New Year’s resolutions can vary greatly, but they are all about achieving something that will
have a positive impact in your life. Here are the top ten New Year’s resolutions:
Exercise more Save more/spend less
Lose weight Quit smoking
Get organized Spend more time with family/friends
Learn a new skill or hobby Travel more
Live life to the fullest Read more
Whatever your goal, the important thing is that you are on the right path to achieve it. Here
are some tips to maximize your chances of success with your new resolutions:
Start with small goals
Start slowly and don’t commit yourself to unreasonable resolutions. Begin gradually and build
from there. Even a little progress shows you are moving in the right direction.
Make it measurable
For your goal to be attainable, it’s important that you make it specific and measurable. For
instance, if you want to exercise more, set a specific time limit. Again, be reasonable.
Be realistic
Set your goal according to your lifestyle and what you can reasonably achieve. Setting your
sights too high can lead to early discouragement.
Make a plan
After you have determined what, make sure you also determine how, when, where, and why.
Stay positive
It can be difficult to make changes in your life but focusing on the negative is a sure-fire way to
fail. Believe in yourself, expect setbacks, but focus on ANY progress made. If you made a goal
to lose 30 lbs. but lost only 5, it’s progress! Readjust your thinking and just keep taking those
little steps. One step at time will lead to success.

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