344.84 EXC EXTER EAR PARTIAL SIMPLE 69110 HCPCS 761 RC both 577.5 490.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 560.18 225.23 560.18 EXC EXTER EAR PARTIAL SIMPLE 69110 HCPCS 761 RC both 577.5 490.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 265.65 225.23 560.18 EXC EXTER EAR PARTIAL SIMPLE 69110 HCPCS 761 RC both 577.5 490.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 225.23 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 225.23 560.18 EXC EXTER EAR PARTIAL SIMPLE 69110 HCPCS 761 RC both 577.5 490.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 431.36 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 225.23 560.18 EXC EXTER EAR PARTIAL SIMPLE 69110 HCPCS 761 RC both 577.5 490.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 560.18 225.23 560.18 EXC EXTER EAR PARTIAL SIMPLE 69110 HCPCS 761 RC both 577.5 490.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 548.62 225.23 560.18 TYMPANOSTOMY LOC/TOPICAL ANES UNIL 69433 HCPCS 761 RC both 484.5 411.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 469.96 186.06 469.96 TYMPANOSTOMY LOC/TOPICAL ANES UNIL 69433 HCPCS 761 RC both 484.5 411.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 222.87 186.06 469.96 TYMPANOSTOMY LOC/TOPICAL ANES UNIL 69433 HCPCS 761 RC both 484.5 411.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 188.96 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 186.06 469.96 TYMPANOSTOMY LOC/TOPICAL ANES UNIL 69433 HCPCS 761 RC both 484.5 411.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 186.06 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 186.06 469.96 TYMPANOSTOMY LOC/TOPICAL ANES UNIL 69433 HCPCS 761 RC both 484.5 411.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 469.96 186.06 469.96 TYMPANOSTOMY LOC/TOPICAL ANES UNIL 69433 HCPCS 761 RC both 484.5 411.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 460.28 186.06 469.96 IV INFUSION DRUG 1ST HR OUTPATIENT 90774 HCPCS 761 RC both 482 409.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 467.54 187.98 467.54 IV INFUSION DRUG 1ST HR OUTPATIENT 90774 HCPCS 761 RC both 482 409.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 221.72 187.98 467.54 IV INFUSION DRUG 1ST HR OUTPATIENT 90774 HCPCS 761 RC both 482 409.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 187.98 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 187.98 467.54 IV INFUSION DRUG 1ST HR OUTPATIENT 90774 HCPCS 761 RC both 482 409.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 187.98 467.54 IV INFUSION DRUG 1ST HR OUTPATIENT 90774 HCPCS 761 RC both 482 409.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 467.54 187.98 467.54 IV INFUSION DRUG 1ST HR OUTPATIENT 90774 HCPCS 761 RC both 482 409.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 457.9 187.98 467.54 35 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 522.83 210.21 522.83 35 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 247.94 210.21 522.83 35 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 210.21 522.83 35 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 210.21 522.83 35 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 522.83 210.21 522.83 35 MM CYGNUS MATRIX ALLOGRAFT DISC Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 539 458.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 512.05 210.21 522.83 ULTRASOUND GUIDE FOR BIOPSY 76942 HCPCS 402 RC both 1056 897.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1024.32 51.3 1024.32 ULTRASOUND GUIDE FOR BIOPSY 76942 HCPCS 402 RC both 1056 897.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 51.3 51.3 1024.32 ULTRASOUND GUIDE FOR BIOPSY 76942 HCPCS 402 RC both 1056 897.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 411.84 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 51.3 1024.32 ULTRASOUND GUIDE FOR BIOPSY 76942 HCPCS 402 RC both 1056 897.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 54.05 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 51.3 1024.32 ULTRASOUND GUIDE FOR BIOPSY 76942 HCPCS 402 RC both 1056 897.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1024.32 51.3 1024.32 ULTRASOUND GUIDE FOR BIOPSY 76942 HCPCS 402 RC both 1056 897.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1003.2 51.3 1024.32 3X3 CM CYGNUS MAX UMBILLICAL CORD Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 361.5 307.28 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 350.66 140.99 350.66 3X3 CM CYGNUS MAX UMBILLICAL CORD Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 361.5 307.28 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 166.29 140.99 350.66 3X3 CM CYGNUS MAX UMBILLICAL CORD Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 361.5 307.28 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 140.99 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 140.99 350.66 3X3 CM CYGNUS MAX UMBILLICAL CORD Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 361.5 307.28 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 140.99 350.66 3X3 CM CYGNUS MAX UMBILLICAL CORD Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 361.5 307.28 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 350.66 140.99 350.66 3X3 CM CYGNUS MAX UMBILLICAL CORD Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 361.5 307.28 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 343.42 140.99 350.66 TB TEST 86580 HCPCS 761 RC both 43 36.55 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 41.71 6.6 41.71 TB TEST 86580 HCPCS 761 RC both 43 36.55 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 6.6 6.6 41.71 TB TEST 86580 HCPCS 761 RC both 43 36.55 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 16.77 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 6.6 41.71 TB TEST 86580 HCPCS 761 RC both 43 36.55 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 9.22 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 6.6 41.71 TB TEST 86580 HCPCS 761 RC both 43 36.55 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 41.71 6.6 41.71 TB TEST 86580 HCPCS 761 RC both 43 36.55 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 40.85 6.6 41.71 INJ-IMMUNIZATION 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 52 44.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 50.44 19.11 50.44 INJ-IMMUNIZATION 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 52 44.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 19.29 19.11 50.44 INJ-IMMUNIZATION 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 52 44.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 20.28 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 19.11 50.44 INJ-IMMUNIZATION 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 52 44.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 19.11 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 19.11 50.44 INJ-IMMUNIZATION 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 52 44.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 50.44 19.11 50.44 INJ-IMMUNIZATION 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 52 44.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 49.4 19.11 50.44 INJ/IMMUNIZATION EA ADD 90472 HCPCS 761 RC both 57.5 48.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 55.78 13.61 55.78 INJ/IMMUNIZATION EA ADD 90472 HCPCS 761 RC both 57.5 48.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 26.45 13.61 55.78 INJ/IMMUNIZATION EA ADD 90472 HCPCS 761 RC both 57.5 48.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 22.43 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.61 55.78 INJ/IMMUNIZATION EA ADD 90472 HCPCS 761 RC both 57.5 48.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 13.61 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.61 55.78 INJ/IMMUNIZATION EA ADD 90472 HCPCS 761 RC both 57.5 48.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 55.78 13.61 55.78 INJ/IMMUNIZATION EA ADD 90472 HCPCS 761 RC both 57.5 48.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 54.62 13.61 55.78 TETNUS 7 YR OR OLDER 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 302.5 257.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 293.42 19.11 293.42 TETNUS 7 YR OR OLDER 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 302.5 257.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 19.29 19.11 293.42 TETNUS 7 YR OR OLDER 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 302.5 257.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 117.98 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 19.11 293.42 TETNUS 7 YR OR OLDER 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 302.5 257.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 19.11 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 19.11 293.42 TETNUS 7 YR OR OLDER 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 302.5 257.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 293.42 19.11 293.42 TETNUS 7 YR OR OLDER 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 302.5 257.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 287.38 19.11 293.42 IV HYDRATION INITIAL 1ST HR 96360 HCPCS 761 RC both 510 433.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 494.7 29.69 494.7 IV HYDRATION INITIAL 1ST HR 96360 HCPCS 761 RC both 510 433.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 234.6 29.69 494.7 IV HYDRATION INITIAL 1ST HR 96360 HCPCS 761 RC both 510 433.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 198.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 29.69 494.7 IV HYDRATION INITIAL 1ST HR 96360 HCPCS 761 RC both 510 433.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 29.69 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 29.69 494.7 IV HYDRATION INITIAL 1ST HR 96360 HCPCS 761 RC both 510 433.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 494.7 29.69 494.7 IV HYDRATION INITIAL 1ST HR 96360 HCPCS 761 RC both 510 433.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 484.5 29.69 494.7 IV HYDRATION ADDL UP TO 8HR 96361 HCPCS 761 RC both 124.5 105.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 120.76 11.31 120.76 IV HYDRATION ADDL UP TO 8HR 96361 HCPCS 761 RC both 124.5 105.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 57.27 11.31 120.76 IV HYDRATION ADDL UP TO 8HR 96361 HCPCS 761 RC both 124.5 105.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 48.56 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 11.31 120.76 IV HYDRATION ADDL UP TO 8HR 96361 HCPCS 761 RC both 124.5 105.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 11.31 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 11.31 120.76 IV HYDRATION ADDL UP TO 8HR 96361 HCPCS 761 RC both 124.5 105.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 120.76 11.31 120.76 IV HYDRATION ADDL UP TO 8HR 96361 HCPCS 761 RC both 124.5 105.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 118.28 11.31 120.76 IV INFUSION DRUG 1ST HR 96365 HCPCS 761 RC both 444 377.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 430.68 56.87 430.68 IV INFUSION DRUG 1ST HR 96365 HCPCS 761 RC both 444 377.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 204.24 56.87 430.68 IV INFUSION DRUG 1ST HR 96365 HCPCS 761 RC both 444 377.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 173.16 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 56.87 430.68 IV INFUSION DRUG 1ST HR 96365 HCPCS 761 RC both 444 377.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 56.87 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 56.87 430.68 IV INFUSION DRUG 1ST HR 96365 HCPCS 761 RC both 444 377.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 430.68 56.87 430.68 IV INFUSION DRUG 1ST HR 96365 HCPCS 761 RC both 444 377.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 421.8 56.87 430.68 IV THERAPY ADD HR 8 MAX 96366 HCPCS 761 RC both 111 94.35 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 107.67 18.84 107.67 IV THERAPY ADD HR 8 MAX 96366 HCPCS 761 RC both 111 94.35 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 51.06 18.84 107.67 IV THERAPY ADD HR 8 MAX 96366 HCPCS 761 RC both 111 94.35 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 43.29 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 18.84 107.67 IV THERAPY ADD HR 8 MAX 96366 HCPCS 761 RC both 111 94.35 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 18.84 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 18.84 107.67 IV THERAPY ADD HR 8 MAX 96366 HCPCS 761 RC both 111 94.35 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 107.67 18.84 107.67 IV THERAPY ADD HR 8 MAX 96366 HCPCS 761 RC both 111 94.35 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 105.45 18.84 107.67 SEQUENTIAL INFUSION ADDL HR 96367 HCPCS 761 RC both 265.5 225.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 257.54 26.12 257.54 SEQUENTIAL INFUSION ADDL HR 96367 HCPCS 761 RC both 265.5 225.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 122.13 26.12 257.54 SEQUENTIAL INFUSION ADDL HR 96367 HCPCS 761 RC both 265.5 225.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 103.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 26.12 257.54 SEQUENTIAL INFUSION ADDL HR 96367 HCPCS 761 RC both 265.5 225.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 26.12 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 26.12 257.54 SEQUENTIAL INFUSION ADDL HR 96367 HCPCS 761 RC both 265.5 225.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 257.54 26.12 257.54 SEQUENTIAL INFUSION ADDL HR 96367 HCPCS 761 RC both 265.5 225.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 252.22 26.12 257.54 IV INFUS ADD SEQUENTIAL 96368 HCPCS 761 RC both 115 97.75 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 111.55 18.2 111.55 IV INFUS ADD SEQUENTIAL 96368 HCPCS 761 RC both 115 97.75 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 52.9 18.2 111.55 IV INFUS ADD SEQUENTIAL 96368 HCPCS 761 RC both 115 97.75 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 44.85 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 18.2 111.55 IV INFUS ADD SEQUENTIAL 96368 HCPCS 761 RC both 115 97.75 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 18.2 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 18.2 111.55 IV INFUS ADD SEQUENTIAL 96368 HCPCS 761 RC both 115 97.75 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 111.55 18.2 111.55 IV INFUS ADD SEQUENTIAL 96368 HCPCS 761 RC both 115 97.75 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 109.25 18.2 111.55 SQ/IM INJECTION 96372 HCPCS 761 RC both 73.5 62.48 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 71.3 13.37 71.3 SQ/IM INJECTION 96372 HCPCS 761 RC both 73.5 62.48 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 33.81 13.37 71.3 SQ/IM INJECTION 96372 HCPCS 761 RC both 73.5 62.48 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 28.67 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.37 71.3 SQ/IM INJECTION 96372 HCPCS 761 RC both 73.5 62.48 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 13.37 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.37 71.3 SQ/IM INJECTION 96372 HCPCS 761 RC both 73.5 62.48 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 71.3 13.37 71.3 SQ/IM INJECTION 96372 HCPCS 761 RC both 73.5 62.48 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 69.82 13.37 71.3 INJ IV PUSH 96374 HCPCS 761 RC both 232.5 197.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 225.52 33.5 225.52 INJ IV PUSH 96374 HCPCS 761 RC both 232.5 197.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 106.95 33.5 225.52 INJ IV PUSH 96374 HCPCS 761 RC both 232.5 197.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 90.68 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 33.5 225.52 INJ IV PUSH 96374 HCPCS 761 RC both 232.5 197.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 33.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 33.5 225.52 INJ IV PUSH 96374 HCPCS 761 RC both 232.5 197.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 225.52 33.5 225.52 INJ IV PUSH 96374 HCPCS 761 RC both 232.5 197.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 220.88 33.5 225.52 IV PUSH EA ADD 96375 HCPCS 761 RC both 244 207.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 236.68 14.06 236.68 IV PUSH EA ADD 96375 HCPCS 761 RC both 244 207.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 112.24 14.06 236.68 IV PUSH EA ADD 96375 HCPCS 761 RC both 244 207.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 95.16 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 14.06 236.68 IV PUSH EA ADD 96375 HCPCS 761 RC both 244 207.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 14.06 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 14.06 236.68 IV PUSH EA ADD 96375 HCPCS 761 RC both 244 207.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 236.68 14.06 236.68 IV PUSH EA ADD 96375 HCPCS 761 RC both 244 207.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 231.8 14.06 236.68 CARDIOVERSION 92960 HCPCS 761 RC both 895.5 761.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 868.64 142.63 868.64 CARDIOVERSION 92960 HCPCS 761 RC both 895.5 761.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 411.93 142.63 868.64 CARDIOVERSION 92960 HCPCS 761 RC both 895.5 761.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 349.25 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 142.63 868.64 CARDIOVERSION 92960 HCPCS 761 RC both 895.5 761.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 142.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 142.63 868.64 CARDIOVERSION 92960 HCPCS 761 RC both 895.5 761.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 868.64 142.63 868.64 CARDIOVERSION 92960 HCPCS 761 RC both 895.5 761.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 850.72 142.63 868.64 UPR/LWR XTREMITY ARTERL BILAT 1 - 2 LEV 93922 HCPCS 921 RC both 435.5 370.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 422.44 74.68 422.44 UPR/LWR XTREMITY ARTERL BILAT 1 - 2 LEV 93922 HCPCS 921 RC both 435.5 370.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 200.33 74.68 422.44 UPR/LWR XTREMITY ARTERL BILAT 1 - 2 LEV 93922 HCPCS 921 RC both 435.5 370.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 169.85 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 74.68 422.44 UPR/LWR XTREMITY ARTERL BILAT 1 - 2 LEV 93922 HCPCS 921 RC both 435.5 370.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 74.68 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 74.68 422.44 UPR/LWR XTREMITY ARTERL BILAT 1 - 2 LEV 93922 HCPCS 921 RC both 435.5 370.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 422.44 74.68 422.44 UPR/LWR XTREMITY ARTERL BILAT 1 - 2 LEV 93922 HCPCS 921 RC both 435.5 370.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 413.72 74.68 422.44 2X3 CM CYGNUS MAX UMBILLICAL CORD Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 419.5 356.58 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 406.92 163.61 406.92 2X3 CM CYGNUS MAX UMBILLICAL CORD Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 419.5 356.58 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 192.97 163.61 406.92 2X3 CM CYGNUS MAX UMBILLICAL CORD Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 419.5 356.58 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 163.61 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 163.61 406.92 2X3 CM CYGNUS MAX UMBILLICAL CORD Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 419.5 356.58 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 163.61 406.92 2X3 CM CYGNUS MAX UMBILLICAL CORD Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 419.5 356.58 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 406.92 163.61 406.92 2X3 CM CYGNUS MAX UMBILLICAL CORD Q4199 HCPCS 636 RC both 419.5 356.58 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 398.52 163.61 406.92 TB INJECTION 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 43 36.55 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 41.71 16.77 41.71 TB INJECTION 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 43 36.55 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 19.29 16.77 41.71 TB INJECTION 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 43 36.55 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 16.77 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 16.77 41.71 TB INJECTION 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 43 36.55 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 19.11 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 16.77 41.71 TB INJECTION 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 43 36.55 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 41.71 16.77 41.71 TB INJECTION 90471 HCPCS 761 RC both 43 36.55 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 40.85 16.77 41.71 CHEMO ADMIN IVP 96411 HCPCS 761 RC both 253 215.05 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 245.41 49.43 245.41 CHEMO ADMIN IVP 96411 HCPCS 761 RC both 253 215.05 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 116.38 49.43 245.41 CHEMO ADMIN IVP 96411 HCPCS 761 RC both 253 215.05 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 98.67 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 49.43 245.41 CHEMO ADMIN IVP 96411 HCPCS 761 RC both 253 215.05 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 49.43 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 49.43 245.41 CHEMO ADMIN IVP 96411 HCPCS 761 RC both 253 215.05 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 245.41 49.43 245.41 CHEMO ADMIN IVP 96411 HCPCS 761 RC both 253 215.05 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 240.35 49.43 245.41 IRRIGATE PICC LINE 96523 HCPCS 761 RC both 245 208.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 237.65 22.64 237.65 IRRIGATE PICC LINE 96523 HCPCS 761 RC both 245 208.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 112.7 22.64 237.65 IRRIGATE PICC LINE 96523 HCPCS 761 RC both 245 208.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 95.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 22.64 237.65 IRRIGATE PICC LINE 96523 HCPCS 761 RC both 245 208.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 22.64 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 22.64 237.65 IRRIGATE PICC LINE 96523 HCPCS 761 RC both 245 208.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 237.65 22.64 237.65 IRRIGATE PICC LINE 96523 HCPCS 761 RC both 245 208.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 232.75 22.64 237.65 DEBRID OPEN WOUND 20 SQ CM OR LESS 97597 HCPCS 761 RC both 222.5 189.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 215.82 86.78 215.82 DEBRID OPEN WOUND 20 SQ CM OR LESS 97597 HCPCS 761 RC both 222.5 189.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 102.35 86.78 215.82 DEBRID OPEN WOUND 20 SQ CM OR LESS 97597 HCPCS 761 RC both 222.5 189.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 86.78 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 86.78 215.82 DEBRID OPEN WOUND 20 SQ CM OR LESS 97597 HCPCS 761 RC both 222.5 189.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 93.05 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 86.78 215.82 DEBRID OPEN WOUND 20 SQ CM OR LESS 97597 HCPCS 761 RC both 222.5 189.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 215.82 86.78 215.82 DEBRID OPEN WOUND 20 SQ CM OR LESS 97597 HCPCS 761 RC both 222.5 189.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 211.38 86.78 215.82 "DEBRIDEMENT, OPEN WOUND ADD 20 SQ CM" 97598 HCPCS 761 RC both 248.5 211.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 241.04 41.44 241.04 "DEBRIDEMENT, OPEN WOUND ADD 20 SQ CM" 97598 HCPCS 761 RC both 248.5 211.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 114.31 41.44 241.04 "DEBRIDEMENT, OPEN WOUND ADD 20 SQ CM" 97598 HCPCS 761 RC both 248.5 211.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 96.92 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 41.44 241.04 "DEBRIDEMENT, OPEN WOUND ADD 20 SQ CM" 97598 HCPCS 761 RC both 248.5 211.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 41.44 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 41.44 241.04 "DEBRIDEMENT, OPEN WOUND ADD 20 SQ CM" 97598 HCPCS 761 RC both 248.5 211.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 241.04 41.44 241.04 "DEBRIDEMENT, OPEN WOUND ADD 20 SQ CM" 97598 HCPCS 761 RC both 248.5 211.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 236.08 41.44 241.04 DEBRIDEMENT NON SELECT WET/DRY 97602 HCPCS 761 RC both 191 162.35 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 185.27 74.49 185.27 DEBRIDEMENT NON SELECT WET/DRY 97602 HCPCS 761 RC both 191 162.35 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 87.86 74.49 185.27 DEBRIDEMENT NON SELECT WET/DRY 97602 HCPCS 761 RC both 191 162.35 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 74.49 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 74.49 185.27 DEBRIDEMENT NON SELECT WET/DRY 97602 HCPCS 761 RC both 191 162.35 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 74.49 185.27 DEBRIDEMENT NON SELECT WET/DRY 97602 HCPCS 761 RC both 191 162.35 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 185.27 74.49 185.27 DEBRIDEMENT NON SELECT WET/DRY 97602 HCPCS 761 RC both 191 162.35 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 181.45 74.49 185.27 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY 50 CM 97605 HCPCS 761 RC both 191 162.35 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 185.27 40.53 185.27 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY 50 CM 97605 HCPCS 761 RC both 191 162.35 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 87.86 40.53 185.27 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY 50 CM 97605 HCPCS 761 RC both 191 162.35 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 74.49 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 40.53 185.27 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY 50 CM 97605 HCPCS 761 RC both 191 162.35 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 40.53 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 40.53 185.27 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY 50 CM 97605 HCPCS 761 RC both 191 162.35 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 185.27 40.53 185.27 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY 50 CM 97605 HCPCS 761 RC both 191 162.35 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 181.45 40.53 185.27 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY < 50 97606 HCPCS 761 RC both 275.5 234.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 267.24 47.93 267.24 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY < 50 97606 HCPCS 761 RC both 275.5 234.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 126.73 47.93 267.24 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY < 50 97606 HCPCS 761 RC both 275.5 234.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 107.45 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 47.93 267.24 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY < 50 97606 HCPCS 761 RC both 275.5 234.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 47.93 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 47.93 267.24 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY < 50 97606 HCPCS 761 RC both 275.5 234.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 267.24 47.93 267.24 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY < 50 97606 HCPCS 761 RC both 275.5 234.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 261.72 47.93 267.24 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY 97607 HCPCS 761 RC both 661.5 562.28 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 641.66 257.99 641.66 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY 97607 HCPCS 761 RC both 661.5 562.28 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 304.29 257.99 641.66 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY 97607 HCPCS 761 RC both 661.5 562.28 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 257.99 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 257.99 641.66 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY 97607 HCPCS 761 RC both 661.5 562.28 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 316.21 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 257.99 641.66 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY 97607 HCPCS 761 RC both 661.5 562.28 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 641.66 257.99 641.66 NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAPY 97607 HCPCS 761 RC both 661.5 562.28 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 628.42 257.99 641.66 NEG PRESSURE WOUND NON DURABLE 97608 HCPCS 761 RC both 645 548.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 625.65 251.55 625.65 NEG PRESSURE WOUND NON DURABLE 97608 HCPCS 761 RC both 645 548.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 296.7 251.55 625.65 NEG PRESSURE WOUND NON DURABLE 97608 HCPCS 761 RC both 645 548.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 251.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 251.55 625.65 NEG PRESSURE WOUND NON DURABLE 97608 HCPCS 761 RC both 645 548.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 326.8 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 251.55 625.65 NEG PRESSURE WOUND NON DURABLE 97608 HCPCS 761 RC both 645 548.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 625.65 251.55 625.65 NEG PRESSURE WOUND NON DURABLE 97608 HCPCS 761 RC both 645 548.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 612.75 251.55 625.65 CONSCIENCE SEDATION 99152 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.58 45.96 708.58 CONSCIENCE SEDATION 99152 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 336.03 45.96 708.58 CONSCIENCE SEDATION 99152 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 284.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 45.96 708.58 CONSCIENCE SEDATION 99152 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 45.96 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 45.96 708.58 CONSCIENCE SEDATION 99152 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 708.58 45.96 708.58 CONSCIENCE SEDATION 99152 HCPCS 761 RC both 730.5 620.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 693.98 45.96 708.58 PHLEBOTOMY THERAPEUTIC 99195 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 228.44 85.85 228.44 PHLEBOTOMY THERAPEUTIC 99195 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 108.33 85.85 228.44 PHLEBOTOMY THERAPEUTIC 99195 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 91.85 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 85.85 228.44 PHLEBOTOMY THERAPEUTIC 99195 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 85.85 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 85.85 228.44 PHLEBOTOMY THERAPEUTIC 99195 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 228.44 85.85 228.44 PHLEBOTOMY THERAPEUTIC 99195 HCPCS 761 RC both 235.5 200.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 223.72 85.85 228.44 002CLINIC E&M LEVEL1 99211 HCPCS 761 RC both 170 144.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 164.9 21.56 164.9 002CLINIC E&M LEVEL1 99211 HCPCS 761 RC both 170 144.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 78.2 21.56 164.9 002CLINIC E&M LEVEL1 99211 HCPCS 761 RC both 170 144.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 66.3 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 21.56 164.9 002CLINIC E&M LEVEL1 99211 HCPCS 761 RC both 170 144.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 21.56 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 21.56 164.9 002CLINIC E&M LEVEL1 99211 HCPCS 761 RC both 170 144.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 164.9 21.56 164.9 002CLINIC E&M LEVEL1 99211 HCPCS 761 RC both 170 144.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 161.5 21.56 164.9 CLINIC E&M LEVEL2 99212 HCPCS 761 RC outpatient 232.5 197.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 225.52 52.63 225.52 CLINIC E&M LEVEL2 99212 HCPCS 761 RC outpatient 232.5 197.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 106.95 52.63 225.52 CLINIC E&M LEVEL2 99212 HCPCS 761 RC outpatient 232.5 197.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 90.68 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 52.63 225.52 CLINIC E&M LEVEL2 99212 HCPCS 761 RC outpatient 232.5 197.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 52.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 52.63 225.52 CLINIC E&M LEVEL2 99212 HCPCS 761 RC outpatient 232.5 197.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 225.52 52.63 225.52 CLINIC E&M LEVEL2 99212 HCPCS 761 RC outpatient 232.5 197.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 220.88 52.63 225.52 CLINIC E&M LEVEL3 99213 HCPCS 761 RC outpatient 294 249.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 285.18 85.01 285.18 CLINIC E&M LEVEL3 99213 HCPCS 761 RC outpatient 294 249.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 135.24 85.01 285.18 CLINIC E&M LEVEL3 99213 HCPCS 761 RC outpatient 294 249.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 114.66 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 85.01 285.18 CLINIC E&M LEVEL3 99213 HCPCS 761 RC outpatient 294 249.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 85.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 85.01 285.18 CLINIC E&M LEVEL3 99213 HCPCS 761 RC outpatient 294 249.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 285.18 85.01 285.18 CLINIC E&M LEVEL3 99213 HCPCS 761 RC outpatient 294 249.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 279.3 85.01 285.18 CHEMO EXTEND IV INFUS W/ PUMP G0498 HCPCS 280 RC both 393 334.05 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 381.21 153.27 381.21 CHEMO EXTEND IV INFUS W/ PUMP G0498 HCPCS 280 RC both 393 334.05 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 180.78 153.27 381.21 CHEMO EXTEND IV INFUS W/ PUMP G0498 HCPCS 280 RC both 393 334.05 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 153.27 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 153.27 381.21 CHEMO EXTEND IV INFUS W/ PUMP G0498 HCPCS 280 RC both 393 334.05 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 153.27 381.21 CHEMO EXTEND IV INFUS W/ PUMP G0498 HCPCS 280 RC both 393 334.05 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 381.21 153.27 381.21 CHEMO EXTEND IV INFUS W/ PUMP G0498 HCPCS 280 RC both 393 334.05 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 373.35 153.27 381.21 "FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION, BIOPSY 1ST LESIO" 10021 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307 260.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 297.79 92.96 297.79 "FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION, BIOPSY 1ST LESIO" 10021 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307 260.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 141.22 92.96 297.79 "FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION, BIOPSY 1ST LESIO" 10021 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307 260.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 119.73 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 92.96 297.79 "FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION, BIOPSY 1ST LESIO" 10021 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307 260.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 92.96 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 92.96 297.79 "FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION, BIOPSY 1ST LESIO" 10021 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307 260.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 297.79 92.96 297.79 "FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION, BIOPSY 1ST LESIO" 10021 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307 260.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 291.65 92.96 297.79 INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABCESS 10060 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 405 344.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 392.85 117.56 392.85 INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABCESS 10060 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 405 344.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 186.3 117.56 392.85 INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABCESS 10060 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 405 344.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 157.95 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 117.56 392.85 INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABCESS 10060 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 405 344.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 117.56 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 117.56 392.85 INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABCESS 10060 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 405 344.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 392.85 117.56 392.85 INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABCESS 10060 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 405 344.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 384.75 117.56 392.85 INCISION/DRAIANGE COMPLICATED OR MULTIPL 10061 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 524.5 445.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 508.76 198.3 508.76 INCISION/DRAIANGE COMPLICATED OR MULTIPL 10061 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 524.5 445.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 241.27 198.3 508.76 INCISION/DRAIANGE COMPLICATED OR MULTIPL 10061 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 524.5 445.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 204.56 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 198.3 508.76 INCISION/DRAIANGE COMPLICATED OR MULTIPL 10061 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 524.5 445.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 198.3 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 198.3 508.76 INCISION/DRAIANGE COMPLICATED OR MULTIPL 10061 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 524.5 445.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 508.76 198.3 508.76 INCISION/DRAIANGE COMPLICATED OR MULTIPL 10061 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 524.5 445.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 498.28 198.3 508.76 EXCISION PILONIDAL CYST SIMPLE 11770 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 2635 2239.75 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2555.95 321.72 2555.95 EXCISION PILONIDAL CYST SIMPLE 11770 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 2635 2239.75 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 1212.1 321.72 2555.95 EXCISION PILONIDAL CYST SIMPLE 11770 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 2635 2239.75 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 1027.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 321.72 2555.95 EXCISION PILONIDAL CYST SIMPLE 11770 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 2635 2239.75 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 321.72 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 321.72 2555.95 EXCISION PILONIDAL CYST SIMPLE 11770 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 2635 2239.75 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 2555.95 321.72 2555.95 EXCISION PILONIDAL CYST SIMPLE 11770 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 2635 2239.75 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2503.25 321.72 2555.95 FB REMOVAL SUBCU TISSUE SIMPLE 10120 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 370.5 314.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 359.38 140.24 359.38 FB REMOVAL SUBCU TISSUE SIMPLE 10120 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 370.5 314.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 170.43 140.24 359.38 FB REMOVAL SUBCU TISSUE SIMPLE 10120 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 370.5 314.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 144.5 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 140.24 359.38 FB REMOVAL SUBCU TISSUE SIMPLE 10120 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 370.5 314.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 140.24 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 140.24 359.38 FB REMOVAL SUBCU TISSUE SIMPLE 10120 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 370.5 314.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 359.38 140.24 359.38 FB REMOVAL SUBCU TISSUE SIMPLE 10120 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 370.5 314.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 351.98 140.24 359.38 I/D OF HEMATOMA/SEROMA 10140 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1480 1258 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1435.6 156.47 1435.6 I/D OF HEMATOMA/SEROMA 10140 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1480 1258 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 680.8 156.47 1435.6 I/D OF HEMATOMA/SEROMA 10140 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1480 1258 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 577.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 156.47 1435.6 I/D OF HEMATOMA/SEROMA 10140 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1480 1258 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 156.47 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 156.47 1435.6 I/D OF HEMATOMA/SEROMA 10140 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1480 1258 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1435.6 156.47 1435.6 I/D OF HEMATOMA/SEROMA 10140 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1480 1258 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1406 156.47 1435.6 "PUNCT ASPIR OF ABSCESS, HEMA, BULLA, CYS" 10160 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373 317.05 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 361.81 119.63 361.81 "PUNCT ASPIR OF ABSCESS, HEMA, BULLA, CYS" 10160 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373 317.05 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 171.58 119.63 361.81 "PUNCT ASPIR OF ABSCESS, HEMA, BULLA, CYS" 10160 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373 317.05 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 145.47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 119.63 361.81 "PUNCT ASPIR OF ABSCESS, HEMA, BULLA, CYS" 10160 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373 317.05 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 119.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 119.63 361.81 "PUNCT ASPIR OF ABSCESS, HEMA, BULLA, CYS" 10160 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373 317.05 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 361.81 119.63 361.81 "PUNCT ASPIR OF ABSCESS, HEMA, BULLA, CYS" 10160 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373 317.05 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 354.35 119.63 361.81 I/D COMPLEX POST OP INF 10180 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 2470.5 2099.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2396.38 238.84 2396.38 I/D COMPLEX POST OP INF 10180 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 2470.5 2099.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 1136.43 238.84 2396.38 I/D COMPLEX POST OP INF 10180 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 2470.5 2099.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 963.5 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 238.84 2396.38 I/D COMPLEX POST OP INF 10180 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 2470.5 2099.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 238.84 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 238.84 2396.38 I/D COMPLEX POST OP INF 10180 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 2470.5 2099.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 2396.38 238.84 2396.38 I/D COMPLEX POST OP INF 10180 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 2470.5 2099.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2346.98 238.84 2396.38 HYDRATION IV INFUSION INIT 31 MIN-1 HOUR 96360 HCPCS 260 RC both 361.5 307.28 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 350.66 29.69 350.66 HYDRATION IV INFUSION INIT 31 MIN-1 HOUR 96360 HCPCS 260 RC both 361.5 307.28 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 166.29 29.69 350.66 HYDRATION IV INFUSION INIT 31 MIN-1 HOUR 96360 HCPCS 260 RC both 361.5 307.28 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 140.99 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 29.69 350.66 HYDRATION IV INFUSION INIT 31 MIN-1 HOUR 96360 HCPCS 260 RC both 361.5 307.28 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 29.69 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 29.69 350.66 HYDRATION IV INFUSION INIT 31 MIN-1 HOUR 96360 HCPCS 260 RC both 361.5 307.28 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 350.66 29.69 350.66 HYDRATION IV INFUSION INIT 31 MIN-1 HOUR 96360 HCPCS 260 RC both 361.5 307.28 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 343.42 29.69 350.66 HYDRATION IV INFUSION INIT 31 MIN-1 HOUR 96360 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 361.5 307.28 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 350.66 29.69 350.66 HYDRATION IV INFUSION INIT 31 MIN-1 HOUR 96360 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 361.5 307.28 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 166.29 29.69 350.66 HYDRATION IV INFUSION INIT 31 MIN-1 HOUR 96360 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 361.5 307.28 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 140.99 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 29.69 350.66 HYDRATION IV INFUSION INIT 31 MIN-1 HOUR 96360 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 361.5 307.28 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 29.69 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 29.69 350.66 HYDRATION IV INFUSION INIT 31 MIN-1 HOUR 96360 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 361.5 307.28 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 350.66 29.69 350.66 HYDRATION IV INFUSION INIT 31 MIN-1 HOUR 96360 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 361.5 307.28 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 343.42 29.69 350.66 HYDRATE IV INFUSION ADD-ON 96361 HCPCS 260 RC both 132 112.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 128.04 11.31 128.04 HYDRATE IV INFUSION ADD-ON 96361 HCPCS 260 RC both 132 112.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 60.72 11.31 128.04 HYDRATE IV INFUSION ADD-ON 96361 HCPCS 260 RC both 132 112.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 51.48 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 11.31 128.04 HYDRATE IV INFUSION ADD-ON 96361 HCPCS 260 RC both 132 112.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 11.31 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 11.31 128.04 HYDRATE IV INFUSION ADD-ON 96361 HCPCS 260 RC both 132 112.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 128.04 11.31 128.04 HYDRATE IV INFUSION ADD-ON 96361 HCPCS 260 RC both 132 112.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 125.4 11.31 128.04 HYDRATE IV INFUSION ADD-ON 96361 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 132 112.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 128.04 11.31 128.04 HYDRATE IV INFUSION ADD-ON 96361 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 132 112.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 60.72 11.31 128.04 HYDRATE IV INFUSION ADD-ON 96361 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 132 112.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 51.48 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 11.31 128.04 HYDRATE IV INFUSION ADD-ON 96361 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 132 112.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 11.31 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 11.31 128.04 HYDRATE IV INFUSION ADD-ON 96361 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 132 112.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 128.04 11.31 128.04 HYDRATE IV INFUSION ADD-ON 96361 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 132 112.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 125.4 11.31 128.04 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF INIT 96365 HCPCS 260 RC both 429.5 365.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 416.62 56.87 416.62 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF INIT 96365 HCPCS 260 RC both 429.5 365.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 197.57 56.87 416.62 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF INIT 96365 HCPCS 260 RC both 429.5 365.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 167.51 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 56.87 416.62 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF INIT 96365 HCPCS 260 RC both 429.5 365.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 56.87 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 56.87 416.62 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF INIT 96365 HCPCS 260 RC both 429.5 365.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 416.62 56.87 416.62 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF INIT 96365 HCPCS 260 RC both 429.5 365.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 408.02 56.87 416.62 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF INIT 96365 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 429.5 365.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 416.62 56.87 416.62 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF INIT 96365 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 429.5 365.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 197.57 56.87 416.62 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF INIT 96365 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 429.5 365.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 167.51 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 56.87 416.62 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF INIT 96365 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 429.5 365.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 56.87 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 56.87 416.62 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF INIT 96365 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 429.5 365.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 416.62 56.87 416.62 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF INIT 96365 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 429.5 365.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 408.02 56.87 416.62 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF ADD-ON 96366 HCPCS 260 RC both 140.5 119.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 136.28 18.84 136.28 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF ADD-ON 96366 HCPCS 260 RC both 140.5 119.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 64.63 18.84 136.28 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF ADD-ON 96366 HCPCS 260 RC both 140.5 119.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 54.8 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 18.84 136.28 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF ADD-ON 96366 HCPCS 260 RC both 140.5 119.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 18.84 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 18.84 136.28 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF ADD-ON 96366 HCPCS 260 RC both 140.5 119.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 136.28 18.84 136.28 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF ADD-ON 96366 HCPCS 260 RC both 140.5 119.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 133.48 18.84 136.28 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF ADD-ON 96366 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 140.5 119.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 136.28 18.84 136.28 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF ADD-ON 96366 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 140.5 119.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 64.63 18.84 136.28 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF ADD-ON 96366 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 140.5 119.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 54.8 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 18.84 136.28 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF ADD-ON 96366 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 140.5 119.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 18.84 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 18.84 136.28 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF ADD-ON 96366 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 140.5 119.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 136.28 18.84 136.28 THER/PROPH/DIAG IV INF ADD-ON 96366 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 140.5 119.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 133.48 18.84 136.28 TX /PROPH /DG /ADDL SEQ IN INF 96367 HCPCS 260 RC both 169.5 144.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 164.42 26.12 164.42 TX /PROPH /DG /ADDL SEQ IN INF 96367 HCPCS 260 RC both 169.5 144.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 77.97 26.12 164.42 TX /PROPH /DG /ADDL SEQ IN INF 96367 HCPCS 260 RC both 169.5 144.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 66.11 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 26.12 164.42 TX /PROPH /DG /ADDL SEQ IN INF 96367 HCPCS 260 RC both 169.5 144.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 26.12 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 26.12 164.42 TX /PROPH /DG /ADDL SEQ IN INF 96367 HCPCS 260 RC both 169.5 144.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 164.42 26.12 164.42 TX /PROPH /DG /ADDL SEQ IN INF 96367 HCPCS 260 RC both 169.5 144.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 161.02 26.12 164.42 TX /PROPH /DG /ADDL SEQ IN INF 96367 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 169.5 144.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 164.42 26.12 164.42 TX /PROPH /DG /ADDL SEQ IN INF 96367 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 169.5 144.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 77.97 26.12 164.42 TX /PROPH /DG /ADDL SEQ IN INF 96367 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 169.5 144.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 66.11 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 26.12 164.42 TX /PROPH /DG /ADDL SEQ IN INF 96367 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 169.5 144.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 26.12 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 26.12 164.42 TX /PROPH /DG /ADDL SEQ IN INF 96367 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 169.5 144.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 164.42 26.12 164.42 TX /PROPH /DG /ADDL SEQ IN INF 96367 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 169.5 144.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 161.02 26.12 164.42 THER / DIAG CONCURRENT INF 96368 HCPCS 260 RC both 138.5 117.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 134.34 18.2 134.34 THER / DIAG CONCURRENT INF 96368 HCPCS 260 RC both 138.5 117.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 63.71 18.2 134.34 THER / DIAG CONCURRENT INF 96368 HCPCS 260 RC both 138.5 117.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 54.02 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 18.2 134.34 THER / DIAG CONCURRENT INF 96368 HCPCS 260 RC both 138.5 117.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 18.2 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 18.2 134.34 THER / DIAG CONCURRENT INF 96368 HCPCS 260 RC both 138.5 117.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 134.34 18.2 134.34 THER / DIAG CONCURRENT INF 96368 HCPCS 260 RC both 138.5 117.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 131.58 18.2 134.34 THER / DIAG CONCURRENT INF 96368 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 138.5 117.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 134.34 18.2 134.34 THER / DIAG CONCURRENT INF 96368 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 138.5 117.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 63.71 18.2 134.34 THER / DIAG CONCURRENT INF 96368 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 138.5 117.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 54.02 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 18.2 134.34 THER / DIAG CONCURRENT INF 96368 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 138.5 117.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 18.2 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 18.2 134.34 THER / DIAG CONCURRENT INF 96368 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 138.5 117.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 134.34 18.2 134.34 THER / DIAG CONCURRENT INF 96368 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 138.5 117.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 131.58 18.2 134.34 SC THER INFUSION UP TO 1 HR 96369 HCPCS 260 RC both 340.5 289.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 330.28 128.35 330.28 SC THER INFUSION UP TO 1 HR 96369 HCPCS 260 RC both 340.5 289.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 156.63 128.35 330.28 SC THER INFUSION UP TO 1 HR 96369 HCPCS 260 RC both 340.5 289.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 132.8 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 128.35 330.28 SC THER INFUSION UP TO 1 HR 96369 HCPCS 260 RC both 340.5 289.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 128.35 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 128.35 330.28 SC THER INFUSION UP TO 1 HR 96369 HCPCS 260 RC both 340.5 289.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 330.28 128.35 330.28 SC THER INFUSION UP TO 1 HR 96369 HCPCS 260 RC both 340.5 289.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 323.48 128.35 330.28 SC THER INFUSION UP TO 1 HR 96369 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 340.5 289.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 330.28 128.35 330.28 SC THER INFUSION UP TO 1 HR 96369 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 340.5 289.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 156.63 128.35 330.28 SC THER INFUSION UP TO 1 HR 96369 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 340.5 289.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 132.8 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 128.35 330.28 SC THER INFUSION UP TO 1 HR 96369 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 340.5 289.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 128.35 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 128.35 330.28 SC THER INFUSION UP TO 1 HR 96369 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 340.5 289.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 330.28 128.35 330.28 SC THER INFUSION UP TO 1 HR 96369 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 340.5 289.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 323.48 128.35 330.28 SC THER INFUSION ADDL HR 96370 HCPCS 260 RC both 134 113.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 129.98 14.91 129.98 SC THER INFUSION ADDL HR 96370 HCPCS 260 RC both 134 113.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 61.64 14.91 129.98 SC THER INFUSION ADDL HR 96370 HCPCS 260 RC both 134 113.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 52.26 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 14.91 129.98 SC THER INFUSION ADDL HR 96370 HCPCS 260 RC both 134 113.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 14.91 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 14.91 129.98 SC THER INFUSION ADDL HR 96370 HCPCS 260 RC both 134 113.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 129.98 14.91 129.98 SC THER INFUSION ADDL HR 96370 HCPCS 260 RC both 134 113.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 127.3 14.91 129.98 SC THER INFUSION ADDL HR 96370 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 134 113.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 129.98 14.91 129.98 SC THER INFUSION ADDL HR 96370 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 134 113.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 61.64 14.91 129.98 SC THER INFUSION ADDL HR 96370 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 134 113.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 52.26 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 14.91 129.98 SC THER INFUSION ADDL HR 96370 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 134 113.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 14.91 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 14.91 129.98 SC THER INFUSION ADDL HR 96370 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 134 113.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 129.98 14.91 129.98 SC THER INFUSION ADDL HR 96370 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 134 113.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 127.3 14.91 129.98 THER/PROPH/DIAG INJ SC / IM 96372 HCPCS 260 RC both 125 106.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 121.25 13.37 121.25 THER/PROPH/DIAG INJ SC / IM 96372 HCPCS 260 RC both 125 106.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 57.5 13.37 121.25 THER/PROPH/DIAG INJ SC / IM 96372 HCPCS 260 RC both 125 106.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 48.75 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.37 121.25 THER/PROPH/DIAG INJ SC / IM 96372 HCPCS 260 RC both 125 106.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 13.37 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.37 121.25 THER/PROPH/DIAG INJ SC / IM 96372 HCPCS 260 RC both 125 106.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 121.25 13.37 121.25 THER/PROPH/DIAG INJ SC / IM 96372 HCPCS 260 RC both 125 106.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 118.75 13.37 121.25 THER/PROPH/DIAG INJ SC / IM 96372 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 125 106.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 121.25 13.37 121.25 THER/PROPH/DIAG INJ SC / IM 96372 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 125 106.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 57.5 13.37 121.25 THER/PROPH/DIAG INJ SC / IM 96372 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 125 106.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 48.75 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 13.37 121.25 THER/PROPH/DIAG INJ SC / IM 96372 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 125 106.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 13.37 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 13.37 121.25 THER/PROPH/DIAG INJ SC / IM 96372 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 125 106.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 121.25 13.37 121.25 THER/PROPH/DIAG INJ SC / IM 96372 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 125 106.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 118.75 13.37 121.25 THER / PROPH / DIAG INJ IN PUSH 96374 HCPCS 260 RC both 209.5 178.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 203.22 33.5 203.22 THER / PROPH / DIAG INJ IN PUSH 96374 HCPCS 260 RC both 209.5 178.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 96.37 33.5 203.22 THER / PROPH / DIAG INJ IN PUSH 96374 HCPCS 260 RC both 209.5 178.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 81.71 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 33.5 203.22 THER / PROPH / DIAG INJ IN PUSH 96374 HCPCS 260 RC both 209.5 178.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 33.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 33.5 203.22 THER / PROPH / DIAG INJ IN PUSH 96374 HCPCS 260 RC both 209.5 178.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 203.22 33.5 203.22 THER / PROPH / DIAG INJ IN PUSH 96374 HCPCS 260 RC both 209.5 178.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 199.02 33.5 203.22 THER / PROPH / DIAG INJ IN PUSH 96374 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 209.5 178.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 203.22 33.5 203.22 THER / PROPH / DIAG INJ IN PUSH 96374 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 209.5 178.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 96.37 33.5 203.22 THER / PROPH / DIAG INJ IN PUSH 96374 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 209.5 178.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 81.71 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 33.5 203.22 THER / PROPH / DIAG INJ IN PUSH 96374 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 209.5 178.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 33.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 33.5 203.22 THER / PROPH / DIAG INJ IN PUSH 96374 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 209.5 178.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 203.22 33.5 203.22 THER / PROPH / DIAG INJ IN PUSH 96374 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 209.5 178.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 199.02 33.5 203.22 TX /PRO/ DX INJ NEW DRUG ADD-ON 96375 HCPCS 260 RC both 171.5 145.78 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 166.36 14.06 166.36 TX /PRO/ DX INJ NEW DRUG ADD-ON 96375 HCPCS 260 RC both 171.5 145.78 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 78.89 14.06 166.36 TX /PRO/ DX INJ NEW DRUG ADD-ON 96375 HCPCS 260 RC both 171.5 145.78 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 66.89 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 14.06 166.36 TX /PRO/ DX INJ NEW DRUG ADD-ON 96375 HCPCS 260 RC both 171.5 145.78 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 14.06 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 14.06 166.36 TX /PRO/ DX INJ NEW DRUG ADD-ON 96375 HCPCS 260 RC both 171.5 145.78 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 166.36 14.06 166.36 TX /PRO/ DX INJ NEW DRUG ADD-ON 96375 HCPCS 260 RC both 171.5 145.78 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 162.92 14.06 166.36 TX /PRO/ DX INJ NEW DRUG ADD-ON 96375 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 171.5 145.78 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 166.36 14.06 166.36 TX /PRO/ DX INJ NEW DRUG ADD-ON 96375 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 171.5 145.78 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 78.89 14.06 166.36 TX /PRO/ DX INJ NEW DRUG ADD-ON 96375 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 171.5 145.78 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 66.89 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 14.06 166.36 TX /PRO/ DX INJ NEW DRUG ADD-ON 96375 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 171.5 145.78 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 14.06 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 14.06 166.36 TX /PRO/ DX INJ NEW DRUG ADD-ON 96375 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 171.5 145.78 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 166.36 14.06 166.36 TX /PRO/ DX INJ NEW DRUG ADD-ON 96375 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 171.5 145.78 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 162.92 14.06 166.36 TX / PRO/ DX INJ SAME DRUG ADD-ON 96376 HCPCS 260 RC both 150.5 127.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 145.98 58.7 145.98 TX / PRO/ DX INJ SAME DRUG ADD-ON 96376 HCPCS 260 RC both 150.5 127.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 69.23 58.7 145.98 TX / PRO/ DX INJ SAME DRUG ADD-ON 96376 HCPCS 260 RC both 150.5 127.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 58.7 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 58.7 145.98 TX / PRO/ DX INJ SAME DRUG ADD-ON 96376 HCPCS 260 RC both 150.5 127.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 58.7 145.98 TX / PRO/ DX INJ SAME DRUG ADD-ON 96376 HCPCS 260 RC both 150.5 127.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 145.98 58.7 145.98 TX / PRO/ DX INJ SAME DRUG ADD-ON 96376 HCPCS 260 RC both 150.5 127.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 142.98 58.7 145.98 TX / PRO/ DX INJ SAME DRUG ADD-ON 96376 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 150.5 127.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 145.98 58.7 145.98 TX / PRO/ DX INJ SAME DRUG ADD-ON 96376 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 150.5 127.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 69.23 58.7 145.98 TX / PRO/ DX INJ SAME DRUG ADD-ON 96376 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 150.5 127.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 58.7 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 58.7 145.98 TX / PRO/ DX INJ SAME DRUG ADD-ON 96376 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 150.5 127.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 58.7 145.98 TX / PRO/ DX INJ SAME DRUG ADD-ON 96376 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 150.5 127.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 145.98 58.7 145.98 TX / PRO/ DX INJ SAME DRUG ADD-ON 96376 HCPCS 260 RC 59 both 150.5 127.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 142.98 58.7 145.98 CHEMO ANTI-NEOPL SQ/ IM 96401 HCPCS 280 RC both 232.5 197.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 225.52 65.03 225.52 CHEMO ANTI-NEOPL SQ/ IM 96401 HCPCS 280 RC both 232.5 197.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 106.95 65.03 225.52 CHEMO ANTI-NEOPL SQ/ IM 96401 HCPCS 280 RC both 232.5 197.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 90.68 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 65.03 225.52 CHEMO ANTI-NEOPL SQ/ IM 96401 HCPCS 280 RC both 232.5 197.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 65.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 65.03 225.52 CHEMO ANTI-NEOPL SQ/ IM 96401 HCPCS 280 RC both 232.5 197.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 225.52 65.03 225.52 CHEMO ANTI-NEOPL SQ/ IM 96401 HCPCS 280 RC both 232.5 197.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 220.88 65.03 225.52 CHEMO HORMON ANTINEOPL SQ/ IM 96402 HCPCS 280 RC both 194 164.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 188.18 32.32 188.18 CHEMO HORMON ANTINEOPL SQ/ IM 96402 HCPCS 280 RC both 194 164.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 89.24 32.32 188.18 CHEMO HORMON ANTINEOPL SQ/ IM 96402 HCPCS 280 RC both 194 164.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 75.66 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 32.32 188.18 CHEMO HORMON ANTINEOPL SQ/ IM 96402 HCPCS 280 RC both 194 164.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 32.32 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 32.32 188.18 CHEMO HORMON ANTINEOPL SQ/ IM 96402 HCPCS 280 RC both 194 164.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 188.18 32.32 188.18 CHEMO HORMON ANTINEOPL SQ/ IM 96402 HCPCS 280 RC both 194 164.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 184.3 32.32 188.18 CHEMO IV PUSH SNGL DRUG 96409 HCPCS 280 RC both 365 310.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 354.05 90.52 354.05 CHEMO IV PUSH SNGL DRUG 96409 HCPCS 280 RC both 365 310.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 167.9 90.52 354.05 CHEMO IV PUSH SNGL DRUG 96409 HCPCS 280 RC both 365 310.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 142.35 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 90.52 354.05 CHEMO IV PUSH SNGL DRUG 96409 HCPCS 280 RC both 365 310.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 90.52 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 90.52 354.05 CHEMO IV PUSH SNGL DRUG 96409 HCPCS 280 RC both 365 310.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 354.05 90.52 354.05 CHEMO IV PUSH SNGL DRUG 96409 HCPCS 280 RC both 365 310.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 346.75 90.52 354.05 CHEMO IV PUSH ADDL DRUG 96411 HCPCS 280 RC both 273 232.05 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 264.81 49.43 264.81 CHEMO IV PUSH ADDL DRUG 96411 HCPCS 280 RC both 273 232.05 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 125.58 49.43 264.81 CHEMO IV PUSH ADDL DRUG 96411 HCPCS 280 RC both 273 232.05 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 106.47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 49.43 264.81 CHEMO IV PUSH ADDL DRUG 96411 HCPCS 280 RC both 273 232.05 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 49.43 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 49.43 264.81 CHEMO IV PUSH ADDL DRUG 96411 HCPCS 280 RC both 273 232.05 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 264.81 49.43 264.81 CHEMO IV PUSH ADDL DRUG 96411 HCPCS 280 RC both 273 232.05 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 259.35 49.43 264.81 CHEMO IV INFUSION 1 HR 96413 HCPCS 280 RC both 639 543.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 619.83 117.09 619.83 CHEMO IV INFUSION 1 HR 96413 HCPCS 280 RC both 639 543.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 293.94 117.09 619.83 CHEMO IV INFUSION 1 HR 96413 HCPCS 280 RC both 639 543.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 249.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 117.09 619.83 CHEMO IV INFUSION 1 HR 96413 HCPCS 280 RC both 639 543.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 117.09 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 117.09 619.83 CHEMO IV INFUSION 1 HR 96413 HCPCS 280 RC both 639 543.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 619.83 117.09 619.83 CHEMO IV INFUSION 1 HR 96413 HCPCS 280 RC both 639 543.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 607.05 117.09 619.83 CHEMO IV INFUSION ADDL HR 96415 HCPCS 280 RC both 206 175.1 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 199.82 25.37 199.82 CHEMO IV INFUSION ADDL HR 96415 HCPCS 280 RC both 206 175.1 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 94.76 25.37 199.82 CHEMO IV INFUSION ADDL HR 96415 HCPCS 280 RC both 206 175.1 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 80.34 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 25.37 199.82 CHEMO IV INFUSION ADDL HR 96415 HCPCS 280 RC both 206 175.1 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 25.37 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 25.37 199.82 CHEMO IV INFUSION ADDL HR 96415 HCPCS 280 RC both 206 175.1 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 199.82 25.37 199.82 CHEMO IV INFUSION ADDL HR 96415 HCPCS 280 RC both 206 175.1 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 195.7 25.37 199.82 CHEMO IV INFUS EACH ADDL SEQ 96417 HCPCS 280 RC both 269.5 229.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 261.42 57.78 261.42 CHEMO IV INFUS EACH ADDL SEQ 96417 HCPCS 280 RC both 269.5 229.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 123.97 57.78 261.42 CHEMO IV INFUS EACH ADDL SEQ 96417 HCPCS 280 RC both 269.5 229.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 105.11 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 57.78 261.42 CHEMO IV INFUS EACH ADDL SEQ 96417 HCPCS 280 RC both 269.5 229.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 57.78 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 57.78 261.42 CHEMO IV INFUS EACH ADDL SEQ 96417 HCPCS 280 RC both 269.5 229.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 261.42 57.78 261.42 CHEMO IV INFUS EACH ADDL SEQ 96417 HCPCS 280 RC both 269.5 229.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 256.02 57.78 261.42 REFILL/ MAINT PORTABLE PUMP 96521 HCPCS 280 RC both 400 340 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 388 112.04 388 REFILL/ MAINT PORTABLE PUMP 96521 HCPCS 280 RC both 400 340 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 184 112.04 388 REFILL/ MAINT PORTABLE PUMP 96521 HCPCS 280 RC both 400 340 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 156 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 112.04 388 REFILL/ MAINT PORTABLE PUMP 96521 HCPCS 280 RC both 400 340 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 112.04 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 112.04 388 REFILL/ MAINT PORTABLE PUMP 96521 HCPCS 280 RC both 400 340 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 388 112.04 388 REFILL/ MAINT PORTABLE PUMP 96521 HCPCS 280 RC both 400 340 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 380 112.04 388 REFILL/MAINT PUMP/ RESVR SYST 96522 HCPCS 280 RC both 416 353.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 403.52 106.3 403.52 REFILL/MAINT PUMP/ RESVR SYST 96522 HCPCS 280 RC both 416 353.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 191.36 106.3 403.52 REFILL/MAINT PUMP/ RESVR SYST 96522 HCPCS 280 RC both 416 353.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 162.24 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 106.3 403.52 REFILL/MAINT PUMP/ RESVR SYST 96522 HCPCS 280 RC both 416 353.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 106.3 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 106.3 403.52 REFILL/MAINT PUMP/ RESVR SYST 96522 HCPCS 280 RC both 416 353.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 403.52 106.3 403.52 REFILL/MAINT PUMP/ RESVR SYST 96522 HCPCS 280 RC both 416 353.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 395.2 106.3 403.52 IRRIG DRUG DELIVERY DEVICE 96523 HCPCS 280 RC both 151.5 128.78 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 146.96 22.64 146.96 IRRIG DRUG DELIVERY DEVICE 96523 HCPCS 280 RC both 151.5 128.78 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 69.69 22.64 146.96 IRRIG DRUG DELIVERY DEVICE 96523 HCPCS 280 RC both 151.5 128.78 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 59.09 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 22.64 146.96 IRRIG DRUG DELIVERY DEVICE 96523 HCPCS 280 RC both 151.5 128.78 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 22.64 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 22.64 146.96 IRRIG DRUG DELIVERY DEVICE 96523 HCPCS 280 RC both 151.5 128.78 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 146.96 22.64 146.96 IRRIG DRUG DELIVERY DEVICE 96523 HCPCS 280 RC both 151.5 128.78 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 143.92 22.64 146.96 CHEMOTHERAPY UNSPECIFIED 96549 HCPCS 280 RC both 120.5 102.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 116.88 47 116.88 CHEMOTHERAPY UNSPECIFIED 96549 HCPCS 280 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 55.43 47 116.88 CHEMOTHERAPY UNSPECIFIED 96549 HCPCS 280 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 47 116.88 CHEMOTHERAPY UNSPECIFIED 96549 HCPCS 280 RC both 120.5 102.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 47 116.88 CHEMOTHERAPY UNSPECIFIED 96549 HCPCS 280 RC both 120.5 102.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 116.88 47 116.88 CHEMOTHERAPY UNSPECIFIED 96549 HCPCS 280 RC both 120.5 102.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 114.48 47 116.88 NAIL REMOVAL SINGLE 11730 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 278.5 236.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 270.14 106.46 270.14 NAIL REMOVAL SINGLE 11730 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 278.5 236.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 128.11 106.46 270.14 NAIL REMOVAL SINGLE 11730 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 278.5 236.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 108.62 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 106.46 270.14 NAIL REMOVAL SINGLE 11730 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 278.5 236.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 106.46 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 106.46 270.14 NAIL REMOVAL SINGLE 11730 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 278.5 236.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 270.14 106.46 270.14 NAIL REMOVAL SINGLE 11730 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 278.5 236.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 264.58 106.46 270.14 NAIL REMOVAL EA ADDITIONAL 11732 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 208 176.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 201.76 30.64 201.76 NAIL REMOVAL EA ADDITIONAL 11732 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 208 176.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 95.68 30.64 201.76 NAIL REMOVAL EA ADDITIONAL 11732 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 208 176.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 81.12 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 30.64 201.76 NAIL REMOVAL EA ADDITIONAL 11732 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 208 176.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 30.64 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 30.64 201.76 NAIL REMOVAL EA ADDITIONAL 11732 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 208 176.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 201.76 30.64 201.76 NAIL REMOVAL EA ADDITIONAL 11732 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 208 176.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 197.6 30.64 201.76 DRAIN BLOOD UNDER NAIL 11740 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 209.5 178.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 203.22 53.28 203.22 DRAIN BLOOD UNDER NAIL 11740 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 209.5 178.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 96.37 53.28 203.22 DRAIN BLOOD UNDER NAIL 11740 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 209.5 178.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 81.71 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 53.28 203.22 DRAIN BLOOD UNDER NAIL 11740 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 209.5 178.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 53.28 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 53.28 203.22 DRAIN BLOOD UNDER NAIL 11740 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 209.5 178.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 203.22 53.28 203.22 DRAIN BLOOD UNDER NAIL 11740 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 209.5 178.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 199.02 53.28 203.22 "REMOVAL OF NAIL BED, PERMANENT" 11750 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 720 612 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 698.4 149.19 698.4 "REMOVAL OF NAIL BED, PERMANENT" 11750 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 720 612 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 331.2 149.19 698.4 "REMOVAL OF NAIL BED, PERMANENT" 11750 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 720 612 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 280.8 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 149.19 698.4 "REMOVAL OF NAIL BED, PERMANENT" 11750 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 720 612 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 149.19 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 149.19 698.4 "REMOVAL OF NAIL BED, PERMANENT" 11750 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 720 612 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 698.4 149.19 698.4 "REMOVAL OF NAIL BED, PERMANENT" 11750 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 720 612 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 684 149.19 698.4 WEDGE EXCISION NAIL FOLD TOE 11765 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 370.5 314.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 359.38 144.5 359.38 WEDGE EXCISION NAIL FOLD TOE 11765 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 370.5 314.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 170.43 144.5 359.38 WEDGE EXCISION NAIL FOLD TOE 11765 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 370.5 314.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 144.5 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 144.5 359.38 WEDGE EXCISION NAIL FOLD TOE 11765 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 370.5 314.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 153.37 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 144.5 359.38 WEDGE EXCISION NAIL FOLD TOE 11765 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 370.5 314.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 359.38 144.5 359.38 WEDGE EXCISION NAIL FOLD TOE 11765 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 370.5 314.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 351.98 144.5 359.38 LAC SIMPLE <2.5 12001 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 352.5 299.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 341.92 86.03 341.92 LAC SIMPLE <2.5 12001 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 352.5 299.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 162.15 86.03 341.92 LAC SIMPLE <2.5 12001 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 352.5 299.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 137.48 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 86.03 341.92 LAC SIMPLE <2.5 12001 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 352.5 299.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 86.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 86.03 341.92 LAC SIMPLE <2.5 12001 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 352.5 299.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 341.92 86.03 341.92 LAC SIMPLE <2.5 12001 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 352.5 299.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 334.88 86.03 341.92 LAC SIMPLE 2.6 TO 7.5 12002 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 401 340.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 388.97 104.19 388.97 LAC SIMPLE 2.6 TO 7.5 12002 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 401 340.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 184.46 104.19 388.97 LAC SIMPLE 2.6 TO 7.5 12002 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 401 340.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 156.39 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 104.19 388.97 LAC SIMPLE 2.6 TO 7.5 12002 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 401 340.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 104.19 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 104.19 388.97 LAC SIMPLE 2.6 TO 7.5 12002 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 401 340.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 388.97 104.19 388.97 LAC SIMPLE 2.6 TO 7.5 12002 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 401 340.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 380.95 104.19 388.97 LAC SIMPLE 7.6 TO 12.5 12004 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 539.5 458.58 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 523.32 121.3 523.32 LAC SIMPLE 7.6 TO 12.5 12004 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 539.5 458.58 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 248.17 121.3 523.32 LAC SIMPLE 7.6 TO 12.5 12004 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 539.5 458.58 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.41 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 121.3 523.32 LAC SIMPLE 7.6 TO 12.5 12004 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 539.5 458.58 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 121.3 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 121.3 523.32 LAC SIMPLE 7.6 TO 12.5 12004 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 539.5 458.58 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 523.32 121.3 523.32 LAC SIMPLE 7.6 TO 12.5 12004 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 539.5 458.58 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 512.52 121.3 523.32 LAC SIMPLE 12.6 TO 20 12005 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 547.5 465.38 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 531.08 161.48 531.08 LAC SIMPLE 12.6 TO 20 12005 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 547.5 465.38 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 251.85 161.48 531.08 LAC SIMPLE 12.6 TO 20 12005 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 547.5 465.38 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 213.53 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 161.48 531.08 LAC SIMPLE 12.6 TO 20 12005 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 547.5 465.38 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 161.48 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 161.48 531.08 LAC SIMPLE 12.6 TO 20 12005 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 547.5 465.38 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 531.08 161.48 531.08 LAC SIMPLE 12.6 TO 20 12005 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 547.5 465.38 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 520.12 161.48 531.08 LAC SIMPLE 20.1 TO 30 12006 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 737.2 186.51 737.2 LAC SIMPLE 20.1 TO 30 12006 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 349.6 186.51 737.2 LAC SIMPLE 20.1 TO 30 12006 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 296.4 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 186.51 737.2 LAC SIMPLE 20.1 TO 30 12006 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 186.51 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 186.51 737.2 LAC SIMPLE 20.1 TO 30 12006 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 737.2 186.51 737.2 LAC SIMPLE 20.1 TO 30 12006 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 722 186.51 737.2 LAC SIMPLE OVER 30 12007 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1071.5 910.78 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1039.36 211.52 1039.36 LAC SIMPLE OVER 30 12007 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1071.5 910.78 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 492.89 211.52 1039.36 LAC SIMPLE OVER 30 12007 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1071.5 910.78 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 417.89 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 211.52 1039.36 LAC SIMPLE OVER 30 12007 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1071.5 910.78 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 211.52 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 211.52 1039.36 LAC SIMPLE OVER 30 12007 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1071.5 910.78 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1039.36 211.52 1039.36 LAC SIMPLE OVER 30 12007 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1071.5 910.78 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1017.92 211.52 1039.36 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE <2.5 CM 12011 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 347.5 295.38 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.08 102.31 337.08 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE <2.5 CM 12011 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 347.5 295.38 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 159.85 102.31 337.08 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE <2.5 CM 12011 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 347.5 295.38 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 135.53 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 102.31 337.08 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE <2.5 CM 12011 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 347.5 295.38 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 102.31 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 102.31 337.08 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE <2.5 CM 12011 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 347.5 295.38 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 337.08 102.31 337.08 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE <2.5 CM 12011 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 347.5 295.38 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 330.12 102.31 337.08 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 2.6-5CM 12013 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 387.5 329.38 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 375.88 106.56 375.88 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 2.6-5CM 12013 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 387.5 329.38 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 178.25 106.56 375.88 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 2.6-5CM 12013 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 387.5 329.38 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 151.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 106.56 375.88 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 2.6-5CM 12013 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 387.5 329.38 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 106.56 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 106.56 375.88 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 2.6-5CM 12013 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 387.5 329.38 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 375.88 106.56 375.88 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 2.6-5CM 12013 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 387.5 329.38 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 368.12 106.56 375.88 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 5.1-7.5CM 12014 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 543.5 461.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 527.2 130.01 527.2 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 5.1-7.5CM 12014 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 543.5 461.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 250.01 130.01 527.2 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 5.1-7.5CM 12014 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 543.5 461.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 211.97 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 130.01 527.2 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 5.1-7.5CM 12014 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 543.5 461.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 130.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 130.01 527.2 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 5.1-7.5CM 12014 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 543.5 461.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 527.2 130.01 527.2 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 5.1-7.5CM 12014 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 543.5 461.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 516.32 130.01 527.2 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 7.6-12.5CM 12015 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 563 478.55 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 546.11 156.98 546.11 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 7.6-12.5CM 12015 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 563 478.55 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 258.98 156.98 546.11 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 7.6-12.5CM 12015 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 563 478.55 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 219.57 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 156.98 546.11 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 7.6-12.5CM 12015 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 563 478.55 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 156.98 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 156.98 546.11 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 7.6-12.5CM 12015 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 563 478.55 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 546.11 156.98 546.11 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 7.6-12.5CM 12015 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 563 478.55 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 534.85 156.98 546.11 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 12.6-20CM 12016 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 579 492.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 561.63 199.05 561.63 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 12.6-20CM 12016 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 579 492.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 266.34 199.05 561.63 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 12.6-20CM 12016 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 579 492.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 225.81 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 199.05 561.63 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 12.6-20CM 12016 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 579 492.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 199.05 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 199.05 561.63 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 12.6-20CM 12016 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 579 492.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 561.63 199.05 561.63 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 12.6-20CM 12016 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 579 492.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 550.05 199.05 561.63 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 20.1-30CM 12017 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 601.5 511.28 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 583.46 138.51 583.46 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 20.1-30CM 12017 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 601.5 511.28 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 276.69 138.51 583.46 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 20.1-30CM 12017 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 601.5 511.28 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 234.59 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 138.51 583.46 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 20.1-30CM 12017 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 601.5 511.28 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 138.51 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 138.51 583.46 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 20.1-30CM 12017 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 601.5 511.28 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 583.46 138.51 583.46 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE 20.1-30CM 12017 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 601.5 511.28 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 571.42 138.51 583.46 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE >30 12018 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 718.5 610.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 696.94 156.16 696.94 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE >30 12018 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 718.5 610.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 330.51 156.16 696.94 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE >30 12018 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 718.5 610.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 280.22 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 156.16 696.94 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE >30 12018 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 718.5 610.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 156.16 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 156.16 696.94 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE >30 12018 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 718.5 610.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 696.94 156.16 696.94 LAC FACE/EAR SIMPLE >30 12018 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 718.5 610.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 682.58 156.16 696.94 CLOSURE OF SPLIT WOUND 12020 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 737.2 274.86 737.2 CLOSURE OF SPLIT WOUND 12020 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 349.6 274.86 737.2 CLOSURE OF SPLIT WOUND 12020 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 296.4 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 274.86 737.2 CLOSURE OF SPLIT WOUND 12020 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 274.86 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 274.86 737.2 CLOSURE OF SPLIT WOUND 12020 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 737.2 274.86 737.2 CLOSURE OF SPLIT WOUND 12020 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 722 274.86 737.2 LAC MED S/A/T/E <2.05 12031 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 388.5 330.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 376.84 151.52 376.84 LAC MED S/A/T/E <2.05 12031 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 388.5 330.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 178.71 151.52 376.84 LAC MED S/A/T/E <2.05 12031 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 388.5 330.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 151.52 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 151.52 376.84 LAC MED S/A/T/E <2.05 12031 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 388.5 330.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 241.49 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 151.52 376.84 LAC MED S/A/T/E <2.05 12031 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 388.5 330.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 376.84 151.52 376.84 LAC MED S/A/T/E <2.05 12031 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 388.5 330.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 369.08 151.52 376.84 LAC MED S/A/T/E 2.6-7.5CM 12032 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 572.5 486.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 555.32 223.28 555.32 LAC MED S/A/T/E 2.6-7.5CM 12032 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 572.5 486.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 263.35 223.28 555.32 LAC MED S/A/T/E 2.6-7.5CM 12032 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 572.5 486.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 223.28 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 223.28 555.32 LAC MED S/A/T/E 2.6-7.5CM 12032 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 572.5 486.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 279.66 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 223.28 555.32 LAC MED S/A/T/E 2.6-7.5CM 12032 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 572.5 486.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 555.32 223.28 555.32 LAC MED S/A/T/E 2.6-7.5CM 12032 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 572.5 486.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 543.88 223.28 555.32 LAC MED S/A/T/E 7.6-12.5CM 12034 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 663.96 266.96 663.96 LAC MED S/A/T/E 7.6-12.5CM 12034 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 314.87 266.96 663.96 LAC MED S/A/T/E 7.6-12.5CM 12034 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 266.96 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 266.96 663.96 LAC MED S/A/T/E 7.6-12.5CM 12034 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 307.51 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 266.96 663.96 LAC MED S/A/T/E 7.6-12.5CM 12034 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 663.96 266.96 663.96 LAC MED S/A/T/E 7.6-12.5CM 12034 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 650.28 266.96 663.96 LAC MED S/A/T/E 12.6-20CM 12035 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 737.2 296.4 737.2 LAC MED S/A/T/E 12.6-20CM 12035 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 349.6 296.4 737.2 LAC MED S/A/T/E 12.6-20CM 12035 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 296.4 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 296.4 737.2 LAC MED S/A/T/E 12.6-20CM 12035 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 355.28 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 296.4 737.2 LAC MED S/A/T/E 12.6-20CM 12035 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 737.2 296.4 737.2 LAC MED S/A/T/E 12.6-20CM 12035 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 722 296.4 737.2 LAC MED S/A/T/E 20.1-30CM 12036 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 817.5 694.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 792.98 318.83 792.98 LAC MED S/A/T/E 20.1-30CM 12036 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 817.5 694.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 376.05 318.83 792.98 LAC MED S/A/T/E 20.1-30CM 12036 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 817.5 694.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 318.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 318.83 792.98 LAC MED S/A/T/E 20.1-30CM 12036 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 817.5 694.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 394.3 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 318.83 792.98 LAC MED S/A/T/E 20.1-30CM 12036 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 817.5 694.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 792.98 318.83 792.98 LAC MED S/A/T/E 20.1-30CM 12036 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 817.5 694.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 776.62 318.83 792.98 LAC MED S/A/T/E >30CM 12037 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1784 1516.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1730.48 442.64 1730.48 LAC MED S/A/T/E >30CM 12037 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1784 1516.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 820.64 442.64 1730.48 LAC MED S/A/T/E >30CM 12037 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1784 1516.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 695.76 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 442.64 1730.48 LAC MED S/A/T/E >30CM 12037 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1784 1516.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 442.64 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 442.64 1730.48 LAC MED S/A/T/E >30CM 12037 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1784 1516.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1730.48 442.64 1730.48 LAC MED S/A/T/E >30CM 12037 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1784 1516.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1694.8 442.64 1730.48 LAC MED N/H/F/G <2.5CM 12041 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 525 446.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 509.25 204.75 509.25 LAC MED N/H/F/G <2.5CM 12041 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 525 446.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 241.5 204.75 509.25 LAC MED N/H/F/G <2.5CM 12041 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 525 446.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 204.75 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 204.75 509.25 LAC MED N/H/F/G <2.5CM 12041 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 525 446.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 242.25 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 204.75 509.25 LAC MED N/H/F/G <2.5CM 12041 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 525 446.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 509.25 204.75 509.25 LAC MED N/H/F/G <2.5CM 12041 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 525 446.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 498.75 204.75 509.25 LAC MED N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 12042 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 555.5 472.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.84 216.65 538.84 LAC MED N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 12042 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 555.5 472.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 255.53 216.65 538.84 LAC MED N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 12042 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 555.5 472.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 216.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 216.65 538.84 LAC MED N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 12042 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 555.5 472.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 285.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 216.65 538.84 LAC MED N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 12042 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 555.5 472.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 538.84 216.65 538.84 LAC MED N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 12042 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 555.5 472.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 527.72 216.65 538.84 LAC MED N/H/F/G 7.6-12.5CM 12044 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 598.5 508.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 580.54 233.42 580.54 LAC MED N/H/F/G 7.6-12.5CM 12044 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 598.5 508.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 275.31 233.42 580.54 LAC MED N/H/F/G 7.6-12.5CM 12044 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 598.5 508.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 233.42 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 233.42 580.54 LAC MED N/H/F/G 7.6-12.5CM 12044 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 598.5 508.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 350.96 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 233.42 580.54 LAC MED N/H/F/G 7.6-12.5CM 12044 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 598.5 508.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 580.54 233.42 580.54 LAC MED N/H/F/G 7.6-12.5CM 12044 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 598.5 508.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 568.58 233.42 580.54 LAC MED N/H/F/G 12.6-20CM 12045 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 665.5 565.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 645.54 259.55 645.54 LAC MED N/H/F/G 12.6-20CM 12045 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 665.5 565.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 306.13 259.55 645.54 LAC MED N/H/F/G 12.6-20CM 12045 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 665.5 565.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 259.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 259.55 645.54 LAC MED N/H/F/G 12.6-20CM 12045 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 665.5 565.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 377.22 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 259.55 645.54 LAC MED N/H/F/G 12.6-20CM 12045 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 665.5 565.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 645.54 259.55 645.54 LAC MED N/H/F/G 12.6-20CM 12045 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 665.5 565.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 632.22 259.55 645.54 LAC MED N/H/F/G 20.1-30CM 12046 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 716 608.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 694.52 279.24 694.52 LAC MED N/H/F/G 20.1-30CM 12046 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 716 608.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 329.36 279.24 694.52 LAC MED N/H/F/G 20.1-30CM 12046 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 716 608.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 279.24 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 279.24 694.52 LAC MED N/H/F/G 20.1-30CM 12046 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 716 608.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 451.99 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 279.24 694.52 LAC MED N/H/F/G 20.1-30CM 12046 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 716 608.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 694.52 279.24 694.52 LAC MED N/H/F/G 20.1-30CM 12046 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 716 608.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 680.2 279.24 694.52 LAC MED N/H/F/G >30 12047 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1784 1516.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1730.48 494.98 1730.48 LAC MED N/H/F/G >30 12047 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1784 1516.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 820.64 494.98 1730.48 LAC MED N/H/F/G >30 12047 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1784 1516.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 695.76 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 494.98 1730.48 LAC MED N/H/F/G >30 12047 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1784 1516.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 494.98 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 494.98 1730.48 LAC MED N/H/F/G >30 12047 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1784 1516.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1730.48 494.98 1730.48 LAC MED N/H/F/G >30 12047 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1784 1516.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1694.8 494.98 1730.48 LAC MED FACE/EAR <2.5CM 12051 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 418.5 355.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 405.94 163.22 405.94 LAC MED FACE/EAR <2.5CM 12051 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 418.5 355.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 192.51 163.22 405.94 LAC MED FACE/EAR <2.5CM 12051 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 418.5 355.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 163.22 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 163.22 405.94 LAC MED FACE/EAR <2.5CM 12051 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 418.5 355.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 260.34 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 163.22 405.94 LAC MED FACE/EAR <2.5CM 12051 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 418.5 355.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 405.94 163.22 405.94 LAC MED FACE/EAR <2.5CM 12051 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 418.5 355.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 397.58 163.22 405.94 LAC MED FACE/EAR 2.6-5CM 12052 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 574 487.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 556.78 223.86 556.78 LAC MED FACE/EAR 2.6-5CM 12052 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 574 487.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 264.04 223.86 556.78 LAC MED FACE/EAR 2.6-5CM 12052 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 574 487.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 223.86 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 223.86 556.78 LAC MED FACE/EAR 2.6-5CM 12052 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 574 487.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 290.42 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 223.86 556.78 LAC MED FACE/EAR 2.6-5CM 12052 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 574 487.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 556.78 223.86 556.78 LAC MED FACE/EAR 2.6-5CM 12052 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 574 487.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 545.3 223.86 556.78 LAC MED FACE/EAR 5.1-7.5CM 12053 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 597.5 507.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 579.58 233.03 579.58 LAC MED FACE/EAR 5.1-7.5CM 12053 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 597.5 507.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 274.85 233.03 579.58 LAC MED FACE/EAR 5.1-7.5CM 12053 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 597.5 507.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 233.03 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 233.03 579.58 LAC MED FACE/EAR 5.1-7.5CM 12053 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 597.5 507.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 334.12 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 233.03 579.58 LAC MED FACE/EAR 5.1-7.5CM 12053 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 597.5 507.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 579.58 233.03 579.58 LAC MED FACE/EAR 5.1-7.5CM 12053 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 597.5 507.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 567.62 233.03 579.58 LAC MED FACE/EAR 7.6-12.5CM 12054 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 663.96 266.96 663.96 LAC MED FACE/EAR 7.6-12.5CM 12054 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 314.87 266.96 663.96 LAC MED FACE/EAR 7.6-12.5CM 12054 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 266.96 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 266.96 663.96 LAC MED FACE/EAR 7.6-12.5CM 12054 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 350.87 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 266.96 663.96 LAC MED FACE/EAR 7.6-12.5CM 12054 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 663.96 266.96 663.96 LAC MED FACE/EAR 7.6-12.5CM 12054 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 650.28 266.96 663.96 LAC MED FACE/EAR 12.6-20CM 12055 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 737.2 296.4 737.2 LAC MED FACE/EAR 12.6-20CM 12055 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 349.6 296.4 737.2 LAC MED FACE/EAR 12.6-20CM 12055 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 296.4 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 296.4 737.2 LAC MED FACE/EAR 12.6-20CM 12055 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 459.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 296.4 737.2 LAC MED FACE/EAR 12.6-20CM 12055 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 737.2 296.4 737.2 LAC MED FACE/EAR 12.6-20CM 12055 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 760 646 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 722 296.4 737.2 LAC MED FACE/EAR 20.1-30CM 12056 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 791 672.35 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 767.27 308.49 767.27 LAC MED FACE/EAR 20.1-30CM 12056 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 791 672.35 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 363.86 308.49 767.27 LAC MED FACE/EAR 20.1-30CM 12056 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 791 672.35 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 308.49 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 308.49 767.27 LAC MED FACE/EAR 20.1-30CM 12056 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 791 672.35 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 528.17 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 308.49 767.27 LAC MED FACE/EAR 20.1-30CM 12056 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 791 672.35 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 767.27 308.49 767.27 LAC MED FACE/EAR 20.1-30CM 12056 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 791 672.35 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 751.45 308.49 767.27 LAC MED FACE/EAR >30CM 12057 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 790.5 671.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 766.78 308.3 766.78 LAC MED FACE/EAR >30CM 12057 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 790.5 671.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 363.63 308.3 766.78 LAC MED FACE/EAR >30CM 12057 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 790.5 671.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 308.3 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 308.3 766.78 LAC MED FACE/EAR >30CM 12057 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 790.5 671.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 552.71 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 308.3 766.78 LAC MED FACE/EAR >30CM 12057 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 790.5 671.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 766.78 308.3 766.78 LAC MED FACE/EAR >30CM 12057 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 790.5 671.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 750.98 308.3 766.78 REPAIR COMPLEX TRUNK 1.1-2.5CM 13100 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 562 477.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 545.14 219.18 545.14 REPAIR COMPLEX TRUNK 1.1-2.5CM 13100 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 562 477.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 258.52 219.18 545.14 REPAIR COMPLEX TRUNK 1.1-2.5CM 13100 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 562 477.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 219.18 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 219.18 545.14 REPAIR COMPLEX TRUNK 1.1-2.5CM 13100 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 562 477.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 312.74 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 219.18 545.14 REPAIR COMPLEX TRUNK 1.1-2.5CM 13100 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 562 477.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 545.14 219.18 545.14 REPAIR COMPLEX TRUNK 1.1-2.5CM 13100 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 562 477.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 533.9 219.18 545.14 REPAIR COMPLEX TRUNK 2.6-7.5CM 13101 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 858 729.3 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 832.26 334.62 832.26 REPAIR COMPLEX TRUNK 2.6-7.5CM 13101 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 858 729.3 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 394.68 334.62 832.26 REPAIR COMPLEX TRUNK 2.6-7.5CM 13101 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 858 729.3 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 334.62 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 334.62 832.26 REPAIR COMPLEX TRUNK 2.6-7.5CM 13101 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 858 729.3 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 364.45 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 334.62 832.26 REPAIR COMPLEX TRUNK 2.6-7.5CM 13101 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 858 729.3 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 832.26 334.62 832.26 REPAIR COMPLEX TRUNK 2.6-7.5CM 13101 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 858 729.3 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 815.1 334.62 832.26 REPAIR COMPLEX EA ADDITIONAL 5 CM 13102 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 342.5 291.13 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 332.22 106.31 332.22 REPAIR COMPLEX EA ADDITIONAL 5 CM 13102 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 342.5 291.13 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 157.55 106.31 332.22 REPAIR COMPLEX EA ADDITIONAL 5 CM 13102 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 342.5 291.13 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 133.58 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 106.31 332.22 REPAIR COMPLEX EA ADDITIONAL 5 CM 13102 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 342.5 291.13 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 106.31 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 106.31 332.22 REPAIR COMPLEX EA ADDITIONAL 5 CM 13102 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 342.5 291.13 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 332.22 106.31 332.22 REPAIR COMPLEX EA ADDITIONAL 5 CM 13102 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 342.5 291.13 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 325.38 106.31 332.22 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP 1.1-2.5CM 13120 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 570.5 484.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 553.38 222.5 553.38 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP 1.1-2.5CM 13120 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 570.5 484.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 262.43 222.5 553.38 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP 1.1-2.5CM 13120 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 570.5 484.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 222.5 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 222.5 553.38 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP 1.1-2.5CM 13120 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 570.5 484.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 326.14 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 222.5 553.38 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP 1.1-2.5CM 13120 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 570.5 484.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 553.38 222.5 553.38 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP 1.1-2.5CM 13120 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 570.5 484.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 541.98 222.5 553.38 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP 2.6-7.5CM 13121 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 738.5 627.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 716.34 288.02 716.34 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP 2.6-7.5CM 13121 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 738.5 627.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 339.71 288.02 716.34 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP 2.6-7.5CM 13121 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 738.5 627.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 288.02 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 288.02 716.34 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP 2.6-7.5CM 13121 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 738.5 627.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 390.93 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 288.02 716.34 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP 2.6-7.5CM 13121 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 738.5 627.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 716.34 288.02 716.34 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP 2.6-7.5CM 13121 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 738.5 627.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 701.58 288.02 716.34 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP EA ADDITIONAL 5 CM 13122 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307.5 261.38 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 298.28 115.99 298.28 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP EA ADDITIONAL 5 CM 13122 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307.5 261.38 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 141.45 115.99 298.28 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP EA ADDITIONAL 5 CM 13122 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307.5 261.38 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 119.93 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 115.99 298.28 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP EA ADDITIONAL 5 CM 13122 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307.5 261.38 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 115.99 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 115.99 298.28 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP EA ADDITIONAL 5 CM 13122 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307.5 261.38 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 298.28 115.99 298.28 REPAIR COMPLEX SCALP EA ADDITIONAL 5 CM 13122 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307.5 261.38 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 292.12 115.99 298.28 REPAIR COMPLEX FOREHEAD 1.1-2.5CM 13131 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 495 420.75 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 480.15 193.05 480.15 REPAIR COMPLEX FOREHEAD 1.1-2.5CM 13131 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 495 420.75 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 227.7 193.05 480.15 REPAIR COMPLEX FOREHEAD 1.1-2.5CM 13131 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 495 420.75 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 193.05 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 193.05 480.15 REPAIR COMPLEX FOREHEAD 1.1-2.5CM 13131 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 495 420.75 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 356.7 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 193.05 480.15 REPAIR COMPLEX FOREHEAD 1.1-2.5CM 13131 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 495 420.75 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 480.15 193.05 480.15 REPAIR COMPLEX FOREHEAD 1.1-2.5CM 13131 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 495 420.75 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 470.25 193.05 480.15 LAC COMPLEX N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 13132 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 663.96 266.96 663.96 LAC COMPLEX N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 13132 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 314.87 266.96 663.96 LAC COMPLEX N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 13132 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 266.96 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 266.96 663.96 LAC COMPLEX N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 13132 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 433.23 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 266.96 663.96 LAC COMPLEX N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 13132 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 663.96 266.96 663.96 LAC COMPLEX N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 13132 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 684.5 581.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 650.28 266.96 663.96 LAC COMPLEX N/H/F/G EA ADDITIONAL 5CM 13133 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373.5 317.48 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 362.3 145.67 362.3 LAC COMPLEX N/H/F/G EA ADDITIONAL 5CM 13133 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373.5 317.48 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 171.81 145.67 362.3 LAC COMPLEX N/H/F/G EA ADDITIONAL 5CM 13133 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373.5 317.48 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 145.67 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 145.67 362.3 LAC COMPLEX N/H/F/G EA ADDITIONAL 5CM 13133 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373.5 317.48 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 154.73 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 145.67 362.3 LAC COMPLEX N/H/F/G EA ADDITIONAL 5CM 13133 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373.5 317.48 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 362.3 145.67 362.3 LAC COMPLEX N/H/F/G EA ADDITIONAL 5CM 13133 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373.5 317.48 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 354.82 145.67 362.3 LAC COMPLEX EYELID/LIP/NOSE/EAR 1.1-2.5C 13151 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 753.5 640.48 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 730.9 293.87 730.9 LAC COMPLEX EYELID/LIP/NOSE/EAR 1.1-2.5C 13151 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 753.5 640.48 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 346.61 293.87 730.9 LAC COMPLEX EYELID/LIP/NOSE/EAR 1.1-2.5C 13151 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 753.5 640.48 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 293.87 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 293.87 730.9 LAC COMPLEX EYELID/LIP/NOSE/EAR 1.1-2.5C 13151 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 753.5 640.48 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 388.81 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 293.87 730.9 LAC COMPLEX EYELID/LIP/NOSE/EAR 1.1-2.5C 13151 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 753.5 640.48 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 730.9 293.87 730.9 LAC COMPLEX EYELID/LIP/NOSE/EAR 1.1-2.5C 13151 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 753.5 640.48 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 715.82 293.87 730.9 LAC COMPLEX EYELID/LIP/NOSE/EAR 2.6-7.5C 13152 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 908.5 772.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 881.24 354.32 881.24 LAC COMPLEX EYELID/LIP/NOSE/EAR 2.6-7.5C 13152 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 908.5 772.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 417.91 354.32 881.24 LAC COMPLEX EYELID/LIP/NOSE/EAR 2.6-7.5C 13152 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 908.5 772.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 354.32 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 354.32 881.24 LAC COMPLEX EYELID/LIP/NOSE/EAR 2.6-7.5C 13152 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 908.5 772.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 456.89 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 354.32 881.24 LAC COMPLEX EYELID/LIP/NOSE/EAR 2.6-7.5C 13152 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 908.5 772.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 881.24 354.32 881.24 LAC COMPLEX EYELID/LIP/NOSE/EAR 2.6-7.5C 13152 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 908.5 772.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 863.08 354.32 881.24 BURN TX 1ST DEGREE 16000 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 355.5 302.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 344.84 73.18 344.84 BURN TX 1ST DEGREE 16000 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 355.5 302.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 163.53 73.18 344.84 BURN TX 1ST DEGREE 16000 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 355.5 302.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 138.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 73.18 344.84 BURN TX 1ST DEGREE 16000 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 355.5 302.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 73.18 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 73.18 344.84 BURN TX 1ST DEGREE 16000 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 355.5 302.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 344.84 73.18 344.84 BURN TX 1ST DEGREE 16000 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 355.5 302.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 337.72 73.18 344.84 BURN DRESS/DEBRID P-THICK SMALL 16020 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 194 164.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 188.18 75.66 188.18 BURN DRESS/DEBRID P-THICK SMALL 16020 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 194 164.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 89.24 75.66 188.18 BURN DRESS/DEBRID P-THICK SMALL 16020 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 194 164.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 75.66 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 75.66 188.18 BURN DRESS/DEBRID P-THICK SMALL 16020 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 194 164.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 78.67 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 75.66 188.18 BURN DRESS/DEBRID P-THICK SMALL 16020 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 194 164.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 188.18 75.66 188.18 BURN DRESS/DEBRID P-THICK SMALL 16020 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 194 164.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 184.3 75.66 188.18 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT MEDIUM 16025 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307 260.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 297.79 119.73 297.79 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT MEDIUM 16025 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307 260.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 141.22 119.73 297.79 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT MEDIUM 16025 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307 260.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 119.73 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 119.73 297.79 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT MEDIUM 16025 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307 260.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 144.28 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 119.73 297.79 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT MEDIUM 16025 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307 260.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 297.79 119.73 297.79 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT MEDIUM 16025 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 307 260.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 291.65 119.73 297.79 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT LARGE>10% 16030 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 403 342.55 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 390.91 157.17 390.91 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT LARGE>10% 16030 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 403 342.55 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 185.38 157.17 390.91 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT LARGE>10% 16030 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 403 342.55 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 157.17 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 157.17 390.91 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT LARGE>10% 16030 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 403 342.55 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 179.66 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 157.17 390.91 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT LARGE>10% 16030 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 403 342.55 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 390.91 157.17 390.91 BURN DRESS/DEBRIDMENT LARGE>10% 16030 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 403 342.55 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 382.85 157.17 390.91 WOUND EXPLORATATION EXTREMITY 20103 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 647.96 260.52 647.96 WOUND EXPLORATATION EXTREMITY 20103 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 307.28 260.52 647.96 WOUND EXPLORATATION EXTREMITY 20103 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 260.52 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 260.52 647.96 WOUND EXPLORATATION EXTREMITY 20103 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 513.64 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 260.52 647.96 WOUND EXPLORATATION EXTREMITY 20103 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 647.96 260.52 647.96 WOUND EXPLORATATION EXTREMITY 20103 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 634.6 260.52 647.96 INJ TRIGGER POINTS 1 -2 MUSCLES 20552 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 510 433.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 494.7 48.59 494.7 INJ TRIGGER POINTS 1 -2 MUSCLES 20552 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 510 433.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 234.6 48.59 494.7 INJ TRIGGER POINTS 1 -2 MUSCLES 20552 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 510 433.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 198.9 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 48.59 494.7 INJ TRIGGER POINTS 1 -2 MUSCLES 20552 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 510 433.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 48.59 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 48.59 494.7 INJ TRIGGER POINTS 1 -2 MUSCLES 20552 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 510 433.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 494.7 48.59 494.7 INJ TRIGGER POINTS 1 -2 MUSCLES 20552 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 510 433.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 484.5 48.59 494.7 ARTHROCENTESIS ASP INJ INTERMED JOINT 20605 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 280.5 238.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 272.08 50.92 272.08 ARTHROCENTESIS ASP INJ INTERMED JOINT 20605 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 280.5 238.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 129.03 50.92 272.08 ARTHROCENTESIS ASP INJ INTERMED JOINT 20605 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 280.5 238.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 109.4 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 50.92 272.08 ARTHROCENTESIS ASP INJ INTERMED JOINT 20605 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 280.5 238.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 50.92 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 50.92 272.08 ARTHROCENTESIS ASP INJ INTERMED JOINT 20605 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 280.5 238.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 272.08 50.92 272.08 ARTHROCENTESIS ASP INJ INTERMED JOINT 20605 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 280.5 238.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 266.48 50.92 272.08 ARTHRO ASPIR INJECT JOINT OR BURSA 20610 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 288 244.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 279.36 59.73 279.36 ARTHRO ASPIR INJECT JOINT OR BURSA 20610 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 288 244.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 132.48 59.73 279.36 ARTHRO ASPIR INJECT JOINT OR BURSA 20610 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 288 244.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 112.32 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 59.73 279.36 ARTHRO ASPIR INJECT JOINT OR BURSA 20610 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 288 244.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 59.73 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 59.73 279.36 ARTHRO ASPIR INJECT JOINT OR BURSA 20610 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 288 244.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 279.36 59.73 279.36 ARTHRO ASPIR INJECT JOINT OR BURSA 20610 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 288 244.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 273.6 59.73 279.36 REATTACH FINGERTIP 20822 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1421.54 571.55 1465.5 REATTACH FINGERTIP 20822 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 674.13 571.55 1465.5 REATTACH FINGERTIP 20822 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 571.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 571.55 1465.5 REATTACH FINGERTIP 20822 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 1465.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 571.55 1465.5 REATTACH FINGERTIP 20822 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1421.54 571.55 1465.5 REATTACH FINGERTIP 20822 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1392.22 571.55 1465.5 CLOSED REDUCT NOSE 21315 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1423.5 1209.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1380.8 139.59 1380.8 CLOSED REDUCT NOSE 21315 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1423.5 1209.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 654.81 139.59 1380.8 CLOSED REDUCT NOSE 21315 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1423.5 1209.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 555.17 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 139.59 1380.8 CLOSED REDUCT NOSE 21315 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1423.5 1209.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 139.59 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 139.59 1380.8 CLOSED REDUCT NOSE 21315 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1423.5 1209.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1380.8 139.59 1380.8 CLOSED REDUCT NOSE 21315 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1423.5 1209.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1352.32 139.59 1380.8 CLOSE TMJ DISLOC INIT OR SUB 21480 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 328 278.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 318.16 127.92 318.16 CLOSE TMJ DISLOC INIT OR SUB 21480 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 328 278.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 150.88 127.92 318.16 CLOSE TMJ DISLOC INIT OR SUB 21480 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 328 278.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 127.92 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 127.92 318.16 CLOSE TMJ DISLOC INIT OR SUB 21480 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 328 278.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 128.54 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 127.92 318.16 CLOSE TMJ DISLOC INIT OR SUB 21480 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 328 278.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 318.16 127.92 318.16 CLOSE TMJ DISLOC INIT OR SUB 21480 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 328 278.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 311.6 127.92 318.16 CLOSED TX OF CLAVICULAR FX WO MANIP 23500 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 475 403.75 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 460.75 185.25 460.75 CLOSED TX OF CLAVICULAR FX WO MANIP 23500 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 475 403.75 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 218.5 185.25 460.75 CLOSED TX OF CLAVICULAR FX WO MANIP 23500 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 475 403.75 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 185.25 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 185.25 460.75 CLOSED TX OF CLAVICULAR FX WO MANIP 23500 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 475 403.75 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 212.4 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 185.25 460.75 CLOSED TX OF CLAVICULAR FX WO MANIP 23500 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 475 403.75 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 460.75 185.25 460.75 CLOSED TX OF CLAVICULAR FX WO MANIP 23500 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 475 403.75 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 451.25 185.25 460.75 CLOSED TREAT CLAV FX WITH MANIP 23505 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1421.54 340 1421.54 CLOSED TREAT CLAV FX WITH MANIP 23505 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 674.13 340 1421.54 CLOSED TREAT CLAV FX WITH MANIP 23505 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 571.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 340 1421.54 CLOSED TREAT CLAV FX WITH MANIP 23505 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 340 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 340 1421.54 CLOSED TREAT CLAV FX WITH MANIP 23505 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1421.54 340 1421.54 CLOSED TREAT CLAV FX WITH MANIP 23505 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1392.22 340 1421.54 CLOSED RED SHOULDER W MANIP WO ANES 23650 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 297.5 252.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 288.58 116.03 297.5 CLOSED RED SHOULDER W MANIP WO ANES 23650 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 297.5 252.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 136.85 116.03 297.5 CLOSED RED SHOULDER W MANIP WO ANES 23650 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 297.5 252.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 116.03 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 116.03 297.5 CLOSED RED SHOULDER W MANIP WO ANES 23650 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 297.5 252.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 297.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 116.03 297.5 CLOSED RED SHOULDER W MANIP WO ANES 23650 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 297.5 252.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 288.58 116.03 297.5 CLOSED RED SHOULDER W MANIP WO ANES 23650 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 297.5 252.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 282.62 116.03 297.5 CLSD TX SHOULDER DISLC W MANIP W ANESTH 23655 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1360 1156 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1319.2 380.98 1319.2 CLSD TX SHOULDER DISLC W MANIP W ANESTH 23655 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1360 1156 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 625.6 380.98 1319.2 CLSD TX SHOULDER DISLC W MANIP W ANESTH 23655 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1360 1156 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 530.4 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 380.98 1319.2 CLSD TX SHOULDER DISLC W MANIP W ANESTH 23655 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1360 1156 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 380.98 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 380.98 1319.2 CLSD TX SHOULDER DISLC W MANIP W ANESTH 23655 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1360 1156 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1319.2 380.98 1319.2 CLSD TX SHOULDER DISLC W MANIP W ANESTH 23655 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1360 1156 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1292 380.98 1319.2 CLOSED ELBOW TX DISLOCATION WO ANES 24600 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 686.5 583.53 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 665.9 267.74 665.9 CLOSED ELBOW TX DISLOCATION WO ANES 24600 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 686.5 583.53 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 315.79 267.74 665.9 CLOSED ELBOW TX DISLOCATION WO ANES 24600 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 686.5 583.53 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 267.74 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 267.74 665.9 CLOSED ELBOW TX DISLOCATION WO ANES 24600 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 686.5 583.53 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 355.89 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 267.74 665.9 CLOSED ELBOW TX DISLOCATION WO ANES 24600 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 686.5 583.53 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 665.9 267.74 665.9 CLOSED ELBOW TX DISLOCATION WO ANES 24600 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 686.5 583.53 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 652.18 267.74 665.9 CLTX RDL HEAD SUBLXT CHLD ELBOW W MANI 24640 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 491 417.35 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 476.27 98 476.27 CLTX RDL HEAD SUBLXT CHLD ELBOW W MANI 24640 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 491 417.35 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 225.86 98 476.27 CLTX RDL HEAD SUBLXT CHLD ELBOW W MANI 24640 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 491 417.35 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 191.49 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 98 476.27 CLTX RDL HEAD SUBLXT CHLD ELBOW W MANI 24640 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 491 417.35 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 98 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 98 476.27 CLTX RDL HEAD SUBLXT CHLD ELBOW W MANI 24640 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 491 417.35 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 476.27 98 476.27 CLTX RDL HEAD SUBLXT CHLD ELBOW W MANI 24640 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 491 417.35 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 466.45 98 476.27 CLOSED TX ULNAR SHAFT FX W MANIP 25535 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444.5 377.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 431.16 173.36 444.5 CLOSED TX ULNAR SHAFT FX W MANIP 25535 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444.5 377.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 204.47 173.36 444.5 CLOSED TX ULNAR SHAFT FX W MANIP 25535 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444.5 377.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 173.36 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 173.36 444.5 CLOSED TX ULNAR SHAFT FX W MANIP 25535 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444.5 377.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 444.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 173.36 444.5 CLOSED TX ULNAR SHAFT FX W MANIP 25535 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444.5 377.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 431.16 173.36 444.5 CLOSED TX ULNAR SHAFT FX W MANIP 25535 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444.5 377.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 422.28 173.36 444.5 CLTX DSTL RDL FX/EPIPHYSL SEP W MAN 25605 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1421.54 506.97 1421.54 CLTX DSTL RDL FX/EPIPHYSL SEP W MAN 25605 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 674.13 506.97 1421.54 CLTX DSTL RDL FX/EPIPHYSL SEP W MAN 25605 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 571.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 506.97 1421.54 CLTX DSTL RDL FX/EPIPHYSL SEP W MAN 25605 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 506.97 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 506.97 1421.54 CLTX DSTL RDL FX/EPIPHYSL SEP W MAN 25605 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1421.54 506.97 1421.54 CLTX DSTL RDL FX/EPIPHYSL SEP W MAN 25605 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1392.22 506.97 1421.54 CLOSED TX DISTL RADIOULNAR DSL W MANI 25675 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 706.5 600.53 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 685.3 275.54 685.3 CLOSED TX DISTL RADIOULNAR DSL W MANI 25675 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 706.5 600.53 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 324.99 275.54 685.3 CLOSED TX DISTL RADIOULNAR DSL W MANI 25675 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 706.5 600.53 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 275.54 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 275.54 685.3 CLOSED TX DISTL RADIOULNAR DSL W MANI 25675 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 706.5 600.53 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 430.36 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 275.54 685.3 CLOSED TX DISTL RADIOULNAR DSL W MANI 25675 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 706.5 600.53 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 685.3 275.54 685.3 CLOSED TX DISTL RADIOULNAR DSL W MANI 25675 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 706.5 600.53 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 671.18 275.54 685.3 CLOSED TX FINGER DISLOCATION 26770 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 430.68 173.16 430.68 CLOSED TX FINGER DISLOCATION 26770 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 204.24 173.16 430.68 CLOSED TX FINGER DISLOCATION 26770 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 173.16 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 173.16 430.68 CLOSED TX FINGER DISLOCATION 26770 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 274.86 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 173.16 430.68 CLOSED TX FINGER DISLOCATION 26770 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 430.68 173.16 430.68 CLOSED TX FINGER DISLOCATION 26770 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 421.8 173.16 430.68 CL TX IPHAL JT DISLC W MAN W ANES 26775 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 970.5 824.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 941.38 374.51 941.38 CL TX IPHAL JT DISLC W MAN W ANES 26775 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 970.5 824.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 446.43 374.51 941.38 CL TX IPHAL JT DISLC W MAN W ANES 26775 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 970.5 824.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 378.5 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 374.51 941.38 CL TX IPHAL JT DISLC W MAN W ANES 26775 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 970.5 824.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 374.51 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 374.51 941.38 CL TX IPHAL JT DISLC W MAN W ANES 26775 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 970.5 824.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 941.38 374.51 941.38 CL TX IPHAL JT DISLC W MAN W ANES 26775 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 970.5 824.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 921.98 374.51 941.38 CLTX HIP DISLOC TRAUMATIC WO ANES 27250 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 598.5 508.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 580.54 162.25 580.54 CLTX HIP DISLOC TRAUMATIC WO ANES 27250 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 598.5 508.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 275.31 162.25 580.54 CLTX HIP DISLOC TRAUMATIC WO ANES 27250 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 598.5 508.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 233.42 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 162.25 580.54 CLTX HIP DISLOC TRAUMATIC WO ANES 27250 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 598.5 508.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 162.25 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 162.25 580.54 CLTX HIP DISLOC TRAUMATIC WO ANES 27250 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 598.5 508.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 580.54 162.25 580.54 CLTX HIP DISLOC TRAUMATIC WO ANES 27250 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 598.5 508.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 568.58 162.25 580.54 CLTX HIP DISLOC TRMATC W ANES 27252 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1477.5 1255.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1433.18 576.23 1433.18 CLTX HIP DISLOC TRMATC W ANES 27252 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1477.5 1255.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 679.65 576.23 1433.18 CLTX HIP DISLOC TRMATC W ANES 27252 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1477.5 1255.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 576.23 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 576.23 1433.18 CLTX HIP DISLOC TRMATC W ANES 27252 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1477.5 1255.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 686.26 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 576.23 1433.18 CLTX HIP DISLOC TRMATC W ANES 27252 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1477.5 1255.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1433.18 576.23 1433.18 CLTX HIP DISLOC TRMATC W ANES 27252 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1477.5 1255.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1403.62 576.23 1433.18 CLTX FEM FX DSTL END MED/LAT COND W MAN 27510 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1421.54 571.55 1421.54 CLTX FEM FX DSTL END MED/LAT COND W MAN 27510 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 674.13 571.55 1421.54 CLTX FEM FX DSTL END MED/LAT COND W MAN 27510 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 571.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 571.55 1421.54 CLTX FEM FX DSTL END MED/LAT COND W MAN 27510 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 627.43 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 571.55 1421.54 CLTX FEM FX DSTL END MED/LAT COND W MAN 27510 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1421.54 571.55 1421.54 CLTX FEM FX DSTL END MED/LAT COND W MAN 27510 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1392.22 571.55 1421.54 CLTX PATEL DISL WO ANES 27560 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 523 444.55 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 507.31 203.97 507.31 CLTX PATEL DISL WO ANES 27560 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 523 444.55 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 240.58 203.97 507.31 CLTX PATEL DISL WO ANES 27560 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 523 444.55 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 203.97 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 203.97 507.31 CLTX PATEL DISL WO ANES 27560 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 523 444.55 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 352.74 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 203.97 507.31 CLTX PATEL DISL WO ANES 27560 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 523 444.55 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 507.31 203.97 507.31 CLTX PATEL DISL WO ANES 27560 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 523 444.55 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 496.85 203.97 507.31 CLTX TIBIAL SHAFT FX W MAN W/WO SKEL TRA 27752 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1421.54 500.23 1421.54 CLTX TIBIAL SHAFT FX W MAN W/WO SKEL TRA 27752 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 674.13 500.23 1421.54 CLTX TIBIAL SHAFT FX W MAN W/WO SKEL TRA 27752 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 571.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 500.23 1421.54 CLTX TIBIAL SHAFT FX W MAN W/WO SKEL TRA 27752 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 500.23 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 500.23 1421.54 CLTX TIBIAL SHAFT FX W MAN W/WO SKEL TRA 27752 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1421.54 500.23 1421.54 CLTX TIBIAL SHAFT FX W MAN W/WO SKEL TRA 27752 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1392.22 500.23 1421.54 CLTX PROX FIBUL/SHFT FX W MANI 27781 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 902 766.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 874.94 351.78 874.94 CLTX PROX FIBUL/SHFT FX W MANI 27781 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 902 766.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 414.92 351.78 874.94 CLTX PROX FIBUL/SHFT FX W MANI 27781 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 902 766.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 351.78 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 351.78 874.94 CLTX PROX FIBUL/SHFT FX W MANI 27781 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 902 766.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 412.64 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 351.78 874.94 CLTX PROX FIBUL/SHFT FX W MANI 27781 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 902 766.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 874.94 351.78 874.94 CLTX PROX FIBUL/SHFT FX W MANI 27781 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 902 766.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 856.9 351.78 874.94 CLTX DSTL FIB FX LAT MALLS W MANI 27788 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 902 766.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 874.94 351.78 874.94 CLTX DSTL FIB FX LAT MALLS W MANI 27788 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 902 766.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 414.92 351.78 874.94 CLTX DSTL FIB FX LAT MALLS W MANI 27788 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 902 766.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 351.78 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 351.78 874.94 CLTX DSTL FIB FX LAT MALLS W MANI 27788 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 902 766.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 400.55 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 351.78 874.94 CLTX DSTL FIB FX LAT MALLS W MANI 27788 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 902 766.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 874.94 351.78 874.94 CLTX DSTL FIB FX LAT MALLS W MANI 27788 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 902 766.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 856.9 351.78 874.94 CLTX BIMALLEOLAR ANKLE FX W MANI 27810 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1421.54 446.05 1421.54 CLTX BIMALLEOLAR ANKLE FX W MANI 27810 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 674.13 446.05 1421.54 CLTX BIMALLEOLAR ANKLE FX W MANI 27810 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 571.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 446.05 1421.54 CLTX BIMALLEOLAR ANKLE FX W MANI 27810 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 446.05 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 446.05 1421.54 CLTX BIMALLEOLAR ANKLE FX W MANI 27810 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1421.54 446.05 1421.54 CLTX BIMALLEOLAR ANKLE FX W MANI 27810 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1392.22 446.05 1421.54 CLTX ANKLE DISLO WO ANES 27840 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 647.96 260.52 647.96 CLTX ANKLE DISLO WO ANES 27840 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 307.28 260.52 647.96 CLTX ANKLE DISLO WO ANES 27840 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 260.52 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 260.52 647.96 CLTX ANKLE DISLO WO ANES 27840 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 362.88 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 260.52 647.96 CLTX ANKLE DISLO WO ANES 27840 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 647.96 260.52 647.96 CLTX ANKLE DISLO WO ANES 27840 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 634.6 260.52 647.96 CLTX ANKLE DISLC REQ ANES W WO PRQ SKEL 27842 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1421.54 458.03 1421.54 CLTX ANKLE DISLC REQ ANES W WO PRQ SKEL 27842 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 674.13 458.03 1421.54 CLTX ANKLE DISLC REQ ANES W WO PRQ SKEL 27842 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 571.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 458.03 1421.54 CLTX ANKLE DISLC REQ ANES W WO PRQ SKEL 27842 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 458.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 458.03 1421.54 CLTX ANKLE DISLC REQ ANES W WO PRQ SKEL 27842 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1421.54 458.03 1421.54 CLTX ANKLE DISLC REQ ANES W WO PRQ SKEL 27842 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1465.5 1245.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1392.22 458.03 1421.54 FB REMOVAL FOOT SUBCU 28190 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 647.96 221.4 647.96 FB REMOVAL FOOT SUBCU 28190 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 307.28 221.4 647.96 FB REMOVAL FOOT SUBCU 28190 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 260.52 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 221.4 647.96 FB REMOVAL FOOT SUBCU 28190 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 221.4 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 221.4 647.96 FB REMOVAL FOOT SUBCU 28190 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 647.96 221.4 647.96 FB REMOVAL FOOT SUBCU 28190 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 668 567.8 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 634.6 221.4 647.96 CLTX METATARSAL FX WO MANI 28470 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 541 459.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 524.77 206.53 524.77 CLTX METATARSAL FX WO MANI 28470 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 541 459.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 248.86 206.53 524.77 CLTX METATARSAL FX WO MANI 28470 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 541 459.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.99 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 206.53 524.77 CLTX METATARSAL FX WO MANI 28470 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 541 459.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 206.53 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 206.53 524.77 CLTX METATARSAL FX WO MANI 28470 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 541 459.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 524.77 206.53 524.77 CLTX METATARSAL FX WO MANI 28470 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 541 459.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 513.95 206.53 524.77 CLTX METATARSAL FX W MANI 28475 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 430.68 173.16 430.68 CLTX METATARSAL FX W MANI 28475 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 204.24 173.16 430.68 CLTX METATARSAL FX W MANI 28475 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 173.16 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 173.16 430.68 CLTX METATARSAL FX W MANI 28475 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 246.72 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 173.16 430.68 CLTX METATARSAL FX W MANI 28475 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 430.68 173.16 430.68 CLTX METATARSAL FX W MANI 28475 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 421.8 173.16 430.68 CLTX TOE FRACTURE 28515 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 541 459.85 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 524.77 156.4 524.77 CLTX TOE FRACTURE 28515 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 541 459.85 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 248.86 156.4 524.77 CLTX TOE FRACTURE 28515 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 541 459.85 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 210.99 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 156.4 524.77 CLTX TOE FRACTURE 28515 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 541 459.85 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 156.4 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 156.4 524.77 CLTX TOE FRACTURE 28515 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 541 459.85 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 524.77 156.4 524.77 CLTX TOE FRACTURE 28515 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 541 459.85 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 513.95 156.4 524.77 CLTX TOE DISLOCATION 28660 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373 317.05 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 361.81 117.02 361.81 CLTX TOE DISLOCATION 28660 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373 317.05 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 171.58 117.02 361.81 CLTX TOE DISLOCATION 28660 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373 317.05 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 145.47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 117.02 361.81 CLTX TOE DISLOCATION 28660 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373 317.05 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 117.02 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 117.02 361.81 CLTX TOE DISLOCATION 28660 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373 317.05 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 361.81 117.02 361.81 CLTX TOE DISLOCATION 28660 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373 317.05 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 354.35 117.02 361.81 APPLIC LONG ARM CAST 29065 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 453 385.05 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 439.41 90.21 439.41 APPLIC LONG ARM CAST 29065 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 453 385.05 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 208.38 90.21 439.41 APPLIC LONG ARM CAST 29065 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 453 385.05 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 176.67 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 90.21 439.41 APPLIC LONG ARM CAST 29065 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 453 385.05 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 90.21 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 90.21 439.41 APPLIC LONG ARM CAST 29065 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 453 385.05 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 439.41 90.21 439.41 APPLIC LONG ARM CAST 29065 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 453 385.05 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 430.35 90.21 439.41 APPLICATION FOREARM CAST 29075 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373.5 317.48 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 362.3 81.43 362.3 APPLICATION FOREARM CAST 29075 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373.5 317.48 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 171.81 81.43 362.3 APPLICATION FOREARM CAST 29075 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373.5 317.48 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 145.67 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 81.43 362.3 APPLICATION FOREARM CAST 29075 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373.5 317.48 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 81.43 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 81.43 362.3 APPLICATION FOREARM CAST 29075 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373.5 317.48 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 362.3 81.43 362.3 APPLICATION FOREARM CAST 29075 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 373.5 317.48 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 354.82 81.43 362.3 APPLICATION HAND/WRIST CAST 29085 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 393 334.05 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 381.21 89.45 381.21 APPLICATION HAND/WRIST CAST 29085 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 393 334.05 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 180.78 89.45 381.21 APPLICATION HAND/WRIST CAST 29085 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 393 334.05 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 153.27 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 89.45 381.21 APPLICATION HAND/WRIST CAST 29085 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 393 334.05 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 89.45 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 89.45 381.21 APPLICATION HAND/WRIST CAST 29085 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 393 334.05 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 381.21 89.45 381.21 APPLICATION HAND/WRIST CAST 29085 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 393 334.05 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 373.35 89.45 381.21 APPLICATION SPLINT LONG ARM 29105 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 364 309.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 353.08 76.84 353.08 APPLICATION SPLINT LONG ARM 29105 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 364 309.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 167.44 76.84 353.08 APPLICATION SPLINT LONG ARM 29105 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 364 309.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 141.96 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 76.84 353.08 APPLICATION SPLINT LONG ARM 29105 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 364 309.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 76.84 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 76.84 353.08 APPLICATION SPLINT LONG ARM 29105 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 364 309.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 353.08 76.84 353.08 APPLICATION SPLINT LONG ARM 29105 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 364 309.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 345.8 76.84 353.08 APPLICATION SPLINT FOREARM 29125 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 316 268.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 306.52 62.15 306.52 APPLICATION SPLINT FOREARM 29125 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 316 268.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 145.36 62.15 306.52 APPLICATION SPLINT FOREARM 29125 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 316 268.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 123.24 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 62.15 306.52 APPLICATION SPLINT FOREARM 29125 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 316 268.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 62.15 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 62.15 306.52 APPLICATION SPLINT FOREARM 29125 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 316 268.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 306.52 62.15 306.52 APPLICATION SPLINT FOREARM 29125 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 316 268.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 300.2 62.15 306.52 APPLICATION OF FINGER SPLINT 29130 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 167.5 142.38 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 162.48 38.88 162.48 APPLICATION OF FINGER SPLINT 29130 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 167.5 142.38 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 77.05 38.88 162.48 APPLICATION OF FINGER SPLINT 29130 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 167.5 142.38 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 65.33 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 38.88 162.48 APPLICATION OF FINGER SPLINT 29130 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 167.5 142.38 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 38.88 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 38.88 162.48 APPLICATION OF FINGER SPLINT 29130 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 167.5 142.38 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 162.48 38.88 162.48 APPLICATION OF FINGER SPLINT 29130 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 167.5 142.38 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 159.12 38.88 162.48 STRAPPING OF CHEST 29200 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 210.5 178.93 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 204.18 29.91 204.18 STRAPPING OF CHEST 29200 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 210.5 178.93 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 96.83 29.91 204.18 STRAPPING OF CHEST 29200 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 210.5 178.93 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 82.1 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 29.91 204.18 STRAPPING OF CHEST 29200 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 210.5 178.93 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 29.91 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 29.91 204.18 STRAPPING OF CHEST 29200 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 210.5 178.93 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 204.18 29.91 204.18 STRAPPING OF CHEST 29200 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 210.5 178.93 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 199.98 29.91 204.18 APPLICATION LONG LEG CAST THIGH TOES 29345 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 574 487.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 556.78 125.25 556.78 APPLICATION LONG LEG CAST THIGH TOES 29345 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 574 487.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 264.04 125.25 556.78 APPLICATION LONG LEG CAST THIGH TOES 29345 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 574 487.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 223.86 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 125.25 556.78 APPLICATION LONG LEG CAST THIGH TOES 29345 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 574 487.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 125.25 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 125.25 556.78 APPLICATION LONG LEG CAST THIGH TOES 29345 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 574 487.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 556.78 125.25 556.78 APPLICATION LONG LEG CAST THIGH TOES 29345 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 574 487.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 545.3 125.25 556.78 APPLICATION CAST SHORT LEG BELOW KNEE 29405 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 418.5 355.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 405.94 74.87 405.94 APPLICATION CAST SHORT LEG BELOW KNEE 29405 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 418.5 355.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 192.51 74.87 405.94 APPLICATION CAST SHORT LEG BELOW KNEE 29405 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 418.5 355.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 163.22 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 74.87 405.94 APPLICATION CAST SHORT LEG BELOW KNEE 29405 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 418.5 355.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 74.87 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 74.87 405.94 APPLICATION CAST SHORT LEG BELOW KNEE 29405 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 418.5 355.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 405.94 74.87 405.94 APPLICATION CAST SHORT LEG BELOW KNEE 29405 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 418.5 355.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 397.58 74.87 405.94 APPL SPLINT LONG LEG THIGH TO ANKLE 29505 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 338.5 287.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 328.34 83.45 328.34 APPL SPLINT LONG LEG THIGH TO ANKLE 29505 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 338.5 287.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 155.71 83.45 328.34 APPL SPLINT LONG LEG THIGH TO ANKLE 29505 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 338.5 287.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 132.02 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 83.45 328.34 APPL SPLINT LONG LEG THIGH TO ANKLE 29505 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 338.5 287.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 83.45 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 83.45 328.34 APPL SPLINT LONG LEG THIGH TO ANKLE 29505 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 338.5 287.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 328.34 83.45 328.34 APPL SPLINT LONG LEG THIGH TO ANKLE 29505 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 338.5 287.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 321.58 83.45 328.34 APPLICATION SPLINT LOWER LEG/ANKLE 29515 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 323 274.55 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 313.31 67.4 313.31 APPLICATION SPLINT LOWER LEG/ANKLE 29515 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 323 274.55 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 148.58 67.4 313.31 APPLICATION SPLINT LOWER LEG/ANKLE 29515 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 323 274.55 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 125.97 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 67.4 313.31 APPLICATION SPLINT LOWER LEG/ANKLE 29515 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 323 274.55 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 67.4 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 67.4 313.31 APPLICATION SPLINT LOWER LEG/ANKLE 29515 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 323 274.55 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 313.31 67.4 313.31 APPLICATION SPLINT LOWER LEG/ANKLE 29515 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 323 274.55 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 306.85 67.4 313.31 E&M LEVEL 5 99285 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1614.5 1372.33 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1566.06 163.17 1566.06 E&M LEVEL 5 99285 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1614.5 1372.33 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 742.67 163.17 1566.06 E&M LEVEL 5 99285 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1614.5 1372.33 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 629.66 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 163.17 1566.06 E&M LEVEL 5 99285 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1614.5 1372.33 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 163.17 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 163.17 1566.06 E&M LEVEL 5 99285 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1614.5 1372.33 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1566.06 163.17 1566.06 E&M LEVEL 5 99285 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1614.5 1372.33 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1533.78 163.17 1566.06 ER DOPPLER 270 RC both 232.5 197.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 225.52 90.68 225.52 ER DOPPLER 270 RC both 232.5 197.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 106.95 90.68 225.52 ER DOPPLER 270 RC both 232.5 197.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 90.68 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 90.68 225.52 ER DOPPLER 270 RC both 232.5 197.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 90.68 225.52 ER DOPPLER 270 RC both 232.5 197.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 225.52 90.68 225.52 ER DOPPLER 270 RC both 232.5 197.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 220.88 90.68 225.52 E&M LEVEL 1 99281 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 160 136 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 155.2 10.6 155.2 E&M LEVEL 1 99281 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 160 136 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 73.6 10.6 155.2 E&M LEVEL 1 99281 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 160 136 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 62.4 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 10.6 155.2 E&M LEVEL 1 99281 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 160 136 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 10.6 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 10.6 155.2 E&M LEVEL 1 99281 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 160 136 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 155.2 10.6 155.2 E&M LEVEL 1 99281 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 160 136 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 152 10.6 155.2 E&M LEVEL 2 99282 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 465.5 395.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 451.54 38.84 451.54 E&M LEVEL 2 99282 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 465.5 395.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 214.13 38.84 451.54 E&M LEVEL 2 99282 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 465.5 395.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 181.55 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 38.84 451.54 E&M LEVEL 2 99282 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 465.5 395.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 38.84 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 38.84 451.54 E&M LEVEL 2 99282 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 465.5 395.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 451.54 38.84 451.54 E&M LEVEL 2 99282 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 465.5 395.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 442.22 38.84 451.54 E&M LEVEL 3 99283 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 690 586.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 669.3 66.15 669.3 E&M LEVEL 3 99283 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 690 586.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 317.4 66.15 669.3 E&M LEVEL 3 99283 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 690 586.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 269.1 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 66.15 669.3 E&M LEVEL 3 99283 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 690 586.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 66.15 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 66.15 669.3 E&M LEVEL 3 99283 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 690 586.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 669.3 66.15 669.3 E&M LEVEL 3 99283 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 690 586.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 655.5 66.15 669.3 E&M LEVEL 4 99284 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1220.5 1037.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1183.88 112.58 1183.88 E&M LEVEL 4 99284 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1220.5 1037.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 561.43 112.58 1183.88 E&M LEVEL 4 99284 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1220.5 1037.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 476 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 112.58 1183.88 E&M LEVEL 4 99284 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1220.5 1037.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 112.58 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 112.58 1183.88 E&M LEVEL 4 99284 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1220.5 1037.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1183.88 112.58 1183.88 E&M LEVEL 4 99284 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1220.5 1037.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1159.48 112.58 1183.88 RAPID RHINO ANTERIOR 270 RC both 104.5 88.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 101.36 40.76 101.36 RAPID RHINO ANTERIOR 270 RC both 104.5 88.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 48.07 40.76 101.36 RAPID RHINO ANTERIOR 270 RC both 104.5 88.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 40.76 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 40.76 101.36 RAPID RHINO ANTERIOR 270 RC both 104.5 88.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 40.76 101.36 RAPID RHINO ANTERIOR 270 RC both 104.5 88.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 101.36 40.76 101.36 RAPID RHINO ANTERIOR 270 RC both 104.5 88.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 99.28 40.76 101.36 TRAY SUTURE 270 RC both 125 106.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 121.25 48.75 121.25 TRAY SUTURE 270 RC both 125 106.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 57.5 48.75 121.25 TRAY SUTURE 270 RC both 125 106.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 48.75 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 48.75 121.25 TRAY SUTURE 270 RC both 125 106.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 48.75 121.25 TRAY SUTURE 270 RC both 125 106.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 121.25 48.75 121.25 TRAY SUTURE 270 RC both 125 106.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 118.75 48.75 121.25 REMOVAL FOREIGN BODY NOSE 30300 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 297 252.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 288.09 115.83 288.09 REMOVAL FOREIGN BODY NOSE 30300 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 297 252.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 136.62 115.83 288.09 REMOVAL FOREIGN BODY NOSE 30300 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 297 252.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 115.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 115.83 288.09 REMOVAL FOREIGN BODY NOSE 30300 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 297 252.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 192.58 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 115.83 288.09 REMOVAL FOREIGN BODY NOSE 30300 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 297 252.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 288.09 115.83 288.09 REMOVAL FOREIGN BODY NOSE 30300 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 297 252.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 282.15 115.83 288.09 NOSE BLEED SIMPLE 30901 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 323.5 274.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 313.8 126.17 313.8 NOSE BLEED SIMPLE 30901 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 323.5 274.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 148.81 126.17 313.8 NOSE BLEED SIMPLE 30901 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 323.5 274.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 126.17 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 126.17 313.8 NOSE BLEED SIMPLE 30901 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 323.5 274.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 142.6 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 126.17 313.8 NOSE BLEED SIMPLE 30901 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 323.5 274.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 313.8 126.17 313.8 NOSE BLEED SIMPLE 30901 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 323.5 274.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 307.32 126.17 313.8 NOSE BLEED COMPLEX ANTERIOR 30903 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 430.68 173.16 430.68 NOSE BLEED COMPLEX ANTERIOR 30903 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 204.24 173.16 430.68 NOSE BLEED COMPLEX ANTERIOR 30903 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 173.16 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 173.16 430.68 NOSE BLEED COMPLEX ANTERIOR 30903 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 222.09 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 173.16 430.68 NOSE BLEED COMPLEX ANTERIOR 30903 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 430.68 173.16 430.68 NOSE BLEED COMPLEX ANTERIOR 30903 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 444 377.4 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 421.8 173.16 430.68 NOSE BLEED COMPLEX POSTERIOR INITIAL 30905 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 459.5 390.58 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 445.72 179.21 445.72 NOSE BLEED COMPLEX POSTERIOR INITIAL 30905 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 459.5 390.58 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 211.37 179.21 445.72 NOSE BLEED COMPLEX POSTERIOR INITIAL 30905 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 459.5 390.58 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 179.21 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 179.21 445.72 NOSE BLEED COMPLEX POSTERIOR INITIAL 30905 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 459.5 390.58 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 318.49 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 179.21 445.72 NOSE BLEED COMPLEX POSTERIOR INITIAL 30905 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 459.5 390.58 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 445.72 179.21 445.72 NOSE BLEED COMPLEX POSTERIOR INITIAL 30905 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 459.5 390.58 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 436.52 179.21 445.72 SEXUAL ASSAULT RN EXAMINER 450 RC outpatient 848.5 721.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 823.04 330.92 823.04 SEXUAL ASSAULT RN EXAMINER 450 RC outpatient 848.5 721.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 390.31 330.92 823.04 SEXUAL ASSAULT RN EXAMINER 450 RC outpatient 848.5 721.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 330.92 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 330.92 823.04 SEXUAL ASSAULT RN EXAMINER 450 RC outpatient 848.5 721.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 330.92 823.04 SEXUAL ASSAULT RN EXAMINER 450 RC outpatient 848.5 721.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 823.04 330.92 823.04 SEXUAL ASSAULT RN EXAMINER 450 RC outpatient 848.5 721.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 806.08 330.92 823.04 INSERT ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE 31500 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 887 753.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 860.39 128.83 860.39 INSERT ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE 31500 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 887 753.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 408.02 128.83 860.39 INSERT ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE 31500 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 887 753.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 345.93 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 128.83 860.39 INSERT ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE 31500 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 887 753.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 128.83 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 128.83 860.39 INSERT ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE 31500 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 887 753.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 860.39 128.83 860.39 INSERT ENDOTRACHEAL TUBE 31500 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 887 753.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 842.65 128.83 860.39 "ENDOSCOPE OF LARYNX, REM FOREIGN BODY" 31511 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 471 400.35 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 456.87 183.69 456.87 "ENDOSCOPE OF LARYNX, REM FOREIGN BODY" 31511 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 471 400.35 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 216.66 183.69 456.87 "ENDOSCOPE OF LARYNX, REM FOREIGN BODY" 31511 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 471 400.35 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 183.69 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 183.69 456.87 "ENDOSCOPE OF LARYNX, REM FOREIGN BODY" 31511 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 471 400.35 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 193.78 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 183.69 456.87 "ENDOSCOPE OF LARYNX, REM FOREIGN BODY" 31511 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 471 400.35 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 456.87 183.69 456.87 "ENDOSCOPE OF LARYNX, REM FOREIGN BODY" 31511 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 471 400.35 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 447.45 183.69 456.87 CHEST TUBE INSERTION HEMOTHORAX 32551 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1479 1257.15 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1434.63 140.16 1434.63 CHEST TUBE INSERTION HEMOTHORAX 32551 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1479 1257.15 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 680.34 140.16 1434.63 CHEST TUBE INSERTION HEMOTHORAX 32551 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1479 1257.15 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 576.81 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 140.16 1434.63 CHEST TUBE INSERTION HEMOTHORAX 32551 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1479 1257.15 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 140.16 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 140.16 1434.63 CHEST TUBE INSERTION HEMOTHORAX 32551 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1479 1257.15 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1434.63 140.16 1434.63 CHEST TUBE INSERTION HEMOTHORAX 32551 HCPCS 450 RC outpatient 1479 1257.15 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1405.05 140.16 1434.63 INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABCESS 10060 HCPCS 982 RC both 397 337.45 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 385.09 114 385.09 INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABCESS 10060 HCPCS 982 RC both 397 337.45 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 182.62 114 385.09 INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABCESS 10060 HCPCS 982 RC both 397 337.45 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 114 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 114 385.09 INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABCESS 10060 HCPCS 982 RC both 397 337.45 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 117.56 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 114 385.09 INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABCESS 10060 HCPCS 982 RC both 397 337.45 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 385.09 114 385.09 INCISION AND DRAINAGE OF ABCESS 10060 HCPCS 982 RC both 397 337.45 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 377.15 114 385.09 I&D ABSCESS COMPLICATED/MULTIPLE 10061 HCPCS 981 RC both 574 487.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 556.78 196.41 556.78 I&D ABSCESS COMPLICATED/MULTIPLE 10061 HCPCS 981 RC both 574 487.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 264.04 196.41 556.78 I&D ABSCESS COMPLICATED/MULTIPLE 10061 HCPCS 981 RC both 574 487.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 196.41 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 196.41 556.78 I&D ABSCESS COMPLICATED/MULTIPLE 10061 HCPCS 981 RC both 574 487.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 198.3 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 196.41 556.78 I&D ABSCESS COMPLICATED/MULTIPLE 10061 HCPCS 981 RC both 574 487.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 556.78 196.41 556.78 I&D ABSCESS COMPLICATED/MULTIPLE 10061 HCPCS 981 RC both 574 487.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 545.3 196.41 556.78 FB REMOVAL SUBCU TISSUE SIMPLE 10120 HCPCS 450 RC both 411.5 349.78 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 399.16 140.24 399.16 FB REMOVAL SUBCU TISSUE SIMPLE 10120 HCPCS 450 RC both 411.5 349.78 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 189.29 140.24 399.16 FB REMOVAL SUBCU TISSUE SIMPLE 10120 HCPCS 450 RC both 411.5 349.78 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 160.49 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 140.24 399.16 FB REMOVAL SUBCU TISSUE SIMPLE 10120 HCPCS 450 RC both 411.5 349.78 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 140.24 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 140.24 399.16 FB REMOVAL SUBCU TISSUE SIMPLE 10120 HCPCS 450 RC both 411.5 349.78 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 399.16 140.24 399.16 FB REMOVAL SUBCU TISSUE SIMPLE 10120 HCPCS 450 RC both 411.5 349.78 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 390.92 140.24 399.16 INC & DRAIN HEMATOMA SIMPLE 10140 HCPCS 982 RC both 471 400.35 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 456.87 126.06 456.87 INC & DRAIN HEMATOMA SIMPLE 10140 HCPCS 982 RC both 471 400.35 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 216.66 126.06 456.87 INC & DRAIN HEMATOMA SIMPLE 10140 HCPCS 982 RC both 471 400.35 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 126.06 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 126.06 456.87 INC & DRAIN HEMATOMA SIMPLE 10140 HCPCS 982 RC both 471 400.35 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 156.47 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 126.06 456.87 INC & DRAIN HEMATOMA SIMPLE 10140 HCPCS 982 RC both 471 400.35 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 456.87 126.06 456.87 INC & DRAIN HEMATOMA SIMPLE 10140 HCPCS 982 RC both 471 400.35 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 447.45 126.06 456.87 PUNCTURE ASPIRATION ABSCESS ETC 10160 HCPCS 981 RC both 340 289 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 329.8 102.81 329.8 PUNCTURE ASPIRATION ABSCESS ETC 10160 HCPCS 981 RC both 340 289 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 156.4 102.81 329.8 PUNCTURE ASPIRATION ABSCESS ETC 10160 HCPCS 981 RC both 340 289 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 102.81 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 102.81 329.8 PUNCTURE ASPIRATION ABSCESS ETC 10160 HCPCS 981 RC both 340 289 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 119.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 102.81 329.8 PUNCTURE ASPIRATION ABSCESS ETC 10160 HCPCS 981 RC both 340 289 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 329.8 102.81 329.8 PUNCTURE ASPIRATION ABSCESS ETC 10160 HCPCS 981 RC both 340 289 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 323 102.81 329.8 DEBRDMNT REMOVAL OF FOREGN MATERIAL 11010 HCPCS 981 RC both 1012.5 860.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 982.12 289.2 982.12 DEBRDMNT REMOVAL OF FOREGN MATERIAL 11010 HCPCS 981 RC both 1012.5 860.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 465.75 289.2 982.12 DEBRDMNT REMOVAL OF FOREGN MATERIAL 11010 HCPCS 981 RC both 1012.5 860.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 289.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 289.2 982.12 DEBRDMNT REMOVAL OF FOREGN MATERIAL 11010 HCPCS 981 RC both 1012.5 860.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 408.05 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 289.2 982.12 DEBRDMNT REMOVAL OF FOREGN MATERIAL 11010 HCPCS 981 RC both 1012.5 860.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 982.12 289.2 982.12 DEBRDMNT REMOVAL OF FOREGN MATERIAL 11010 HCPCS 981 RC both 1012.5 860.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 961.88 289.2 982.12 "DEBRIDEMENT AT OPEN FRACTURE, SKIN/MUSCL" 11011 HCPCS 981 RC both 846.5 719.53 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 821.1 309.45 821.1 "DEBRIDEMENT AT OPEN FRACTURE, SKIN/MUSCL" 11011 HCPCS 981 RC both 846.5 719.53 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 389.39 309.45 821.1 "DEBRIDEMENT AT OPEN FRACTURE, SKIN/MUSCL" 11011 HCPCS 981 RC both 846.5 719.53 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 309.45 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 309.45 821.1 "DEBRIDEMENT AT OPEN FRACTURE, SKIN/MUSCL" 11011 HCPCS 981 RC both 846.5 719.53 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 454.37 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 309.45 821.1 "DEBRIDEMENT AT OPEN FRACTURE, SKIN/MUSCL" 11011 HCPCS 981 RC both 846.5 719.53 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 821.1 309.45 821.1 "DEBRIDEMENT AT OPEN FRACTURE, SKIN/MUSCL" 11011 HCPCS 981 RC both 846.5 719.53 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 804.18 309.45 821.1 DEBRIDEMENT AT SITE OF OPEN FRACTURE 11012 HCPCS 981 RC both 1012.5 860.63 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 982.12 432.27 982.12 DEBRIDEMENT AT SITE OF OPEN FRACTURE 11012 HCPCS 981 RC both 1012.5 860.63 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 465.75 432.27 982.12 DEBRIDEMENT AT SITE OF OPEN FRACTURE 11012 HCPCS 981 RC both 1012.5 860.63 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 432.27 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 432.27 982.12 DEBRIDEMENT AT SITE OF OPEN FRACTURE 11012 HCPCS 981 RC both 1012.5 860.63 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 591.7 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 432.27 982.12 DEBRIDEMENT AT SITE OF OPEN FRACTURE 11012 HCPCS 981 RC both 1012.5 860.63 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 982.12 432.27 982.12 DEBRIDEMENT AT SITE OF OPEN FRACTURE 11012 HCPCS 981 RC both 1012.5 860.63 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 961.88 432.27 982.12 "DEBRIDEMENT, 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11043 HCPCS 981 RC both 829.5 705.08 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 804.62 161.86 804.62 "DEBRIDEMENT, 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11043 HCPCS 981 RC both 829.5 705.08 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 381.57 161.86 804.62 "DEBRIDEMENT, 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11043 HCPCS 981 RC both 829.5 705.08 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 161.86 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 161.86 804.62 "DEBRIDEMENT, 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11043 HCPCS 981 RC both 829.5 705.08 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 213.59 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 161.86 804.62 "DEBRIDEMENT, 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11043 HCPCS 981 RC both 829.5 705.08 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 804.62 161.86 804.62 "DEBRIDEMENT, 1ST 20 SQ CM OR LESS" 11043 HCPCS 981 RC both 829.5 705.08 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 788.02 161.86 804.62 "DEBRIDEMENT, ADDL 20 SQ CM OR PART" 11046 HCPCS 981 RC both 162 137.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 157.14 57.03 157.14 "DEBRIDEMENT, ADDL 20 SQ CM OR PART" 11046 HCPCS 981 RC both 162 137.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 74.52 57.03 157.14 "DEBRIDEMENT, ADDL 20 SQ CM OR PART" 11046 HCPCS 981 RC both 162 137.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 57.03 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 57.03 157.14 "DEBRIDEMENT, ADDL 20 SQ CM OR PART" 11046 HCPCS 981 RC both 162 137.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 66.52 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 57.03 157.14 "DEBRIDEMENT, ADDL 20 SQ CM OR PART" 11046 HCPCS 981 RC both 162 137.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 157.14 57.03 157.14 "DEBRIDEMENT, ADDL 20 SQ CM OR PART" 11046 HCPCS 981 RC both 162 137.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 153.9 57.03 157.14 BIOPSY SKIN SUBQ TISS ETC ONE LES 11100 HCPCS 981 RC both 294 249.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 285.18 54.17 285.18 BIOPSY SKIN SUBQ TISS ETC ONE LES 11100 HCPCS 981 RC both 294 249.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 135.24 54.17 285.18 BIOPSY SKIN SUBQ TISS ETC ONE LES 11100 HCPCS 981 RC both 294 249.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 54.17 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 54.17 285.18 BIOPSY SKIN SUBQ TISS ETC ONE LES 11100 HCPCS 981 RC both 294 249.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 98.73 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 54.17 285.18 BIOPSY SKIN SUBQ TISS ETC ONE LES 11100 HCPCS 981 RC both 294 249.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 285.18 54.17 285.18 BIOPSY SKIN SUBQ TISS ETC ONE LES 11100 HCPCS 981 RC both 294 249.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 279.3 54.17 285.18 REM SKIN/MULTI FIBRO TAGS TO 15 11200 HCPCS 981 RC both 251.5 213.78 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 243.96 81.64 243.96 REM SKIN/MULTI FIBRO TAGS TO 15 11200 HCPCS 981 RC both 251.5 213.78 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 115.69 81.64 243.96 REM SKIN/MULTI FIBRO TAGS TO 15 11200 HCPCS 981 RC both 251.5 213.78 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 81.64 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 81.64 243.96 REM SKIN/MULTI FIBRO TAGS TO 15 11200 HCPCS 981 RC both 251.5 213.78 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 85.5 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 81.64 243.96 REM SKIN/MULTI FIBRO TAGS TO 15 11200 HCPCS 981 RC both 251.5 213.78 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 243.96 81.64 243.96 REM SKIN/MULTI FIBRO TAGS TO 15 11200 HCPCS 981 RC both 251.5 213.78 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 238.92 81.64 243.96 SHAVE DERM LGS TRNK EXT TO 0.5 CM 11300 HCPCS 981 RC both 144.5 122.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 140.16 36.02 140.16 SHAVE DERM LGS TRNK EXT TO 0.5 CM 11300 HCPCS 981 RC both 144.5 122.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 66.47 36.02 140.16 SHAVE DERM LGS TRNK EXT TO 0.5 CM 11300 HCPCS 981 RC both 144.5 122.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 36.02 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 36.02 140.16 SHAVE DERM LGS TRNK EXT TO 0.5 CM 11300 HCPCS 981 RC both 144.5 122.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 92.08 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 36.02 140.16 SHAVE DERM LGS TRNK EXT TO 0.5 CM 11300 HCPCS 981 RC both 144.5 122.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 140.16 36.02 140.16 SHAVE DERM LGS TRNK EXT TO 0.5 CM 11300 HCPCS 981 RC both 144.5 122.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 137.28 36.02 140.16 SHAVE DERM LES TRNK EXT 0.6-1.0 CM 11301 HCPCS 981 RC both 271.5 230.78 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 263.36 54.29 263.36 SHAVE DERM LES TRNK EXT 0.6-1.0 CM 11301 HCPCS 981 RC both 271.5 230.78 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 124.89 54.29 263.36 SHAVE DERM LES TRNK EXT 0.6-1.0 CM 11301 HCPCS 981 RC both 271.5 230.78 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 54.29 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 54.29 263.36 SHAVE DERM LES TRNK EXT 0.6-1.0 CM 11301 HCPCS 981 RC both 271.5 230.78 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 111.59 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 54.29 263.36 SHAVE DERM LES TRNK EXT 0.6-1.0 CM 11301 HCPCS 981 RC both 271.5 230.78 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 263.36 54.29 263.36 SHAVE DERM LES TRNK EXT 0.6-1.0 CM 11301 HCPCS 981 RC both 271.5 230.78 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 257.92 54.29 263.36 SHAVE DERM LES TRNK EXT 1.1-2.0 CM 11302 HCPCS 981 RC both 312 265.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 302.64 63.34 302.64 SHAVE DERM LES TRNK EXT 1.1-2.0 CM 11302 HCPCS 981 RC both 312 265.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 143.52 63.34 302.64 SHAVE DERM LES TRNK EXT 1.1-2.0 CM 11302 HCPCS 981 RC both 312 265.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 63.34 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 63.34 302.64 SHAVE DERM LES TRNK EXT 1.1-2.0 CM 11302 HCPCS 981 RC both 312 265.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 126.11 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 63.34 302.64 SHAVE DERM LES TRNK EXT 1.1-2.0 CM 11302 HCPCS 981 RC both 312 265.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 302.64 63.34 302.64 SHAVE DERM LES TRNK EXT 1.1-2.0 CM 11302 HCPCS 981 RC both 312 265.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 296.4 63.34 302.64 EXC BENIGN LES TRNK/ARM/LEG TO .5 CM 11400 HCPCS 981 RC both 265.5 225.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 257.54 89.75 257.54 EXC BENIGN LES TRNK/ARM/LEG TO .5 CM 11400 HCPCS 981 RC both 265.5 225.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 122.13 89.75 257.54 EXC BENIGN LES TRNK/ARM/LEG TO .5 CM 11400 HCPCS 981 RC both 265.5 225.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 89.75 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 89.75 257.54 EXC BENIGN LES TRNK/ARM/LEG TO .5 CM 11400 HCPCS 981 RC both 265.5 225.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 117.94 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 89.75 257.54 EXC BENIGN LES TRNK/ARM/LEG TO .5 CM 11400 HCPCS 981 RC both 265.5 225.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 257.54 89.75 257.54 EXC BENIGN LES TRNK/ARM/LEG TO .5 CM 11400 HCPCS 981 RC both 265.5 225.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 252.22 89.75 257.54 EXC BEN LES TRNK/LIMB TO .5-1 CM 11401 HCPCS 981 RC both 339.5 288.58 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 329.32 112.65 329.32 EXC BEN LES TRNK/LIMB TO .5-1 CM 11401 HCPCS 981 RC both 339.5 288.58 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 156.17 112.65 329.32 EXC BEN LES TRNK/LIMB TO .5-1 CM 11401 HCPCS 981 RC both 339.5 288.58 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 112.65 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 112.65 329.32 EXC BEN LES TRNK/LIMB TO .5-1 CM 11401 HCPCS 981 RC both 339.5 288.58 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 143.9 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 112.65 329.32 EXC BEN LES TRNK/LIMB TO .5-1 CM 11401 HCPCS 981 RC both 339.5 288.58 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 329.32 112.65 329.32 EXC BEN LES TRNK/LIMB TO .5-1 CM 11401 HCPCS 981 RC both 339.5 288.58 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 322.52 112.65 329.32 "EXC LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11602 HCPCS 981 RC both 338.5 287.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 328.34 155.71 328.34 "EXC LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11602 HCPCS 981 RC both 338.5 287.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 155.71 155.71 328.34 "EXC LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11602 HCPCS 981 RC both 338.5 287.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 171.6 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 155.71 328.34 "EXC LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11602 HCPCS 981 RC both 338.5 287.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 225.99 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 155.71 328.34 "EXC LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11602 HCPCS 981 RC both 338.5 287.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 328.34 155.71 328.34 "EXC LESION T,A,L 1.1-2.0CM" 11602 HCPCS 981 RC both 338.5 287.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 321.58 155.71 328.34 EXC MAL LES FACE ADNEXA .5-1CM 11641 HCPCS 981 RC both 727 617.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 705.19 165 705.19 EXC MAL LES FACE ADNEXA .5-1CM 11641 HCPCS 981 RC both 727 617.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 334.42 165 705.19 EXC MAL LES FACE ADNEXA .5-1CM 11641 HCPCS 981 RC both 727 617.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 165 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 165 705.19 EXC MAL LES FACE ADNEXA .5-1CM 11641 HCPCS 981 RC both 727 617.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 218.43 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 165 705.19 EXC MAL LES FACE ADNEXA .5-1CM 11641 HCPCS 981 RC both 727 617.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 705.19 165 705.19 EXC MAL LES FACE ADNEXA .5-1CM 11641 HCPCS 981 RC both 727 617.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 690.65 165 705.19 "SIMPLE REPAIR SCALP, NCK, AXILLAE 2.5 <" 12001 HCPCS 981 RC both 335.5 285.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 325.44 46.79 325.44 "SIMPLE REPAIR SCALP, NCK, AXILLAE 2.5 <" 12001 HCPCS 981 RC both 335.5 285.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 154.33 46.79 325.44 "SIMPLE REPAIR SCALP, NCK, AXILLAE 2.5 <" 12001 HCPCS 981 RC both 335.5 285.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 46.79 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 46.79 325.44 "SIMPLE REPAIR SCALP, NCK, AXILLAE 2.5 <" 12001 HCPCS 981 RC both 335.5 285.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 86.03 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 46.79 325.44 "SIMPLE REPAIR SCALP, NCK, AXILLAE 2.5 <" 12001 HCPCS 981 RC both 335.5 285.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 325.44 46.79 325.44 "SIMPLE REPAIR SCALP, NCK, AXILLAE 2.5 <" 12001 HCPCS 981 RC both 335.5 285.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 318.72 46.79 325.44 SIMPLE REPAIR SCALP NCK 2.6 CM TO 7.5 CM 12002 HCPCS 981 RC both 410 348.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 397.7 61.42 397.7 SIMPLE REPAIR SCALP NCK 2.6 CM TO 7.5 CM 12002 HCPCS 981 RC both 410 348.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 188.6 61.42 397.7 SIMPLE REPAIR SCALP NCK 2.6 CM TO 7.5 CM 12002 HCPCS 981 RC both 410 348.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 61.42 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 61.42 397.7 SIMPLE REPAIR SCALP NCK 2.6 CM TO 7.5 CM 12002 HCPCS 981 RC both 410 348.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 104.19 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 61.42 397.7 SIMPLE REPAIR SCALP NCK 2.6 CM TO 7.5 CM 12002 HCPCS 981 RC both 410 348.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 397.7 61.42 397.7 SIMPLE REPAIR SCALP NCK 2.6 CM TO 7.5 CM 12002 HCPCS 981 RC both 410 348.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 389.5 61.42 397.7 LAC SIMPLE 7.6 TO 12.5 12004 HCPCS 981 RC both 529 449.65 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 513.13 76.58 513.13 LAC SIMPLE 7.6 TO 12.5 12004 HCPCS 981 RC both 529 449.65 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 243.34 76.58 513.13 LAC SIMPLE 7.6 TO 12.5 12004 HCPCS 981 RC both 529 449.65 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 76.58 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 76.58 513.13 LAC SIMPLE 7.6 TO 12.5 12004 HCPCS 981 RC both 529 449.65 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 121.3 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 76.58 513.13 LAC SIMPLE 7.6 TO 12.5 12004 HCPCS 981 RC both 529 449.65 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 513.13 76.58 513.13 LAC SIMPLE 7.6 TO 12.5 12004 HCPCS 981 RC both 529 449.65 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 502.55 76.58 513.13 REP SIMPLE SCALP ETC 12.6-20.0 CM 12005 HCPCS 981 RC both 667.5 567.38 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 647.48 98.46 647.48 REP SIMPLE SCALP ETC 12.6-20.0 CM 12005 HCPCS 981 RC both 667.5 567.38 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 307.05 98.46 647.48 REP SIMPLE SCALP ETC 12.6-20.0 CM 12005 HCPCS 981 RC both 667.5 567.38 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 98.46 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 98.46 647.48 REP SIMPLE SCALP ETC 12.6-20.0 CM 12005 HCPCS 981 RC both 667.5 567.38 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 161.48 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 98.46 647.48 REP SIMPLE SCALP ETC 12.6-20.0 CM 12005 HCPCS 981 RC both 667.5 567.38 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 647.48 98.46 647.48 REP SIMPLE SCALP ETC 12.6-20.0 CM 12005 HCPCS 981 RC both 667.5 567.38 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 634.12 98.46 647.48 SIMPLE RPR FACE EARS EYES ETC 2.5 < 12011 HCPCS 981 RC both 410 348.5 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 397.7 57.88 397.7 SIMPLE RPR FACE EARS EYES ETC 2.5 < 12011 HCPCS 981 RC both 410 348.5 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 188.6 57.88 397.7 SIMPLE RPR FACE EARS EYES ETC 2.5 < 12011 HCPCS 981 RC both 410 348.5 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 57.88 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 57.88 397.7 SIMPLE RPR FACE EARS EYES ETC 2.5 < 12011 HCPCS 981 RC both 410 348.5 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 102.31 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 57.88 397.7 SIMPLE RPR FACE EARS EYES ETC 2.5 < 12011 HCPCS 981 RC both 410 348.5 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 397.7 57.88 397.7 SIMPLE RPR FACE EARS EYES ETC 2.5 < 12011 HCPCS 981 RC both 410 348.5 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 389.5 57.88 397.7 SIMPLE RPR FACE EAR EYE 2.6 CM TO 5.0 CM 12013 HCPCS 981 RC both 454.5 386.33 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 440.86 60.32 440.86 SIMPLE RPR FACE EAR EYE 2.6 CM TO 5.0 CM 12013 HCPCS 981 RC both 454.5 386.33 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 209.07 60.32 440.86 SIMPLE RPR FACE EAR EYE 2.6 CM TO 5.0 CM 12013 HCPCS 981 RC both 454.5 386.33 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 60.32 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 60.32 440.86 SIMPLE RPR FACE EAR EYE 2.6 CM TO 5.0 CM 12013 HCPCS 981 RC both 454.5 386.33 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 106.56 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 60.32 440.86 SIMPLE RPR FACE EAR EYE 2.6 CM TO 5.0 CM 12013 HCPCS 981 RC both 454.5 386.33 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 440.86 60.32 440.86 SIMPLE RPR FACE EAR EYE 2.6 CM TO 5.0 CM 12013 HCPCS 981 RC both 454.5 386.33 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 431.78 60.32 440.86 SIMP RPR FACE EAR ETC 5.1-7.5 CM 12014 HCPCS 981 RC both 545 463.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 528.65 77.91 528.65 SIMP RPR FACE EAR ETC 5.1-7.5 CM 12014 HCPCS 981 RC both 545 463.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 250.7 77.91 528.65 SIMP RPR FACE EAR ETC 5.1-7.5 CM 12014 HCPCS 981 RC both 545 463.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 77.91 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 77.91 528.65 SIMP RPR FACE EAR ETC 5.1-7.5 CM 12014 HCPCS 981 RC both 545 463.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 130.01 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 77.91 528.65 SIMP RPR FACE EAR ETC 5.1-7.5 CM 12014 HCPCS 981 RC both 545 463.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 528.65 77.91 528.65 SIMP RPR FACE EAR ETC 5.1-7.5 CM 12014 HCPCS 981 RC both 545 463.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 517.75 77.91 528.65 SIMP REP FACE EAR EYE ETC 7.5-12.5 CM 12015 HCPCS 981 RC both 552 469.2 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 535.44 97.8 535.44 SIMP REP FACE EAR EYE ETC 7.5-12.5 CM 12015 HCPCS 981 RC both 552 469.2 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 253.92 97.8 535.44 SIMP REP FACE EAR EYE ETC 7.5-12.5 CM 12015 HCPCS 981 RC both 552 469.2 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 97.8 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 97.8 535.44 SIMP REP FACE EAR EYE ETC 7.5-12.5 CM 12015 HCPCS 981 RC both 552 469.2 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 156.98 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 97.8 535.44 SIMP REP FACE EAR EYE ETC 7.5-12.5 CM 12015 HCPCS 981 RC both 552 469.2 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 535.44 97.8 535.44 SIMP REP FACE EAR EYE ETC 7.5-12.5 CM 12015 HCPCS 981 RC both 552 469.2 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 524.4 97.8 535.44 REP INTMD SCLP AX TRNK EXT X HA FT 2.5 < 12031 HCPCS 981 RC both 557.5 473.88 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 540.78 160.57 540.78 REP INTMD SCLP AX TRNK EXT X HA FT 2.5 < 12031 HCPCS 981 RC both 557.5 473.88 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 256.45 160.57 540.78 REP INTMD SCLP AX TRNK EXT X HA FT 2.5 < 12031 HCPCS 981 RC both 557.5 473.88 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 160.57 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 160.57 540.78 REP INTMD SCLP AX TRNK EXT X HA FT 2.5 < 12031 HCPCS 981 RC both 557.5 473.88 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 241.49 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 160.57 540.78 REP INTMD SCLP AX TRNK EXT X HA FT 2.5 < 12031 HCPCS 981 RC both 557.5 473.88 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 540.78 160.57 540.78 REP INTMD SCLP AX TRNK EXT X HA FT 2.5 < 12031 HCPCS 981 RC both 557.5 473.88 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 529.62 160.57 540.78 INT RPR SCLP TRNK EXTRM 2.6-7.5 CM 12032 HCPCS 981 RC both 495 420.75 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 480.15 202.04 480.15 INT RPR SCLP TRNK EXTRM 2.6-7.5 CM 12032 HCPCS 981 RC both 495 420.75 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 227.7 202.04 480.15 INT RPR SCLP TRNK EXTRM 2.6-7.5 CM 12032 HCPCS 981 RC both 495 420.75 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 202.04 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 202.04 480.15 INT RPR SCLP TRNK EXTRM 2.6-7.5 CM 12032 HCPCS 981 RC both 495 420.75 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 279.66 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 202.04 480.15 INT RPR SCLP TRNK EXTRM 2.6-7.5 CM 12032 HCPCS 981 RC both 495 420.75 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 480.15 202.04 480.15 INT RPR SCLP TRNK EXTRM 2.6-7.5 CM 12032 HCPCS 981 RC both 495 420.75 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 470.25 202.04 480.15 REP INTME SCALP ETC 7.6-12.5 CM 12034 HCPCS 981 RC both 713.5 606.48 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 692.1 217.38 692.1 REP INTME SCALP ETC 7.6-12.5 CM 12034 HCPCS 981 RC both 713.5 606.48 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 328.21 217.38 692.1 REP INTME SCALP ETC 7.6-12.5 CM 12034 HCPCS 981 RC both 713.5 606.48 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 217.38 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 217.38 692.1 REP INTME SCALP ETC 7.6-12.5 CM 12034 HCPCS 981 RC both 713.5 606.48 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 307.51 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 217.38 692.1 REP INTME SCALP ETC 7.6-12.5 CM 12034 HCPCS 981 RC both 713.5 606.48 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 692.1 217.38 692.1 REP INTME SCALP ETC 7.6-12.5 CM 12034 HCPCS 981 RC both 713.5 606.48 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 677.82 217.38 692.1 LAC MED S/A/T/E 12.6-20CM 12035 HCPCS 981 RC both 745.5 633.68 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 723.14 253.2 723.14 LAC MED S/A/T/E 12.6-20CM 12035 HCPCS 981 RC both 745.5 633.68 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 342.93 253.2 723.14 LAC MED S/A/T/E 12.6-20CM 12035 HCPCS 981 RC both 745.5 633.68 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 253.2 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 253.2 723.14 LAC MED S/A/T/E 12.6-20CM 12035 HCPCS 981 RC both 745.5 633.68 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 355.28 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 253.2 723.14 LAC MED S/A/T/E 12.6-20CM 12035 HCPCS 981 RC both 745.5 633.68 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 723.14 253.2 723.14 LAC MED S/A/T/E 12.6-20CM 12035 HCPCS 981 RC both 745.5 633.68 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 708.22 253.2 723.14 REP INTMD SCALP ETC 20.0-30CM 12036 HCPCS 981 RC both 583.5 495.98 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 566 268.41 566 REP INTMD SCALP ETC 20.0-30CM 12036 HCPCS 981 RC both 583.5 495.98 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 268.41 268.41 566 REP INTMD SCALP ETC 20.0-30CM 12036 HCPCS 981 RC both 583.5 495.98 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 294.25 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 268.41 566 REP INTMD SCALP ETC 20.0-30CM 12036 HCPCS 981 RC both 583.5 495.98 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 394.3 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 268.41 566 REP INTMD SCALP ETC 20.0-30CM 12036 HCPCS 981 RC both 583.5 495.98 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 566 268.41 566 REP INTMD SCALP ETC 20.0-30CM 12036 HCPCS 981 RC both 583.5 495.98 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 554.32 268.41 566 REP INTMD N-HF/GENIT 2.5 CM < 12041 HCPCS 981 RC both 567 481.95 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 549.99 154.15 549.99 REP INTMD N-HF/GENIT 2.5 CM < 12041 HCPCS 981 RC both 567 481.95 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 260.82 154.15 549.99 REP INTMD N-HF/GENIT 2.5 CM < 12041 HCPCS 981 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 154.15 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 154.15 549.99 REP INTMD N-HF/GENIT 2.5 CM < 12041 HCPCS 981 RC both 567 481.95 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 242.25 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 154.15 549.99 REP INTMD N-HF/GENIT 2.5 CM < 12041 HCPCS 981 RC both 567 481.95 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 549.99 154.15 549.99 REP INTMD N-HF/GENIT 2.5 CM < 12041 HCPCS 981 RC both 567 481.95 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 538.65 154.15 549.99 LAC MED N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 12042 HCPCS 981 RC both 544.5 462.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 528.16 207.86 528.16 LAC MED N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 12042 HCPCS 981 RC both 544.5 462.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 250.47 207.86 528.16 LAC MED N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 12042 HCPCS 981 RC both 544.5 462.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 207.86 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 207.86 528.16 LAC MED N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 12042 HCPCS 981 RC both 544.5 462.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 285.63 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 207.86 528.16 LAC MED N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 12042 HCPCS 981 RC both 544.5 462.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 528.16 207.86 528.16 LAC MED N/H/F/G 2.6-7.5CM 12042 HCPCS 981 RC both 544.5 462.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 517.28 207.86 528.16 REP INTERMED NECK ETC 7.5-12.5CM 12044 HCPCS 981 RC both 386.5 328.53 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 374.9 177.79 374.9 REP INTERMED NECK ETC 7.5-12.5CM 12044 HCPCS 981 RC both 386.5 328.53 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 177.79 177.79 374.9 REP INTERMED NECK ETC 7.5-12.5CM 12044 HCPCS 981 RC both 386.5 328.53 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 226.69 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 177.79 374.9 REP INTERMED NECK ETC 7.5-12.5CM 12044 HCPCS 981 RC both 386.5 328.53 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 350.96 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 177.79 374.9 REP INTERMED NECK ETC 7.5-12.5CM 12044 HCPCS 981 RC both 386.5 328.53 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 374.9 177.79 374.9 REP INTERMED NECK ETC 7.5-12.5CM 12044 HCPCS 981 RC both 386.5 328.53 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 367.18 177.79 374.9 LAC MED FACE/EAR <2.5CM 12052 HCPCS 981 RC both 505 429.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 489.85 211.62 489.85 LAC MED FACE/EAR <2.5CM 12052 HCPCS 981 RC both 505 429.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 232.3 211.62 489.85 LAC MED FACE/EAR <2.5CM 12052 HCPCS 981 RC both 505 429.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 211.62 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 211.62 489.85 LAC MED FACE/EAR <2.5CM 12052 HCPCS 981 RC both 505 429.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 290.42 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 211.62 489.85 LAC MED FACE/EAR <2.5CM 12052 HCPCS 981 RC both 505 429.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 489.85 211.62 489.85 LAC MED FACE/EAR <2.5CM 12052 HCPCS 981 RC both 505 429.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 479.75 211.62 489.85 INT RPR FACE NOSE LIP 2.6-5.0 CM 12052 HCPCS 981 RC both 668.5 568.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 648.44 211.62 648.44 INT RPR FACE NOSE LIP 2.6-5.0 CM 12052 HCPCS 981 RC both 668.5 568.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 307.51 211.62 648.44 INT RPR FACE NOSE LIP 2.6-5.0 CM 12052 HCPCS 981 RC both 668.5 568.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 211.62 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 211.62 648.44 INT RPR FACE NOSE LIP 2.6-5.0 CM 12052 HCPCS 981 RC both 668.5 568.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 290.42 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 211.62 648.44 INT RPR FACE NOSE LIP 2.6-5.0 CM 12052 HCPCS 981 RC both 668.5 568.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 648.44 211.62 648.44 INT RPR FACE NOSE LIP 2.6-5.0 CM 12052 HCPCS 981 RC both 668.5 568.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 635.08 211.62 648.44 INT RPR FACE NOSE LIP 7.6-12.5 CM 12054 HCPCS 981 RC both 778.5 661.73 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 755.14 232.48 755.14 INT RPR FACE NOSE LIP 7.6-12.5 CM 12054 HCPCS 981 RC both 778.5 661.73 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 358.11 232.48 755.14 INT RPR FACE NOSE LIP 7.6-12.5 CM 12054 HCPCS 981 RC both 778.5 661.73 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 232.48 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 232.48 755.14 INT RPR FACE NOSE LIP 7.6-12.5 CM 12054 HCPCS 981 RC both 778.5 661.73 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 350.87 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 232.48 755.14 INT RPR FACE NOSE LIP 7.6-12.5 CM 12054 HCPCS 981 RC both 778.5 661.73 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 755.14 232.48 755.14 INT RPR FACE NOSE LIP 7.6-12.5 CM 12054 HCPCS 981 RC both 778.5 661.73 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 739.58 232.48 755.14 REP COMPLEX SCLP/LMB 2.6-7.5 CM 13121 HCPCS 981 RC both 1036 880.6 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1004.92 272.99 1004.92 REP COMPLEX SCLP/LMB 2.6-7.5 CM 13121 HCPCS 981 RC both 1036 880.6 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 476.56 272.99 1004.92 REP COMPLEX SCLP/LMB 2.6-7.5 CM 13121 HCPCS 981 RC both 1036 880.6 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 272.99 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 272.99 1004.92 REP COMPLEX SCLP/LMB 2.6-7.5 CM 13121 HCPCS 981 RC both 1036 880.6 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 390.93 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 272.99 1004.92 REP COMPLEX SCLP/LMB 2.6-7.5 CM 13121 HCPCS 981 RC both 1036 880.6 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1004.92 272.99 1004.92 REP COMPLEX SCLP/LMB 2.6-7.5 CM 13121 HCPCS 981 RC both 1036 880.6 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 984.2 272.99 1004.92 "REP CMPLX SCLP/ARMS/LEG, EA AD 5 CM OR >" 13122 HCPCS 981 RC both 448.5 381.23 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 435.04 86.47 435.04 "REP CMPLX SCLP/ARMS/LEG, EA AD 5 CM OR >" 13122 HCPCS 981 RC both 448.5 381.23 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 206.31 86.47 435.04 "REP CMPLX SCLP/ARMS/LEG, EA AD 5 CM OR >" 13122 HCPCS 981 RC both 448.5 381.23 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 86.47 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 86.47 435.04 "REP CMPLX SCLP/ARMS/LEG, EA AD 5 CM OR >" 13122 HCPCS 981 RC both 448.5 381.23 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 115.99 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 86.47 435.04 "REP CMPLX SCLP/ARMS/LEG, EA AD 5 CM OR >" 13122 HCPCS 981 RC both 448.5 381.23 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 435.04 86.47 435.04 "REP CMPLX SCLP/ARMS/LEG, EA AD 5 CM OR >" 13122 HCPCS 981 RC both 448.5 381.23 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 426.08 86.47 435.04 REP CMPLX FACE HANDS 2.5-7.5CM 13132 HCPCS 981 RC both 866.5 736.53 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 840.5 320.25 840.5 REP CMPLX FACE HANDS 2.5-7.5CM 13132 HCPCS 981 RC both 866.5 736.53 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 398.59 320.25 840.5 REP CMPLX FACE HANDS 2.5-7.5CM 13132 HCPCS 981 RC both 866.5 736.53 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 320.25 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 320.25 840.5 REP CMPLX FACE HANDS 2.5-7.5CM 13132 HCPCS 981 RC both 866.5 736.53 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 433.23 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 320.25 840.5 REP CMPLX FACE HANDS 2.5-7.5CM 13132 HCPCS 981 RC both 866.5 736.53 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 840.5 320.25 840.5 REP CMPLX FACE HANDS 2.5-7.5CM 13132 HCPCS 981 RC both 866.5 736.53 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 823.18 320.25 840.5 REP CMPLX FACIAL ADN 1.1-2.5 CM 13151 HCPCS 981 RC both 986 838.1 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 956.42 293.85 956.42 REP CMPLX FACIAL ADN 1.1-2.5 CM 13151 HCPCS 981 RC both 986 838.1 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 453.56 293.85 956.42 REP CMPLX FACIAL ADN 1.1-2.5 CM 13151 HCPCS 981 RC both 986 838.1 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 293.85 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 293.85 956.42 REP CMPLX FACIAL ADN 1.1-2.5 CM 13151 HCPCS 981 RC both 986 838.1 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 388.81 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 293.85 956.42 REP CMPLX FACIAL ADN 1.1-2.5 CM 13151 HCPCS 981 RC both 986 838.1 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 956.42 293.85 956.42 REP CMPLX FACIAL ADN 1.1-2.5 CM 13151 HCPCS 981 RC both 986 838.1 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 936.7 293.85 956.42 CAUTERIZATION CHEMICAL WOUND 17250 HCPCS 981 RC both 225 191.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 218.25 39.68 218.25 CAUTERIZATION CHEMICAL WOUND 17250 HCPCS 981 RC both 225 191.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 103.5 39.68 218.25 CAUTERIZATION CHEMICAL WOUND 17250 HCPCS 981 RC both 225 191.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 39.68 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 39.68 218.25 CAUTERIZATION CHEMICAL WOUND 17250 HCPCS 981 RC both 225 191.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 79.53 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 39.68 218.25 CAUTERIZATION CHEMICAL WOUND 17250 HCPCS 981 RC both 225 191.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 218.25 39.68 218.25 CAUTERIZATION CHEMICAL WOUND 17250 HCPCS 981 RC both 225 191.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 213.75 39.68 218.25 EXPLORATION OF EXTREMITY 20103 HCPCS 981 RC both 724.5 615.83 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 702.76 333.27 702.76 EXPLORATION OF EXTREMITY 20103 HCPCS 981 RC both 724.5 615.83 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 333.27 333.27 702.76 EXPLORATION OF EXTREMITY 20103 HCPCS 981 RC both 724.5 615.83 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 361.97 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 333.27 702.76 EXPLORATION OF EXTREMITY 20103 HCPCS 981 RC both 724.5 615.83 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 513.64 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 333.27 702.76 EXPLORATION OF EXTREMITY 20103 HCPCS 981 RC both 724.5 615.83 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 702.76 333.27 702.76 EXPLORATION OF EXTREMITY 20103 HCPCS 981 RC both 724.5 615.83 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 688.28 333.27 702.76 TRIGGER POINT INJECT/ONE OR TWO MUSCLES 20552 HCPCS 981 RC both 321.5 273.28 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 311.86 39.19 311.86 TRIGGER POINT INJECT/ONE OR TWO MUSCLES 20552 HCPCS 981 RC both 321.5 273.28 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 147.89 39.19 311.86 TRIGGER POINT INJECT/ONE OR TWO MUSCLES 20552 HCPCS 981 RC both 321.5 273.28 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 39.19 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 39.19 311.86 TRIGGER POINT INJECT/ONE OR TWO MUSCLES 20552 HCPCS 981 RC both 321.5 273.28 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 48.59 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 39.19 311.86 TRIGGER POINT INJECT/ONE OR TWO MUSCLES 20552 HCPCS 981 RC both 321.5 273.28 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 311.86 39.19 311.86 TRIGGER POINT INJECT/ONE OR TWO MUSCLES 20552 HCPCS 981 RC both 321.5 273.28 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 305.42 39.19 311.86 ARTHOCENTESIS SMALL JOINT 20600 HCPCS 981 RC both 245 208.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 237.65 37.97 237.65 ARTHOCENTESIS SMALL JOINT 20600 HCPCS 981 RC both 245 208.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 112.7 37.97 237.65 ARTHOCENTESIS SMALL JOINT 20600 HCPCS 981 RC both 245 208.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 37.97 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 37.97 237.65 ARTHOCENTESIS SMALL JOINT 20600 HCPCS 981 RC both 245 208.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 49.65 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 37.97 237.65 ARTHOCENTESIS SMALL JOINT 20600 HCPCS 981 RC both 245 208.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 237.65 37.97 237.65 ARTHOCENTESIS SMALL JOINT 20600 HCPCS 981 RC both 245 208.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 232.75 37.97 237.65 ARTHOCENTESIS INTERNEDIATE JOINT 20605 HCPCS 981 RC both 276.5 235.03 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 268.2 39.09 268.2 ARTHOCENTESIS INTERNEDIATE JOINT 20605 HCPCS 981 RC both 276.5 235.03 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 127.19 39.09 268.2 ARTHOCENTESIS INTERNEDIATE JOINT 20605 HCPCS 981 RC both 276.5 235.03 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 39.09 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 39.09 268.2 ARTHOCENTESIS INTERNEDIATE JOINT 20605 HCPCS 981 RC both 276.5 235.03 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 50.92 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 39.09 268.2 ARTHOCENTESIS INTERNEDIATE JOINT 20605 HCPCS 981 RC both 276.5 235.03 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 268.2 39.09 268.2 ARTHOCENTESIS INTERNEDIATE JOINT 20605 HCPCS 981 RC both 276.5 235.03 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 262.68 39.09 268.2 ARTHOCENTESIS LARGE JOINT 20610 HCPCS 981 RC both 335 284.75 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 324.95 47.83 324.95 ARTHOCENTESIS LARGE JOINT 20610 HCPCS 981 RC both 335 284.75 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 154.1 47.83 324.95 ARTHOCENTESIS LARGE JOINT 20610 HCPCS 981 RC both 335 284.75 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 47.83 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 47.83 324.95 ARTHOCENTESIS LARGE JOINT 20610 HCPCS 981 RC both 335 284.75 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 59.73 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 47.83 324.95 ARTHOCENTESIS LARGE JOINT 20610 HCPCS 981 RC both 335 284.75 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 324.95 47.83 324.95 ARTHOCENTESIS LARGE JOINT 20610 HCPCS 981 RC both 335 284.75 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 318.25 47.83 324.95 MANIP/TREATMENT NASAL BONE FRACTURE WO/S 21315 HCPCS 981 RC both 914.5 777.33 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 887.06 62.86 887.06 MANIP/TREATMENT NASAL BONE FRACTURE WO/S 21315 HCPCS 981 RC both 914.5 777.33 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 420.67 62.86 887.06 MANIP/TREATMENT NASAL BONE FRACTURE WO/S 21315 HCPCS 981 RC both 914.5 777.33 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 62.86 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 62.86 887.06 MANIP/TREATMENT NASAL BONE FRACTURE WO/S 21315 HCPCS 981 RC both 914.5 777.33 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 139.59 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 62.86 887.06 MANIP/TREATMENT NASAL BONE FRACTURE WO/S 21315 HCPCS 981 RC both 914.5 777.33 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 887.06 62.86 887.06 MANIP/TREATMENT NASAL BONE FRACTURE WO/S 21315 HCPCS 981 RC both 914.5 777.33 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 868.78 62.86 887.06 CLSD TX SEPTAL & NOSE FX WO STABILIZATIO 21337 HCPCS 981 RC both 1135.5 965.18 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1101.44 320.74 1101.44 CLSD TX SEPTAL & NOSE FX WO STABILIZATIO 21337 HCPCS 981 RC both 1135.5 965.18 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 522.33 320.74 1101.44 CLSD TX SEPTAL & NOSE FX WO STABILIZATIO 21337 HCPCS 981 RC both 1135.5 965.18 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 320.74 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 320.74 1101.44 CLSD TX SEPTAL & NOSE FX WO STABILIZATIO 21337 HCPCS 981 RC both 1135.5 965.18 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 384.08 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 320.74 1101.44 CLSD TX SEPTAL & NOSE FX WO STABILIZATIO 21337 HCPCS 981 RC both 1135.5 965.18 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1101.44 320.74 1101.44 CLSD TX SEPTAL & NOSE FX WO STABILIZATIO 21337 HCPCS 981 RC both 1135.5 965.18 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1078.72 320.74 1101.44 "EXCISION, TUM, SUBCUTANEOUS, < 3CM" 22902 HCPCS 981 RC both 1073.5 912.48 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1041.3 350.58 1041.3 "EXCISION, TUM, SUBCUTANEOUS, < 3CM" 22902 HCPCS 981 RC both 1073.5 912.48 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 493.81 350.58 1041.3 "EXCISION, TUM, SUBCUTANEOUS, < 3CM" 22902 HCPCS 981 RC both 1073.5 912.48 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 350.58 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 350.58 1041.3 "EXCISION, TUM, SUBCUTANEOUS, < 3CM" 22902 HCPCS 981 RC both 1073.5 912.48 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 429.38 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 350.58 1041.3 "EXCISION, TUM, SUBCUTANEOUS, < 3CM" 22902 HCPCS 981 RC both 1073.5 912.48 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1041.3 350.58 1041.3 "EXCISION, TUM, SUBCUTANEOUS, < 3CM" 22902 HCPCS 981 RC both 1073.5 912.48 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1019.82 350.58 1041.3 RED FX-HUMERAL 23605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1554 1320.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1507.38 441.76 1507.38 RED FX-HUMERAL 23605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1554 1320.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 714.84 441.76 1507.38 RED FX-HUMERAL 23605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1554 1320.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 460.76 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 441.76 1507.38 RED FX-HUMERAL 23605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1554 1320.9 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 441.76 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 441.76 1507.38 RED FX-HUMERAL 23605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1554 1320.9 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1507.38 441.76 1507.38 RED FX-HUMERAL 23605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1554 1320.9 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1476.3 441.76 1507.38 RED DISLOC SHOULDER 23650 HCPCS 981 RC both 969 823.65 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 939.93 314.89 939.93 RED DISLOC SHOULDER 23650 HCPCS 981 RC both 969 823.65 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 445.74 314.89 939.93 RED DISLOC SHOULDER 23650 HCPCS 981 RC both 969 823.65 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 326.67 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 314.89 939.93 RED DISLOC SHOULDER 23650 HCPCS 981 RC both 969 823.65 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 314.89 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 314.89 939.93 RED DISLOC SHOULDER 23650 HCPCS 981 RC both 969 823.65 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 939.93 314.89 939.93 RED DISLOC SHOULDER 23650 HCPCS 981 RC both 969 823.65 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 920.55 314.89 939.93 CLOSE SHOULDER DIS W MANIP W ANES 23655 HCPCS 981 RC both 1169 993.65 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1133.93 380.98 1133.93 CLOSE SHOULDER DIS W MANIP W ANES 23655 HCPCS 981 RC both 1169 993.65 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 537.74 380.98 1133.93 CLOSE SHOULDER DIS W MANIP W ANES 23655 HCPCS 981 RC both 1169 993.65 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 438.13 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 380.98 1133.93 CLOSE SHOULDER DIS W MANIP W ANES 23655 HCPCS 981 RC both 1169 993.65 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 380.98 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 380.98 1133.93 CLOSE SHOULDER DIS W MANIP W ANES 23655 HCPCS 981 RC both 1169 993.65 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1133.93 380.98 1133.93 CLOSE SHOULDER DIS W MANIP W ANES 23655 HCPCS 981 RC both 1169 993.65 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1110.55 380.98 1133.93 RED FX OPEN HUMERUS 24515 HCPCS 981 RC both 2406.5 2045.53 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2334.3 808.42 2334.3 RED FX OPEN HUMERUS 24515 HCPCS 981 RC both 2406.5 2045.53 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 1106.99 808.42 2334.3 RED FX OPEN HUMERUS 24515 HCPCS 981 RC both 2406.5 2045.53 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 929.68 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 808.42 2334.3 RED FX OPEN HUMERUS 24515 HCPCS 981 RC both 2406.5 2045.53 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 808.42 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 808.42 2334.3 RED FX OPEN HUMERUS 24515 HCPCS 981 RC both 2406.5 2045.53 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 2334.3 808.42 2334.3 RED FX OPEN HUMERUS 24515 HCPCS 981 RC both 2406.5 2045.53 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 2286.18 808.42 2334.3 TX CLOS.ELBOW DISLOCATION;W/ANESTH 24605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1405 1194.25 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1362.85 445.53 1362.85 TX CLOS.ELBOW DISLOCATION;W/ANESTH 24605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1405 1194.25 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 646.3 445.53 1362.85 TX CLOS.ELBOW DISLOCATION;W/ANESTH 24605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1405 1194.25 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 512.36 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 445.53 1362.85 TX CLOS.ELBOW DISLOCATION;W/ANESTH 24605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1405 1194.25 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 445.53 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 445.53 1362.85 TX CLOS.ELBOW DISLOCATION;W/ANESTH 24605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1405 1194.25 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1362.85 445.53 1362.85 TX CLOS.ELBOW DISLOCATION;W/ANESTH 24605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1405 1194.25 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1334.75 445.53 1362.85 "OPEN TRTMENT OF MONTEGGIA, DISC OF ELBOW" 24635 HCPCS 981 RC both 1940.5 1649.43 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1882.28 624 1882.28 "OPEN TRTMENT OF MONTEGGIA, DISC OF ELBOW" 24635 HCPCS 981 RC both 1940.5 1649.43 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 892.63 624 1882.28 "OPEN TRTMENT OF MONTEGGIA, DISC OF ELBOW" 24635 HCPCS 981 RC both 1940.5 1649.43 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 717.6 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 624 1882.28 "OPEN TRTMENT OF MONTEGGIA, DISC OF ELBOW" 24635 HCPCS 981 RC both 1940.5 1649.43 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 624 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 624 1882.28 "OPEN TRTMENT OF MONTEGGIA, DISC OF ELBOW" 24635 HCPCS 981 RC both 1940.5 1649.43 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1882.28 624 1882.28 "OPEN TRTMENT OF MONTEGGIA, DISC OF ELBOW" 24635 HCPCS 981 RC both 1940.5 1649.43 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1843.48 624 1882.28 CLOSE DIST RAD W/WO ULNA W MANIP 25605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1602 1361.7 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1553.94 506.97 1553.94 CLOSE DIST RAD W/WO ULNA W MANIP 25605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1602 1361.7 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 736.92 506.97 1553.94 CLOSE DIST RAD W/WO ULNA W MANIP 25605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1602 1361.7 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 549.99 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of the Medicare Professional Fee Schedule rate. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. "Method II reimbursement for outpatient CAH services is 101 percent of the reasonable cost less applicable Part B deductible and coinsurance amounts. Under Method II, payment for professional medical services furnished in a CAH to CAH outpatients is reimbursed at 115% of what would otherwise be paid under the fee schedule." 506.97 1553.94 CLOSE DIST RAD W/WO ULNA W MANIP 25605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1602 1361.7 Medicare B ID JF Default Fee Schedule 506.97 """Reimbursement is based on the Medicare Professional Services Fee Schedule. Reimbursement is subject to modifier adjustments, multiple procedure reductions and mid-level provider adjustments when applicable. Reimbursement is subject to Medicare Sequestration. """ 506.97 1553.94 CLOSE DIST RAD W/WO ULNA W MANIP 25605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1602 1361.7 Regence Group Administrators Default Fee Schedule 1553.94 506.97 1553.94 CLOSE DIST RAD W/WO ULNA W MANIP 25605 HCPCS 981 RC both 1602 1361.7 SelectHealth Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1521.9 506.97 1553.94 PERCUTANEOUS SKELETAL FIXATION OD DISTAL 25606 HCPCS 981 RC both 1534 1303.9 Blue Cross of ID Default Percent of Total Billed Charges 1487.98 619.46 1487.98 PERCUTANEOUS SKELETAL FIXATION OD DISTAL 25606 HCPCS 981 RC both 1534 1303.9 Medicaid Idaho Default Fee Schedule 705.64 619.46 1487.98 PERCUTANEOUS SKELETAL FIXATION OD DISTAL 25606 HCPCS 981 RC both 1534 1303.9 Medicare A ID JF Default Other 712.38 Reimbursement is based on the facility specific Medicare Interim Rate letter. Professional services billed on the hospital claim are paid at 115% of